Addictive | KuroKura

By obsessionion

1.1K 28 3

His touch is so addictive, yet it shouldn't be. His voice is so soothing, yet he can't bring himself to belie... More


1.1K 28 3
By obsessionion

(not proof-read)


— He lays in his arms, snuggling into to the body heat that he can't seem to avoid.

— "I love you," but he doesn't believe it's true.

— "I hate you," he claims, though it sounds false in his heart.

— "I'll make you love me," he heard his companion state, hoping deep inside that it will work.

— "I don't think that's possible." though he refutes through words.

— "I just have to try."


— They were walking down the sidewalk, taking on the appearance of business partners as they make their way to the next location of Scarlet Eyes.

— He turns to glance at his partner, looking into his deep grey eyes, cold and stoic.

— When his partners catches his eyes, he directs a smile toward him, small and gentle in nature, but there has to be something wrong behind it.

— But he flushed anyway, turning away to break eye contact as his pale complexion colours crimson.

— He inwardly curses his body's natural reactions to Chrollo.


— He sat alone on his temporary bed, thinking intently about his circumstances.

— He had been stuck with Chrollo for a few months, tracking the remaining Scarlet Eyes.

— Chrollo claimed to love him.

— He claimed to hate Chrollo.

— He was in the right, he tried to convince himself, Chrollo had killed his family.

— But he had grew close to him, closer than he had with anyone before.

— It was all manipulation, he believed, all meant to deceive him, stray him from the truth.

— He wished, in his heart, that it had been true, and that Chrollo truly cared for him.

— Yet his mind tried to find any possible thing to prove otherwise, constantly plaguing him with the thoughts of all the stuff he had done wrong.

— But, he had also wronged Chrollo by murdering some of his friends.

— He hated him.

— Still, when Chrollo had walked into the room, he found himself smiling.


— Chrollo was explaining the details of their next heist for the Scarlet Eyes, but he couldn't concentrate on what he was saying.

— He was entranced by the smooth voice coming from the man, the slight raspiness adding to the spell it put over him.

— He tried as hard as he could to pay attention, but it was all for naught as he kept mindlessly trailing back to the sound of Chrollo's voice.

— His eyes trailed the other's jawline, taking in every curve and imperfection. He eventually found himself staring at his lips, moving in time with the words spoken.

— He slammed his eyes shut, mentally chiding himself for even thinking of that.

— "Are you okay, love?" He heard, slowly opening his eyes to meet the concerned ones of Chrollo.

— "I'm fine- but don't call me love, I don't love you." He tried to push down the heat rushing to his face because of the pet name.

— "But I love you,"

— "No you don't."

— He couldn't tell, but he swore he saw a look of hurt on Chrollo's face.


— They were sleeping in the same bed. This had become a normal occurrence, and they never slept apart.

— Chrollo had long since fallen asleep, but Kurapika was too busy observing his resting face.

— His raven-hair splayed over his forehead, barely hiding his tattoo, and his eyes were closed, revealing his dark eyelashes curling slightly upward, his plump lips parted, almost inviting, as he breathed softly. He noted a small trail of drool leaking onto the pillow as well.

— He looked so peaceful while resting, and he suddenly felt like playing with his hair.

— His hand reached out to complete the action, but he stopped himself midway.

- Chrollo was still a murderer. He can't indulge in normal things that couples do, and never will. His body's natural reactions don't mean anything. He will never love him.

— And so he settled for brushing his thumb over Chrollo's lips softly, imagining what it would be like if his lips were there instead.


— He had to disguise himself for a mission this time, and Chrollo said they would have to act as a couple.

— Of course, he refused the action at first, but after a small quarrel, Chrollo had convinced him into being the girl because he looks feminine.

— It irked him greatly how Chrollo just thought he could boss him around like that, ordering him to do the worst part of the plan almost all of the time.

— He sighed, looking down at the outfit he had chosen; a long red dress with a slit in the back, heading far down to his waist, and another smaller slit at the bottom of the dress, revealing his thin legs.

— He had thought it a better idea if he looked even more the part of a married woman, so he had bought a small bra and stuffed it to give the appearance of breasts.

— He undressed and dressed quickly, wanting to get everything over with as soon as possible.

— As he stepped out of the room, he noticed Chrollo eyeing him in the dress, appearing pleased.

— "The dress suits you." He simply stated, turning away with a prideful look on his face.

— "You better not repeat that, or else I will stab you with the bottom of these high heels-" He threatened, though his cheeks were stained with pink.

— "Can you at least wait until after we get the eyes?" Chrollo questioned jokingly, reaching out and offering his hand to him, but he simply scoffed and walked ahead.

— He immediately regretted it, as he wondered how Chrollo's hand would have felt intertwined with his.


— Chrollo's hands were currently positioned on either side of his face, his thumbs gently caressing his cheeks where tears had previously fallen freely.

— He had gotten angry at something Chrollo had said, but he can't remember what it was as he was studying the worried expression  plastered on the older's face.

— "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," he said, sounding truly apologetic.

— "W-why..." he breathed, almost choking on his words, "Why do you care so much!?"

— Chrollo looked stunned for a second, before sympathy made its way onto his countenance.

— "I've already said this. I love you,"

— "But your lying,"

— "I'm not lying. I truly care for you."

— "You don't! You can't! I don't believe it I don't believe it I don't believeitdon'tbelieveitDON'TBELIEVEIT!"

— He was breaking down, shouting everything that consumed him. He tore himself from Chrollo's grasp, clutching his head and screaming.

— "You can't love me- It's impossible! I-I can't love you! You- you killed my family- but you're so kind, and sweet, and addictive- It has to be fake- You cant- you can't actually care for me-"

— "Kurapika- I love you."

— "No! You don't! You are just lying to manipulate-"

— "I love you."

— "Stop it! It's impossible-"

— "I love you." Chrollo grabbed onto his wrist forcing him to look directly into his eyes.

— "You're just-"

— Chrollo interrupted him by pulling him into a kiss, gentle, slow, and sweet.

— At first, he didn't kiss back, trying to push back as much as possible, though that was met with Chrollo holding him tighter and closer.

— No matter what he tried, Chrollo just deepened the kiss even more. He began contemplating biting off the tongue that was exploring his mouth freely, finally stopping his courting once and for all.

— Yet instead he found himself kissing back, his free hand traveling to the raven hair of the other man while his other hand was still in custody of Chrollo by his side.

— They only separated when the need for air grew too intense, and when they did, they were gasping for air, staring into each others eyes longingly.

— "I love you, Kurapika."

— "I-I love you too..."


— He was on the bed, panting, with Chrollo on top of him, caressing his chest with his fingers, peppering kisses as he swept across his bare skin.

— His calloused hand roamed and explored his body, taking everything in as if it would only happen this once.

— Kurapika had his arms positions around Chrollo's neck, keeping him close.

— He had found his way back up to Kurapika's neck and started kissing it, soon biting down roughly enough to leave a mark, but not too hard to make it hurt. The blond gasped, biting back a moan as he licked the spot.

— Chrollo had been careful in every movement he made, everything cool and calculated, keeping him from being scared or nervous

— They had both been fully bare, skin against skin, when they enveloped themselves in a passionate kiss, sloppy, but nice.

— As they pulled apart, they saw nothing but the person in front of them.

— The person they adored most in the world.


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