The Pull

By SillyRabbit81

13K 615 60

Complete. Henry, Crown Prince of the Vampires, is avoiding his responsibilities. He shuns royal tradition and... More

Author's Note
Chapter One (Henry)
Chapter Two (Rowena)
Chapter Three (Rowena)
Chapter Four (Rowena)
Chapter Five (Henry)
Chapter Six (Rowena)
Chapter Seven (Rowena)
Chapter Eight (Henry)
Chapter Nine (Rowena)
Chapter 10 (Henry)
Chapter 11 (Henry)
chapter 12 (Rowena)
Chapter 13 (Henry)
Chapter 14 (Rowena)
Chapter 15 (Henry)
Chapter 16 (Henry)
Chapter 17 Rowena
chapter 18 (Rowena)
Chapter 20 (Henry)
Chapter Twenty-One (Rowena)
Chapter Twenty-Two (Rowena)
Chapter Twenty- Three (Henry)
Chapter Twenty-Four (Rowena)
Chapter 25 Henry
Bonus Chapter - Alex

Chapter 19 (Henry)

398 24 2
By SillyRabbit81


Fawn was nervous as she got ready to see Charlie and had fussed for ages about what to wear. I lounged on the bed watching her as she tried on her clothes and tore them off in frustration. 

"They're all too revealing or too dressed up, I just want something casual. Which I would have if you didn't keep tearing my bloody clothes off." Fawn said, furiously.

I laughed, "May I remind you, Fawn, that, a. You love it when I tear your clothes off and b. you're about to be a princess and while at court a certain level of dress was expected."

Blushing, Fawn ignored my first point and argued with my second. "We aren't going to court Henry, I'm visiting my son for the first time as a Vampire. I don't want him to think I've changed too much. He's used to seeing me in jeans or leggings, not $500 cocktail dresses."

I rolled my eyes at her, she had a way of getting under my skin, frustrating me, but not angering me. Thinking it would be quicker, I looked through the clothes I bought her and pulled out a light green floral maxi dress and a short white knitted cardigan. "How about this?" I asked. "You've got those wedges that will suit it nicely."

"Ok," She sighed. "At least my hair always looks good now. I only have to brush it and it shines." She dressed and put a little mascara on. She leaned over the basin in the bathroom, getting close to the mirror and applied the makeup. Her mouth hung open as she concentrated on her task. I wanted to take a picture of her, she looked so beautiful at that moment. When she thought no one was looking, she was so herself, at ease and comfortable. I could see her anxiety return as soon as she had finished and left the bathroom. "Are you sure I look ok? Not too weird?"

"Come here," I said from the edge of the bed and I pulled her onto my knee. "You are beautiful. You look different, but you're still you. You're still Charlie's mother and he will see that. You heard how excited he is. He thinks you're amazing." I kissed her forehead, drinking in the fragrance of her freshly cleaned skin.

I kissed her neck briefly, right on her mate mark that was hidden by her hair. I told her that only Vampires can see the mark, but she insisted on wearing it down just in case Charlie saw it. Before I got carried away kissing her soft skin and smelling the sweet blood that flowed beneath, I stood her up and said, "Come on Fawn, let's meet Uncle Felix."

Felix was waiting downstairs at the dining table. He stood when we entered the room and making his way over to Fawn he bowed. "Your highness."

Fawn looked at me, expecting me to reply. When I didn't she looked confused and looked back at Felix and realised he was addressing her. "Sorry, you mean me?" She asked, incredulous.

Felix, stood, "Well officially not yet, but I wanted to be the first to address you so and welcome you to the family." Felix, being old fashioned, kissed both her cheeks.

Fawn looked at me, her face bright red. I laughed and said, "You better get used to it."

Fawn pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes. "Thank you, Felix. It's lovely to meet you."

He smiled at her, offered her his arm and lead her to the car. "Shall we go meet the wolves, then?"

As we got closer to Alex's house, Fawn lost some of her anxiety and it was replaced with growing excitement. Her leg bounced as her thoughts went from Charlie being thrilled to see her to Charlie running away screaming, to Alex and myself having to pull her off him because she wanted to drain him. Surprisingly she had no thoughts about me hurting him. Maybe that's because she could feel the truth of my words when I said I had no wish to cause him harm anymore.

Alex met us at the door, opening just wide enough to get through and Charlie ran out from between his legs. Alex grabbed him around the waist to stop him, but the little boy broke free and ran to my Fawn with his arms open wide. Alex and I looked at each other, Alex's face was white, unsure if he had made an error. My Little Fawn's thoughts seemed ok, full of love and relief as she scooped up her son and hugged him. 

I smiled reassuringly at Alex and his shoulders relaxed. Fawn was peppering her sons face with kisses until the little boy kicked his legs demanding to be put down. She did and they laughed with each other.

"Mummy, you look so pretty," Charlie said.

"Thanks, Baby Wolf," she replied. "You look bigger. Have you grown?"

Charlie rolled his eyes and said exasperated, "Everyday, Mum."

"Right, I forgot. It's a good thing you're clever," Row said. Then she glanced in my direction. "Charlie, are you ready to meet my new friend?"

"He's your mate Mum, I'm not stupid," Charlie said.

Fawn pursed her lips smothering a laugh. "Well, yes, he is my mate, but he is also my friend. Shall we say hello?"

She took Charlie's hand and she started towards me. Alex came too and the two of them gingerly brought the boy to me. I noticed Felix was at my side as well, which I was grateful for. I didn't want to hurt the little boy. I didn't think I would, but standing in front of him, seeing how much he looked like Alex and feeling the love Fawn had for him, I wasn't sure how I felt.

"Charlie, this is Henry," my Little Fawn said. "Henry, this is Charlie."

I got on my haunches to be the same height as him. He was a little shy, but his curiosity was evident in his bright eyes. He didn't look at all like my Fawn. He was so much like Alex, blonde and slim, delicate features but with sharp, intelligent, chocolate brown eyes. I knew that legacy all too well, but I hoped for his sake, his father is a better man than mine. Despite the bright sun, I perched my sunglasses on top of my head so he could see my face. 

"Hi Charlie," I said. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Charlie tilted his head as he considered me. "Where's your crown?" he asked.

Suppressing a grin I said, "Well, I'm incognito at the moment." I furrowed my brows. "Do you know what that means?"

"You're hiding," Charlie said. 

"Yes, well done." I thought a minute. What do humans do in a situation like this?

"High five," my Little Fawn sent.

I smiled gratefully. "High five?" I asked Charlie, putting my hand up.

Charlie hesitantly gave my hand a whack. I pulled a look of pain and shook it. "Wow, Charlie, you're really strong aren't you?" I stood up then. "I'm going to have to watch out for you."

Charlie beamed. And I put my glasses back on smiling at the little boy. Fawn sent, "I love you, Henry." 

"I love you too, Rowena," I replied. Then I started the rest of the introductions. "Alex, Charlie, this is my Uncle Felix, he has been keeping an eye on us the past few days."

Alex shook Felix's hand and then shook mine. His thoughts were interesting and not dissimilar to mine about him. He was impressed with my self-restraint and keen to get to know what kind of man I was before he agreed to an alliance. I could see that despite wanting one, he wanted to make sure I could be trusted.

One of the ways Alex was testing me was how well I interacted with Charlie. I smiled thinking, the way a man treats his children is also one of the barometers I also use to judge a man.

Alex spoke, "Well, this is turning out better than expected. Shall we continue, this run of good luck by having our talk now?"

I agreed and the wolf, little boy and three vampires went into the house.

Alex's mate was waiting in the foyer with their daughter and Alice. Alice was thrilled to see my Fawn and hugged her. Hesitantly, she dropped to a small curtsey in front of me. I took her hands and said, "That is not necessary, Mother Luna," addressing her with an ancient title I'm not even sure the wolves still used. "I do not accept subservience from family, and you are my mate's family and thus mine." 

I kissed both her cheeks in the manner of respect Vampires show women. Alice gave a small smile and took a step back and I quickly introduced her to Felix.

Alex introduced Felix and myself to his mate Delphine. I bowed slightly to her and said, "Luna, I apologise for my behaviour last time I was here. I was a little out of my mind, but I hope you accept my sincerest apology for the destruction of your home and assault on your mate."

"Thank you, for your apology, Your Highness," Delphine replied. Her voice was soft and she seemed introverted, so different from the last time I saw her with her claws out, ready to protect her mate with her life. "I understand emotions run high when in defence of your mate. I hope you also accept my apology for showing my claws."

Giving her a broad smile I said, "There is no apology necessary for doing such a thing." I kissed both her cheeks and heard Alex's soft growl and the small growl from my own mate. Delphine and I both chuckled and looked to our mates, both of whom seemed embarrassed by their mirrored reactions.

Alex shrugged and said, "Alright that's enough. Mother, will you see the children while we meet?" Alice agreed and took the children away.

Alex led us to a meeting room, where two wolves sat waiting. "This is Joe and Kevin, both members of my security team and first rate strategists. If it is ok with you, I would like them to sit in on the meeting."

I agreed. I thought I should have brought Lawrence as he was far more aware of the current details of Vampire politics. I would have to seek his advice when we returned.

Alex surprised me when he sat with Delphine at the table. Wolves were usually a male dominated society and women weren't often invited to join leadership. Once again, Alex surprised me with his foresight and intelligence. If I wasn't careful I may end up befriending him.

"Well, I'll start shall I?" Alex said. "I'll be honest there are three main reasons I seek to form an alliance with you. The first is because I don't want to come out to humans nor do I think their subjugation would solve any of the territorial issues we have. I believe humans are not a problem for us, we are able to coexist well. We aren't a threat to them in the same way a Vampire is. We only need our lands. We have plenty of money as a community and the humans leave us alone mostly. Besides, who wants the extra work of dealing with suppressing humans and revolts, it's not worth it. Other than expanding our territory, there is no plus for us to come out to humans.

"The second is to protect the future of wolves. I believe Lowe, my uncle is conniving but not very smart. I would say that your father manipulated him into their alliance, promising him power and wealth but he is too stupid to see that Alfred is using him. I believe once the humans are suppressed, I doubt Alfred is the kind of man to allow free reign to the packs. We will be next.

"The final reason is revenge. Lowe, my uncle, the supposed Alpha, killed my father. There is no doubt about it. He must and will pay with his life." Alex finished and looked to his mate. "What do you think Delphine? Have we covered our reasons?" Alex asked her.

In her shy way, she nodded to her mate. I felt a little bad when I looked at Fawn. She must feel a little out of the loop since I had not shared with her yet the machinations of Vampire politics. I vowed to remedy that before she is presented to the court. I shouldn't be too hard on myself, we had other things on our minds.

"Thank you, Alex," I said. "I shall proceed then. I also have three reasons to seek the alliance. The first is that I also disagree with the subjugation of humanity. As you mentioned, humans are one way we feed, but they are also our mates. Our mates were all human once and thus we have an affinity for humanity. Some of the younger mates still have close relatives living, and I imagine they wouldn't be thrilled to see their families forced into poverty or made into blood slaves.  

"Furthermore, I believe of the reasons my father wants to subjugate humans is to lower the status of our women. My father's hatred of humans is so strong he couldn't stand that his mate was human, and cast her aside once he had bred from her." I paused, feeling the rush of emotions I always felt when thinking of my mother. I felt something warm on my knee and saw that Fawn had laid her hand there. She smiled at me, her face concerned and full of love. I hummed, relieved that she was with me, giving me strength when I needed it. I lifted her hand to my mouth and kissed it before replacing her hand on my knee.

I continued then, "If all our women were once slaves, then as they become Vampires, they would still be in a position of oppression. For the first time in generations, I have decided once I am King to restore the old ways of ruling. The Queen, Rowena, will rule by my side and have a say in all matters of state for as long as she wishes to. I will restore the bond that Lilith gave to Vampires with humanity, keeping it the symbiotic relationship it is.

"My third reason has to do again with Fawn. I wish to return Vampire/Wolf relationships back to how they were a few hundred years ago when we worked together, traded etc. I want my mate to be happy and be in a position where she can be in touch with her wolf family as well as her Vampire family. I will not have her have to make a choice between myself and her child."

I felt Rowena give my knee a squeeze and saw the tears well in her eyes. I wondered what she could possibly be upset about. "Why are you crying, Fawn?" I sent to her.

She held back a smile now as well as tears, "Henry, I'm happy. That you would go to this effort for me, to give me what I need."

"My Inamorata, my lover. If I gave you the moon, it would still be less than you deserve."

Alex cleared his throat and Fawn and I quickly brought our attention back to the meeting. Alex gave a sly grin. "So far, I do not see any reason for an alliance not to be made. It seems our aims are not contradictory."

"Agreed," I said.

"Obviously, we will have details to work out, but I can't see any reason for this not to go ahead," Alex stated.

"Agreed," I replied again. I stood up and went to Alex. I extended my hand to shake his, and thus our alliance was formed. All we had to do now was make a plan. I told Alex I would liaise with him and get Lawrence and David involved. 

We broke the meeting and shared lunch together. Charlie sat between Fawn and his father and watching the three interact made my Lust rear its ugly head. Insane jealousy flooded me as I saw the three of them as a family and I desperately wanted that myself. Felix and Fawn both felt my Lust but Fawn intervened first. 

My Little Fawn, so in tune with me, laid a hand on my thigh and sent, "Yes, there are feelings in my heart for Alex and sadness that we aren't a family. But it isn't because I want him over you, you know that in your heart my Lion. I am sad that circumstances didn't allow Charlie to have a family all these years. I can hear his thoughts, he needs Alex and me both. But understand, it is not love I feel for Alex. My heart belongs to you, my Inamorato."

I gripped her hand, lacing my fingers through hers. In spite of, or perhaps because of her words my Lust grew more intense. "I want you so much right now. I crave the taste of you, every part of you. This food tastes like ashes compared to your delights," I sent. 

Fawn's fangs dropped suddenly and embarrassed she covered her mouth.

"Cool!" Charlie cried. "Can I see them?"

She slammed her mouth shut and shook her head. I spoke for her and said, "Your mother is a young Vampire and not completely in control of her fangs yet." 

She sent in my head, "Only because you were trying to turn me on!"

Chuckling and aware that something was happening that probably shouldn't in front of children, Alex said, "Perhaps, your mother has had enough for one day, Charlie. I imagine transformation is hard and she may need to go with Henry."

Fawn nodded and spoke behind her hand. "Yes, I need to leave. I'm sorry, Charlie. I can't kiss you, I will see you soon." She turned to Delphine and Alex, "Thank you for everything, I will call soon. Bye Baby Wolf"

And she fled to the car.

Sierra said, "Wow, your mum is fast."

Charlie said, "Yeah my mum is pretty cool."

I said goodbyes and so did Felix. And soon the three of us were on the way to the cabin.

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