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By WLWShippingOverload

353 8 6

Hello there likely sleep deprived reader! This is basically just a collage of random fics that I don't have... More

Carmen Sandiego Pt. 1

Miraculas:Chloe x Sabrina

47 2 3
By WLWShippingOverload

Chloe P.O.V.

"Chloe you shouldn't get so worked up over Adrien....." Sabrina placed her hand onto my shoulder her hand feels warm against my exposed skin. Her fingers moved slightly towards the strap of my tank top, but she flinched them away seeming desperate to make sure I wouldn't notice.

"Adrikins completely blew me off just for that dumb fencing girl!"

"Chloe..." Sabrina moved to make sure I would be looking at her even if I looked away.

"She even looks like Dupain-Chang!"

"Would you stop thinking about Adrien for once?!" Sabrina's voice quickly went from calm to a yell, her grip tightening on my shoulder. "Every day is nothing but him! What about me?! W-would you even care if something happened to me?!" Sabrina looked to the floor visibly shaking. "S-sorry I shouldn't have said that I'll leave." Her voice quieted from a yell into a forced whisper that I can't ignore. Sabrina got up making a couple feet of distance before I jumped up to grab her wrist.

What is she thinking? Have....have I really been ignoring her this much...?

"Sabrina....are you okay?" She turned to look at me letting me see the tears in her eyes.

"I...Chloe.." I hugged her seeing she wasn't going to speak in this state. "W-why are you...you don't ever show concern for anyone."

"Y-you're not just anyone Sabrina, now what's wrong?" She accepted the hug burying her face into my shoulder silently apologizing for 'ruining' my top. "Hey it's okay don't worry about my clothes, I can always have Daddykins buy me more. Just tell me why the heck you'd ever think I wouldn't care if something happened to you."

"You....y-you I...." She kept stuttering fully incapable to speak, she's not used to me acting like this. It's actually a bit frustrating.

"Sabrina just speak already damnit!"

"It's just you...it's almost like you never care for me anymore. You're always sending me to fulfill plots to get you and Adrien together....it's so infuriating when I feel like this." She said that last sentence in a whisper to the point I barely heard it.

"Feel like what?"

"It doesn't matter. Even if I tell you it won't help, in fact it'd make things worse."

"You don't know that, just be open with me Bunny."

"B-bunny?" I chuckled at Sabrina's face as she suddenly looked up at me her face easily becoming red.

"Don't tell me you forgot I used to call you Bunny?" Sabrina seemed shocked as she looked back down.

"N-no I just wasn't expecting it." Sabrina laughed making me feel a bit more relaxed. "Chloe the truth is-" Our phones went off with an akuma warning before she could finish her sentence. Sabrina scowled at the buzzing tone of the alarm.

"It's just an akuma, so what were you saying?" Sabrina let go of me stepping away. She's being so nervous....what the hell does she have to say?!

"T-the truth is...we've been friends for a while right?"


"Well what if...we weren't friends?" Her hands gripped the ends of her skirt as she tried to stop her body from shaking so much.

"What? What do you mean...?"

"It's not that I don't want to be your friend it's just I...I can't stand being just friends anymore." She faced her gaze directly at me only throwing me off.

Is she being serious....?

"Sabrina what...what are you saying?" She walked towards me putting her arms around my neck. Before I could even react she had kissed me. Wait SABRINA KISSED ME?! She's ridiculous utterly ridiculous! Why would she kiss me? And why do I enjoy kissing her so much?!

"Mademoiselle are you-" My butler walked in making Sabrina push me away to look at the floor. Leaving me frozen in place staring at the open door with an embarrassed Jean whatever his name is standing there. "I'll come back later, sorry for being a disturbance." Once he left I looked at Sabrina she had started crying.

"I really should leave now...." She left without explanation but then again I guess the kiss was an explanation itself wasn't it? But not enough...how long has she been feeling like this? How long have I been ignoring her?

"Mademoiselle? Your girlfri-erm Sabrina left unhappy is everything all right?" My butler returned cautiously, seeing as neither of us were in a good mood.

"She's not my girlfriend Jean Michel!"

"My name is...nevermind. Perhaps Mademoiselle would like me to get Mr. Cuddly?"

"No...I think I'd rather be alone."

"As you wish." My butler proceeded to leave me alone allowing me to be consumed by my thoughts of Sabrina. That kiss...it wasn't like any I've ever experienced, I actually wanted to kiss her again. And I'm pretty sure that was Sabrina's first kiss, how can she kiss like that? Her lips were so soft and warm....her chapstick..I recognize the flavor, maybe I borrowed it once? I really wanna kiss her again....

"Wait no! S-she's a girl! I can't want....to kiss her...but I do... Damnit Sabrina what have you done to me?!" I flopped onto my bed screaming into the nearest pillow.


I woke up late. I didn't get much sleep and ended up going to school without putting my hair up. I was in too much of a rush. Not to mention my outfit is completely off brand for me. "Woah is that Chloe?" I passed by Alya realizing my look was going to cause attention.

"Yes. And I would like to ask something if you don't mind."

"Uhh sure what is it?"

"Have you seen Sabrina? I need to k-talk to her...."

Get ahold of yourself damnit! Staying up all night because of her is definitely making me too tired to function....

"Yeah, she went into the old classroom over there, she said she wanted to be alone or something."

"Oh umm one more thing, did she look...Uh different? Like sad?" Marinette walked up behind Alya raising an eyebrow at my question.

"Wait, you're concerned for someone? You sure you're not some friendly clone of Chloe?" I glared at Marinette watching her jump back in response. "Never mind!"

"Errr yeah...Sabrina wasn't herself" Alya got back to my original question making me sigh at the answer.

"Thanks I guess...." I walked off towards the old classroom. I glanced at my phone checking the time. "7:42 class starts at 7:51...I can work with that" I put my phone away before grabbing the door handle. Walking inside I found Sabrina siting on a bench crying to herself, she kept as quiet as possible, likely cause we're in school. "Bunny...?" She whipped her head around to look at me holding tightly onto the edge of the bench.

"W-why are you here...?" I scoffed shaking my head as I walked closer.

"Why wouldn't I be? I care about you." Sabrina gave me this look I couldn't quite read. It was almost like she was excited to see me but completely resented the whole ordeal.

"You....you let me kiss you! I was expecting for you to push me away, or yell at me something! For all I know you're against an all girl relationship...." Sabrina began to sob slightly louder at the end of her statement.

"S-Sabrina I..." I found myself walking in front of Sabrina keeping my gaze at the floor. She looked away from me almost scowling. At this point I can't take it anymore she's treating me so different and she's the entire reason why I'm scatterbrained this morning. I gripped her collar pulling her off the bench and forcing her to be fixated on me. A deep red blush flushed her face, that was now covered in shock. "Y'know what Bunny? I've been thinking about you all night and all day today...I just.." I felt myself motion closer forcing through all the hesitation. I pressed my lips to hers hearing her squeak in response. She wanted to pull away, I could feel her movements trying to get away from me. However, I wrapped my arm around her waist trying to keep her still. She eventually gave up and just focused on the kiss. I pulled away once we were out of breath. We both were gasping for air for a moment before we could speak. "I just needed to kiss you again."

"C-Chloe..." I let go of her shirt realizing my grip on it made it look ruffled... "Is this really happening?" A wave of excitement struck her voice making me feel relieved.

"Here" I kissed her cheek eagerly awaiting her cute response. She made another squeak sound satisfying my expectations."There's your answer." I called out to her as I left the room, content I finally was able to kiss her again even if she fought me for a second.

What exactly was she fighting?

I shrugged the thought off heading to class. By the time I had sat down the lack of sleep I had last night kicked in and made not falling asleep extremely difficult. So much so that I hadn't noticed Sabrina sit next to me. "Psst. Chloe, you gotta stay awake." She put her hand on my shoulder gripping a bit tight.

"Hmm..?" I responded slowly, looking at her knowing she could see how terribly tired I was. "S-sorry I just...really didn't get much sleep." I chuckled forcing it quiet quickly. Sabrina smiled sympathetically tilting her head a bit. I groaned feeling myself begin to pass out. I rubbed my eyes trying to stay awake feeling practically no difference. Suddenly everything began to shake and Ms.Bustier stopped speaking, looking out the window as did the rest of the class. An akuma had brought another villain, this one seemed to enjoy destroying the city more than the others. I sighed with relief knowing we could go home now. That was until the villain threw some kind've magic ball through the window nearly aimed directly at Sabrina and I. Sabrina quickly pushed us both onto the floor under the desk, narrowly avoiding the mystic ball. I groaned at the sudden movement and force of being pushed to the ground. The mystic ball grazed over my seat setting it on fire and hit the walkway pushing through the floor till it came to a stop. Ms.Bustier kept calm as she began to usher everyone out of the classroom incase the akumatized villain happened to attack again.

"You okay?" Sabrina spoke as she got off me, hitting her head on the table in the process. "Ow!" I couldn't stop myself from chuckling so I simply responded with a nod. "Chloe stop laughing it's not funny!"

"Mmhm sure it isn't~" Sabrina got off me trying to ignore my teasing. I followed after her exiting the classroom together. Most of the students went home but a few lingered around, fearful of getting caught up with the akumatized villain.

"Unngh I'm to tired to try getting back home right now." I groaned as I realized the akuma was likely going to cause an insane overflow of traffic.

"You can't call a chauffeur?" I shook my head growing more irritated by the situation.

"From what I saw of that person's powers the roads are going to be basically useless." I yawned rubbing my eyes again. "Unngh today is just ridiculous, utterly ridiculous."

"Chloe you need to sleep..."

"Believe me I know but where can I go to sleep in the first place? There's no way I'm going to the nurse's office, the chances of someone noticing me in there are to high." Sabrina sighed looking around assumingely finding a place. She grabbed my wrist suddenly and pulled me towards a room. I was moving all too quickly for my body to handle. I nearly fell over by the time she shut a door behind us. "Where are we?"

"Janitor's closet."

"You want me to sleep in here?" I looked around the mess of the room.

"I never said it'd be fancy." Sabrina looked around for a comfortable area spying a couple pillows that for some reason we're being kept here as storage. She began to arrange a makeshift bed while I sat down leaning against the wall pulling up the Ladyblog to see how the fight was going. Surprisingly there were no updates, so I found a live news feed seeing Ladybug and Chat Noir joined by Rena Rouge.

"Hey you done yet?" I snapped at Sabrina as a result of lack of sleep, to which she jumped but relaxed herself easily.

"Yep! Come here." I sluggishly got up and stood over Sabrina and the 'bed' she made.

"Well it's better than nothing I guess." I sighed no longer in the mood to even try to have a snarky remark. Laying down I rested my head unevenly against the pillow. Sabrina sat against the wall and started focusing on her phone. I passed out before long.

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