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By uvusthetic

65.2K 1.9K 960

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โคท ๐•บ๐–›๐–Š๐–—

1.7K 67 17
By uvusthetic

~ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚑 ~
~ 𝟻:𝟺𝟻𝚙𝚖 ~

The journey to the docks felt like it took forever. Everyone was silent for the whole way and the tension was so thick. At one point a pen fell off of my desk and the other four who were with me flinched like they had just heard a gun shot. When I tell you I felt like curling up in a ball and rolling down a hill I mean it. It was so embarrassing!

Currently, we were all sat at our desks waiting for our next orders. This trailer is so weird. It looks average sized from the outside but in truth it's like a tardis, y'know normal looking on the outside but fucking mahoosive on the inside? My vocabulary gets better and better everyday.

The walkie talkie starts crackling so I pick it up and mess with it a bit so the sound is clear. "Y/n?" I hear Atsumu's voice on the other side and I feel somewhat relieved after hearing his voice.

"Yo waddup pretty boy" I try and act calm to see if it would have an effect on everyone else and luckily it actually did. Each one of them visibly relaxed and smiled at me. Yay I did something right!

I hear him clear his throat on the line and can't help but smirk. "This is serious Y/n"

"I know I know I was just tryna relieve some of the tension, what have you got for me?"

I hear some shuffling but I can't make out what he is doing. "Yer friend Kageyama Tobio got in touch with us and he's helping out" now this I wasn't expecting but I was glad he managed to get out without bringing any attention to himself. Having him on our side also gave us a big advantage because he's extremely skilled but there was still something not right.

"What about Hoshiumi and Ushijima?"

It takes him a few seconds but he answers me. "They got in touch too but they're hiding, they didn't wanna get involved just in case anything goes tits up" I felt an overwhelming urge to laugh at the way he chose to word what will happen if everything goes to shit but I held it in. "It's all startin' soon so get ready" he goes to cut the connection but I catch him just in time to ask him what the signal will be for us to start working and all he replies with is, "it won't be difficult for yer to work out" and then he cut it off. The fuck does that mean?!?

"Ooookay then" I put the walkie talkie back in its charging port and run my hands through my hair. Not gonna lie I was feeling kinda stressed right now because this was a big night, but I needed to keep calm for everyone else.

"What's going on?" I hear one of them ask. It was a woman around my age (I think) and she was trying to portray an aura of confidence but I could tell that deep down she was shitting bricks. To be honest I don't blame her.

"We've just gotta sit here and wait for the signal, whatever the hell it's gonna be" we all slump in our chairs and finish the conversation there because if a signal was to go off we'd need to hear it.

~ 𝕬𝖙𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖚'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁 ~

I wish I could've told Y/n more but even I didn't know what the signal would be. All I've been told is that a couple of the Crows are gonna walk with the other group and something will happen to let all us know when to move in.

"This is so fuckin' stupid..." I huff out and run my hands over my face. Im currently stationed in the open warehouse just at the end of the docks. We had heard that L/n (Father's name) would have units placed all over to make sure this is a done deal, apparently once he's arranged something it has to go ahead or everything will end in bloodshed from either the opposite side or his own if that's what it'll cost to keep him in power. Evil bastard...

"Atsumu-san?" I look to my right and see Hinata whispering at me whilst looking around the crates we were stationed behind. I reply with a simple 'hm?' and fortunately he understands. "They've just arrived so Yachi and Kiyoko are walking up with the group now, get ready" he goes to sneak to the other side but I grab the back of his collar before he can. "What?! I need to get in position!" He whisper-shouts at me.

"Do you have any idea what the signal will be?" He looks at me as if he was confused but quickly shook that expression off. He told me that the signal is when all the guns start shooting and then he darted off to where he needed to be. Thanks for that captain obvious, as if I wouldn't know that the fighting had started if guns started shootin'!

I didn't mean to have such aggressive thoughts but I was just as stressed as everyone else if not more. Shit I better start focusing!

~ 𝕹𝖔 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖋𝖎𝖈 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁 ~

Yachi and Kiyoko made sure they were prepared before joining their allies and making their way to the designated meeting spot. It was right in the middle of the docks between all of the open warehouses and shipment containers that didn't move until the order was due. It was eerily quiet and made the suspense atmosphere even worse. Yachi seemed to be even more paranoid then usual because her eyes were constantly darting from side to side and occasionally she would subtly check behind her because she had a feeling they were maybe being followed, but a quick word of reassurance from Kiyoko soon made her focus return to the mission at hand.

"Ah~ Mr. Fujimori how wonderful to see you again" the rigid voice of your father bellowed across the docks and even made the containers shiver with fear. Even inanimate objects could smell the pungent stench of blood that followed the evil bastard around. If anyone researched how many have died at the hands of L/n (father's name) then they would soon feel as if he was standing on a pile of bodies and bones from all kinds of people from all different cultures in this corrupt country.

Mr. Fujimori, the man named earlier adjusted his tie and cleared his throat before holding out his hand with a neutral facial expression. "The pleasure is all mine, how's the investigation going?"

He visibly tensed at this but soon relaxed. He answered with gritted teeth. "Nothing yet but I appreciate your concern, now shall we proceed to sign the papers?" The both nod and someone comes up behind your father with a suitcase, when opened some documents and money were there on display. "No one have any objections before we begin?" He spun around in a circle with his arms out and a shit eating grin on his face, he knew no one would oppose him but that all changed today.

"I'm not objecting but I have a question" Yachi raises her voice and the spotlight is now on her. "What's that on your leg?" He looks down and when he does she flings a throwing knife at his shin and it's a direct hit, he goes down in pain and the shooting starts as everyone tries to find safety.

His blood dripped on the floor and was almost pitch black, tainted by evil and the suffering of those he has harmed. 

It meant war.

~ 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁 ~

I heard gun shots and nearly shat myself because it was so unexpected but I quickly sat up and put my headset on. "That's the signal so get moving!" everyone nods at me and they leave with suitcases containing computers linked up to all sorts of explosives planted around the docks. I stay seated at my desk and get working on my task. We managed to hack into the cameras all around the area and I had to make sure no one apart from my father was alive or running around before we move on to the final part of the mission.

"Can you see me Y/n?" I hear Atsumu through the intercom and I quickly search through the cameras before I spot him.

"Got you, it's clear up for around six metres then there will be someone on your right at two o'clock" he thanks me and I watch him manoeuvre through the area before shooting the person I mentioned. Good fucking thing I can tell the time isn't it!

"Nice one, keep this up and we'll be done with this in no time" he finishes with what he's doing before responding but all I reply with is an 'aye aye captain' as I see others run across the screen.


It had been around ten minutes since everything started blowing up and people began fighting each other and soon enough each and every single man my father brought with him was either dead because they wouldn't cooperate or having their movement restrained to prevent them from doing anything that could ruin this for us. "Y/n?" I hear Atsumu again so I turn on my mic and respond.

"What's up?" Whilst I was waiting for his response I was scrolling through the cameras before stopping when I saw my father. He was crouched on the ground trying to pull the knife out of his leg but since it was curved at the end he couldn't. Serves him right for being such a fucking asswipe. Bitchass hoeass- okay you get the point...

"We're ready for you come on out" instantly I remove my headset, grab my gun and make my way to the meeting point. Everyone was there: Sakusa, Atsumu, Hinata, Bokuto, the Crows, EJP, Kuroo was with Kenma and Lev and then Oikawa had shown up with Iwaizumi. They all circled my father as he shuffled around on the cold, dirty floor in agonising pain. Where he fucking belongs...

I walk through the small crowd and make sure my gun is locked and loaded. He looks up at me when he hears me stop in front of him. "Y/n?" He rubs his eyes as if he didn't believe I was actually standing in front of him.

"Hey there dickbrain, how're you feeling?" I try to be as condescending as I can, I wanted to make his pain last for as long as I could.

"Y/n I thought we fixed your language" he sits up and rests back on his elbows. I wanted to wipe the scummy look off of his face right there and then. "Put the gun down and let's discuss this" he knew what he was doing and I most certainly was not going to let him have his way, not this time and not ever again.

"In your dreams..." I walk closer to him and kick the knife further into his shin, he hisses and winces in pain and I feel somewhat full of pride. "How's that feel? Do you want an ice pack to help?" I pout and flash him my puppy dog eyes before chuckling. I circle around him and watch as the fear in his eyes gets bigger and bigger. I felt so empowered, all of the people who have suffered because of his tyranny. "This reminds me of something" I kneel down so that I am eye level with him and I swear that I could see his eyes shaking. Karma's a bitch~

"is this how mum felt before you killed her? Did she have the exact same fear in her eyes? How do you think she felt when she saw the meant to be 'love of her life' aiming a gun at her? HUH?!" I kick his chest and he falls backwards, I no longer felt any mercy I just wanted to kill this evil bastard. I aimed the gun at his head and went to pull the trigger but before I could he spoke again.

"Wait Y/n don't do this, I am your father surely we can work this out"

I couldn't help but laugh at this. "One, what the fuck is this? Star Wars?" I start to make Darth Vader breathing noises before repeating "I am your father" and then laughing again. Eventually I stop and my serious face returns. "Two, who the fuck do you think you are asking for mercy now? You're lucky I'm just gonna shoot you and not wipe the floor with your ugly mug...but fine I guess I'll give you some mercy" and to do this I shot him in the neck instead of his head and sure enough he started choking and I got what I wanted. He would definitely die but he'll feel a whole lotta pain before he does.

Something didn't seem right to me though. I thought I heard another gun shot when I shot my dad but I played it off until I turned around and saw Sakusa kneeling on the ground holding his chest, the person who shot him was being held down by Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata.

I felt a surge of anger in me. "OI!" I storm over to Sakusa and grip his chin lightly so he's looking at me. "And who gave you permission to die?" He tries to chuckle at this but it instead comes out as a choking noise. Blood was seeping from his chest and staining the previously white button up shirt he had on.

"God...I want to drown in bleach right about now..." when he said this I remembered about his mysophobia so I laid him down on his back and took his gloves off before holding them in my hands to put pressure on the spot he was bleeding from. C'mon! c'mon! Clot already!

"Let's just get you to a doctor first yeah?" I make sure that he keeps his eyes open and that his breathing is steady. Atsumu and Bokuto had ran off to grab a stretcher so that we could get him back to the private doctor at the house. "Out of all people you had to get hurt didn't you?" I sigh and check the bleeding, it was still going for it but not as much.

"Sounds like you really care about me" he chokes out.

I roll my eyes and click my tongue. "Of course I do" Atsumu and Bokuto quickly return and we get Sakusa into the back of the trailer before they hop in the front and start driving, I stayed in the back with him.

"It's not serious you know-"

"Shut up" I cut him off.

"Y/n I mean it-"

"I know but that doesn't stop me from worrying!" He finally picked up on my distress and gently held my hand, stroking the back of it. "Go to sleep, we'll be there soon" he does as I say and drifts off.

"Thank god it's finally..."



I finally got one out again 💀
Apart from that thank you for the continuous support and 3k+ reads on this <33

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