The Difference Between Us •Na...

Por potatoejung_

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Never did Naruto think that a run would change his life so much. - Más



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Por potatoejung_


Minato watched his son pace from one end of the kitchen to the other while he cooked. It was much too early in the day, the sun barely peaking over the horizon, but he was up in order to help his son who couldn't cook for the life of him.

Naruto paused then glanced over at the dining table spread with gifts for Hinata and once again began to pace. It was her birthday. The day he had been looking forward to and also dreading for the past month. But he decided that he was at least going to start Hinata's day off well since they both had no idea where it was going to go.

"You know," Minato piped up, mouth full of the granola he was snacking on while he cooked. "She's not gonna eat all this." he said. Naruto had begged his father to help cook all of Hinata's favorite foods so she could wake up to them. And of course by 'help' he meant do it all while Naruto kept him company.

The blond let out a harsh exhale that was supposed to be a laugh, but he was too tense to even show emotion. "You'd be surprised." he responded. He had watched Hinata down forty-six bowls of ramen and break his four year record of twenty-two at his favorite ramen shop.

Minato just let out a huff and turned off the stove as he finished the strawberry crepes and placed them on the plate. There were at least fifteen different dishes ranging from cinnamon buns (her favorites) to sushi (which something that reminded her of home). Naruto debated on throwing out the sushi since she would be going back home in just a few short hours but before he could think on it any longer, he heard Hinata let out the tiniest of squeaks as she stretched.

He whipped around, expecting to see her there, but was confused when he just saw his father. 

"What?" Minato asked.

The younger looked around. "Did... did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

Naruto opened his mouth to respond but shivered as he felt the familiar buzz of Hinata summoning him. "N-nothing, I'll be right back." he said before he left the kitchen.

He raced up the stairs and down the hall before arriving outside of his bedroom door. Naruto paused for a second to catch his breath before opening the door. Hinata was wrapped in the covers with just her face exposed. The blonde smiled as he closed the door behind him.

"It worked~" Hinata mused, referring to her summoning him, as she opened the covers, inviting Naruto in. "I feared our connection would be lost once I aged."

Naruto immediately tossed his shirt and house slippers off before diving into Hinata's arms. "Nah," he dismissed as he wrapped himself around her. "I think it got a bit stronger actually."

She hummed quizzically as she wrapped her own arms around his shoulders. "What is your reasoning?"

"Well," he looked up at her from where he burrowed into her neck. "I thought I heard you stretch downstairs."

He look down at her and noticed her wide eyes, an almost awe-struck expression he hadn't seen since they first met. During that time everything was new to her and she always wore that expression.

"Wh-what?" Naruto asked nervously under her gaze. "Is that bad? It just felt like you were right next–"

"You are not lying?" Hinata swiftly cut him off. "You heard me right next to you?"

"Well yeah, why?"

Hinata's cheeks turned a sweet shade of pink and she reached up and kissed his chin. "Since we are both of age now, we have bonded." She said a bit shyly. "It is just a stronger mind connection for merfolk in relationships."

The blond blushed a bit at the word "bonded" as if they were married. But he was over the moon that he was even closer to Hinata than before. They cuddled a bit before Naruto decided he didn't want all the food his father had prepared to get cold.

"C'mon, birthday girl," he said as he pinched her cheek, which caused her to let out a giggle. "I got a surprise for you."


"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Uzumaki," Hinata bowed her head before she walked out of the door. "Your kindness has meant the world to me and I do hope to see you again soon." She didn't just mean the birthday breakfast that they had just done for her but all of their hospitality and acceptance. She hoped that they knew that. (They did.)

Kushina wrapped Hinata in her arms and hugged her, stifling back her tears. They both knew what Hinata and their son were about to do. Go into the ocean and... well there was no telling what would happen after that. Which just made it even more terrifying.

"I'm sure we'll meet again just as soon as tomorrow," Minato said, trying to have a positive outlook. "Son, we'll be waiting for you."

Naruto was a wreck. They enjoyed their morning and Hinata ate nearly everything, just as he knew she would. But now it was nearing mid-afternoon and her father expected her soon. Naruto eyes were puffy from crying in Hinata's arms just a mere twenty minutes ago but now he needed to be strong.

"Yeah," he nodded in his parents direction. "We'll both be back as soon as  we can be."

Hinata took Naruto's hand in hers and they walked out of the front door just as Sasuke pulled into their driveway. The couple watched Sakura pull the ravenet into her embrace from the passengers seat, staying just like that for a minute.

Sakura pulled away with a teary face but Sasuke wiped the tears that ran down her cheeks. Hinata and Naruto both turned when they kissed and soon enough, Sakura was in front of them.

"Hey," she said, her warm breath condensing into the air. "Don't do anything stupid, okay? It's not whatever happens happens. It's get back home with all three of you safe and sound." She said sternly, tears already gathering on her waterline.

"Of course, Sakura-chan." Hinata grabbed her hand.

"I'm s-serious," Sakura furrowed her brows and turned to Naruto. "Keep her safe. Don't be stupid like when we were kids, okay? If anything happens to you or Sasuke or Hinata, I'll–"

Naruto cut her off and pulled the pinkette into a group hug. "Nothing will happen." He said softly. "It'll all be just fine." he stated, voice a little shaky.

Sakura pulled away and smiled as best she could at Hinata. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you," Hinata said quietly. "We shall properly celebrate when everything is over."

The trio bid goodbye and Sakura walked straight to Minato and Kushina. They had all agreed that Sakura was to stay with them since she would be too much of a wreck to be anywhere else. Hinata and Naruto walked to the car and both got into the backseat, trying to spend as much time together as they could before they were going to have to go their separate ways.

"Hey," Naruto greeted Sasuke once they were buckled in. "Ready?"

The Uchiha let out a heavy sigh and wiped his wet eyes, wanting nothing more than for Sakura to be going with them. "Nope," he remarked, popping the 'p'. "But let's do this."


The air got colder the closer the trio got to the portal. Naruto didn't even want to go past the tree line but Hinata pulled his sleeve with a sad smile. Sasuke walked behind them so they could have some privacy despite them not even saying a word to each other. It was each other's presence that mattered. 

Naruto stared at the water once they approached it. It was frozen over but the ice was thin from where they had broken it just a week or so ago. Hinata pulled his sleeve once again to walk a bit further from Sasuke. "Naruto-kun," she said, voice strained. "I am scared."

The blond rose his eyebrows, slightly shocked, she had been so head-strong and ready to face anything thrown her way. "I want to go with you right now," he said. "I don't want to wait. You're scared, I can't let you go down there by yourself now."

"I wish you could be by my side right away but I must inform Toneri and my mother what is to happen. If something goes wrong I need them to leave, with my sister of course, so they will be out of harm's way. I cannot do that if you are with me right away." she said. They had gone over this, of course, but Naruto didn't want to accept it. He wanted to go with her right now and declare his love for Hinata in front of everyone and just runaway with her.

Their fingers were intertwined with one another's and Naruto's grip only tightened when he heard Sasuke beginning to break the ice. "I'm scared too..." the blond whispered.

"I know," Hinata leaned on him. "But you and Sasuke will be there in an hour, regardless of what happens in the meantime."

Naruto leaned down and kissed Hinata. The warmth of her lips was so familiar and comforting, although he was sure that it was Hinata who needed more comfort right now. He released her hands from his hold and instead wrapped his arms around her delicate waist, pulling her against his body. Naruto had a bad felling, he didn't want her to go by herself.

Hinata pulled back, a little breathless, and their eyes locked. In all her years in the ocean she had never seen such a magnificent pair of blue eyes. They stayed like that for a moment, just taking in the moment.

"It's time," Sasuke called from the edge of the pond, the ice now broken. "You have to leave now, Hinata."

Deciding not waste anymore time, Hinata made her way to the pond. She handed her big fluffy coat to Naruto and shivered at the cold air. "I will see you two in an hour." Hinata said. 

Naruto nodded, clutching the coat to his chest. Sasuke pulled her in for a quick hug before taking a few steps back to stand next to Naruto. The Hyuga jumped into the water and immediately transformed so she wouldn't be so cold anymore.

If she had looked back, she may have stayed. So she dove headfirst into the depths of the portal.


Hinata shivered as she passed into the familiar setting of her father's office and rubbed her arms to warm herself. Just as she expected, her father was waiting at his desk, his long grey tail peaking out from under the table. 

He startled at her sudden appearance then composed himself. "Hinata, happy birthday." said Hiashi with a joyous tone. "We will have the ceremony in just an hour or so. Please go get ready, dear."

She grimaced at his fairly cold greeting. "Thank you, father. Though, why are we having it so early in the afternoon? Are weddings not supposed to be grand parties shared with loved ones?" She asked as she swam a bit closer to the desk. "Shall we perhaps push it back just a few hours?"

"What are you talking about?" Hiashi raised an eyebrow at her words. He then tsked at her and waved a hand in dismissal. "You've spent too much time with the humans to be thinking such things," he said with a look of reproach. "Do as I say, your mother will help you."

Hinata let out a deep breath and turned to swim out of the office. "Hinata," her father's booming voice called out. Hinata turned around and tilted her head at him, waiting for him to continue. "Have you gotten your special ability?" he asked.

She paused for a moment. "No," she said flatly. "Just my basic powers, I suppose I will come into them as the day goes on." and with that she turned back and left his office. Had he found out about her ability, he may have wanted to see it. And had that happened, he may have just rushed the wedding up to right now.

Hanabi, her sister, was outside of their home, arranging the sea plants to make a garden where the ceremony will place. Hinata took a detour and decided to greet her.

"Hanabi," she called. "What are you doing?"

The younger mermaid startled, dropping the corals and sea grass she had in her arms. "Sister!" Hanabi exclaimed. "Happy birthday! Happy wedding day! Happy powers day!" she said in one breath. Hanabi was always such a bright personality, even for living in the ocean and being a mermaid. "I'm organizing the wedding venue, obviously. The garden is so bland and it should look a bit nicer today."

"Thank you," she said softly. "But we are just to have a binding ceremony which will be performed by father." Hinata said. Her mind wandered to Naruto, hoping that he had the sense to go wait in the warm car rather than the freezing outside. "You've grown since I have been away, your tail has gotten larger." Hinata commented, looking down at her sister's bright yellow and pink tail. 

"I'm almost as fast a swimmer as Neji," she said with a proud grin. "When I get my powers, I'll be stronger than all the adults in the village."

Hinata chuckled and brushed away her sister's floating fringe. "I do not doubt it." 

After a few more minutes of goofing around with her sister, she heard her mother's call from the doorway. Hinata bid her sister a goodbye and left her to continue arranging the garden. She hugged her mother tightly once she was close enough, this entire day was already taxing. 

"You should have come to see me right away, your father just closed the portal to the land." her mother said, slight panic in her voice. Hinata's eyes grew in size. She and her mother went to her room and quickly closed the door.

"He did what?" She asked, voice filled with panic. How were Sasuke and Naruto supposed to get down here. How were they going to save her?

"Closed the portal; do you have a plan?" Her mother asked, already on Hinata's wavelength. "Are you going to leave?"

"Yes, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to explain the plan to Toneri now. I need to get ready and..." Hinata paused, her mind reeling. "Naruto." she looked at her mother with wide eyes.

Hiyori looked back at her, confused and a little unsure. "Who?" She asked. "Is that the boy?"

"We bonded," Hinata muttered. "It may work."

It had to work, or else she'd be married.


"Should we go now?" Naruto asked, fidgeting in the passengers seat. "She could be in trouble."

Sasuke shivered and turned the heater up. "Naruto, it's been thirty minutes. We need to wait a bit longer." He said.

They had gone back to the car, smart enough not to freeze outside, and ate the snacks that Sasuke had in his car. Naruto had been unsuccessful in distracting himself and annoyed Sasuke with his worries.

"I know, but–"

"No," the ravenet cut him off. "If we go now we'll just be doing more harm than good."

Naruto huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. Naruto. He turned to glance over at the Uchiha and let out a pathetic sigh. "What?" he asked.

Sasuke looked up from his phone with a bored look. "What?" he asked back at the blond.

"You called me, what do you want?" Naruto asked, voice edged with agitation.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "No I didn't. Just close your eyes and try to get some rest before we go." he said dismissively, turning back to his phone screen.

The Uzumaki let out yet another huff of air and did as told. He closed his eyes and began to think of Hinata, His beautiful girlfriend who he was about to risk his life for. Nothing scary about that.


"What?!" he snapped and turned to Sasuke, who startled at his sudden raised voice. "I'm trying to relax!"

"I didn't even say anything!" Sasuke snapped back, tension in the car rising.

"Yes you-!" Naruto. "...did?" Naruto raised at brow when he heard the voice again but could clearly see it was not Sasuke calling him. Please hear me. The blonde scanned the car and even looked down at his phone to make sure he hadn't butt dialed anyone on accident. He couldn't tell where the voice was coming from. Can you hear me yet?

"I-I... I can hear you?" he responded, unsure.

"Hear who?" Sasuke asked, less agitated and more concerned.  "What do you hear?"

I cannot tell if you can hear me, my love.

"Hinata?" his brows raised to his hairline once he was bale to tell that it was clearly her voice.

"You can hear Hinata?" the Uchiha asked, immediately straightening in his seat. "What is she saying."

"I-I don't know. I just heard her calling me but I'm not sure how." he said, still looking around as if she was going to suddenly appear.

Naruto, I need you to try to communicate back if you can hear me.

"How?!" he shouted, horribly confused. "Can you hear me?!"

"Naruto, what is she saying?" Sasuke asked, trying to calm down the blond. 

"She wants me to tell her I can hear her but I don't know how! Do mermaids have telepathic powers or something?! Is this her special ability?" he finally made eye contact with Sasuke. 

Sasuke paused for a moment to think but then shook his head. "I've never heard of merpeople having telepathic powers. Unless they've bonded of course," he chuckled out, remembering his mother and father bickering telepathically so he and his brother wouldn't hear them argue. "But mer folk and humans can't bond." he said, looking back up at the blond. His blue eyes had grown large and jaw gone slack. "What?"

"We... we bonded though." he said sheepishly, a blush appearing on his cheeks. It sounded so hysterical that it made him shy. 

"You what?!" Sasuke gasped. "That's like getting married!"

"It wasn't intentional!" he shot back. "It just happened!"

"Bonding doesn't just happen! It only happens if you-" Sasuke froze. He then pulled his lip up in an expression mixed with horror and disgust. "If you've had... relations." he said quietly. "Which most merfolk don't do unless they've wed."

Naruto's face turned a bright shade of red and he avoided Sasuke's terrifying glare. "W-well she was the one that-"Naruto! Please tell me you can hear me! Hinata was now shouting in his head which caused him to flinch. "Hinata! I don't know how!"

"How to what?" Sasuke asked, his shock now gone. I mean, Hinata did ask him to give her The Talk which he wasn't too keen on doing.

"Respond to her." 

"You have to do it in your head. Mind connections are just that; through the mind." 

Naruto let out a small oh sound and then turned to sit in his seat properly and closed his eyes to concentrate. Ask Sasuke how to do it! We are running out of time!

I did! he snapped, hoping she could hear him on the first try.

Naruto? You can hear me!

Yeah! This is so cool! You're, like, in the ocean and I'm-

Not right now, love. Hinata cut him off.  I need you to focus for me, okay?

The blond blushed, she hardly ever took charge like that. Okay. What do you need?

The portal is closed. I need you to tell Sasuke.

"The portal is closed," Naurto said quickly, turning to face Sasuke. Okay, what next?

Hinata laughed in his head. I need you two to figure out how to get here! Or else I will be married!

Absolutley not! Just give me a few minutes.

Hurry, we have twenty minutes. her voice had grown desperate.

"How are we going to get there?" Naruto asked desperately, Hinata's own desperate tone having had rubbed off on him. "She said we have twenty minutes."

Sasuke rubbed his face. "Oh crap..." he muttered, clearly stressed. "Ask her if we should go now still wait." he said exasperatedly. 

Do we go now or wait?

Now! She practically screeched. Toneri is here and so is Sasuke's family. We will start in just a few moments time!

"Now!" Naruto shouted. "They're about to start!"

Sasuke and Naruto both ran to the pond, tripping on frozen branches and leaved. They immediately stripped their clothing and jumped into the frigid water. Naruto transformed as fast as he could but still felt the horrible chill of the water. 

We're on our way. He said, or communed, gently to Hinata.

Please hurry.

"What now?" he asked. Sasuke motioned for him to follow him deeper into the pond and he did, trying to get used to his merform once more.

Sasuke stopped once they reached the bottom. "Okay, I've only done this once before so let's hope we don't die." he let out a deep sigh and watched the bubbles float up. 

"Do what?" Naruto asked nervously. He watched the ravenet close his eyes and was about to question him once more but then he opened them back up, revealing bright red eyes. "Woah, your eyes." he gasped. He couldn't look at them properly but they looked to have some sort of markings in them too.

"I know, I'm hot," he joked, trying to alleviate the tension. Naruto rolled his eyes but then flinched when the other grabbed his arm. 

"What-" he began but snapped his mouth shut as  everything around him began to swirl. Everything twisted around him and he clung onto Sasuke's arm. When everything went pitch black he thought he was dead.

"Open your eyes, dumbass." he heard Sasuke. "and let go of me, you big baby."

Naruto opened his eyes and looked around. There were structures which he assumed to be buildings and so many fishes. It wasn't bright or colorful, just muted shades of blue and purple.

"Where... are we?" he asked, still in awe at his surroundings. 

"Our home," Sasuke let out a deep breath, also looking around. "Now," he put his hand on Naruto's shoulder once more. "let's go crash a wedding."

OHMIGOSHH!! We're almost done!! The next chapter should be out in two weeks time and we should be done by end of august! This fic is 2 years old!! My longest ongoing fic, omg. And it isn't even bc it's long,,, nah it's bc i suck :(((( sorry guys :,,,(

thank you so much for the endless support <33

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