Pretty sure you've done enoug...

By kittykikilover

10.7K 306 33

You and your friend Miguel are new to a school in the Valley, you've moved around enough where you never real... More



370 13 3
By kittykikilover

Eli POV:
I felt her release her arm from my hand, and I instantly regretted asking her that question. I knew it would make her feel upset....but I couldn't keep it in any longer.

It would destroy her even worsely if I just kicked her out like Mr.Larusso did. I sighed then got up from the booth and walked over to Ass-Face and Chris.

I was hungry so I took one of his mozzzerella sticks. "Hey that was my last one!" he said angrily at me. I just shrugged at him and looked at Ass-Face. "What's wrong with you?" I asked him.

He looked confused at something on his phone. "You should see this" he said. I grabbed his phone and looked at it. It was a Yelp review. Basically saying that Cobra Kai is a horrible dojo with two horrible senseis.

"Who would even write this" I clicked on the name and saw it was fucking Demetri. "Isn't that your best friend or something?" Ass-Face asked me. "Shut up!" I yelled loudly at him.

I needed to control myself....I walked out of the restaurant and felt it starting to rain. Fuck! I knew my hair was going to be ruined but I needed to find her.

I looked into my camera in my phone and saw it was slowly coming down.I put my phone back into my bag and ran my fingers quickly through my hair out of anger. I felt wet droplets come off of it onto my face. I can't just leave her in this rain.

Where would she go? I asked myself this once  before when I found her in the park....the park. I started speed walking to the park, almost embarrassed with my hair looking like this in the rain.

I started walking very quickly when I suddenly tripped over something. It was a leg. "What the fuck man?" I said angrily.

I looked to see who it was. It was someone with a hood on. I looked closer, it was y/n. Crying. "Oh shit" I said quietly. I saw she turned away to hide her face.

I kneeled down a bit to talk to her."Y/n...I'm so sorry about what I did in there.  I just didn't want to do what the Larusso's did to you" I said reassuringly. She then turned to face me.

"You think I don't know? I'm not stupid, I knew I couldn't live with you forever. Everytime I tell you that I would have to be homeless, you say I can't. Where the fuck would I go then Eli. My abusive parents? Who didn't even bother to look for me?" She asked me, not in anger but now it looked like something deeper was hurting her, she just needed someone there for her.

"I'm sorry...I promise you, we can figure something out" I replied to her. I put out my hand for her to grab and she hesitated but ended up taking it slowly.

I lifted her up and pulled her straight into a hug. She cried into my chest. "Let's go home" I said to her. We started walking and I picked her up. I always did this, to make her feel safe with me. The thought of what her stepdad did to her would make me furious, but I couldn't do anything about it except protect her.

I looked down and saw she was asleep. I walked her into my house and then into my room and layed her onto my bed. Then I layed down next to her sitting up a bit.

She moved closer to me and layed her head on my chest. I was drifting off to sleep when I had an idea. I was sick of this hair.

I'm going to go to the tattoo parlor tomorrow and get a red mohawk on my eagle tattoo and....y/n can help me dye it. I smiled to myself and then I went to sleep.

I woke up before her again it was 9 am, we didn't have practice until later today but I needed her help. I tapped on her but she didn't wake up. I put my hand on her face and moved my thumb across her soft skin.

She opened her eyes and looked at me. She smiled. "What time is it?" she asked in a tired voice. "Its 9 o'clock" I replied back to her. She rubbed her eyes then stretched.

"Why so early?" she asked me. "I need you to help me with something" I replied to her. She sat up. "What?" she asked me. "Um...I want you to dye my hair" I said scratching the back of my head.

"Really!" she said excitedly. "Let's go to the store!" she then suggested again excitedly. I laughed a bit. She got up and began to change, without even worrying about me looking at her, she got into a pair of shorts and a larger t-shirt.

"Come on!" she said eagerly. I tried to pick her up when we got outside but she was too fast for me to get a chance.

We got to the store and she asked which color I wanted to dye it. "Red" I said to her. She raised her eyebrows then picked out one. I paid for the dye and then we walked out.

I watched as she read over the ingredients in the dye. We got back home and she instantly took off my shirt. "Woah there" I said. "I'm doing this so it doesn't get on your clothes" she told me. She went to the kitchen and came back with a bowl.

"First we have to bleach it" she said. She parted my hair and then started mixing the bleach from the dye in the bowl. She took the tint brush and dipped it in the bleach, then brushed it onto my hair. It took about 5 minutes for it to be fully covered.

"I'm going back to sleep. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then wake me up" she told me heading back to my bed. "Hey..what am I supposed to do?" I asked her. "I don't your hair change colors" she suggested.

She yawned then closed her eyes. I set a timer for thirty minutes then went into my garage and started practicing karate on my punching bag. I bench pressed for a while until the alarm went off.

I walked back into my room and saw her sleeping soundly. I touched her shoulder and she woke up quickly. "It's been 30 minutes?" she asked. I nodded my head.

She reached out for my hand and I grabbed it and pulled her up. She turned on the faucet for the bath. "Okay get on your knees" she said. I complied. She put my head under the water and I watched the dye go into the drain.

She dryed my hair with a towel and then laughed. "What?" I asked. Then I looked in the mirror. "Oh my god. I'm blonde!" I said surprised.

She laughed again. "It suits you" she said. "We need to get this red now" I said. She washed out the bowl then added the red dye. "Do you have a hairdryer?" She asked me.

"My mom probably does, let me check" I said to her walking out of the bathroom and into my moms room. I breathed in the air in her room. I missed her. There was a hairdryer on her sink. I grabbed it and walked back into my bathroom and passed y/n the dryer.

She dryed my hair for about 3 minutes, it quickly became dry and fluffy. Then she brushed on the red dye, she worked quietly until it was completely covered. "Now we wait" she said picking up her phone.

She set a timer for 30 minutes then rustled through her bag. She grabbed a book. Twilight. "I didn't know you liked to read" I said. "I don't....this is a good book though" she replied to me.

She sat down on my bed and I sat next to her, reading the pages along. I'll admit it was very interesting.

30 minutes had passed and she repeated the process of washing and blow drying. I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. My hair was bright red. "I love it" she said to me. "Me too" I told her.

She looked at the tattoo on my back. "What are you gonna do about that?" she asked me. "That's the next step, let's go to the tattoo parlor, my boy Rico can change it" I said to her. "Let me style it first" I added.

I took some gel and started slicking up my hair into the mohawk. I decided to make it into spikes. I made a sharp point at each end of the spikes. I walked out of the bathroom. "Badass" she said with a smile. I don't think I could ever get over how beautiful she was.

I ran over to her and picked her up. "Let's go Princess" I said. I walked to the tattoo place with her in my arms and finally put her down just before we walked in, I got my tattoo changed into a red mohawk.

I asked Ass-Face and Chris to come so they could carry our things, Sensei said we weren't going to fight at practice though. We were just going to watch a demonstration of him and Kreese or something.

It was a quick practice, he taught us how to fight when you basically are caught in the middle and sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself. I asked y/n if she wanted to go to the mall with me.

I knew she would say yes. Other people on the team heard so it ended up being most of Cobra Kai going.

We walked into the mall and met up with a lot of people from our team. "What do you wanna do?" I asked her. Then I looked over and...of course they had to be here.

It was Sam, Robby and Demetri all sitting together. Why was he sitting with them?  I remembered that stupid review that Demetri wrote about Cobra Kai. He definitely joined Miyagi Do.

I was so angry at him, why did he have to be such a pussy! Does he think that he was the only one to get hit in the nose at Cobra Kai? He was there when Sensei made fun of my lip. It gets you tougher, that's what it's all about!

"Let's eat first" she then said. "Sure" I said. I would've said no, but I think she needs it. I don't think I've ever seen her eat before. She got a poke bowl, I didn't want anything but I watched her eat her food.

She was so mesmerizing to me. "I kind of have to go to the bathroom" she said to me. "Okay I'll be here" I said to her.

I walked out of the bathroom and harshly bumped into someone. "Ow what the fuck!" I said angrily. Just my luck, it was Robby. I told myself I would confront him. This is my chance.

"My bad" he said while almost walking away. "Why would you do that to me?" I asked him. "What do you mean?" he asked back. As if he didn't know.

"I finally had a home, and you got me kicked out" I told him. "That's your fault....not mine" he replied. "How? Because you were jealous of him? You had to take it out on me?" I asked him.

"That's not what it was okay? Don't you understand?" he asked. "How could it not be that?" I asked him ignoring his question. "I liked you since the start, don't you see how bringing him to the Larusso's got me angry?" he explained to me.

"I...I liked you too" I blurted out. "But you only see him as a asshole who broke my heart and kicked you in the back. I knew him before he was "Hawk" without him....I wouldn't even be alive right now" I told him.

"What are you talking about?" he asked me confused. "If it was just me in that car. I would not have made it" I explained to him. "I'm sorry, it's's unfair" He said to me.

"When we kissed that night. You felt something don't deny it, that's why I got so mad. You can't just kiss someone like that then go for someone else" he told me again. "You kissed?" I heard from the side. I looked over. It was Eli. He walked away from me. I followed him.

"Wait...don't leave. Please" I said to him desperately. I grabbed his hand. He pulled it away from my grip fast. He turned around.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long in the bathroom, why we're you even talking to him....and didn't even think to tell me? That you kissed him? I've always stayed loyal to you. Do you think it was my desison to break up with you? Because it wasn't. I never wanted to do that to you, and it hurt me just as much as it hurt you. I thought that if you joined then we could be together we wouldn't have to worry about keeping it secret, from anyone.....I let you stay in my house!" he yelled at me.

This wasn't like the last time he yelled. I've never seen him like this. I could tell he was keeping tears in.

"I have to handle something....don't come back to my house" he said sternly.

I could already imagine her face now. But I knew I can't go back. Maybe I was a bit harsh, but I couldn't keep it in. After we broke up I didn't even think about cheating.

I figured she did it the night after the tournament. I tried to stop thinking about it. I walked up to the table with the other guys on our team.

"'s time to get that fucker Demetri" I said. I watched as he walked into a comic book store. I knew how intimidating I could be. They all complied immediately.

When we walked into the store I turned around. "2 of you come with me. If he tries to leave go on each sides of him" I whispered to them. Then I walked into his aisle.

"Still can't wait to read that new issue, huh?" I asked him sarcastically. "Nice hair...what is this, your Red Hulk phase?" he asked back. "I saw your Yelp review. Take it down" I demanded. "And ruin my journalistic integrity? Look I'm sorry but someone had to say something. And besides, taking it down could hurt my Yelp Elite status" he told me.

I was already angry but his words angered me more. I just pushed him into a rack of comics. "I said take it down" I demanded again. "You think I'm afraid of you? I know who you really are....Eli. So why don't you, Rock-Steady and Bee-Bop. Just leave me alone. Okay" He looked back.

The other two guys I asked to come blocked him from leaving like I said. "Great...So this is what it's come to. Gang assault" he said. My god he was such a nerd sometimes.

"Take it down, or we take you down" I said. "You'd actually hurt me?" he asked. I felt a little bad. But I was too angry to care. "Well guess what. You're not the only one that knows karate. I just joined Miyagi Do" he said putting his arms up in defense.

I scoffed at him. I fucking knew it. "All right. Let's see what you got" I said to him. I kicked him right in the stomach then tripped him.

The man from the back of the store started yelling. Demetri bolted. He pushed the other guys out of the way and ran quickly out of the store. I went straight after him.

We chased him but he turned a corner and I had lost him. "Fuck where'd he go!" I yelled. "Come on man, we don't have to do this. I think he learned his lesson" Chris said. "Who told you to think!" I yelled at him. "Fan out" I then demanded at them.

I found him finally. At the food court, I looked over to a table and saw y/n sitting alone. She just looked up then looked back down. It was clear that she had been crying but she had stopped.

It made me even more angry that now it looked like she didn't even care, she didn't even want to stop me. "It didn't have to be this way. You could've joined Cobra Kai if you weren't such a pussy" I told him. "At least I'm not an asshole" he remarked at me.

Ass-Face grabbed him from behind. "You're dead meat" I said to him. I looked over at y/n again. Not even watching. All of a sudden Sam jumps on Ass-Face from out of nowhere.

"Get back" she told Demetri. "You guys need to back off" she said to us. I really didn't give a fuck. "I don't wanna have to hit a girl" I said. I hated her just as much as Robby for letting y/n go like that.

"You wouldn't stand a chance" said Robby. You've got to be kidding Not him. He really is coming to fight after I overhear that he kissed y/n. I wanted to tear him apart. I just scoffed at him again. I couldn't show weakness.

"Five against three? More like two and a half" I said. I looked at the other boys, initiating that we were going to fight them. We started fighting instantly.

I don't remember them being this good. Robby kicked me right in the stomach. I kept missing, god damnit! Sam and Robby were beating all the boys on my team. Fucking useless. She kicked me right in my face. I got a hold of Robby and elbowed him in the back of the head.

I threw Robby against the table. I ran at him. This was my chance. I could finally beat him. I cocked my fist and I got a foot straight into my cheek. It was black.

I felt very woozy and strange. Then I came to
my realization. I lost. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Are you...okay?" someone asked. I knew who it was.

"Get off of me" I said. No matter how bad I wanted her there for me. I just can't forgive her. "Eli...I'm so sorry....I should've never done that" she said.

"Yeah no shit. Don't you see why I'm upset? No weak apology like that will fix what you did" I said sternly. Barely sitting up off the ground. "It was on me for breaking up with you.....but I didn't even look at another girl after. I would've never thought that you would sacrifice what we had for know what, whatever" I said.

"Eli...please forgive me...I love you" she said. I heard the truth in her voice. "It's too late for that now, Princess" I told her. It took a lot to say that.

But I just couldn't forgive her. She wasn't truthful. I got up and walked all the way to Cobra Kai. It was painful but I ignored it. The anger grew inside me. I needed to become stronger.

I had one thought in my head repeating itself, over and over. Where would she go? Where will she go? Where will she go? I got to Cobra Kai and went into the back room.

I punched and kicked the punching bag as hard as I could, harder and harder each time. "You get into a fight?" I heard Kreese ask. "With Miyagi Do. We lost" I answered. "No you didn't" he said while walking over.

He came up close. "The fight is only over, when you say it is" he told me.

Thanks sm for reading!!!!!❤️❤️💞❤️💘💘💘 Vote please!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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