Calling Out For You

De Bretaughtyou

159K 9.8K 2.9K

Micah Maisonet is GSU's big shot on campus. He's not just the star quarterback, he's a young man with confide... Mais

A|N 🤎
2 | adulting
3 | benched
4 | just fine
5 | home bound
6 | home sweet home
7 | moving on in
8 | not my man
9 | cutting ties
10 | answers
11 | not again
12 | happy birthday marley
13 | the master of circumstances
14 | the L word
15 | complexity
16 | end all-be all
17 | run it back
18 | foe
19 | when you know, you know
20 | accepting it
21 | the last one
Thank you 💙

1 | for the love of the game

13.1K 559 247
De Bretaughtyou

I could hear the roaring of the crowd, the last moments had them on their feet, anticipating the ending of this long-awaited game. It was a close one, and at the moment I couldn't be in my head about all of the shit we could've done differently. I had to bring it home. The downpour of rain began to pick up, melting the field beneath me.

With only a few minutes left on the clock, I was trying my best to keep my head in the game. As usual, other shit was on my mind. I didn't want to talk about it, or think about it - but that was my life. Always had been. The difference being, the younger me would lash out on any nigga that looked my way. I thankfully grew out of that - football being the escape that I needed to channel my anger...about everything.

Hopping out of my thoughts, I drew my attention back to the field. My position as a quarterback meant I had to be on my p's and q's - I was always reminded of that.

"One two, one two!" I grasped the football the moment it flew into my palms.

Defense was on their bully, giving me a small time frame to locate an open Nolan on the field. I sent the ball on its way across the field, where it was smoothly caught, defense-heavy on the heels of his blue and white cleats. I ran down the field. I was so close, I could damn near taste it. The grass flying underneath my feet, cool wind brushing past me and crashing into my face. After Nolan passed it off to Morgan, he spotted me open on the field - ready to take it home.

At this point, I was flying past niggas with one thing in my vision...a touchdown. Once the ball was back in my hands, I picked up my pace - only to suddenly feel the wind being knocked out of me.

"Arghhh." I clutched my sides, trying my best to endure the sharp pain. Damn. Where was Ramone? He should've been watching my front and back.

"Maisonet, you cool?" Reese asked, hovering over me with a few of my other worried teammates.

I tried my best to raise to my feet but felt that same sharp pain riding its way up my back.

Come on man, get up. You took harder blows than that. That's what I was telling myself...but my body was saying otherwise.

My inner motivation seemed to work, as I managed to push past the pain and stand - and just like that, I could see the sighs of relief from my teammates. The last thing we needed was another injury. One of our wide receivers, Jeff had been benched for the season, along with Cordae - our center.

It was no secret that I was one of the best on the field, and had been since his freshman year. Both my speed and reaction time made me nearly untouchable, but shit, I wasn't invisible and was proof of that fact whenever someone jerked the field from underneath me, like tonight. I can admit, my pride was way too big to know when it was time to sit out. I never sat out, even when feeling the horrid pain like I currently was. A time-out was called, and Coach Jean huddled all of us together.

"Maisonet, you're out." Coach told me straight up, "You look hurt, I don't want to chance anything the last few seconds of the game."

I shook my head adamantly, "I'm good, I can bring it home coach." I tried to hide my grimace as another bolt shot through me, this time in my shoulder.

"You sure bro, that was one hell of a hit." Nolan, my best friend commented. He gave me a concerned look through his helmet that I ignored. I didn't need sympathy at the moment, I needed a play that was going to score the last few needed points in order to win the tight game.

"I'm sure...what we doing, CJ?" I asked, looking over to Coach Jean.

He already knew what it was. There was no way I was sitting out when we were so close to winning. I could heal later, like I said...this was nothing. Despite his uneasy feeling about my possible injury, Jean gave the next play, allowing me to go back out into the field to prove myself. I rarely doubted myself.

Even when things seemed awry, I tried my best to push through. Football was the very thing that allowed me to take out any built-up emotions inside, ones that I otherwise would keep hidden away or allowed to control my life.

If you had asked young Micah would he wanted to be - I would've said a boxer. Just like my bro Ron. I had the skills for it, and besides, I was always bussin' a nigga in his head anyway. Shit, there wasn't a time I wasn't fighting. And then one day during my junior year in high school, I picked up a football and it was history from there. Years later, my passion remained.

"Hut, hut, hike!" I picked up my feet, dodging through defense as I gained needed yards.

My back was killing me, and I could feel that same shock traveling through me. I pushed forward, my eyes traveling to the ball flying my way. Like clockwork, I caught it and drove it to a touchdown. The GSU crowd erupted, bringing a smile to my face as I did my famous touchdown dance - forgetting all about the same pain that crippled me moments before.

"Stop playin wit me!" I barked, celebrating with Nolan, "What I tell em?!"

"You the goat, nigga!" he laughed, roughing me up just as the rest of the team came to celebrate yet another win. It felt good to watch the other team walk away in defeat, especially when moments ago they could strip away our winning streak.

"That was a close one Maisonet, but you pulled it off." Coach Jean said as we finally made our way to the sideline, "But I don't want you to compromise your health like that again."

I pulled off my helmet, "I know Coach, I just had a feeling."

I shrugged, "You know my feelings are always on point." That was the truth. It was like a sixth sense, and most times I was right.

"Yeah yeah, good game. Head to the locker room." With a shake of my head, I followed behind the team as we poured into the locker room. While coach was right, I was more determined to score yet another win than worry about something that would most likely heal itself within twenty four hours.

Maybe it was the fact that I was extremely competitive, with this being my fourth year on the team -I definitely couldn't slack - not if I wanted to go to the league one day. I had to show resilience. Entering the rowdy locker room that smelled of nothing but sweat and grass, I headed over to my locker to change out of his uniform quickly.

Nolan appeared from behind me, "After that win bro, we definitely have to go get lit. It's a party tonight by A-Hall, you comin'?" That was Nolan, always ready to party.

Don't get me wrong, I loved to play the scene - but most times after a game a nigga was winded. I needed a bath, a nap, a massage...I couldn't just take my funky ass out to go be up under niggas I would see in class the next day. As I pulled my jersey over my head, the sharp pain re-emerged yet again.

"I'm gon' have to take a rain check. That nigga must've had a grudge against me or some shit." I said. Whoever he was, all I could say was EAD.

"Shit, you never know," Nolan was wiping his face with a wet cloth when he added, "Aiight well I'll take a shot for you. You think you can drop me off at my room?" I nodded.

I would've loved to attend the party down in A-Hall, but with an injury and loads of homework on top of that, I knew it was best to just sit this one out. I changed and grabbed my equipment, then headed out to the parking lot with Nolan and a few other players behind us.

"Man, I need a tutor, bad. Chemistry is whooping my ass." said Kenny, his tall body hovering over us. I was a good 6'1, but Kenny had been surpassed that as he came in at 6'4.

Nolan kissed his teeth, "Nigga, how? Chemistry is easy as hell. Me and Mic passed with flying colors, right Mic?"

"More like De passed with flying with colors, she did all my work for me." I chuckled.

"See, that's what I need." Kenny wagged his pointer finger, "A lil chick who gon' do my work for me."

"Nah, cause then she'll go around telling everyone that y'all together. Can't have that." Hasan commented with a shake of his head. "Startin' trouble."

"Ut-oh, well here comes trouble right now." That was Nolan.

I glanced up from my phone, a smirk emerging at the sight of my girl in the distance. I licked my lips, admiring her in the blue and gold cheerleaders uniform, her lengthy black hair in two pigtails that were dusted with glitter. Demani was smiling just as wide when she spotted me eyeing her.

"Boy, we heard that. Ain't nobody trouble but your ass." London, Demani's best friend spat with her hand glued to her hip.

"You would know." Nolan winked.
"Please, don't make me throw up. I ate a good meal before the game." She shot back, and we all shared a laugh.

"Y'all are crazy." Demani laughed and I brought her in for a hug, "Hey my baby." I kissed her glossy lips.

"Wassup babe, you good?"

"I should be asking you that." she wiped her gloss from my lips, "That hit was pretty bad and I'm sure coach benched you; But let me guess, you were hard headed?"

"That's Mic for you. You gotta give the man his props though, he took it home." Nolan grinned proudly, giving me some dap.

"I'll be okay De." I insisted, "I've had it way gonna take care of me tonight?"

Demani frowned, "So we're not going to the party?"

"I'm not, my back is killing me. You can go though." I shrugged. Approaching my car, I unlocked it for Nolan and the rest of the guys to hop in.

"It' s fine." Demani sighed, her famous pouty face on, "I'll come over to take care of my big baby."

"Girl, seriously?" London sucked her teeth from behind her, "He just said you could go without him."

"Okay, and I'm staying it with my man London." She said, turning her vision back to me, "I'll meet you at your place?" London rolled her eyes, and I smirked teasingly. I honestly didn't mind if De decided to go out with her friends instead of chilling with me, but I also loved when she made the decision to be under me instead. I nodded and gave her one more kiss before hopping in my car and pulling off.

"Nigga you trippin for missing this party, especially after we just got this win. I say, you shake that little injury off and have a drink with ya team!" Nolan was still going at it.

"There's gonna be more parties this whole week plus next weekend...tonight I just feel like chillin."

"Okay well more numbers for me, yhu'heard. Cause any time yo ass around it's pretty eyes this, pretty eyes that."

"Stretch before you reach, Lan. Everybody knows I'm with Demani."
Kenny slapped me on my shoulder, "That don't mean shit to these girls, we all know that. Especially Amirah, remember her?"

"Nah, but on that que it's time to get the hell out." I was already at the campus dorms, and it was time for them to bounce. Doubling over in laughter, they hopped out one after aother.

"Aiight man, rest up!" Nolan shouted back at me, "I'll holla at you." I gave him a nod before leaving the parking lot and heading the way to my campus apartment. I was drained. While I was still semi-stressed, I was grateful that we were able to bring home a win for our team. Within minutes I was home, and didn't waste any time hopping in a hot shower. After that, I dressed down in a pair of sweats and plopped on the couch with a bowl of fruity pebbles.

"I was just about to call you." Like any time I won a game, I made a call to my brother-in law Ron, one of the closest people to me, "How was the game?"

I stretched my legs, actually enjoying the feel of the plush rug that Demani had convinced me on buying. Her ass was addicted to amazon, and before I knew it I was buying random stuff for my place.

"It was good...we won." It felt good to say that, even with my back on fire. I could hear Ron fussing with my niece and nephews in the background, "That's wassup, thanks for letting me know I can collect my bread from Nico."

"Damn, Unc bet against me? Wowww." I laughed, but should've known better. Nico believed that I belonged in the ring and never let me live down quitting. I always told him that I didn't quit, I just found an outlet that didn't get me into trouble. When I boxed, I felt unstoppable. So unstoppable, I would break my foot off in any nigga ass that stepped to me the wrong way. I was big headed, I can admit that. But again, that was young Micah.

"Is that Mic, let me talk to him!" I could hear Marley in the background, and I could imagine her prying the phone out of Ron's hands. "I miss you little bro!"

I knew she was telling the truth, mainly because she made it a routine to call me every day just to see what I was doing. I didn't mind. In the beginning, we were all the family we had. It had always been just me and Ley, until she married into the famous Graham family and life wasn't the same since. Our family was large now, and it was so many of us I often lost count.

"I miss you too...I'll be home soon for break though. Then I'll be able to get on your nerves."

I could hear a knocking at my door, and I knew that was Demani.

"Yess, just like the ol' times. I can't wait. Are you bringing your girlfriend home? Because every time I ask, you bring up some excuse. I want to meet the girl who has my brother sprung."

"Sprung?" I opened the door. Demani raised her eyebrow as she leaned in for a kiss.

"Whose sprung?" she asked, sliding past - and I couldn't help but to take a glance of her blessed backside.
"Apparently me." I scoffed.
"Off who? Better be me."
"You know it's you baby."
Marley squealed, "Eww, I did not need to hear that. Anyway, tell ms thing that she got to have you on thanksgiving, so it's only right she comes this Christmas."

"Marley said since I met your family on thanksgiving, you have to meet mine this Christmas." I relayed the message. Demani twisted her lips into a frown, mouthing a sentence I coudn't decode.
"She said she'll let me know" I came up with anything, "But tell Ron I'll holla at em later. And to tell Nico to stop hatin."

"We gon' die waiting for that day to happen!" Ron shouted before Marley ended the call.

I shook my head with a laugh, only for it to be muffled as Demani covered my mouth with hers. I could taste the cherry flavor of her lipgloss, smell the sweetness of her perfume - some Ariana Grande scent she had begged me to grab the day it dropped. I pretended to forget all about it, just to surprise her with it the next day, and she didn't know whether to be annoyed or elated. I now knew it was a good purchase, as it had me ready to get things started.

"Mhhmm, baby I didn't even get in the shower yet." She moaned into my mouth as I just begun to devour her tongue, "I got all this game sweat on me."

"Well you're the one that started with me." I backed up off her. She bit down on her plump bottom lip, "I know, I couldn't help it. You got dressed up for me huh?"

I lifted my brow, checking out my outfit that consisted of a pair of grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Demani was damn near drooling, tugging at my waistband despite her objection to get things poppin' immediately.

"I'm going to hop in the shower...are my clothes still in the right drawer?"



I was hip. Demani was marking her territory, and had been since things first started getting serious. I had been in a few dalliances my first two years on campus - I went from testing the water to swimming backwards in that mothafucka. I had always been handsome, but puberty had been even more of a blessing to me physically - allowing me to shoot up four inches, grow a nice full beard and a solid body that I worked hard to maintain all before turning twenty one years old.

The ladies loved to call me pretty eyes - my most noticeable feature being my hazel irises that drew in a plethora of women once I looked their way. I barely had to do any talking. That was how I got Demani. She was without a doubt one of the most righteous on campus - glowing reddish-brown skin, dark naturally long hair that she always had in some creative do, and one hell of a pretty face.

Things were the same in Junior year - Nolan dragging my ass to parties after games, although we had heaps of homework due the following week. It was a friday night and we decided to attend a function in the B-Hall - and that's when I saw her. Or more like she saw me. A relationship was the last thing on my mind - but three weeks after binge watching Grey's Anatomy together on my couch followed by amazing sex, I asked her to be my girl. I didn't need other niggas pushin up on what was mine, and honestly, no other girl had my interest the way she did. So, that was that.

Fastforward a year later, things were still going good, so I believed I made a good choice.

After cleaning my living room and turning off the tv, I headed into the bedroom to get ready to take it down for the night. I would try to get some reading down for class that coming monday, but I wouldn't make it a promise. I knew better than that. Realizing I left my phone in the kitchen, I retreated back out to see that Demani had grabbed it for me.

"Who the fuck is this that's been texting you!?" She snapped her neck at me so fast I was caught off guard.

My first reaction was to say, "What are you talkin about?" I for real didn't know what the hell she was talking about. My phone was dry as hell if you didn't count her and Marley constantly calling. She shoved the phone in my chest, rolled her eyes viciously, and stomped into my room. Ignoring her fit, I checked out the message myself.

You need to talk to me. Can't avoid me forever Micah.

My jaw tensed up. 267-554-8773. I knew that number by heart. It was the same number I had been avoiding the past few weeks. I kept sliding left to delete, but I just couldn't bring myself to block it. Now I wished that I had.

"Why were you touching my phone anyway?" That was my way of avoiding answering her question, although I knew she most likely wouldn't fall for it.

Demani twirled her wet hair into a bun with one finger, "Don't even try that shit with me, Micah. You never have a problem with me going through your phone."

"I didn't say I had a problem, I just asked why you're snooping."
"I wasn't snooping."
"If you say so."

I sighed heavily, sinking into my disheveled sheets. I closed my eyes, resting them for a second and enjoying the temporary silence in the room. That was until I heard her sniffling.

"De...I know you're not crying." I said, sitting up.

"I knew I should've just went to the party with London...but nooo...what do I do...come be here with your stupid cheating..."

"Cheating?" I stopped her ranting right there. I was a lot of things, but a cheater was not one of them, "So now I'm a cheater?"

"Micah, if you're not going to address the situation directly then just....just shut up. Hearing nothing is better than hearing your lies." she snapped at me again, "All my friends were right about you. You're a cocky rich boy who doesn't give a shit about -"

"It was my mom."
I took a breath.
"My mom...that was who texted me."
Silence again.
"You're avoiding your mother? I thought you had a good relationship with your family."

I shrugged, "Not my mother. I haven't seen her."

She tilted her head, "Since when, you got to campus?"

"Since I was ten, Demani, damn. I don't really want to talk about this shit." I really didn't. I hated talking about that woman. She was the reason I had been off my game for weeks. I wasn't sure how she got my cell number, but she had taken it upon herself to attempt to build a relationship that on my end, would never come to exist again. I was good off that.

"Baby you never told me your mother wasn't in your life." she said running to my side, as if I was some orphan kid.

"We never talk about shit like that. Which is...a good thing. Thinking about that puts me in a bad space. I think that's why I got hit tonight."

I shook my head at the thought, "Now...can we let this go?"

"I'm sorry...I should've let you explain."

"It's can make it up to me." When my devilish grin was returned, I knew she was just as ready as I was. Like I said...I had a lot on my mind. School, football, and Yolanda Maisonet deciding to pop in after eleven years. Demani took my mind off of that most times, when we weren't arguing about petty shit. It was never anything heavy, and most times I could calm her down without us spiraling out of control - like tonight.

"SSssss..yes baby right there." I hissed, feeling cool air slip through my teeth as I tilted my head back and enjoyed the feel of Demani's warm tongue.
I palmed the back of her head, pushing her down to further deep throat me. She took it in stride, moaning as she slurpped away, turning me on even more and bringing me to the edge.

I returned the favor by bending her over - making sure the arch was to my liking before teasing her with my index and middle finger - gently rubbing against her swollen clit. Demani was clenching the sheets, whimpering, trying her best not to fight the pleasure seeping between her legs. I focused on the pearl of the clit, my palm catching all of her juices as I maintained rythm that was driving her crazy.

"Oyyyy, fuck, Micah." She was falling apart to my liking. I finally decided to taste her, and by that time, her legs were shaking as I held them in a lock, sucking her dry. This, was all the celebration I needed.
"Mhhmm, come hop on this." I growled, wrapping my forearm around her torso and slowly bringing her down onto me after sliding on some protection. Usually I hated that I couldn't feel her, but tonight she was so wet that I definitely could.
"Got damn." I bit down on her shoulder.
She picked up the pace, trying to keep up with my deep thrusts that by her face, were giving her all types of feelings. She didn't know whether to kiss me or kill me, so I made the decision for her and took her lips into mine.

"I love you so much, Micah."
"Do you love me?"
"Right there baby."
"Fuck..babe..I'm...shit." I fell onto my back into my sheets, and before I knew was lights out.

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