A Demon's Adventure

By AdaLaEditorSan

16.6K 529 386

Where Y/n from the Demon Slayer World gets transported to the JJBA world. > More

The Girl besides River
Dio and Jonathan rivalry
Rivalry part 2
Hamon? Part 2
Thank you.

The End of Dio's Plan?

1.9K 65 49
By AdaLaEditorSan

Jonathan explains his story to Y/n ,who listened carefully. She gasped in shock when she understood the story Jonathan explained to her. She didn't know Dio would come up with a plan like this yet he would've planned it. The ravenette promised that she would be there to help and protect Jonathan, but the Joestar had said that he should be the one protecting her, which Y/n found upsetting a bit. 

Y/n saw Jonathan get up and grabbing some clothes putting them in a bag. He then puts on a trench coat before exiting the room. Y/n was confused to where he was going, so she decided to follow him. Jonathan walks up to a carriage that awaited for him. 

"Jojo? Where are you going?" Y/n asked, her blue orbs filled with curiosity and worry.

Jonathan turned around and cups her cheek, "I'm going to leave for awhile to search for a cure for father. Please stay here safe, and make sure that Dio doesn't do anything, alright Y/n?" 

"Of course, Jojo. You too, be safe" Y/n smiled warmly at him. 

Jonathan smiles back, leans down, and kisses her forehead lightly before entering the carriage. Y/n watches as the carriage departs, she prays that Jonathan shall be safe. The ravenette re-enters the manor, seemingly heading towards George's room. 

As she reaches there, she opens the door to see a sleeping George. He must've been very tired from the events and being ill. Y/n pities him, he was the father she hadn't had for awhile. She couldn't even remember what her own father looked like or recall any memories with him. Y/n stayed silent for awhile before sitting on the bed and placing her hand ontop of George's. 

"Please don't die yet, Mister Joestar... I don't want to loose someone who was like a father to me...Love you Father..." She whispered, tears threatening to appear. 

She stood up and walked out of the room quietly. She shut the door gently, and unknowingly to her, George had almost teared up in his sleep when he heard Y/n's words, it touched him dearly. Y/n saw Dio in a strange attire, he'd looked like one of those characters in a fairy tale, like peter pan, but the colors were different. 

"Dio?" Y/n called to him from the stairs. 

Dio jumped and turned to Y/n, "Ah Y/n..." 

"Where are you going? You know it's quiet dangerous at night" Y/n asked crossing her arms like a mother scolding her child. 

"I know that, but I'm going somewhere. You mustn't come with me okay?" Dio answered honestly. 

Y/n sighs and walks down to him. She hugs him making him tense but the relaxes as he hugs back. She couldn't help that something bad was gonna happen to him. Y/n lets go of Dio as he walks out of the manor. 

As he left, Y/n follows him yet she can't help but feel like a demon following human prey. With her powers, she was easily able to follow the carriage Dio was in. She continues to follow them until they reached to a town. She hid somewhere in the shadows, watching Dio get out of the carriage and enter a bar. 

Y/n would always wondered what bars looked from the inside. But whenever she would be near one back where she was with Giyu, he would always say "You should never enter there, bad things happen". After a while, Dio walks back out from the bar with a couple bottles of wine, she presumed. 

Dio was reeking the odors of something not even hungry demons would want to be near. He looked as if he was drunk or something, she couldn't tell. Dio then bumps into two adult males. 

"Eh? Aren't you gonna apologize for bumping into me?" One of the guys asked. 

Dio simply ignored him and took another swing of the wine filled bottle. Y/n surely was gonna lecture him about going out and drinking at night. And the man was enraged by Dio's behavior. 

"Hey, I think this bastard got a bit of piss on my shirt! Oi, you better apologize." The man snarled. 

Dio turned around quickly and smashed the wine bottle onto his head. The other rushed forwards to Dio, trying to attack him but was soon stopped when the blonde stabbed him with a knife he had. The first man got up and rushed towards Dio. Dio took a mask out, which he hid in his coat, and shoved it onto the man's face. Y/n gasped quietly when she recognized the mask, it was the mask that was from the manor. 

A bright light of white was emitted and Y/n had to cover her eyes. The man collapses onto the ground and Y/n went out of hiding from the shadows. When Dio heard her footsteps, he turned to her shock. 

"Y-Y/n?! What are you doing here?" He asked. 

" It was simple, I had a bad feeling about you going out at night." Y/n answers looking at her nails. 

"You shouldn't be here! I specifically told you not to come!" Dio said. 

Just about when Y/n was gonna say something back, she caught a glimpse of the man's finger twitch. The man with the mask stood up quickly and made his way over to Dio. Y/n acted quickly and got in front of Dio, which the blonde was shocked at how quick she was. The masked man shoved his fingers into Y/n's shoulder and Y/n ripped his arm off with her incredible strength. She doesn't mean to hurt humans, but this man was not human anymore. 

The man yelled in pain before he started to advance again. Y/n picks up Dio, carrying him bridal style, and started running with immense speed. Dio held onto Y/n as they reached to a railing next to a river. The masked man that followed them advances again but as soon as he was gonna land an attack, the sun started to rise. The rising sun starts to disintegrate the man's body. He screamed in pain before he fully disappeared. Y/n and Dio sat there shocked for a bit before Dio got up for a bit. 

"Are you alright, Y/n?" He asks helping her up. 

"Yes, I'm fine despite the injury in my shoulder, it'll take a few moments for it to heal" Y/n answers in a hushed tone. 

"But I can assure you that- E-eh?! Dio put me down! I can walk!" 

Dio had picked Y/n up, now she was the one being carried bridal style. Dio carried her all the way to the manor. As soon as they reached the manor, Y/n was put back down onto the ground, which she was grateful for. Y/n opens the door and helps Dio walk in. Once the door was closed, Jonathan lit a candle in the dark. 

"Dio! I have finally uncovered your evil schemes!" Jonathan points his finger at Dio. 

Y/n blinked and turns to Dio, his aura filled with anger, shock, despair, and a small amount of regret. Y/n walks towards to Jonathan and stood by him. Dio watches as the one he admires stood by his enemy with anger filled eyes. Dio then went towards a chair seated at a table and sat there. He sat there before breaking down. 

"I-I'm so sorry!..I'm such a horrible person, please forgive me and let me turn myself in!" He cried. 

Jonathan tensed up and Y/n felt his aura change into regret and confusion. Dio wasn't very sincere about what he said, Y/n was about to say something but a voice intervened instead.

"Don't believe a word he says, Mr. Joestar! I've met many horrible people in my lifetime but this man is sure pure evil!" 

Y/n turns to where the voice, it was a man with blone hair and wife like eyes. He was very adorable. 

The blonde man turned to her and gave a small wink, " I am Robert E. Speedwagon. Nice to meet you M'lady" 

Y/n blushed slightly but kept her composure, "Y/n Tomioka. Pleasure meeting you, Speedwagon" 

Dio mentally scowled at the little talk Y/n and Robert had. 

"See those three miles on his ear? That is a devil's marking! It's another way of that he is pure evil, if his actions doesn't give a full mark of that he's evil!" Speedwagon smirked before pulling out a short Chinese man from behind a curtain, "Recognize this man here? He confessed that he sold you the poison!" 

' Ara Ara, he looks worse than that demon... what was the name? Oh I don't wanna remember him ' Y/n thought to herself.  

" I'm truly disappointed, Dio... I thought of you as my own son. I can't bare to watch this further" George says sadly. 

He had come in with a bunch of police officers. George then starts to walk away to his Chamber with Maiden Kayla helping him. She'd questioned if the two were related, due to them acting like siblings at certain times. 

Dio's aura suddenly changed from a slightly sad to pure fury. Y/n caught a glimpse of Dio gritting his teeth before he relaxed. Jonathan hesitates to approach Dio with the cuffs when Dio said he should be the one cuffing him. But when he was about to put them on, Dio spoke. 

"You know Jojo... I had realized that humans are extremely weak. We're toys for those above us" 

"H-have you gone mad, Dio?!" 

" I have decided to reject my humanity! " Dio declared before pulling out a knife and the mask. Y/n scolded herself for not remembering he had the mask with him and rushed to protect Jonathan, but someone else shoved you aside. She couldn't do nothing but stare in shock as George was stabbed by the knife trying to protect Jonathan. 

"Sir George!" Maiden Kayla exclaimed in fear. 

The Joestar father fell into Y/n's arms as Dio places the mask on himself and smears the blood on it. 

"Fire!" The police officers aimed their guns to Dio and fired. 

Y/n's blue orbs were filled of tears as she held George. Jonathan collapsed in front of them besides Kayla and took his father's hand.

"Father..Why? Why would you do that?!" Jojo cried. 

"You are my son, Jojo...I couldn't let you die. Here, take my ring It used to be your mother's" George says weakly before looking at Kayla, "Thank you Kayla... for staying as my best friend and being the sister I've never had..." 

Kayla bursts into tears, "Y-You're welcome..George..." She turned away. 

One of the officers started to rant on how it was his fault this had happened. Another officer walked towards to the shattered window. 

"D-dio's body...! His body is gone!" the officer exclaimed. 

Y/n laid George down quickly but gently and attempted to pull the officer away. However, it was too late and a hand went straight through the officer's head. Another hand grasped her waist pulling her close to a chest. Y/n tried to break free from the hold until something made her freeze. 

A deep and guttural laugh that belonged to none other than... Dio Brando himself. He was no longer human...He was a vampire now. 


A little A/n 

As you read this chapter, maiden kayla is my Jojo's part 1 oc who is a sister figure to George. She's a minor oc character, so she won't be mentioned much. 

And should Y/n be taken away by Dio or join Jonathan on his hamon training adventure? 

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