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IN WHICH, everything is far from perfect. More

ACT XIX. ( New Chapter.)
ACT XXIV. (Last Chapter)


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— "Thank you my love, for gracing my life with your lovely presence; for adding the sweet measure of your soul to my existence."

Richard Matheson
( Dior's POV )

I EYED KAIDEN AS he ran around the house frantically trying to find his car keys. Me and Kaila's birthday was in a few days and he said he needed to go to the store for something. I don't believe that shit one but because for one don't nobody run around the house like that looking for they keys to go to no fucking store, he was probably trying to see some nigga but, at this point I don't give a fuck what does. All I know is he bet not say shit to my father when he gets home if he walking around the house MY FATHER paid for cheating and shit acting like everything is okay.

I rolled my eyes as Kaila began to yell at me about how I was no help, she ranted on about how I was useless for most things stopping every once in a while to ask Kaiden why he didn't consider adoption for me. blah blah blah I don't give a fuck about what this girl is talking about right now, I'm about to take my ass upstairs and go to sleep if they knew I wasn't gone help then what did they call me downstairs for? Shit doesn't make any sense not that I'm trying to make any sense of it. Kaila threw a couch pillow at me and crossed her arms. "Get your ass up and help us! I didn't call you down here so you sit and do nothing Dior." She glanced over at Kaiden who was yanking at his hair, bro who gets this stressed over some fucking keys it's never that serious he acting like somebody robbed him of he keys or something.

"Fuck the both of y'all." I said simply pulling out my phone and laying my head back on the couch, I was tired from school earlier and I had enough bullshit from Kaila's bitch ass friend Sophie while I was there with her weird ass she's always talking about how I need to watch my mouth and watch how I treat people because one day it's going come back to haunt me. Her white preppy ass don't know shit about what I go through on a daily basis, people always in my face touching me left and right asking me a million questions and shit. I'm glad Ms Leia's fine ass was there to stop Sophie's lecture because her ass kept following me around even after I walked away and I was about to swing on her ass.

Why does Kaila even hang around Sophie anyway, it gotta be because she feels bad for her. Ain't nobody willingly hanging out with that trick I promise you. "No, it's fuck you! get.up.now." Kaila said grabbing my right arm, pulling me towards her and Kaiden. I know it's wrong to not call him mom or some shit but he doesn't deserve that title, anybody can birth a kid that's called a birth giver. Not everybody can rightfully be a mother which is what Kaiden isn't he's just a person who gave birth to me, he doesn't do anything for me he doesn't help me he doesn't give a fuck about me so I openly don't give a fuck about him and I remind him of that everyday.

The sudden jingle of car keys made me snap out of my daze causing me to scrunch my face up in annoyance being in a car is better than sitting here being in this trash ass reality.

"Yo." Kaila said raising her hands in the air as she made a face at me. This girl just doesn't quit do she? "What?" I asked unlocking my phone and clicking on the Instagram app checking my followers, scrolling through them. "I said do you want to go to the basketball game with me cause I don't want to go alone and Sophie isn't coming to the game until a little later." She said sighing placing her left hand on her hip and shifting all of her weight to her left leg. I shook my head no because if I don't like living in the same house as her what makes her think that I want to go outside of this house with her.

" Hell nah." I said tucking my phone into my hoodie pocket. Kaila face turned up into a scowl as she rolled her eyes earning by a glare from me I don't care about her being mad if I wanted to go to a game she wouldn't want to come with me, not that I would want her to anyway but I'm just saying.

"And why not? I would go with you if it were the other way around." I scoffed already aware of the fact that she was lying. Kaiden decided to speak up cutting our conversation short no causing me to pull my hood over my head in annoyance. "I can't take you guys to the game on my way to the store." He said smiling looking in between the both of us and giving me a sincere smile that made my insides hurt. I turned away from him because if I stayed here while Kaila was at the game, when he got back home he would be trying to make all kinds of small talk with me and I'm not with that shit, especially not with him. I'm just going to go to the game with Kaila I mean, what could go wrong anyway?

I stood up still not turning to face him making my way to the door as Kaila followed, I noticed that she had her backpack in her hand and a pillow from her bedroom upstairs maybe she was staying at a friends house after the game, maybe she was staying with Sophie. Speaking of Sophie she better not start anything with me tonight, I'm not in the mood for her stuck up ass.

"Who's house you staying over?" I asked sudden as Kaiden excused himself as he squeezed between us and I took a few steps back as the door swung open. "You in my business?" She said rolling her eyes and pushing past me to walk outside as I immediately followed her, she usually would tell me so what the hell was she up to? She better not be trying to stay at a boys house. She opened the back door and I followed her actions by plopping myself down into the clean vinyl seats as Kaiden did the same as well. I slammed the door shut earning a gasp from him and I shook my head. "Scary ass."

Kaiden looked at me through the rear view mirror and smiled again, I looked away not returning it. This nigga smiles at me so much it's starting to get weird, nigga smiling at me like a damn pedo and some more shit. I promise, whenever I get the chance I'm running away from this bitch.
( Kaila's POV )

I giggled lightly as I watched Ma dance to himself while listening to 'What's Next' by Drake. He was getting it too and just as I was about to start hyping him up this lord farquad looking ass nigga decides to speak up causing me to roll my eyes.

"Ma, are we almost there?"

My eyes widened in shock but I covered it up with a scoff because Dior rarely called our mother 'Ma' he always called him by his first name whenever he was referring to him but he didn't talk to him that much to even get the chance to call him Ma, he was always ignoring him. I looked over at Ma who stared at him in shock as well, periodically looking back and forth between Dior and the road, you see, you know you're a fuck up when your own mother is shocked that you call him by his given title. As badly as I felt the urge to punch Dior in his face I contained myself because I seen him working out the other day and this nigga is slightly crazy if you ask me but, I'm not going to get into all of that.

"Um well yeah, we're just right around the corner. Your school isn't anything but a few minutes away." Ma said checking his surroundings as we neared a tight corner causing him to ease up instead of driving the normal speed limit. He flashed me a warm smile and I smiled back, I liked that he smiled so much we didn't need anyone else sitting around looking mad at the world like Dior was doing. I looked over to see him with his head against the window his eyes were closed and his mouth hung open as he began to snore lowly. How this nigga sleeps so well knowing that he constantly belittles and ridicules our mother, I'll never know. Sometimes I just want Ma to beat the shit out of him, maybe he'll learn but part of me wants him to wait until daddy gets home, this nigga is dead meat.

Ma began to pull into the parking lot as I grabbed my things, eyeing Dior as I did. He stopped in front of the school putting the car in park and looking behind his seat at both me and Dior. He reached back and lightly tapped Dior's leg in an attempt to get him to wake up and of course Dior woke up but not without having a few words to say to Ma.

"Stop fucking touching me." He grumbles as he began stretching I rolled my eyes at him and leaned up and kissed Ma on the check earning a kiss on the forehead, Ma tried to give Dior a kiss too but we all know how trying to achieve that action went.

"Stop trying to touch me bro, damn." Dior said turning his face up as he stepped out of the car, I apologized to Ma for his behavior once again as I did the same. I shut the door waiting until Ma pulled off to chew Dior out.

"What's your problem, D? Ma doesn't do anything to you for you to treat him like that and I'm going to tell you like this if you talk to him like that again I'll be sitting right next to daddy in that prison cell." Dior gave me a scoff in return essentially ignoring everything I said, he thinks I'm something to play with but he knows how I get and I know he doesn't want these problems. We walked inside of the school and I noticed Dior looking around as if he were looking for someone. I know this nigga wasn't looking for Sophie because they don't even like each other and if he was I told him that she was coming to the game after us so he would have no reason to be looking for her right now.

"Kye playing tonight right?" He mumbled as we stepped inside the gym I nodded causing him to nod in return as we walked fully in, looking for seats in the bleachers. I didn't even knew this nigga knew Kye, he barely pays attention to anyone so for him to ask me about Kye was strange in the least but I'm not going to ask him about it before he makes a scene and I get sent to juvenile for assault and battery. We sat down at the very top because Dior said he wanted to get a good spot so he can see everyone clearly he's never tried to sit at the top at previous basketball games so I don't know the real reason he wants to right now but like I said, I'm not going to get into it with him at a basketball game over a seat.

Dior pulled out his phone unlocked it and clicked on the camera app and this dude doesn't take pictures of himself like that so I knew that something was up. "What you doing, you trying to take a picture with me?" I asked leaning over and putting all of my upper body weight onto him, he groaned out loud and rolled his eyes pushing me off of him. I know we can't stand each other sometimes and all but Dior knows that I'm his favorite little sister, I'm his only little sister but I'm still his favorite.

"I'm about to record." He mumbled holding up his phone and pressing the record button as Kye steps onto the court, I raised an eyebrow at this because since when does Dior care enough about anything let alone sports and who's playing the sport to record. "About to record who? Kye?" I asked looking down at one of Kye's teammates as he passes him the ball so Kye can make the open lay-up. Dior doesn't answer instead he continues watching the game and I decided that I should too because I felt like I was bothering him but after all he did ultimately agree to come here with me.

"GO RAIDERS!" An elderly white man stands and shouts earning looks from all over the gym, a middle aged white woman raises her hand to excuse him and grabs his hand helping him sit back down. I watch and listen to her as she calmly but very loudly explains to him that this was a basketball game not a football game and that these boys were far from the Las Vegas Raiders.

I rolled my eyes as I heard him ask why they let a couple of black kids play on a basketball team I guess they didn't allow that when he was growing up but he better not let any other black person in here hear him say that because when we hear somebody being racist we unite and when we do that it's not going to be pretty. I'm actual surprised that Dior didn't hear him but I used it was because he was so engrossed in the basketball game which was something new to me. As the game progressed and as the crowd or people got bigger, Dior began to become more interested he had stopped recording and was now sitting with his elbows on his knees hunched forward as if he was mesmerized.

Kye stood on the free throw line bouncing the basketball as if it had no weight to it he picked it up took aim while bending his long legs and bending his wrist sending the ball twirling through the air and finally, neatly into the hoop.

I hopped and hollered like a proud mother because Kye was my nigga, he was fine too and maybe one day just one day he would take me on a date and afterwards we can do that grown people thing if he was ready. The doors of the gym creamed loudly as they were opened simultaneously and I leaned over to get a better look at who it was that had opened the door. Low and behold, in walked Sophie and Kaison. My NIGGAS.
( Kye's POV | played by Mikey Willams )

I sighed as sweat dripped down my face and onto the gym floor, the game was over now but the coach had me stay a little bit longer so he could air me out about not taking a lay-up whenever I was supposed to. All he does is tell the team to pass me the ball and these niggas think that I'm a ball hog as a result of that so I did what anybody would do and I passed the ball to my bro, Joshua.

I tuned him out as my eyes wandered over to Dior who was sitting at the bottom of the bleachers now with his sister, Kaila and her friend Sophie but what I couldn't wrap my head around was why there was a nigga sitting super close to him damn near in his face. Did this nigga forget that he came to see me at MY basketball game while he's sitting here talking to the nigga I only know by name which is Kaison. Kaison is an innocent dude when it comes to things like drugs and shit but when it comes to fucking around, the nigga has a wrap sheet as long as my arm and I didn't want Dior talking to him. Even though me and Dior didn't make it official yet he was still my man and ain't no nigga who fucks and ducks for fun gone take him from me.

"Yeah whatever." I mumbled as coach threw his clipboard down onto the floor walking away angrily. I saw Dior look up at me but I rolled my eyes in response to his brief look of happiness. I hated a nigga who acted like they didn't give a damn about nobody but themselves, walking around like everybody owed him something and mad at the world for no reason but somehow I fell for Dior and didn't plan on getting back up anytime soon.

I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder as I began walking over towards them, Dior got up to meet me halfway leaving Kaison there alone with Sophie and Kaila. We reached over and he proceeded to try and hug me only for the to step out of his way and keep my eyes over at Kaila and Sophie who seemed oblivious to their surroundings. I wasn't trying to hide the fact that we were talking but for him to sit here and have a full conversation with another boy about God knows what in my face irritated me and I didn't want to talk to him.

"Wassup with you?" He asked referring to my previous action of moving out of the way. I sighed to myself and looked down at my feet. "Why don't you go hug Kaison." I said in a statement rather than a question I was about to walk off when Dior pulled me back by my jersey taking my hand off of my duffel bag and holding onto it.

"You wylin' he's Kaila's friend." He said glancing over at Kaison who had his arms crossed watching us in irritation. I smiled at him sweetly causing him to roll his eyes and began a conversation with Kaila and Sophie. I knew Sophie had an idea of what was going on between us but I didn't know about Kaila. I didn't think that Dior told her because he didn't tell me that he did but he could have. Speaking of Kaila, she looks up at me and waves causing me to smile and wave back. She wiggles her eyebrows up and down at me and I chuckle lowly, maybe Dior did tell her or maybe she just figured it out on her own considering that we were standing here holding hands.

"You hungry?" He asked looking up at me from his phone that he had just pulled out. Well, looking down I was only 5'4 and this nigga is 5'8 with his short ass, he's taller than me but still. I shrugged while fixing my bag strap with my right hand.

"I can eat." I said keeping it short and simple because I was still a little bit upset that he was talking to Kaison most likely knowing that he had a crush on him. Nobody knew if Kaison liked Dior for sure but I had a pretty good idea that he did because the constant talking in Dior's face the following and unfollowing on Instagram the little touches on Dior's hand from here and there and the laughing loudly whenever Dior spoke about something that wasn't meant to be funny just gave it away to me.

We walked over to Sophie, Kaila and Kaison still going hand in hand earning a low groan from Kaison in annoyance. I didn't acknowledge that but I knew why he did it. "We're about to go get something to eat, y'all coming?" Dior asked pouting back and forth between Sophie and Kaila, Sophie happily accepted his offer while Kaila grabbed her things and stood up causing Kaison to shoot up from his spot as if his ass we're on fire.

"Let a real nigga attend." He said biting is bottom lip eyeing Dior. I quickly stood on my tippy toes and kissed Dior's cheek earning a series of 'Awe's and so cute's' from Kaila and Sophie and an eye roll from Kaison. "Where we fina' eat at?" Sophie asked smiling from ear to ear. All but Kaila blankly stared at her as we still couldn't get used to her voice, she sounded like a polite ratchet girl who was trying to fit in. Dior shrugged and me and Kaila followed in suit.

"We can figure that out when Kaiden picks us up."
( Third Person POV )

Sophie rolled her eyes in annoyance as Dior continued to ignore her while the group walked to Kaiden's car. She ranted and raved about how Dior always openly disrespected him and Kaila's mother and didn't hide the fact that he did. She thought that someone needed to put him in his place.

"You need your ass whooped." She snarled closing the passenger door to Kaiden's car earning a giggle from Kaison and Kaila. She quickly apologized to Kaiden for her language who simply waved her off and told her about how he knew that kids these days often used that type of language so he was used to it. Kaison playfully hit Sophie's arm earning a blank look from her before speaking.

"Don't do my nigga, Sophie."

Sophie raised an eyebrow as Kaila turned to look at Kaison in confusion, Dior ignored him while Kye followed in suit looking at Kaison as well. "What nigga? Kaison when did you start dating someone?" Kaila asked taking out a pack of Jolly ranchers from her backpack, passing out a flavor to each of the vehicle's occupants. Kaison glanced over at Kye who was still looking at him and made a face while looking at his lap.

"I'll tell you later, Kai. Some people don't know how to mind their business." Kaison said popping the watermelon flavored jolly rancher into his mouth as Sophie did the same but with her blue raspberry flavored one. Kye snorted and Dior gripped his hand tighter trying his best to ignore the ignorance that poured out of the dark-skinned boys mouth. Kaila said nothing as she nodded sensing the awkward tension build up in the car. But of course, Sophie let it be known that she was still confused about what Kaison meant.

"I'm still confused I mean, you have no boyfriend and if you did you would have told us but, your sitting here acting as if it's a secret just spill it already." She said waving her arms around as Kye giggled earning a glare from Kaison who crossed his arms.

"Why does it matter that much?" Kaison asked smirking visibly glancing over at Dior as he turned to talk to Kye. Kaila was still surprised that Kaiden hadn't caught wind of this, she was surprised that he didn't see the two holding hands whenever the sat down in their seats because they had purposefully stopped holding hands when walking to the car, Dior had told Kye that he didn't want Kaiden in his business and that he would let him find out for himself later on. Sophie shrugged and laughed out loud causing Kaiden to wince a little bit which Sophie quickly apologized about earning a smile.

"It doesn't matter that much but you're trying to make it seem like it does. If you don't want us to know then you shouldn't have brought it up to us." Sophie turned around forward in her seat lifting her legs up to cross them, earning an eye roll from Kaison. She just jealous cause she ain't got no man, Kaison thought turning to look out of his window.

"Take us to Cracker Barrel." Dior blurted out rudely earning an elbow from Kye and a slap on the back of the head from Kaila. He glared at Kaila as he playfully stared over at Kye with a serious facial expression. "Please." He said sighing lowly earning a small smile from Kaiden and a grin from Kaila. She could tell that Kye was already leaving a positive mark on Dior so he was perfect for him in her mind. Kaiden had to make a quick left turn because he almost passed Cracker Barrel up since Dior decided to say something at the last minute.

Kaiden pulled into the parking lot looking for a space big enough for the custom made caramel colored Benz. Dior stopped him before he could telling him that he didn't need a parking space since he wasn't staying at the restaurant with them. Kaila scoffed at Dior's remark and reassured Kaiden that she would get him something to go, he thanked her and smiled as the group began to get out of the car leaving him alone. "I love you guys! Don't forget to call me so I can know you're okay!" Kaila returned the saying and said that she would call him later on while Dior ignored Kaiden and started a conversation with Kye while Kaison stared at the two, fuming.

Kaiden pulled off leaving them all alone and trying to figure out where they would sit once they got inside. "I want to sit in the corner over there by the windows, I like sitting next to windows, shit lit." Kaila said checking her phone for any new messages, tucking her phone back into her pocket after texting Sophie back about how extra Kaison was being. Everyone shrugged and agreed on the seating area and they were all about to head inside the restaurant before Dior and Kye were stopped by an older couple who approached them with scowls on their faces.

"Is this your friend?" The woman asked glancing over at her husband before returning her gaze back over to Dior. Kye didn't answer he only began to look at Dior as well while waiting for his answer. Dior's face turned up into a scowl as well because he couldn't figure why it was any of the couple's business who Kye was to him.

"Nah this my bitch. Why?" He asked snarling as the older couple gasped. Kaison overheard this and sighed loudly for them all to hear but no one turned to regard him. The man tapped his wife as if he was telling her to continue the conversation.

"Young man, I don't like your language and frankly I was going to be nice and let you know that what you two are doing is a sin! I was trying to save you from eternal burning in hell but if you want to live the rest of your life as a sinner then so be it. You two need Jesus!" She said tipping her nose in the air to look down on the two. Her husband nodded in agreement and everyone began to stare at Dior wondering what he would say next. Kaila could tell that he was about to explode any second but the damage was already done and there was nothing she could do to stop the furtherance of it.

"I can help yo old ass meet him." Dior said letting go of Kye's hand, he had been holding onto it for so long and so tightly that his own hand had begun sweating profusely but he could care less at the moment. The woman and man couple looked between themselves confusingly trying to figure out what the young boy had meant before the woman eventually spoke up again.

"Meet who?" She asked eyeing Dior cautiously.


How was it?

Y'all are going to have to start voting and commenting for me to keep updating like this. Pretty soon I'll stop all together if this book isn't going to receive any feedback. I feel like I'm lying to myself whenever I say that because writing is my passion and I wouldn't stop for anybody.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!❤️

What are your thoughts on Sophie?(played by paigexchantell I will get more into Ms. Leia's character later on and she will be played by pplenvymothernigglet )






- Miya ❤️

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