The Weeping Angel (Depressed...

By MoonLight-kun_

62.7K 1K 4.9K

Angel's are known for being God's follower, a holy creature, a good person. But the Weeping Angel are not kno... More

Chapter 1 (Not really)
Harem part 2
Chapter 1: New students?
Harem part 3
Chapter 2
Harem part 4
Just S***posting
Chapter 4 is coming tomorrow
Chapter 4 part 1
Voting results
Chapter 4 pt 2
If your sad.
Harem part 5 (Plus announcement)
Chapter 5......
Outtakes of Chapter 5
Harem part 6
New looks
Goodbye Rushia
.... Sup

So long.....

1.3K 28 22
By MoonLight-kun_

Light: So umm... I'm not ready yet

to decide on the votings and the votings will end at april 20 so yeah expect that. Also I'm running low on money trying to fix the damn wall Haruka keeps breaking and I'm really in need of those cash. So I put out a flyer saying that I could have a roommate and low and behold I got two.

Light: Let's see who those are..... Oh no.


???2: Yeah! Free food!

Light:Oh No. Why you two?

Light: And deadpool what's up with that Unicorn?

Deadpool: Nevermind that! We're here because of that ad you put!

Light: Okay I understand you Deadpool but why you Neptune? Don't you have a country to rule or run or whatever you goddess do?

Neptune: Yeah but that doesn't matter for now.

Light: Okay fine as long as you pay your rent.

Haruka: Light, I think you delayed the story for too long now.

Light: Oh right!

Y/n p.o.v

I am currently walking down the hall after that exhausting class. Haruka maybe the only one who suffered me than me tho... Anyways I was just on my way until I saw someone inside a room with her head peeking out.

Then she disappeared.... That was something. I turn around not wanting to deal with that s*** until I ran straight into a blonde.

???: Hey Mongrel have you seen a certain white haired boy with a red and brown eyes?

Is he talking about Haruka? He looks so serious. What is he planning to do?

Y/n: Umm... No I haven't?

???: Hmph, useless mongrel.

Then he walks away. Honestly I wanted to punch him in the face but decided to gold back since I don't know much about him. I should stop coming across random weird people. I then went to my room and saw the boys there. Haruka on his phone talking to someone, Taylor being toxic while playing Apex Legend, Jonathan sleeping soundly and Dante reading a book about some kid becoming a wizard and going to a wizard school. I then went towards the bed and Haruka said his goodbyes and hang up the phone.

Y/n: Oh yeah, Haruka someone was looking for you.

Haruka: Who?

Y/n: Some weird blonde with red eyes.

Haruka: .... What did you say?

Y/n: What did you do?

Haruka: Touche.

Y/n: But that's not even-

I saw Haruka jump out the open window. I sighed knowing he will survive but will have a few broken bones. Today is really slow and nothing much is really happening. I then went into our kitchen and grab myself a soda on the fridge while waiting for my stream to begin. Nothing much is happening.


(Playing Among us with Haruka, Jonathan, Taylor, Dante, Amelia, Gura, Calliope, Kiara, Ina)

*Emergency meeting*

Ina: So what's up?

Calliope: I think Haruka is sus.

Haruka: Why me?

Calliope: Because I saw you go to one room and exit it without doing anything inside!

Jonathan: Yeah, she has a point.

Taylor: Okay so we are voting Haruka?

Haruka: No! vote Calli!

Y/n (Imposter): Naw she right.

Gura: Ooh~ his having a mental breakdown.

Amelia: Yeah I saw a lot of culprits have mental breakdowns before confessing or getting caught.

Haruka: Okay First of all that is all Movie and Video games and second I am not the imposter! I accidentally went to the wrong room.

Dante: Yeah Haruka is sus right now.

Kiara (Imposter): Okay let's vote Haruka!


Skip- 1

Haruka: 9

Haruka: ... I hate you all.

(Playing Tekken with Taylor)

Taylor: You think you can beat me with Lars? Hah! I am a pro using Heihachi.

Y/n: We will see about that!


Mexican Jesus: OMG! That was close!

Deliha: Woah!

Icewalow come: That's so cool!

Tess tickle: My man is still in the game!

Taylor: Hah! Imma send you to heaven after this!

Y/n: ... D*** being it on pretty boy!

(GTA 5 with Dante and Haruka)

Y/n: Get in the car!

Haruka: Alright! *Gets in car* Now drive!

Dante: Ah! Shoot them!

Haruka: Kill them al- hey is that Sykkuno!? And Rae too!
*Gets out of car and pays lester *

Y/n: Get the f*** back here Haruka!

Dante: A Sh- *Car exploded*

With Haruka

ValalaDante was exploded by ValalaDante

Angelo_Y/n was exploded by ValalaDante

Haruka: Damn..... Anyways!

(Just a Chat)

Y/n: Yeah so... That's that and *Reads superchat* Thanks to Gigguk "All hail the harem king" ..... Umm....

Y/n: So thanks Gigguk? For calling me a harem king.

Somewhere in the universe and inside a cafe

Issei: Achoo!

Haruka (DXD): You okay dude?

Issei: Yeah probably someone saying the word Harem king.

Haruka (DXD: Oh... So is it the usuals?

Issei: Yeah...

Haruka (DXD): Kay. Can we get a vanilla sundae for the formal perv!

Issei: Hey!

Haruka (DXD): Hey it's true.

Issei: .... *Sigh* I hate you sometimes.

Haruka: Hey be glad that I am the only non perv friend you have. Plus you have my master Y/n who isn't a perv at all. BTW how are you with Rias?

Issei: Oh shush you *blushes* and what about you and Shiori!

Haruka: Touche.

Light: So yeah this whole chapter isn't really important but will serve as kind of like a streaming like thing. Oh by the way, I hope I got you guys with the two usernames in the chat.

Deadpool: Light what's this?


Neptune: Bye readers! You'll be seeing a lot of universe with different Y/n in them and more of me and Deadpool in the stories!

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