Alpha's Nala - Under Revision

By HavenNasia

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"Love is not a force between a mind and a body, but a force between two hearts..." But what happens when ther... More

Legaxy Dyme
Her Big Brother
The Red Eyes Guarding
Mating Season
Michael Angelo Cane
The Devil's Golden Invitation
Raised by Fangs and Magic
Wait A Minute
Human Trial
Theo Callix Gray
Welcome to Mallow Hotel
The Untold Black Story
Vacation! Destination: NALA?
Do I Know You?
Who's Nala?
Second Chances
White Witches
She's Mine
Protection Spell
Snow White
Never... Again
Volume II. Time Flies
He Completes... Me
Nalaese Marie Snow
Where is Everyone?
Starry Night
Marked and Mated... to Death
Too Late
Epilogue: Happily Ever After?

Boys, Literally

33 2 0
By HavenNasia


I was beginning to believe that Cayden, aside from being a flirt, is likely a psycho.

Sure, he may have talked and shared some useful things with me that are worth both of my time and attention. But him, having to have indirect statements about me going to the Red Moon Ball?

That's basically a whole new level of absurdity for him...

I mean, is he nuts?

He knows, as much as I know, that HUMANS are considered viands to the mixed-race; that's the very reason as to why nobody cares to invite us (humans) to any of their (mixed-race) social gatherings, regardless of our purpose or significance to the event. 

However, listening to Cayden a while ago, he did sound so confident… so sure about the idea of a human being — specifically, me — attending their ball...

Would that mean he was telling the truth then?

OR, perhaps — in a reasonable way, I am just assuming all of this.

Do take note, Cayden didn't really clarify his odd phrases when we were conversing a moment ago — much like irritating each other out, or mostly me getting pissed off by the vampire's ridicules. Let alone, provided any answers, whatsoever, to my simple questions.

The only thing he did was just left me here, on my front porch, completely stupefied…

Nonetheless, it was obvious he was implying things at me, and as much as I wanted to ask him about it, I just didn't; I admit, anger got the best of me there.

That's why, I could only surmise that maybe I poorly did hear his words, or basically misunderstood him…

Yet, am I actually that slow to understand what he meant? 

Or am I just a poor listener, to begin with?

Before I could even further contemplate the subject — thought for a better explanation to give each probability my mind was fiddling at, another rush of cold breeze hit my exposed skin.

And that's when my brain's light bulb switched on; it was just the cold September air.

Of course, that makes more sense now...

The shiver that I felt a while ago was just because of the pure breeze coming up from the snowy mountains, near our home. It doesn't help the fact that BER Months were also starting up, making the weather growing colder by the week.

Not to mention, and let's not forget, the outfit I was currently wearing. Seriously, I will easily get a shudder because aside from the fabric being too thin, the clothes themselves were showing off more skin. Especially, my halter top which had the back part styled in a very low V-shape.

So yeah, just the wind — nothing more...

“Lily?” I heard Mum called from behind, snapping me out of my reverie. 

I quickly turn around and saw her, just in time, walking towards me. 

“Who was that?” She promptly asked, her hands fixing her black topcoat while her green eyes were shifting from me and the door — where Cayden was standing from before.

“Clan messenger,” I replied while my eyes automatically took a glance at her back, waiting for Dad to appear. To my immediate wonder, he didn't emerge from Mum's back.

My forehead, instinctively, wrinkled in question.

Mum, understanding the expression, flashed me a warm smile.

“If you're looking for your Dad, he's probably” — she stopped by my side and gracefully faced me — “out in the garage, getting the car ready.” She explained. 

'Oh, okay.' I simply thought to myself.

Out of the blue though — and much to my wonder again, her smile bent down into a frown. “Just so you know, we will be using, for the meantime, the black SUV as our ride for work… thank your CRAZY brothers for that.” She quickly informed, her voice as cold as the climate itself.

I, involuntarily, trembled upon listening to that.

However, understanding what she meant and recognizing that indifferent tone in her voice, I flashed Mum a sad smile.

“Let me guess, the boys' drag race again?” 

Mum, hearing this, barely nodded her reply. Then, her jaw ticked.

“Yes,” she paused and took quick breaths, trying to control her upcoming temper, “them boys crash the red Ferrari first, last Tuesday. Then, the day after that, the blue Lamborghini and don't even ask what happened to my black jeep,” her frown deepened, “my poor black wrangler… it was not even a drag race-worthy but still, they used it. Can you believe that?” She huffed while crossing her arms tightly in front of her chest.

(Red Ferrari 🥰)

(Blue Lamborghini 😉)

(And Mum's Black Jeep Wrangler 😍)

Paying attention to this, my forehead creased in question again; thinking that this is quite impossible.

Them boys? Going back to their old ways again? 

But, I've seen them not as compulsive as before… unlike before. That's why it led me to believe that they've successfully grown out of that dangerous impulse and became more careful. 

Yet, coming from Mum, they did it again…

Been drag racing, wrecking cars to pieces, and putting their lives in danger, ONCE AGAIN — in less than a week, if I may add. Unless their reasons for it were that serious or important.

Ooooor, maybe they just did it… pure passion or just complete madness? 

I truly don't know.

But, they promised…

Mum, seeing doubt dancing on my face, grunted.

“I know what you're thinking, child. I can hear it even when you don't speak it aloud” — she rolled her eyes at me — “but yes, you heard me right… your brothers, as responsible” — she snarled at her own words — “as they were, crashed most of the vehicles we owned. The black SUV is the only one left, and in good running condition, to take your Dad and me to work.”

Bestowing my full attention to that, and sensing it was the truth, I couldn't help but feel disappointed in them.

They've really broken their promise, the only one that I asked for them to fulfill…

However, realizing it can't be helped because that's just how the boys are with their obsession with cars and drag racing — old habits die hard, as they say,  I let out a quiet sigh of acceptance.

“Let's just make sure they won't be borrowing any cars, and by means of ANY, I mean the black SUV, Mama. I, too, am using it for work you know.” I finally stated.

Unexpectedly, Mum chuckled darkly.

“Oh no, Lily. I already have a better” — she reached for her purse and then displayed in the air my brothers' ID licenses — “solution for that. There will be no driving for them, for the time being.” She affirmed, an evil grin slowly spread across her once displeased face.

I, dismissing that devilish look on Mum's face, took my time eyeing the IDs on her fingertips and then, shifted my gaze back to gape at her; I am, in all honestly, stunned right now.

However, deducing that they deserve it — and giving in to my imagination about the boys' livid expressions when surrendering their licenses to Mum, I shook my head out of amusement.

“You know, they'll be asking Papa for help about that. They know Papa's your weakness.” I pointed out with a smirk.

“Oh really? I think it's” — she jerks her thumb, shifting the three IDs aside her fingers, to reveal a fourth license ID which happens to be Dad's — “the other way around... I am your Father's weakness. Not me to him, remember that.” She announced proudly.

My eyes widened in surprise, and being amused once again, I shook my head.

“Very cruel,” I bluntly commented.

Mum's green eyes snapped at me.

“Oh no, child. This is not cruelty, this is just disciplinary action.” She simply stated, “They should be thankful I didn't take their balls out… that would have been a much better trauma to learn from, than the IDs...” Mum added, coldly again.

Heeding that, I frowned.

“Mama, that's not really nice anymore.” I scolded her, crossing my arms around my chest.

She, looking irritated now, raised a perfect eyebrow at me.

“Well, if I'm not nice, then they are dangerously reckless, Legaxy. Cars, we could buy that easily. But their life?” She paused and I noticed her body tensed, “No, we can't buy that... No second chances, child. Average witches, like me, can't bring somebody back to life. Unless otherwise, you're the Grand White Witch who has access to unlimited magic.” She explained while arranging the IDs back inside her purse.

“But that's the issue Ma, they're extinct.”

“Almost a hundred millineas now, I know child… That's the very reason why the ‘lads’ should be EXTRA careful now, or else.” 

Understanding this, I simply nod my full agreement at her. Then, a sudden realization popped inside my head…

‘Who will send me off to work then, when there's no driver?’

Mum, as if reading my expression, smiled softly at me and simply uttered — answering my unasked question, “Dad will be there. Don't worry, baby.”

Thankfully, in the next second, Mum change courses and we ended up chatting about lighter topics. We started with a few questions about my work, then short stories about my relationship with Ms. Dawn, to my relationship with my other colleagues, and stopping at a few information about my life at the hotel.

As we were finishing up the last conversation about my difficulty in using my creativity in doing business cards, Cayden's face with the gold card on hand instantly flashed inside my head. That's when I abruptly remembered the VIP card...

Without any word, I took the gold invitation out from my short's waistband and present it to Mum.

“By the way Mama, Cayden delivered this,” I stated while handing out the envelope to her.

When she saw the glittering card in my hand, her light mood instantly turned into a more joyous expression. She even clapped her hands together, expressing how delighted she was upon seeing the mentioned card.

Oh wow, someone's really excited about the gold card…

“Oh YAY! The invitations are out.” She sounded so merrily now, snatching the card from me, “You should have seen and heard the Vampire King blabbering about this to us, saying all should be delivered AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Blah, blah, blah!” — she rolled her eyes — “The old man should really learn to chill. Who cares if he hated the pile at the castle, it's still a castle you know. Nothing's gonna change there, even if we clean the clutter. Jeez…” 

Yup, she is really excited…

Her enthusiasm was infectious though, that I couldn't help but feel giddy as well. I even decided to tease her; dramatically gasping at her, pretending to be horrified by what I just heard about the Vampire King.

“Mother, you are allowed to call the Vampire King that?” I exclaimed.

Mum chuckled and put a finger on her mouth, gesturing me to shush. 

Once again, I shook my head out of pure joy.

“You're seriously going to get punished for that,” I muttered, a smile curling up on my lips.

“Oh hush, child. It's not like he doesn't hear that from me a million times now.” Mum stated nonchalantly and her attention went back to the card in her hands, completely ignoring me now.

When she was about to open the envelope, I noticed Mum unexpectedly halted. Her cheerful demeanor subsided and somewhat, realizing — or much like recalling something, Mum's green eyes grew slightly saddened. She then turned her head to the side and glance from afar.

“What's wrong Mama?” I asked, concern evident in my tone.

Mum, instead of answering me, let out a heavy sigh; something was troubling her. The invitation on her hands was unlocked midway but, rather than flipping the gold envelope to fully get the black card inside, she just sealed it back and stared at it for a moment. 

From there, I saw, she looked a bit… troubled.

“Mama,” I called, reaching for her.

“Do you know how old your brothers are now? Like, in the supernatural world kind of sense.” Mum suddenly asked, her eyes shifted to solely focus on me.

I ceased my movement towards her and instantly thought about her question for a moment. Then, being interested and curious now, I began calculating numbers based on a formula I so happen to just created at the second.

However, let's face it, I don't frankly know their supernatural age. Aside from me not asking — out of respect, they don't really talk to me about it — either shy or embarrassed, whichever was present at the time I inquired. 

All I know, at this rate, was their age based on human years; Seth's 28 years old, Axel's 26, and Howard's almost 24. 

So, admitting I'm not doing the math right, I let out a sigh of defeat.

Mum, seeing my defeat, laughed. Then, her long fingers brushed my cheeks.

“Will you be believed me if I told you they are all over a thousand years old now?” 

Oh, thousand years old… make sense.

Though, wait…


My eyes widened in realization.

“A thousand… years… old?” I repeated, clearly astonished.

Mum nodded and touched my cheeks now with her palm, explaining, “Seth's already a two-thousand-year-old Vampire. Axel, on the other hand, is a thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight Witch, while Howard's a thousand nine hundred and ninety-six old Vampire... Two years apart.”

If I'm starring on a cartoon show right now, I would really look like one of those characters with eyes popping out their sockets.


But, I guess, that's just my way of saying how shocked I really am at the revelation...

“Wow, that old.” I managed to mutter out of my amazement, “Well, that's cool then. I finally have a reason to annoy them, aside from the confiscation of their IDs.” I lightly joked.

Mum giggled at that as she took her hand out of my face and placing it on her chest.

“Oh, Lily.” She mumbled, smiling now.

However, the smile didn't last long as her face turned into a more depressing look now...

“You know Lily, we could live a thousand years more if we have our REDs with us.” She started, crossing her arms around her chest again, “They are not basically our source of immortality, but we do consider our RED as our life... They are part of us, physically and mentally. If we lose them, then our life is meaningless. However, not finding one or being matched to one, is more meaningless than the losing part. That's why I worry for your brothers, Lily... They already spend over a millennium just waiting for their REDs...” She explained, reaching for my hands now.

I gladly held them out for her and upon receiving them, Mum hardly squeezes them; she clearly needs support right now.

“In all honesty, I pity the boys. I know, they don't want to hear that from me but I can't help it. It's just… I wanted…I needed them to...” She paused and took a long, deep breath. 

When she exhaled the air, she suddenly let go of my hands and placed it back around her chest, tightly crossed once again. 

From there then, she resumed speaking. 

“I just hope your brothers can find their RED this year, especially Seth.” She looked at me, concern obvious in her eyes, “I don't want him to be REDless for the rest of his immortal life, you know.” She added.

“Mama, believe in them. Surely, they will find their matches soon.” I encourage a smile at her, “Besides, they're too determined for that, too proud to give up. You should know that by now, Mama.” I added.

She warmly smiled at my encouragement. Then her attention moved back to the envelope in her hands.

Looking at the invitation again, I caught a glimpse of Mum's expression unexpectedly changed into a more hopeful look, and then, without second thoughts, she handed it back to me — not even bothering to open it again. 

“I really hope so Lily,” Mum smiled warmly now, “I honestly wanted grandchildren from them already — Well, except from YOU. You're awfully too young for that.” She suddenly teased.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her while accepting the invitation from her grasp.

“As if I even have a boyfriend for such a thing,” I grumbled. 

Mum heard that and it was her turn now to look completely stunned.

That confused me...

“Hold on, hold on” — she reached for my hands once again and squeeze it, lightly this time — “you can't be serious, right? I mean, you particularly don't have someone special with you right now?” She asked, sounding a bit… bothered?

I shook my head — almost flustered, in a NO. 

“Not even a suitor?” She looked, suspiciously, upset by this now. 

Weird, but it's making me pretty gloomy...

Like, Seriously Mum?

What's wrong with having no suitors, anyway?

“Ma, the only suitors I have ever since I know what that word meant, tried to either break me or kill me.” I stated, my turn to be annoyed now, “Depending on whom was hungry at that time.”

Mum inhaled sharply, her green eyes slightly widened.

Wait a second, is it just me, or she looks alarmingly worried... for me?

“What about human males? Those guys from work? Oh, oh who's that guy again” — she let go of my hands and snapped her fingers — “from the front office… Kevin, was it? What about him? I remember him being so close to you… or that male with piercings, who's very obsessed with you… the engineering ” — she placed her fingers under her chin, remembering — “a guy named Demer... Deter… Demeter — ”

“Demetrius, Mama.” I interrupted, squinting my eyes as I corrected her.

“Yeah, that guy. What happened to him? To them? Please don't tell me child you broke those poor boys' hearts for the sake of work again.” She inquired, I heard a desperate tone somewhere in that sentence. 

I snorted.

“Excuse me? They are the ones who broke my heart, Mama. They're too afraid of independent women that they ended up looking for much more easy prey to pounce on.” I replied dryly. 

Mum looked perplexed at this, as she mumbled, “I don't understand — ”

“They're both cheaters, Mama. All them suitors… all are damn two-timers that I can't believe I even befriended some in the past.” I interfered again, scowling.

Mum shot me a pitiful look and then, within a second, twisted into a more anxious expression.

“Huh, but maybe not ALL — all, Lily. I mean, don't generalized men species for what a few of their brothers did to you.” She defended, encouraging a smile at me, “Some human fellas I know, are all in a long-term relationship already. Five to ten years in maximum... That's great, based on your human culture, right?”

My culture? What's it got to do with my culture now?

Mum's being silly again that I rolled my eyes.

“Sure, sure… unless they are all married,” I argued.

Mum shot me a bewildered look at first, but I noticed she thought hard about it. Then, realizing my point, her face beamed in comprehension and then into a full-blown interest.

“Actually, not all of them.” She replied softly. Still, baffled with something else, she wrinkled her forehead in question at me, “But it's still a long-term relationship, Lily. That's what counts, right?”

Oh, so that's what it is… Still, she should have known better.

I shot Mum an ‘are you serious’ look, earning me an innocent ‘WHAT’ face from her.

I immediately rolled my eyes at her once again...

“Mama, my kind has its own beliefs regarding relationships, and personally, I respect that. But being raised by mythical beings and be surrounded by them 24/7; seeing how your romances go and how strong your bonds are, made me believe that there's more to just years and affection for a human.” I expressed, seriously staring into her eyes now.

When she didn't comment or react — her full attention on me, I continued my talking.

“I wanted a CONNECTION, Ma,” I confessed, swallowing hard now since I never express my thoughts regarding LOVE before. “Not just any physical or mental attraction. I wanted it like it was intended for me, FEEL it like it was made to complete me… simply just making me WHOLE, Ma... not by heart or by mind... but a pure soul...” I explained, almost lost in thought.

Mum saw my struggle, but instead of an apprehensive face, she looked surprisingly proud of me.

“Oh my baby,” She muttered as she engulfed me into a hug, snapping me out of my daze completely, “I'm happy that you know what's best for you because you are the BEST. You're independent, clever, and strong, and no man knows that unless he is the ONE.” She freed a little from the hug to look at me, “However, the one you wish for is a bit on the dream-ish side. Are you sure you want that? I mean, I'm not saying he's non-existent... it's still possible, but… what if, he's not here… soon?” She inquired, embracing me again.

“Then I wait Mama.” I simply replied, hugging her tightly.

I heard her sigh and felt her lips on top of my head, kissing it.

“I truly believe that he is out there, that there is someone out there for you, Lily.” Mum started again, much in a whisper, “Don't ever question that... However, you are too young, so maybe not now. I know you're willing to wait and you are patient... Though, all I'm saying is, not now, okay? You're still my baby and Mummy just wants to have you, just a little longer… please.” She pleaded.

“But, I'm not as young as everyone else here, Mama.” I pointed out, my voice thick from emotion, “You guys never age a bit.”

Mum suddenly jerked me out from the hug to shot me an ashamed look...

“Oh Lily, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you like that.” She apologized.

“No, no no I'm not offended Mama,” I assured her with a small smile, “All I'm saying is, FOREVER is not my ‘best friend’, Ma and my own RED searching could take a while... I am human… and what if my partner turned out to be a mythical being… would he wait for me too? Or would he end up REDless because I died” — I gulped — “already, from old age? Would he even know I existed? Or like Ms. Dawn, would he chose to get married to another woman so he could achieve his happily ever after?”

Mum didn't respond to any of my fusses. Instead, she hugged me again and this time, she cuddled me a little tighter — just like I did, a while ago. The warmth it gave off made my smile quiver and there were tears… No, I need to be tougher than this, need to be stronger…

I am not hurt, to say the least, but what made me teary-eyed was the idea of finding me a ‘RED’.

A.K.A a ‘partner’,

Common word, ‘relationship’,

Known term, a ‘boyfriend’.

You see, I'm not really as available as you think...

If I wanted to check my luck on matching with a Vampire or Witch, I actually can't. My family DOESN'T ALLOW me to take that chance because obviously, it's too dangerous — the Hue Kingdom second the motion to that.

Maybe a werewolf? 

Possible but too risky. Not that I don't want a werewolf as a mate, but having a connection with one is considered a CRIME. 

The Hue Kingdom, after accepting me as one of them, legislated a law that bans me — Yup, ONLY me, since I'm the very first of my kind to be adopted by the mixed-race — to have any relationship with the ‘enemy’, regardless if I was their destined ‘mate’ or not.

They called the crime, TREASON... And did I mention, it was punishable by DEATH? 

Oh, yeah. I just did…

Human, then? 

Oh hell no! I will NOT take that opportunity, NOPE. Not happening... 

I do not wish for my own kind, especially the males, to DIE in the hands of my clan just for the sake of loving me. I'm already a living temptation to the Hue Kingdom so I'm not adding another fire to that mix... I rather die for them, than them being killed because of me.

So there you go people, that's my dilemma for you… my very complicated life. 

Mum had noticed my long, gloomy silence that I felt her arm shift, and then, felt her hand caressing the top of my head — comforting me. When I tried to peek at her through my eyelashes, I saw her wanting to say something — maybe words to soothe me. But for some unknown reason, she hesitated and just closed her mouth entirely.

All of a sudden, we heard a car honked. 

We snapped our attention to where the sound was and saw that it was just Dad, sitting on the black SUV and was currently parked at our front house's yard...

(The Dyme Family's Black SUV guys😍)

Realizing it was time to go, Mum freed herself from the embrace, and before proceeding to the car, she kissed my cheeks and mumbled an ‘I love you’.

I replied, ‘I love you too’ and kept my eyes on her as she gracefully leaves my side to walk — much like glide — towards the car.

Dad, on the other hand, only waved goodbye at me before driving off. I waved back and then peacefully watched them leave. 

My attention went back to the invitation on my hands then. I was tempted enough to open it. However, when I was about to flip the black card that was inside the gold envelope, my phone started ringing.

I quickly slipped the card back and checked my phone. 

Boss calling…

Knowing that it was urgent, I instantly answered the call. Thus, making me place the invitation on one of our cabinets — completely untouched and well, barely forgotten.


And update, done✔

Enjoy guys😘

Also, I'm just gonna leave this meme here for you guys😆

This was supposed to be the cover of this chapter, but I prefer things simple and clean, so yeah😅 this meme cover was out😆😆😆

Literally, out... Out of my league 😆😆😆

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