Say You Like Me || Stiles Sti...

By JediKnightStilinski

147K 2.9K 1.5K

{Completed} Felicity Hale is just a teenage werewolf, no big deal. After watching the majority of her family... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
A/N !Schedule!
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twelve

4K 84 6
By JediKnightStilinski

Stiles P.O.V

"Deaton!" I call, stepping into the Animal Clinic. Felicity still laid awake in my arms, Kira and Lydia followed closely behind me.

"What's the problem?" Deaton stepped into the room, stopping in his tracks when his eyes landed on Felicity. "Felicity?"

"Hey, Doc." Felicity awkwardly greeted.

"You two know each other?" Lydia asked.

"No time for that." I quickly interjected. "We need your help."

"That's what I'm here for." Deaton held his hands out. "Come on back."

I quickly walked to the back room of the clinic. With hesitation, I released her from my arms, placing her on the metal table. Deaton walked over to Felicity's left side, while I remained closely on her right. Kira and Lydia stood together at her head.

"Care to tell me what happened?" Deaton looked at us.

"Kali." We all answered in sync.

"I thought that she got killed."

"So did we." I replied.

"Was anyone else with her?"

"I was." Kira held up a hand.

"You seem to look in no pain." Deaton observed. "How come you don't have any scratches?"

"Felicity kept her away from me." She answered sadly. "She took all of the damage."

I looked down at Felicity. Her eyes were closed and she was barely breathing. "Felicity?"

No response.

Everyone's eyes casted down to her as well. "Felicity?"

Still nothing.

"Maybe she's sleeping?" Lydia suggested nervously.

"Lyds, she's barely breathing!" I countered. "Deaton, can you do something?"

"Give me a second." Deaton rushed over to a counter behind him, picking up a small needle.

"Are you sure drugging her is going to help?" I shot sarcastically.

"This isn't a drug." Deaton glared at me, coming back to us. "This is simply something that enhances the heart-beat."

"Are you sure about this?" Kira panicked.


Just as he was about to put in the needle, I stopped him. "Stop."

Everyone glared at me. "What is it?" Deaton sounded agitated.

"Can we do something else?"

"What, like mouth-to-mouth?" Lydia teased, making a light bulb go off in my head.


"Are you sure you're not just doing this for your own benefit, Stiles?"

"I'm not." I snapped. "Just trust me on this. I did this for Cora awhile ago."

I quickly placed a hand under Felicity's neck, making her head rise. Placing the other hand on her chin, I leaned in and placed my mouth on hers, breathing out. Repeating the action a few more times, before Felicity's eyes shot open, wandering around the room aimlessly. I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I had been holding.

"What the hell just happened?" She breathed.

"You almost died, that's what!" Lydia freaked out, running a hand through her hair.

"What?" Felicity quickly sat up, cringing as she did so. Out of reflex, my hand automatically went to her back. "Your heart rate slowed down ... by a lot." I explained.

"Are you serious?" She questioned, watching as we all nodded. "How'd you bring me back?"


"Just gave you a stamina-enhancing drug." I gave Lydia a look that told her to go along with it. She smirked a bit, but nodded anyway.

"Thank you." Felicity smiled softly at me. I gave her a nod.

"I'd better fix you up, then." Deaton said, holding up some bandages of various sizes. He looked at Lydia, Kira, and me. "If you don't mind leaving."


"Can you stay back here?" Felicity asked, her beautiful brown eyes planted on mine.

I looked at Deaton, who nodded.

"Of course." I smiled gently.

"We'll just wait in the front, then." Lydia announced, her and Kira walking out.

"Okay," Deaton took a deep breath. "I'll just clean up your wounds, and put bandages on your abdomen and leg."

Felicity nodded, and I placed my hands on the table beside her. Deaton took out some cotton balls, dampening them with some kind of antiseptic. "Now, this may hurt."

She jolted a bit in her spot when the cotton ball was placed on the injury on her lips. The same very lips that I had touched just moments ago. No, I don't count that as an actual kiss. The odd thing was, that I felt all of the same things an average teenager feels during a kiss. The cannons going off in your stomach, the dizziness; everything.

I hope I can actually kiss her for real one day. She's still mad at me, but that can easily be fixed. I've already planned on having a talk with her soon. Just the two of us together. I'll apologize then, and we'll kiss and live happily ever after.

Okay, I may have over-exaggerated that last part.

"Stiles?" Felicity broke me out of my thoughts.


"You just zoned out, are you okay?"

"Yeah." I answered quickly. "I'm fine."

"Alright," Deaton wiped his hands off with a rag. "You're free to go. It was nice seeing you again Felicity.

"Nice seeing you too, Doc."

"You're done already?" I asked.

Was I in 'Stiles Land' for that long?

"Yeah." Felicity answered. I noticed that her face looked a lot better than before. She began to slide off of the table with difficulty.

"Here," Already moving to pick her up. "Let me help."

"Thanks." She said sheepishly, as I lifter her up bridal-style.

"Can you walk?"

"I can try."

I slowly set her down on her feet, keeping an arm wrapped around her waist to steady her. She looked to me and nodded, signaling she was okay. With hesitation, I removed my arm. I stayed close behind her as we began to walk out.

"Thanks, Doc." I said over my shoulder.

"It's my job." I heard him chuckle behind me. "You're welcome."


Hey! I hope you liked it!

Comment.Vote.Love Teen Wolf


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