Different kind of comfort

By LololovaX

48.8K 1.8K 217

Kate Beckett is a principal for an elementary school and when she first meets Alexis Castle she's a bit sorry... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting
Chapter 2 - Mature Talk
Chapter 3 - Movies and Talks
Chapter 4 - Morning
Chapter 5 - Lunch Coffee
Chapter 6 - Confusing Thoughts
Chapter 7 - Nothing
Chapter 9 - Laser Tag
Chapter 10 - You and me
Chapter 11 - A Month Later
Chapter 12 - The Castle Loft
Chapter 13 - Preparations
Chapter 14 - Mystery Tree
Chapter 15 - Fiery Red
Chapter 16 - Bad news
Chapter 17 - Interrogation
Chapter 18 - Investigation
Chapter 19 - Old case
Chapter 20 - The Call
Chapter 21 - The girls are alright
Chapter 22 - Questioning
Chapter 23 - Not leaving
Chapter 24 - Getting caught
Chapter 25 - Overprotecting
Chapter 26 - Busted
Chapter 27 - Bed talk
Chapter 28 - Sleeptalk
Chapter 29 - New people
Chapter 30 - Takedown
Chapter 31 - Hell breaking loose
Chapter 32 - Coney Island
Chapter 33 - Surprise date
Chapter 34 - Sky filled with stars
Chapter 35 - A leap in time (final chapter)
Bonus Chapter - First time

Chapter 8 - Saturday Morning

1.6K 62 16
By LololovaX

Rick Castle's POV

I woke up with a strange feeling of happiness and when I opened my eyes I saw her laying right in front of me. Kate Beckett, the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on. I smiled at the thought of being in the same bed as her. She looked so peaceful, so relaxed, in her sleep. It felt like we had known each other for years, when we'd only known each other for two days. It was crazy how enchanted I already was with her. It was hard for me trying not to touch her while she laid there in front of me, with an angelic smile on her lips and probably dreaming about something as beautiful as her. Her hair was a bit messy but it still looked absolute perfect. I never wanted to leave this bed, I wanted to stay in this moment forever, just watching her sleep. Not a worry showing in her adorable face. But I knew I had to do something, something that she could wake up to. I felt like I had to go make breakfast for her, she would probably be hungry when she woke up. So as quietly as I could I moved out of bed, but first I couldn't help myself but gently touch her cheek with my lips. She moaned quietly before she returned to the undisturbed sleep she had been in. I put on my clothes and sneaked out into the kitchen. I searched through the fridge and found the ingredients I needed. I decided to make pancakes, scrumbled eggs and some bacon. I didn't know what she liked and since I found all of the ingredients I needed for those things I decided to make them. I also made some coffee so it could be done once the food was. As I started with the food I thought about her. About the way her lips felt against mine. About what could lay ahead of us. I really wanted to stay in her life, become a part of her everyday. I couldn't believe I was thinking about this already, none had made me feel this way or this fast before. I couldn't stop thinking about her, not since I had met her only two days ago, when she had called me in because my daughter had pranked her teacher. Speaking of daughter, I took out my phone and texted my mother asking if everything had been good, I also told her that it might take a while before I got home and if there was anything she should just call me. When I was done with the food I found a plate which I put the food on and then I searched for a tray. As soon as I found one I put the plate with the food on it and poured coffee in a cup which I also sat on the tray. I looked around, it didn't feel right with not having a flower or something else on the tray making it prettier. I saw a vase with roses in it and went over to it. I prayed she would forgive me as I took one of the roses and broke off the flower from the stem and put the red rose on the tray. I threw the stem in the trashcan and ran a hand through my hair, taking a deep breath.

"Let's go" I whispered to myself as I took the tray in my hands and headed off to the bedroom.

Kate Beckett's POV

I was dreaming about him. About the man who had showed up at my apartment. The man who had kissed me and even though it felt so wrong it had felt so right. Wrong because he was a parent to one of the kids at my school, and also because he seemed to be a pretty childish person, at least according to our first meeting. But it felt right because... well, yeah... it just did. It felt like we belonged together, and every time he touched me, or kissed me, I felt this energy inside me which I had never felt before in my entire life. It felt right, he felt right. As I started to wake up I remembered the night before. Remembering how gentle he had been, always making sure I really was okay with it. We did manage to decide not to go further than kisses and touching. It had been his idea, not to go too far. He didn't want me to wake up in the morning regretting it all, didn't want me to not be able to make the right decisions while being a bit affected by the wine I had been drinking. I was glad he had stopped me, even though I now knew I wouldn't have regretted it I was relieved he cared about me enough to stop me from doing something I might not completely be into. I smelled food and I couldn't help but try to pull me further out of the sleep. When I finally was able to open my eyes I saw Castle stand beside the bed looking down at me. I smiled and closed my eyes again. That's when I felt the bed change and then I felt his lips smoothly touch mine. Automatically I returned his kiss and he seemed to have a hard time pulling away from me now. I giggled and he broke loose.

"Mornig, sleeping beauty" he said and I smiled as I shook my head.

He picked up a tray he had put on the night table and sat down beside me. I sat up and when I was sitting up fully he put the tray in my lap.

"What's this?" I asked surprised as I saw all the food on the tray.

"Breakfast" he said simple and I eyed him.

"You are trying to make me fat, aren't you?" I said angrily, but only because I wanted to mess with him.

"What, no!" he looked terrified. "I wanted to make you a good breakfast, and I didn't know what you liked so I decided to make it all" he continued babbling on, not looking at me which resulted in him not seeing the growing smile on my face.

I put a hand on his cheek and turned him to me and shut him up with a long, deep kiss. He immediately relaxed into the kiss and I could literally feel his worry leave his tensed body. He really didn't want to insult me. We pulled away and he pointed at my food.

"Now eat, it's Saturday, let's go out do something later" he suggested and I bit my inside cheek before I started digging into the food, starting with the bacon.

When I had eaten half of the bacon I looked at him, he was watching me. I blushed before I asked what I had been meaning to ask.

"Where's your food?" I saw him shrug his shoulders.

"I'm not that hungry, plus I stole some while making it" he answered and I narrowed my eyes.

I took some bacon on the fork and moved it towards him. He gave me a surprised look, a look which I replied with determination. He ate it and I smiled. I moved on to the scrumbled eggs and I continued giving him food as soon as he had swallowed what he had in his mouth. When we had eaten everything, including the pancakes, I put the tray on the bed beside me before I climbed on top of him and met my lips with his. I could feel him getting aroused as I felt his hands land on my back, rubbing small circles on it. I let my fingers travel into his hair and play with it. I let go of his lips to catch my breath and leaned my forehead towards his. He breathed as hard as I did.

"Do you still have alcohol in your system?" Castle asked carefully.

I looked down at him and with a smile on my lips I shook my head.

"I don't think so no" I said and I saw his small smile widen before I crashed my lips back on his.

He immediately started kissing me back, brushing his tongue past my lips and I let him in. I started moving towards him and I felt his member getting more and more excited. Without any warning he pushed me down on the bed and I let go of a squeal as I hit the bed. He hovered over me and looked into my eyes. I laughed and I put my legs around his body and he leaned down to kiss my neck. I moaned in his ear and that only made him come back to kiss my lips. We had to pull away for air once again and that's when I heard him calming himself down. He was still hovering over me but I could see he tried to control himself.

"We should get out of bed before we do something stupid" he said and looked me into my eyes.

"Why not continue?" I asked but I smiled at his words.

"Because, I don't want to screw this up, I want you, believe me" he added in a lower, hungrier voice, "but I don't want this to be a one time thing."

I bit my lip smiling and nodded.

"Okay, no sex, but please, one more kiss?" I asked and looked at him with puppy eyes.

I could see him light up as he leaned down and kissed me passionately. We broke the kiss and crawled out of bed a few minutes later. He took the tray and left me in my room so I could change into my everyday clothes. When I got out to the living room I found him just putting away the dishes.

"You didn't have to do the dishes" I said and he jumped.

I started laughing as he turned around and looked at me with an annoyed look on his face. I walked up to him and smirked.

"What's wrong Castle? You scared?" I teased and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I wasn't scared" he defended himself.

"You keep telling yourself that" I said with a smirk and we looked at each other in silence.

I was starting to get nervous he was angry since he didn't change the look on his face. That was when he suddenly swooped me up bridal style and spun with me in his arms. I started screaming and it quickly turned into a laughter. He stopped spinning and I hit him lightly in his chest.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed and winced in fake pain.

I laughed and he pretended to almost drop me, which only made me scream more.

"Stop" I laughed and he did it again.

I clasped my arms behind his neck to keep me from actually falling. He was laughing at me and pretended once again to drop me. I laughed and closed my eyes as I held myself closer to him.

"Stop, or I will do something" I threatened and suddenly I felt him and me drop down at the same time.

I screamed for real and opened my eyes in fright and saw he had bumped down in the couch.

"What the hell!" I shouted as he started laughing hard.

I hit him in his chest and I raised myself from his lap. As I was about to walk away from him, being slight mad at him, he took my hand and pulled me down again. When I landed in his lap again he pushed me down further on the couch, so I was lying down, and climbed on top of me.

"You're not really mad" he chuckled and I raised one of my eyebrows.

"You wanna bet?" I asked challenging.

He shook his head and leaned down to kiss my lips slowly.

"Am I forgiven yet?" he asked as he pulled away and I shook my head, starting to have a hard time keeping my angry face.

He leaned down and kissed my lips again, slow, passionate, sweet, gentle. I couldn't stop myself but start kissing him back. I ran my hands down his chest, feeling his muscles under his shirt. I could feel my tingling lips get swollen from his kisses but I didn't care. His lips felt so perfect against mine. Who was I kidding? I couldn't stay mad at him if he kept kissing me like this! We both jumped as a phone started ringing nearby. He pulled away and looked towards the kitchen bench and sighed. He looked at me again and pecked my lips two times before he climbed off me and headed towards the phone. I followed him with my eyes and sat up in the couch, pulling up my knees to my body and leaned against the back of the couch with the right side of my body. I watched as Castle took up his phone and answered it.

"Castle" he said into it while he looked at me.

I thoughts of stop listening but I was too curious not to eavesdrop on him. Plus he did look at me, so he knew for sure I was listening. We had eye contact during the whole conversation.

"Mother, do you have to go to the theatre now?" he said with a sigh. "Right now? Fine, I'll be home in about twenty minutes. Okay, put her on the phone."

I watched him closely and I immediately saw the change in his eyes as he started talking to whoever it was on the phone now.

"Heeey pumpkin!" he said happily and I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, we're coming home soon, gram have to go but I know you can be by yourself for about twenty minutes, right?" he asked and I tensed as soon as he said 'we'. "I knew you would be okay, I have to go now so we can come home as soon as possible, see you in twenty, love you sweetie" he said and after she had answered he hung up.

"What do you mean by 'we'?" I asked with wide eyes and he chuckled.

"You're coming with me" he said and walked over to me.

"No I'm not" I said and he sat down in front of me.

"Yes you are, come on Beckett, or are the principal afraid of spending the day with one kid instead of a hundred?" he asked with a smirk.

I opened my mouth but I couldn't think of anything to say. He took my hand and kissed it before intertwining our fingers.

"Fine, but no introducing me as your 'girlfriend' or 'special friend' " I demanded and he shook his head in agreement.

He leaned forward and pecked my lips.

"And no kissing in front of her, I don't want anyone to find out yet... especially not the kids" I said and he looked down in disappointment. "Deal?" I asked and he looked up at me.

"Okay, on one condition" he said and I narrowed my eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You're playing laser tag with us" he said with a smirk.

I bit my lip and narrowed my eyes further. How bad could it be? He couldn't mean real laser tag right? He couldn't own those kinds of guns, right? They were too expensive, they had to be. Right?

"Deal" I said and he smiled leaning forward and kissing me deeply before he dragged me out of the couch setting our steps towards the little girl.

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