Moonlight's Deception (Eclips...

By TheWallflowerWitch

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Freedom comes at a price and a young Earthal princess must live the life of somebody else, even if it means f... More

Chapter 01 | The Spirit of Jade
Chapter 02 | Shattered
Chapter 03 | Change of Turn
Chapter 04 | The Air Prince
Chapter 05 | Escape Attempt
Chapter 06 | Malini
Chapter 07 | Open Enrolment
Chapter 08 | A Push Forward
Chapter 10 | Blaire Academy
Chapter 11 | No Magic, No Problem
Chapter 12 | Two Moons
Chapter 13 | Placement Exam
Chapter 14 | The Power Within
Chapter 15 | Ghastly Aftermath
Chapter 16 | Suppressant
Chapter 17 | Hidden Sanctum
Chapter 18 | Lost Knowledge
Chapter 19 | Blood Magic
Chapter 20 | Vision
Chapter 21 | Ill Omens
Chapter 22 | The Essence
Chapter 23 | The Invitation
Chapter 24 | Charms and Kisses
Chapter 25 | Trouble at the Ball
Chapter 26 | To Search the Sun
Chapter 27 | Captive
Chapter 28 | Worst Formula
Chapter 29 | Mistaken Identity
Chapter 30 | Other World
Chapter 31 | Secret Origin
Chapter 32 | Project Eclipse
Chapter 33 | The Sun Att
Chapter 34 | They Hadn't the Foggiest
Chapter 35 | A Helping Hand
Chapter 36 | Storm Brewing
Chapter 37 | The Darkest Hour
Chapter 38 | Blood, Sun and Moon
Chapter 39 | The Parting

Chapter 09 | Castle of the Golden Fire

296 84 106
By TheWallflowerWitch

A WEEK HAD passed since the Fyrians' damage to Rovenshire's property, leaving people with nothing to save from their businesses. And only a few days were left before classes began. And in that time, Clara needed to figure out exactly how to spend the first days living as someone else.

Clara was wary of the future. Of course, she had been feeling ecstatic, but a nagging voice at the back of her mind told her that it was too good to be true.

But then, she began imagining herself living the life of her dreams. It would start from something simple like dining in a downtown bakery shop—having breakfast as she watched people go by their daily lives—to seizing an adventure with her crew to retrieve a lost dragon egg. It might be a silly thought. Who would risk their lives just to get a dragon egg?

Clara knew everything was temporary. Soon she might just wake up and discover all of this as a dream, or worse she'd be busted by Anneliese's parents for stealing their daughter's body. But then again, it wouldn't be called stealing, would it?

Things wouldn't go as easily as people wanted them to. And Clara realized no matter how much she convinced herself, she wouldn't be ready. Life would always find a way to throw her off her feet, especially the moment Willow came. That Anneliese's Familiar, a wind spirit named Willow, would be Fate's first challenge to her. Familiars were gifted with eyes that were able to see their master's aurea, an energy special in every soul.

It was the usual time of the day when Clara would be standing in front of the tall wall of ancient volumes in Zephyrus' old palace library. A warm feeling came over her as she looked around. She had always loved the faintly sweet musty way that only a roomful of books smelled. She took comfort in the soft occasional sound of turning pages. The library back at Sierra had always been her escape, and Clara felt almost overwhelmed with relief as she realized that this one might offer the same sense of sanctuary.

The walls were deep mahogany and the ceilings were high. A fireplace with a brick hearth lay along one wall. There were long wooden tables lit by old-fashioned green lamps, and aisles of books that went farther than the eyes could see. The sound of her sandals was hushed by a thick maroon carpet.

One time Clara would sit by the white velvet settee near the fireplace with the king and queen. At first, they were quite surprised when she accepted their invitation to lounge in the library for their small family bonding. Clara took a quick note that Anneliese might not be a fan of books, and the only people who'd been keeping the library alive were the king and queen, and a few other servants who were tasked to do the cleaning.

A cream-colored leather-bound book called out to her this time. And by answering its call for attention, she pulled it off the shelf. She traced the cover's text with her fingers, and a perfect humming of melody matched Clara's current mood.

In fast yet soft steps, she headed to her favorite spot in a single high-chair sofa placed beside the open window. It had never been there, but Clara took it upon herself to move it where she wanted it.

With just a single turn of the page then she'd be off to her own world. But for some unknown reason, a cold wriggled in every fiber of her body, making her teeth chatter. Sitting by the window side, she witnessed the strong black atmosphere cocooning the palace. Clouds gathered, a silver fade, from soft whites to the strongest of gray. The wind blew so strong it could rip even the largest and tallest tree down to its roots.

Clara was about to close the window when a loud slam of the door resounded throughout the whole library. Her heart almost leaped out of her throat.

Like the lost child she was, Clara stared at the small thing floating her way. It hovered and every table it passed would be tossed in the far corner. Some were reduced to splinters.

She stayed rooted to her spot, afraid it might harm her if she moved. Clara only watched it slowly approach. Its form resembled a cloud with a head, two arms, a wispy tail, and a faceless feature.

"I knew it!" Clara flinched at the unknown creature's shrill and childlike voice. "Anneliese will never drown herself in books. That is scandalous!"

"I-Is that a bad thing?" Clara asked in a shaky voice.

"Answer me, you witch, because I will only ask you once. And I'm warning you. Don't ever think of lying. Where is Anneliese? Where is my master?" She dropped every word with emphasis, ending it with a hiss.

Goosebumps multiplied, tightening her skin in other places. Beads of sweat gathered on her forehead. Even Clara's palms were clammy with perspiration despite the surrounding cool air.

"W-What are you talking about? I'm here standing before you. Or perhaps, you need your visions checked, uh... my servant?" Clara winced at her last remark, seeing that the creature didn't need her eyes checked when she didn't have one.

"Wrong choice of word, witch. I told you not to lie, but you're just simply asking for it."

Cold air gathered around the cloud-like creature until a tornado formed, reaching the high ceilings of the five-floor library. The strong force of the current picked up tables and shelves like they were nothing, disintegrating them in the air. It unhinged the windowpanes and oak double doors like they were toys easy to rip apart. Around them was a huge swathe of destruction. It was no different from setting off bombs in a long line, the devastation was just the same. There was nothing salvageable from all the furniture that used to be there.

If it wasn't for the concrete foundation she'd been holding for dear life, Clara would be sucked in and reduced to pieces as well.

"Where did you take the princess? Bring her back!"

It was a relief that the Zephyrian council entered the scene at just the right time. If Willow hadn't been stopped, a part of the castle would have collapsed. It confused Clara enough that the council didn't question Willow's violent action as if it was a normal sight to see.

The moment they were alone, they talked. Much calmer this time. Clara managed to be in one room with Willow even though she was close to suffocation.

She couldn't give the Familiar the reason why she ended up in Anneliese's body, not even the way to get out.

Five months. That was the deadline Clara was given. In that period, she had to find a way even if she had to excavate buried ancient tomes to seek a certain spell.

"You'll give me five months?" Even if Willow's body was made entirely of air, Clara could feel her eyebrows raise in that faceless feature. "I mean, I'm not telling you not to trust me but how is it easy for you to give me five months? You were so close to killing me in the library."

"Oh, you have no idea how much I want to kill you. But" —she sighed— "your aurea... it's the brightest I have ever seen. And an aurea is something that one cannot fake. If your aurea tells you that you're pure, then you are. And as much as I hate it, it tells me to trust you. So, I have to."

Clara never thought she'd survive a whole week with someone knowing who she was. Not exactly her identity, but the kind of situation she was in.

Willow didn't pry for her name or the place where she had come from. It took a sheer amount of gut feeling to trust the soul occupying her master's body. But Clara realized she might need the presence of Willow if she wanted to continue being Anneliese for a long time.

Clara was thrown to an unknown place. There were times she screwed it up, especially when she did things un-Anneliese-like. And there were also times when someone would strike up a conversation that she didn't have a memory of. Thankfully, they thought her short-term memory loss was the effect of the traumatic incident that almost killed the princess.

NOW THAT IT was the first day of class, Clara wore Blaire Academy's uniform. The two-layered skirt was white, high-waisted, and velvety, only reaching her mid-thigh. A white inner polo was tucked under it. And over it was a long-sleeved half mantle with three pairs of gold-colored buttons connected with gold chains. Pinned to her left chest was a gleaming ash-gray pin, signifying she was a citizen of the Eirinia Empire, home of air-wielders.

Clara trudged her way up the grassy slope where the bronze gate was located with Willow in tow. Clara practically jumped and bounced while biting her lip as excitement filled her to the brim. Her eyes twinkled as she waited for the gate to open. It stood on the edge of a cliff, the other side of it gave nothing but a high plunge down from the rock island. So she wondered how it would take them to the academy.

"I hate to spoil the moment but how will you survive the academy without Anneliese's power?"

Realization dawned on her, making her heart sink. Clara gulped. It was bad enough that she couldn't have her power with her! What's worse was she couldn't even use Anneliese's. Clara clamped a sweaty hand on her skirt and gave a few lights slaps across her right cheek to gear herself up with courage.

She hadn't had a chance to speak up encouraging words to herself when the bronze gate opened. The ground shook. It grumbled so loud as it opened. It made it seem like there was a monster waiting for them. Clara couldn't see far beyond the swirling bronze vortex.

"W-Willow?" Instead of taking a step forward, she turned back to look at Willow with worry in her eyes. She clutched the skirt of her uniform, staring at Willow in question as she floated much closer to her. Clara thought she was going to say something, maybe scold her for being weak-hearted.

But it was too late to realize what Willow was intending to push her. Clara was hurled into the darkness. Her mind spun and her stomach lurched. Everything disappeared from view. She wanted to call for Willow, but if she were to open her mouth, she would puke.

The nauseating trip lasted for a few seconds until the portal spat her like a ball, and she hit the cold polished floor face first. Clara yelped in pain, feeling her body ache a little. Her insides were pretty shaken up too. Despite the strange trip, she stood up, straightening the creases on her uniform only to be stopped by a strange yet majestic surrounding.

"Wow," was all she could say. "Where am I?" Clara was supposed to be in the academy but it didn't appear to be a place for learning, added to the fact that it was desolate.

Her eyes wandered as she walked further. The place looked grand and majestic. Even more beautiful than any palace. It even surpassed the beauty of their castle in Sierra—the castle that she always thought was the most beautiful.

The whole interior indeed looked posh and elegant with whitewashed walls and complete gold furniture. The curtains, gently dancing with the wind, were in red and gold. Upon looking closely, she noticed golden carvings on the pillars of the palace. The white and gold marbles on the floor were polished.

"Wow," she whispered for the second time. Only the wind was supposed to hear her compliment, but due to the intense silence, it still echoed and bounced on every wall.

What amazed Clara, even more, was a golden stair leading to a golden throne. On both sides of the throne were two streams of golden waterfalls, cascading down the wall. At the foot of the stair was yet another golden bridge that let one cross the golden river.

At her left was an archway. The lush, thick Bermuda grass was the first she saw, and she could never have been happier. Clara ran outside and, in a moment, was surrounded by trees and plants of all kinds and sizes that stretched far as the eyes could see.

The ground was covered in green grass and there were lots of butterflies fluttering near the flowering plants.

She kept looking around, awestruck, grinning from ear to ear until she reached the small garden pond.

This place was a dream come true. Anyone would say so, not just herself.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice with the sound of a lullaby, so soothing and full of care, rendered goosebumps to travel her skin. She looked around, searching. Her eyes searched every corner. But she remained alone in this wonderful place.

"But do you think this place will last long? How long do you think the beauty of this place can bless one's eyes? Nothing is permanent, my dear. The very ground you are standing on will just crumble into dust in the future. A place that was once a part of the past's memories."

Clara gave up finding the owner of that voice and tried to talk to it instead. "Who are you? Show yourself," she commanded fiercely, suddenly on guard.

"Ah, the real royalty within you is showing, my dear princess. That's right. The world you have chosen doesn't have a place for softness. Show any sign of weakness and a sliver of kindness will make you fall into a pit. Kindness is a trap set for people who are to fall into the hands of the cruel and vicious."

Clara felt warmth rising at her back. A strange glow that could battle the sun's rays made her turn around and look. Clara gasped, covering her mouth. Not because of fear but of awe and excitement.

Drifting in front of her was a golden ball. It emitted raw energy that was so divine, roaring every bit as much as the lion. The sparks around it told its desire for one crazy way to dance as if it needed to leap, to fly, willing it to land where it may.

Clara stretched her hand forward, a little bit afraid of its touch. "C-Can I touch you?"

The golden fire laughed in modesty. "You are the second person who asked this blazing fire to be touched."

"You're saying it as if someone asked you first. Who?" She inched closer, growing curious with the feel of its comfortable warmth.

"For someone who's in a strange and foreign place, you feel rather at ease. Such braveness in you, my dear."

Clara laughed nervously. "Should I be nervous? You won't hurt me." The spark in Clara's eyes, matching its igniting flame, faded. "Right?"

"My dear, if there is one place where you can be safest, it's right here. The Golden Fire's castle will protect you more than the castle walls that confined you for so long."

Clara gasped and took a few steps back until she stood at the edge of the pond.

Being a scared person in a scary world was tough. She wished she had been born into better times. This fear she was feeling reminded her of the love and shield her family gave her as protection. Now, it seemed like no matter where Clara went, she would never be safe. Someone would still know her—the real Clara. First, it was Flynn. Willow came after. And now, even though she hadn't directly said it, it was as if the golden fire knew her, not as Anneliese but as Clara.

"You're here, Clara, to receive your second gift. Forgive this old fire for giving you uneasiness. Fret not, my dear. I am not the enemy here."

The gold fire's glow intensified, bringing slight pain to Clara's eyes, but the warmth stayed comforting as it was. Not the kind that could burn and char one's skin.

When she finally gained her visions, standing before her was still the golden fire but in the shape and curve of a woman. The fire woman took a step towards her and with every step, a new life was born. Flowers and grass grew and sprouted on the garden's dry earth.

She cupped both of her cheeks and Clara felt the fire's eyes graze on her every feature. Her hands trailed down around Clara's neck, cupping it inside her fiery palms.

The golden fire removed her hands, but a glow remained on the princess' neck. Clara looked down to see a thin golden string-like necklace. It pulsed against her skin like it had its own beating heart until it faded under her skin. She brought her hand to touch it, but she could feel nothing.

Clara looked at her with a questioning look. "Can I know your name?"

Her right hand reached for Clara's head to caress her hair. "Fight for love, fight for peace, fight to end never-ending suffering. And when the day comes that you pass on, you'll be proud of how you become a warrior of life. Whatever happens, I am your co-warrior; I was born to fight this battle with you. Remember this day we meet, Clara."

It was too late to realize what the fire woman was planning to do. After saying those parting words, she pushed Clara rough, making her lose her balance, then plunged into the pond's ice-chilled water.

How come a pond gets so deep? she wondered amidst the lack of air.

Rushing water yanked her forward, forcing Clara to squeeze her eyes shut against the current. Just as she felt her lungs start to strain, a splash came from her right. A pair of strong, sturdy arms wrapped around her middle, pulling her to the water's surface. She was brought onto dry land and a light tap on her cheeks made Clara scrunch her face. She strained her eyes open as bright light from the sky pierced through her lids. She braced herself from the blinding light. But in the middle of all the brightness stood out the familiar pair of midnight eyes. It made her heart pound both in relief and something else unknown.

All the craziness happening in her life, made Clara feel glad to finally see his eyes again. His eyes were full of concern and worry as he removed strands of her wet hair from her face.

"Feels like home," she whispered then coughed, making him stop and stare back.

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