Born a Rogers and fell in lov...

By SebStanxo

4.2K 8 3

So your Steve's don't know who your mum is...Your powers are teleportation,,super strength and... More

Lets partyyy!!
Sam's birthday ruined..
4 weeks later...
Meeting sharon..
Dinner out again?
Day in the compound...
2 weeks later
3 months later
6 days later...
Gradution 🎓
Where did you go?
You could come with us?...
1 year later...
Home time...
We thinks its time to say goodbye...
He has actually left..
The babys here...
Home time...
8 years later...
Saying goodbye...
Slowly moving on...
The surprise...
Please dont be mad...
A couple days later...
Have you made any friends?...
The maldives...
The maldives part 2!
The game..
2 months later...
1 week later...
3 weeks later..
Appointment finished..
8 months later...
Settling in..
First day back at work...
Family day out..
Harrison hurts someone..
Sneaking about!
Back at the compound..
3rd day at the compound...
Back at home...
After halloween...
Nats sister...
Another surprise...
The anniversary..
A notice!
1 year and some months later..
Harrisons girlfriend..
the talk!
a couple days later
the argument!
the next day
slowly progressing!
a couple werid days later...
Harrison runs away with Avery!
the twins birthday..
3 years later...
the goodbye...
peters sleeps over!
long boring night...
a job offer...
flying to Romania..
back where u belong...
the morning after...
Hes back for now..
The last chapter...

Paying a visit to the compound!

409 3 1
By SebStanxo

You wake up late in the afternoon from staying up all night working on your art project...You start stretching in your king size bed..Your white duvet sheets moving around with you..
"Today might be a good day"-you say to yourself
You get changed

Your make up

Your hair

You make your bed and clean the rest of you room..You walk downstairs happily and you notice it's rather quiet...the tv wasn't movement except go into the kitchen and notice on the fridge was a note from your dad
"Hey sorry honey but tony and the team need me again we have another mission approaching but I'll be back tonight for dinner...
                       Love you lots
                                         Dad xoxo"
You slam the paper on the table
"That's four times this week"-you say angry
You're really angry at your dad..You go to the fridge and you tiptoe to look for your dads spare keys for his other grab them and you go into the garage..You get in and you speed off to the compound...Eventually you get to the gates the beginning of the go through the gates and speed down the drive's was long time to get to the actual building 😂anyways you get out the car..slam the door and you walk straight into the compound without an invite in...You start walking around shouting STEVE ROGERS...
You hear footsteps coming from behind turn around and see him,Tony,Nat,Bruce,Clint,thor..
"Excuse who are you?"-tony
"And why are you here?"-Clint
"She's probably homeless"-Bruce
"Or got lost"-Thor
Nat walks up to you and looks into your eyes
She gasps and stands back...
"Is she yours?"-Nat
"Y/'s dad for you"-Steve
"Wait what"-tony
"She's your daughter?"-Thor
"Who's the mother?"-Clint
"Knew have your fathers eyes"-Nat
"Thank you for that Nat"-y/n
"Wait how does she know my name?"-Nat
"You see my dad has told me everything about all of you.."-y/n
You smile
"Y/n why are you here? I left a note on the fridge for you did you read it?"-Steve
"Oh I read it..very well and very clear"-y/n
"So then why are you here?"-Steve
"I'm sick of tired of you going to these stupid missions...I need help at home and I'm staying up late nearly every night waiting for you to come back and I just do my art project to help me get my mind of it"-y/n
"I'm sorry I can't help it honey"-Steve
"Why don't you and your dad move in here with the rest of the team?"-tony
"Really we can?"-Steve
"Yes I've got two rooms upstairs for you both"-tony
"Finally I can spend more time with my dad!"-y/n
"Before we start anything does she have powers?"-Bruce
"Yeah show em what you got honey"-Steve
You teleport round the room and you go invisible...
"So she can turn invisible"-Nat
"And teleport"-Thor
"And is there anything else?"-Clint
"She's knows how to fight I've been training her...she's knows how to fire a gun and she has super strength"-Steve
"Well welcome to the Avengers y/n!"-tony
You smile
You all go to the living room for a bit and start talking about stuff..missions mostly..
"So how did you get here?"-Steve
"I drove your Ferrari here.."-y/n
"Oh that's alright I was gonna give you that car for your 19th birthday but you can have it now"-Steve
"Thank you dad"-y/n
"So later on we have a couple of members of the team coming back from the I'm assuming you'll meet them"-tony
"Okay okay"-y/n
The compound door opens and a group of people head to the living room
"But not later.."-tony
"They've come back early"-Nat
They all sit down on the sofas
"How come your back early?"-Steve
"Our plane came early"-Sam
They all turn to you
"Oh who's this?"-Wanda
"She's the new member"-tony
"And she's Steve's daughter"-Clint
Buckys eyes go wide
"Wait what"-Bucky
"Yeah just kept her a secret till now i guess"-Steve
"Well hello I'm loki.."-loki
Before he could finish you say
"Yes I know everyone's names and everything about you and all your secrets"-you laugh
Bucky stares at you with a smile on his face
"You got a staring problem mr metal man?"-y/n
"I'm sorry your just too pretty"-Bucky
"Thank you metal man"-y/n
You laugh and you look to your dad and you see he's angry
"You okay dad?"-y/n
"Asif my best friend just called my daughter pretty bit weird don't you think?"-Steve
He smiles
"I need to finish off my art projects for school dad!"-y/n
"Actually peters school offered you a place a couple of weeks ago...but you could study art there and move away from that horrible all girls school"-Steve
"Omg yesss finally...I was one fight away from being kicked out permanently and luckily I don't have to go into that school anymore"-y/n
"You fighting? I can't see that you look to friendly.."-Sam
"Alright then dad tell him.."-y/n
"She's been kicked off school grounds 4 times for a week...she's had 5 fights and she's won all of them and put one of them in hospital...she broke one of there bones and y/n got pulled off from the two girls she previously had by her professors"-Steve
"Just takes it from her dad"-Nat
"And kid you start school tomorrow"-Steve
"OMG tomorrow"-y/n
"Uhh Yes Because thats when everyone starts"-Steve
"Well i need to go home and get some of my stuff.."-y/n
"I've got our stuff we need being delivered to the compound now"-Steve
Your okay with that but then you realise your paintings
"Wait..did you say to them my paintings?"-y/n
"Why what's so special about them?"-pietro
"Yes and your paint"-Steve
"They can't be touched dad...there still drying and they rip easily if you don't be careful with them.."-y/n
"They will be fine"-peter
"I spent so long on those paintings"-y/n
"Well they should be on their way now"-Steve
You look out the big windows of the compound and see a big van with all your stuff in...You and the team run outside and you pull open van door and jump in
"Where are they?"-y/n
You find them and carefully carry them out and all the team sees is

"Wow they are amazing"-Wanda
"Very beautiful"-Tony
"I've never saw anything like it"-loki
"Good work little one"-Thor
"This is incredible"-Sam
"How long do you spend on these?"-peter
"Must take forever"-pietro
"I bet Steve can't do this"-Nat laughs
"I've tried never trying it again"-Steve
"This is just breathtaking y/n.."-Bruce
"I know right...beautiful"-Bucky
"Thank you everyone"-y/n
"Now dad you can carry all my stuff to my room because you put my nearly 11 hour paintings at risk"-y/n
You laugh
You walk inside with your paintings and put them against your wardrobe..your dad finishes with bringing your boxes to your room...eventually you get settled in and you've packed everything away...and it feels like home but with more people...You split coffee down your shirt so you pull your top over you head to get it off and your door opens and buckys stands at your doorway
"Hey uhm.."-Bucky
"OMG IM SORRY.."-bucky
He stands at the doorway looking at your chest area
He shuts the door and you quickly get a new t-shirt on and open the door
"What did you need"-y/n
"I just wanted to ask if your settled in yet!"-Bucky
"Yes I am thank you"-y/n
"And I'm really sorry about walking in while you was changing"-Bucky
"It's alright forget about it and please don't tell my dad about it!"-Y/n
"Don't worry secrets safe with me...goodnight doll"-Bucky
"Goodnight buck"-y/n
You shut the door and smile
"He called me doll!!"-you smile
"Oh no do I like him...I've known him for like 5 at first sight? Nooo it can't be"-y/n
You go to bed for the night dreaming about Bucky..
In the morning you get waken up by Someone knocking on your's your dad...
"Honey..common you have to wake have school"-Steve
"Dad noo"-you say sleepily
He walks in
"Your gonna be late"-Steve
He opens your curtains and pulls your duvet off you
You sit up
"Fine I'll get changed"-y/n
"Alright I'll be in the kitchen making you a coffee in your new flask I got you"-Steve
"Thank you"-Y/n
Your dad leaves and you get up and Choose your quickly do your makeup and hair...



You walk downstairs to the kitchen,,Nat..Steve and Tony is in there
"Hey honey"-Steve
"Morning y/n"-tony
"Morning everyone..who's driving me too school"-y/n
"I am.."-Steve
"And I'm coming"-Nat
Bucky walks in
"Morning guys"-Bucky
You stay quiet and drink your coffee
"Okay let's head to the car before your late"-Steve
"Okay one sec"-y/n
Steve and Nat head to the car while your in the kitchen putting your flask in your bag
"Have a good day at school y/n"-Bucky
He winks at you
You smile and head to the car...
Steve drives you to school and your here
"Bye y/n have a nice day"-Nat
"Bye honey..see you later"-Steve
"Bye Nat bye dad!"-y/n
You shut the car and walk inside walk down to the corridor..everyone stares at you..and you can hear them whisper
"Who's the new girl"-a person
"Wow she's beautiful"-a person
"Is she new?"-a person
"Who is she"-a person
You ignore them and Ned and peter walk over to you
"Hey So Your dad told me about you coming here and seen as you don't know anyone wanna stay with us?"-peter
"Yeah please I feel really uncomfortable"-y/n
You stay with Ned and peter for the day and when after school approaches
Peter goes to library with Ned and you head outside the school where your dad had dropped you off..You look at your phone from your dad
"Sorry I can't make it to pick u up I'm with Nat at the mall getting stuff for something in a few days so I just sent bucky is that okay?
Anyways love you see you when I get home..xoxo
"You've got to be kidding me!"-y/n
You look up and see a Black Ferrari pull in towards's Bucky in your car..
"What are you doing in my car!"-y/n
"Tony and the others didn't let me use theirs so I used yours...get in doll"-bucky
You walk round and get in...All the kids are looking at you..
Buckys drives off...
"So have a nice sleep last night...did you dream of anything?"-Bucky
You go red
" don't need to go red"-Bucky
"I weren't!"-y/n
Your at the compound now..and you slam the car door when you got out
"Don't slam the door like that doll!"-Bucky
"It's my car I can do what I want"-y/n
"Ooo attitude want me to tell your dad?"-Bucky
You stick your middle finger up at him
You walk inside and you start shouting
"One minute honey"-Steve
He comes running down the stairs
"What's up?-Steve
"I don't want to go to school again can I not do online work?"-y/n
"If it makes you happy then yes...and also tony is hosting a party tonight lots of people will be there and alcohol 🍺 and no drinking please!"-Steve
"I'm not promising anything dad.."-y/n
You start laughing
"It starts in a hour so you better go get ready"-Steve
"Oh no...I'm going to get ready now.."-y/n
You run to your room and you got into the shower and you started doing your makeup and hair like this...

And this is your outfit and shoes..

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