Picnic / Hunter x Hunter One...

By honeyfennec

181 4 2

[Cover Art by @el._.theartist on instagram] AU where Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and Gon live together in a hou... More

Part title

181 4 2
By honeyfennec

(Please read!)
This is the first piece I ever wrote for my Hunter x Hunter AU, I wrote this in late 2020. Because it was the first thing I wrote for this AU, I kind of made it up along the way. I was just messing around and exploring the daily life of the four in this AU. So as you can expect, there is not really any structure or plot to this.
I have modified this a bit more to my liking so that I can post it. I didn't like a lot of the original, so I cut some things out and fixed some things. A few details about this AU have changed since I wrote this, so some things won't be carried into future stories. And once again, this is sort of old and it's not the best, so keep that in mind! Don't take this too seriously. I didn't even plan to post this originally, I just needed something to post.
** Every ". . ." indicates a POV switch.

Kurapika knocked on the door lightly with his knuckles, listening carefully for a response. He didn't expect a response as he knew the boys were probably still sleeping. But it was better to be safe than sorry; he didn't want to invade their privacy.
After no one responded, Kurapika carefully opened the door to the dark room.  He could hear Gon snoring softly from the bottom bunk bed. Kurapika flipped on the light switch.
"Gon, Killua, wake up. Leorio is going to take us to the park today," Kurapika said softly, walking over to their bunk bed. Gon's eyes shot open.
"Really?" he asked excitedly.
"Mhm," Kurapika nodded.
"Yay!" Gon cheered, sitting up quickly and bonking his head on the top of the bunk bed as he did.
"Owww," he groaned, hunching over in pain.
Kurapika lifted his hands to touch the metal bars of the top bunk bed, trying to peer in. Kurapika was too short to be able to clearly see into the top bunk.
"Killua," he said softly. Killua didn't respond or even move. He was a deep sleeper, and every morning they had trouble waking him up.
Kurapika stood up on his toes, trying to peer into the bed, "Killua, wake up. We are going to the park today."
"Ugh, I don't wanna go," he mumbled.
Gon quickly scrambled up the ladder, crawling into Killua's bed. "Come on Killua! It will be fun!" he urged, leaning over Killua. Killua only covered his face with his blanket in response.
"We are going to have a picnic, Killua. You can sleep when we get home," Kurapika tried to convince him.
"I don't care, I'm tired," Killua moaned.
"Killuaaa," Gon whined, shaking Killua a little. Killua kicked him lightly.
"Killua, it's your fault you stayed up late playing video games," Kurapika told him, getting annoyed. "And you kept everyone else up in the process," Kurapika mumbled.
Killua had loudly played video games with Gon the night before and kept Kurapika up. He was tired, but he wanted to take the boys to the park with Leorio nonetheless.
Killua put his pillow over his head.
Kurapika sighed, "Killua if you come with us, when we go to the grocery store I'll let you pick out any snacks you want."
Killua poked his face out of his blanket and smirked, "Deal." He sat up yawning. His white hair was especially poofy; it was like that every morning before he brushed it.
Gon moved his face close to Killua's, "Good morning Killua!"
Killua jumped slightly, pushing Gon's face away with his hand, "Ah-! You weirdo."
Gon smiled and hopped down from the bunk bed. He lightly tugged on Kurapika's sleeve, looking up at him.
"When are we leaving?" he asked excitedly.
"We aren't leaving for a bit. You two need to get ready first. Go get dressed."
"Okay! Killua hurry up!" Gon rushed over to his side of the closet.
"Hold on, man! I just woke up," Killua stretched his arms, still sitting in his bed.
"Boys, make sure to bring a jacket, it might get cold," Kurapika said, walking over to Gon to help him pick an outfit.
"No, I don't want to! I'll be fine without one," Gon said, pulling out his typical green shorts and shirt duo.
"Gon, you have to. You don't even have to wear it, just tie it around your waist," Kurapika told him.
"Nah, I'll be fine," Gon dismissed.
"Gon-" Kurapika started but was interrupted.
"Good morning boys!" Leorio said enthusiastically from the doorway.
"Good morning Dad!" Killua and Gon said in unison.
It was a running joke in the household that Leorio was "the dad of the house." Gon and Killua had given both Leorio and Kurapika nicknames shortly after they moved in together, Leorio's being "Dad," and Kurapika's being "Pika."  Killua and Gon thought it was hilarious. At first, Kurapika found it obnoxious, but it had started to grow on him. Although, Gon was a little too enthusiastic about it. He almost always called them Pika and Dad, and most of the time he didn't seem like he was joking.
"Did you beat that level last night?" Leorio asked, placing his hand on Killua's head, who was now out of bed.
"Yeah, but it took forever," Killua told him.
"Yeah, you should have stayed up with us and helped us beat it!" Gon said, turning to look up at Leorio.
Kurapika crossed his arms, "It was already loud enough with just you two boys. It would have been torture if Leorio joined."
"Eh?" Leorio said, raising an eyebrow.
"Killua and Gon kept me awake until one AM with all their yelling," Kurapika said, scowling.
Leorio laughed, "Well you don't have to come if you're too tired."
Kurapika sighed, "No, I want to come. I want to spend time together."
"Aw, I want to spend time with you too, Kurapika!" Gon said, looking up at Kurapika, his eyes gleaming.
Kurapika smiled softly. Although they could be annoying (and loud), Kurapika loved his friends. They all shared a house, so they sort of had to get along. For the most part, Kurapika enjoyed taking care of Gon and Killua and being with his friends. He would have never expected he would practically be a parent at only eighteen years old, but he didn't mind. Gon, Killua, and Leorio were like family to Kurapika.
After things had settled down in their lives, Leorio, Killua, Gon, and Kurapika had all decided to live together. They bought a house in a small town in the country and quickly moved in together. Leorio continued his studies to be a doctor, meaning he wasn't home for most of the day on weekdays. Which left Kurapika home with Killua and Gon, who he watched over. Kurapika enjoyed the calm and simple life, he felt a lot happier now.
"Well, you two focus on getting ready, alright? Don't forget to bring a jacket in case it gets cold," Kurapika said and he walked to the doorway. As he was walking, he stepped on a bag of chips on the floor, wincing in disgust.
He let out a sigh of disappointment. "Killua, Gon, you need to clean this room," Kurapika said sternly. He picked up the chips to throw away.
"C'mon, loosen up a bit, Kurapika! They are just kids," Leorio said.
"You can help them clean it if you want," Kurapika said sarcastically. He turned to look at Leorio. Leorio frowned slightly.
"Killua and Gon, please clean your room tonight," Kurapika said as he left the room.

Kurapika glanced at his cell phone. It was eight-thirty AM. They had to get going soon. Kurapika quickly folded the picnic blanket and placed it into a cloth bag along with the other things he had already packed. He made his way to Gon and Killua's room and knocked on the door.
"We need to leave soon. Are you two ready to go?"
Killua opened the door. He was dressed now, wearing a white hoodie and grey pants. His hair had been brushed, although it was still very fluffy.
"We're ready to go," he said, walking out with Gon.
"That's great, you two get in the car. Leorio and I will be there shortly," Kurapika told them.
Once Killua and Gon left, Kurapika slipped into their room. He opened Gon's side of the closet, which was quite messy. Kurapika searched through until he found a simple black hoodie. He took it with him and carefully folded it and placed it in the bag. Kurapika knew that Gon would probably get cold, even though he refused to bring a jacket. Kurapika had learned to always be prepared when it came to Gon and Killua.
Kurapika grabbed the bag and headed for the front door.
"We'll all be waiting for you in the car, Leorio," Kurapika called out to him.
"Okay, I'll be there in a minute," he called back.
Kurapika stepped outside and made his way to Leorio's car, placing the bag in the trunk of the car before getting in the passenger seat. It was a chilly morning, Kurapika looked up at the sky. The sky was pretty grey, but the sun still shone through the clouds a little.
Kurapika got into the passenger seat and looked back at Gon and Killua. Killua was looking out the window and Gon seemed to be watching Killua. Just then, Leorio got into the car.
"Alrighty, is everyone ready to go?" Leorio asked enthusiastically.
"Yeah!" Gon cheered. Killua smiled and nodded.
Leorio backed out of the gravel "driveway," (if you could even call it that, they didn't exactly have a driveway) slowly leaving their property.
Leorio was the only one who could drive, so almost every weekend he took Kurapika, Killua, and Gon somewhere fun. Kurapika didn't mind that he didn't have his license. It just meant that when he had to do grocery runs without Leorio he had to take the train... and Gon and Killua. Kurapika left Gon and Killua home alone once while getting groceries and came home to a wrecked house. Gon and Killua couldn't do anything unsupervised.
Kurapika smiled and looked out the window as they passed trees and houses.

. . .

Gon peered out the window, watching the other cars slowly pass by. They were stuck in traffic now that they were in the city. Gon wondered why it was so busy, it was Saturday so most people weren't at work. Kurapika and Leorio talked quietly in the front of the car. Gon and Killua had sat in silence the whole time, and Gon knew that Killua was probably tired. Gon sighed. As he did, his breath fogged up the cold window. He backed up a little, examining the window. He smiled, and breathed on the window again, making a small cloud of fog on the window. He used his finger to draw a small heart in the condensation.
    "Killua, look at this," Gon said, leaning back so Killua could see his window.
    "Hm?" Killua turned his head to look. He smiled a little, and turned back to his own window, breathing on it, then dragging his finger through it. He giggled a little in amusement.
Gon continued to draw on the fogged-up window.
"Killua," Gon said through laughter, "it's you." He pointed at the drawing he made on the glass. Killua leaned over in an attempt to see.
"I can't see because your fat head is in the way!" Killua complained, trying to push Gon away.
"Hey!" Gon said, pulling Killuas wrist away.
"Gon, let go, I'm just trying to see!"
"Quit it you two," Kurapika said from the passenger seat. The two boys stopped.
"Lemme see," Killua said, unbuckling himself. He crawled over closer to Gon to see his window. A cat face was drawn in the fog.
"See? It's you," Gon said.
Killua laughed, "Why does it look like that?"
"What do you mean?" Gon said, almost sadly.
"I can draw a cat better," Killua said, scooting back over to his side to draw a cat. Gon unbuckled himself and crawled over to watch Killua draw. "See?" Killua said as he finished his illustration.
"Oh, yeah! You are good at drawing cats," Gon said, awing at the simple drawing.
"Yeah, your cat sucked," Killua said smugly, crossing his arms.
"Hey! My cat is good too," Gon defended.
Killua smirked and crawled over to Gon's side, reaching over to smudge Gon's drawing with his fingers. He cackled and leaned backward, laying down in the seat.
"Killuaaa!" Gon whined. Kurapika peered back at Killua and Gon.
"Hey, buckle your seatbelts!" he said sternly.
"Sorry," Gon and Killua said in unison, quickly buckling themselves back into their seat belts.
Gon stared out the window again. He gazed at all the large buildings and watched people walking by. He recognized this area, this is where Killua and Gon went grocery shopping with Kurapika. He knew that meant they were almost to the grocery store.

"I'm going to go get the things for our picnic. Leorio will go with you two to pick out your snacks," Kurapika told Gon and Killua. He handed them 2,000 jenny, "Here."
"Thanks, Pika!" Gon said, taking the money.
Killua, Leorio, Gon, and Kurapika were all standing in front of the grocery store.
"Leorio, keep watch of them. I'll text you when I'm done," Kurapika said to Leorio.
"Yeah, yeah, I got it," Leorio said. Kurapika turned to enter the store.
Gon and Killua raced into the store together, Leorio walking behind them.
"I can't believe he gave us 2,000 jenny," Killua said, looking down at the money in Gon's hand.
"Yeah, he usually only gives us like 1,000," Gon responded.
They made their way to the candy aisle, Leorio still following behind. Killua and Gon walked through the aisle, peering up at the candy. Killua grabbed a few things off the shelves, shoving them into Leorio's arms.
"Here, you hold these," he told him.
"Wha-" Leorio started, but Gon and Killua just kept walking.
After scanning through and picking out plenty of snacks, Gon and Killua stopped together to look at what they had so far. Gon looked at the snacks, then back at the money in his hand, thinking.
"We still have 250 jenny left," Gon said, turning to Killua.
"Idiot, we only have 100," Killua said.
"Hmm," Gon looked back at the snacks Leorio was holding, thinking hard. He sighed, "I'm just not good at math."
Killua laughed. The two decided to roam around the toy aisle, Leorio still following behind.
"Hey, just try not to break anything, or Kurapika will kill me," Leorio said.
"We won't," Killua said, examining something on the shelf. 
The two boys continued to run around the aisle, laughing and poking at the items together. Gon and Killua ended up getting entertained by a few small wind up toys, crouching on the floor and giggling as they watched the toys move around.
"Oh, Kurapika just texted. It's time to go," Leorio spoke up.
"Okay," Gon said, standing up. Killua quickly put the toys back on the shelf. He followed Gon and Leorio out of the aisle. The group made their way to the front of the store to check out their items.
After purchasing everything, Gon and Killua each grabbed a grocery bag, snickering in success. They started walking towards the exit.
"There's Pika," Gon said, pointing at Kurapika who was standing near the doors holding a grocery bag.
"They didn't cause any trouble, did they?" Kurapika asked Leorio as they approached.
"Nope," he responded. They all walked out of the store and towards Leorio's car.

"Okay, we're here," Leorio said, unbuckling his seat belt.
Gon quickly unbuckled and hopped out of the car, looking at the park. They were still in the city, and the park was surrounded by streets and tall buildings. There was a small playground, surrounded by fields of grass. Oak trees were scattered throughout the park. There were a few other people having picnics under the shade in the trees. Gon noticed kids playing in the park, laughing and running around.
"C'mon Killua!" Gon turned to see Killua hopping out of the car holding the bags of food they got. He walked around the car to stand by Gon, handing him a bag.
Kurapika pulled out the bag from the back of the car, closing the trunk. The group made their way to the park. They found a nice spot to lay out their picnic on the top of a small grassy hill underneath the shade of a tree. Kurapika and Leorio sat down while Gon and Killua ran around together.
"Hey Killua, want to climb that tree with me?" Gon asked, pointing to a large oak tree with twisty tree branches.
"Sure," Killua said. The two raced to the tree, and Gon immediately scrambled up the tree. Gon climbed up a bit, making his way to a large tree branch and sitting on it, dangling his feet down. Gon held his hand out to Killua who wasn't too far behind him. Killua took it and Gon pulled him up to sit next to him. Gon looked across the large park. He could see Kurapika and Leorio sitting on the picnic blanket and talking in the distance.
Gon and Killua talked together in the tree, swinging their legs back and forth and pointing at things they noticed in the park. A cold wind blew a few leaves out of the tree. Gon turned to look at Killua and burst out laughing.
Killua looked at him, blinking in confusion, "What?"
"There's a leaf in your hair," Gon said, giggling.
"Eh?" Killua rustled his hands through his hair. Gon continued to laugh then leaned over to pull the leaf out of Killua's hair.
"That's not even that funny," Killua mumbled as Gon continued to laugh.
Gon stopped laughing and looked down to see a young girl walking towards the tree. He watched her as she sat at the base of the tree and began to pick a few small flowers that were growing in the grass. Killua noticed her too and looked down to watch. After a moment, he hopped down from the tree and Gon followed.
The girl looked up from the flowers and smiled, "Hi."
"Oh, hey," Gon responded. The girl had wavy dark hair that fell to her shoulders and big green eyes. She looked about Gon and Killua's age.
Killua watched her pick flowers for a minute, then spoke up, "What are you doing?"
"I'm going to make flower crowns," she said, continuing to pick flowers.
"Wow, that's so cool! Can you show me how?" Gon said in amazement.
Gon sat in the grass next to her and started to pull the small white flowers out of the grass. Killua hesitantly sat next to Gon. The girl started to tie the stems of her flowers together. Gon watched closely and glanced down at his flowers. He attempted to tie them together like the girl was doing, but didn't succeed. He frowned a little.
"How do you do that?" he asked.
The girl explained how to tie the flowers together correctly, helping Gon tie his first two flowers together.
"Oh, I see. Thanks!" he said to the girl.
    "Killua, you should make a flower crown too," Gon said, turning to look at Killua.
Killua shrugged, "Sure." He picked a handful of flowers and watched Gon, copying the way he tied the flowers.
"I'm Miku, by the way," the girl said, looking up from her partially made flower crown.
"Oh, I'm Gon."
"I'm Killua," Killua said, still focused on tying his flower crown.
The three of them sat together under the tree, talking while making their flower crowns. Miku finished hers quickly and placed it on her head. She said she was making more for her mom and brother.
Gon finished his and placed it on his head, smiling. Killua finished his crown shortly after.
"You're finished! Now put it on," Gon said to Killua.
"Nah, I think I'll just give mine to Pika," Killua said.
"No! C'mon Killua, just wear it," Gon urged. He took the flower crown out of Killua's hands and placed it on his head, the white flowers blending in with his hair. Killua reached up to touch it with his fingers.
"Aw, you look so cute," Gon said, smiling. Killua blushed a little.
"I am not cute," he mumbled. Gon only laughed a little.
"I'm making one for Pika," Gon gathered more of the little flowers.
"I guess I'll make one for Dad then," Killua said, starting another flower crown.

. . .

Kurapika was sitting on their picnic blanket and talking to Leorio, who was sitting next to him. Killua raced by, stopping right at the edge of the blanket. Gon ran up mere seconds after.
"I beat you!" Killua said, panting. Gon leaned over, putting his hands on his knees and panting.
"Yeah, you did," he said, sounding defeated.
"You two should drink some water," Kurapika said, pulling out two bottles of water from a bag. They each took one and chugged half of it.
Killua walked over to Leorio and placed a flower crown on Leorio's head, snickering.
"What's this?" Leorio asked, carefully taking the flower crown off to examine it, "Oh! Did you make this?"
Killua nodded.
"That's actually pretty neat," Leorio said, placing back on top of his head. Killua smiled.
Gon walked over to Kurapika, handing him a flower crown. "Here Pika I made this for you!" he said proudly.
Kurapika took the crown in his hands and looked at it. It was made of small delicate white flowers.
Kurapika smiled, "Thank you Gon, it's lovely." Kurapika gently placed it on his head.
"Hey, now we are all matching," Leorio mentioned. It was true, all four of them were wearing matching flower crowns.
"Yeah!" Gon cheered.
"Hey, Killua. Race you to the playground," Gon said, turning to Killua.
"Again?" Killua said, frowning a little, but Gon had already started counting.
"3, 2, 1, go!"
The two zoomed off down the hill. Kurapika watched them, hoping they wouldn't trip.  Kurapika yawned softly and laid down on the picnic blanket. He looked up at the sky, watching the wispy grey clouds slowly moving.

. . .

"Hey, do you two want to play tag with us?" Miku approached Gon and Killua, who were sitting on the slide together. A group of three other kids followed behind Miku.
Gon and Killua looked at each other for a moment, Killua smiled slyly. Gon turned to Miku, "Sure!"
"Okay, I'll be it first," Miku told them. She closed her eyes and counted to ten to give everybody time to spread out. When she finished counting, she opened her eyes and raced after everyone. The group of kids continued to play tag together, zooming around the park together, laughing and screaming playfully.

Gon ran over to Leorio, out of breath. "Dad! Killua keeps shocking me every time he tags me and he won't stop!" Gon complained, panting.
Killua ran over, stopping at Gon and Leorio. Killua tapped Gon's shoulder and shocked him, tiny blue sparks flying out of his fingers. Gon jumped a little in response.
"You're it," Killua said, smirking.
"Hey, Killua, cut it out," Leorio said.
Killua walked over and zapped him as well, snickering, "Now you're it."Leorio jolted a little, startled.
Gon's face lit up, "Hey Dad, you should play tag with us!"
"I don't kno-"
Killua zapped Leorio again, snickering.
"You little-" Leorio started. Killua zipped away, still laughing. Leorio chased after him.
Gon ran after as well, joining back with the group. He ran over to Miku.
"My friend joined, and he's it," Gon said, pointing to Leorio.
Miku looked in the direction in which Gon was pointing, gazing at Leorio, who was still chasing Killua. She looked a little confused, then smiled, "Okay."
The group of kids (and Leorio) continued to play tag together. Leorio chased after Killua for a while, but he was too fast. Leorio eventually gave up and tagged another kid. They laughed and screamed together, almost everyone tripping over their own feet at some point.

. . .

After about forty-five minutes of running around, Killua and Gon got tired, and they decided to get a drink of water. They tiredly walked up the hill where Kurapika and their picnic blanket were.
"That was so fun," Killua said, out of breath as they reached their blanket.
"Shhh," Gon said softly. Killua paused, tilting his head in confusion. Gon pointed to Kurapika.
Kurapika was laying on the blanket, asleep.
"Oh," Killua said softly.
The two quietly sat on the blanket, gulping water from their water bottles.
Gon looked over at Kurapika, a slight look of concern on his face. "I kind of feel bad for him," he whispered.
Killua looked at him, confused, "Why?"
"We kept him up late last night. And he was so tired he fell asleep here."
"Oh," Killua said softly, looking down. He felt a little guilty now.
Gon crawled over to Kurapika, leaning over him and staring intently.
"Gon quit watching him sleep! That's creepy," Killua whisper-yelled.
Gon quickly got up and walked towards the tree their picnic was set up next to. He stopped at the base of the tree, picking a few flowers. Killlua watched curiously. After Gon had a handful of pink flowers he came back to where Kurapika was laying. Gon picked out a flower and carefully tucked it into Kurapika's bangs. 
"What are you doing?" Killua crawled over to sit next to Kurapika, peering down at the flower in his hair.
"Decorating his hair! Isn't it cute?" Gon said, picking out another flower.
"Hm," Killua said. "I have an idea."
He positioned himself behind Kurapika, laying on his stomach. He carefully grabbed a few strands of Kurapika's hair in his fingers and separated his hair into three strands. Killua began to make a small golden braid in Kurapika's hair. Gon leaned over, watching Killua as he deftly crossed the strands of hair.
"Wow," he whispered in wonder. "How do you know how to do that?"
"My little sister. She wanted me to braid her hair, so I learned how," Killua responded, still focused on braiding.
"Can you teach me?" Gon said, gaping at Killua with his big hazel eyes.
"Sure," Killua responded. Gon scooted over to sit next to Killua.
"Here, just watch what I do. Separate his hair into three little strands first," Killua said, looking up at Gon.
Gon separated the hair, as Killua instructed. He watched as Killua continued to braid the hair. Killua braided more slowly so Gon could see what he was doing more clearly. Gon looked back at his three strands of hair, crossing them over each other slowly. Killua looked over at Gon's hands to watch what he was doing.
"No, not like that," Killua corrected him. He reached over to help Gon.
"I see," Gon whispered softly. He continued to slowly weave the hairs together, clearly focusing hard on his braid.
    Killua quickly finished his braid, setting it down and looking over at Gon's progress. Gon's braid was looking very uneven and messy.
    Gon laughed sheepishly, "Mine doesn't look as good as yours. Maybe you should just finish it for me."
    Killua shrugged and took the braid in his hands as Gon moved aside. Killua carefully unbraided the messy braid. He brushed through the hair gently with his fingers, then separated the hair again and started the new braid. Gon continued to watch silently.
    "You really are amazing, Killua," Gon said under his breath. Killua felt his cheeks flush.
    "I'm just braiding hair; it's not even that impressive," Killua mumbled, trying to focus on braiding Kurapika's hair.
    Gon crawled back over to the small pile of flowers he left and continued placing them in Kurapika's hair. Kurapika was still wearing the flower crown Gon made him, so Gon worked around it, tucking flowers behind Kurapika's ears, in his bangs, and sporadically throughout Kurapika's hair.
Gon ran out of flowers, so he rushed over to another patch of flowers to get some more.  
"Killua, look! It looks like you!" Gon whispered excitedly as he sat down. He held out a small fluffy dandelion in his fingers. Killua looked up from braiding, gazing at the dandelion in Gon's hand.
"Hm," he said, taking the dandelion out of Gon's hand, "It kinda does look like me."
Killua placed the dandelion on the blanket next to him. Gon scooted back over to sit next to Killua. Gon placed a few tiny white flowers in the two braids Killua had finished.
"There," Gon said, leaning back to look at Kurapika's finished look. "He looks so pretty!"
Killua snickered softly, "He's in for a surprise when he wakes up."
"Hey, where's Dad?" Gon said, turning to Killua.
Killua looked up, gazing across the park, "Hm, I don't know. Let's go find him."
Killua and Gon got up, running down the hill together in search of Leorio.

. . .

Kurapika slowly woke up to the sound of running footsteps in the grass and chatter. His eyes fluttered open, and he sat up slowly. As he sat up, two pink flowers fell out of his hair, one falling into his hand. He looked down at it, wondering why there were flowers in his hair. He checked his phone to see the time; 11:00 AM. He opened his camera and flipped it to look at himself, examining his hair.
The flower crown Gon made him still adorned his hair. There were two small braids on each side of his head with small white flowers weaved into them. Pink and white flowers were tucked into his hair. Kurapika smiled, knowing Gon and Killua probably did it.
Kurapika looked in the direction in which the voices were coming from, seeing Gon, Killua, Leorio, and a group of a few other young kids sitting together in the grass. They were sitting in a circle together, laughing. Kurapika assumed they were playing some sort of game.
A woman walked over to the group of kids, addressing a few of them. "We are leaving soon," Kurapika overheard her saying. Just then, Gon looked over to see Kurapika, his face lighting up instantly. He got up and ran over, Killua following not too far behind.
"Pika! You're awake now! What do you think of your hair? Killua and I did it! He braided your hair, isn't that so cool?" he said enthusiastically as he reached the picnic blanket.
Kurapika laughed softly, "Yes, it looks lovely. Good job with the braids Killua, they look great."
Killua smiled proudly. The two sat down on the blanket next to Kurapika. Leorio came walking over as well.
"Hey, love the new look Kurapika," Leorio said as he sat down. Kurapika smiled.
"Did you make some friends?" Kurapika asked, looking over at the group of kids still sitting together in the grass.
Gon and Killua nodded.
"We were playing tag together earlier, and Leorio played too! But Killua kept zapping us!" Gon told him.
Kurapika looked over at Killua, raising an eyebrow.
"What, it's no big deal! I was just joking around," Killua said, crossing his arms. Kurapika sighed in response. He knew that it was just Killua being Killua; it was harmless.
"Have you been drinking enough water?" Kurapika asked. Killua and Gon could tend to have a little too much fun and forget to do important things like eat, drink water, or go to sleep.
Killua and Gon nodded.
"Don't worry, I've been watching them," Leorio said.
Kurapika gave him a skeptical look, "Honestly, I hardly trust you with them."
"You're just as bad as them, and you know it."
"What?! I do fine whenever I watch them!"
"Yeah, you do the bare minimum. You have to do more than just keep them alive; remember the time you forgot to feed them? Or when you destroyed the house building a pillow fort with them?"
"Well- that- It was more complicated than that!"
"Yeah, whatever," Kurapika crossed his arms. Leorio and Kurapika often got into arguments. Everyone in the house argued pretty often, but Killua and Gon were the ones who argued the most.
"Well, we are going to go back to playing with them," Killua interrupted, pointing over at the group of children. The two got up, running back over to their friends.

. . .

    Gon and Killua joined back with their friends together. They all smiled, welcoming them back.
    Miku scooted over to sit next to Gon.
    "Is that your mom over there?" she asked, pointing to Kurapika.
    Killua burst out laughing and Miku turned to give him a perplexed look.
    "Oh, no," Gon turned to look at Miku, "That's Kurapika. He's just my friend, and he sort of takes care of Killua and me."
    Miku stared at him for a moment, dumbfounded, "'He?' He's a boy?"
    Killua laughed again, falling backward into the grass.
    Gon chuckled awkwardly, "Yeah, a lot of people are surprised by that. He's just a little..."
    "Feminine." Killua finished.
    Gon turned to Killua, cocking his head, "What does feminine mean?"
    Killua laughed once again, rolling side to side in the grass. "It means he acts like a girl," he said, suppressing his giggles.
    "Oh," Gon said, thinking, "Yeah that sounds about right."
    "I see," Miku said, sounding very confused. After a moment of thinking, she spoke up again.
    "So is that your Dad?" she asked pointing to Leorio. Killua burst into uncontrollable laughter.
    Gon giggled a little, "No... that's Leorio. Again, he's just our friend who takes care of us sometimes, and we call him 'Dad' as a joke."
    Miku looked thoroughly confused. "So where are your parents, then?" she asked.
    "Well, my parents are assassins. I'd way rather live with Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio anyway." Killua mentioned, sitting up.
"Oh," Miku looked a little scared.
"My real dad doesn't really care about me. And I think my mom is dead," Gon said casually.
"Y-you think?" she looked down. "Well, I didn't- I'm sorry."
Killua giggled a little.
"No need to be sorry. I never really knew my real parents anyway. My aunt Mito, Kurapika, and Leorio are like my parents to me."
"Anyway, we should get back to playing Never Have I Ever," Killua said, crawling over to sit in a circle with the group. 
"Hm, okay," Miku responded. The other kids all got in a circle as well.

. . .

"Killua! Gon! Come here, you need to drink some water," Kurapika called out to the boys. They quickly turned their heads to look over at Kurapika. Gon got up and ran over, and Killua scowled and hesitantly followed.
"Pika, we were in the middle of  playing a game!" Killua complained.
"Hey, you just need to take a quick break to hydrate. Quit complaining," Kurapika snapped back. He handed them their water bottles, and they each took a sip of water. A cold wind pushed Kurapikas hair into his face, and a flower blew out of his hair. He tucked his hair away behind his ear. Gon shivered a little.
"Jeez, it's kinda cold," he said quietly, rubbing his arms.
"I told you to bring a hoodie, but you refused," Kurapika said.
"Yeah... I know... sorry," Gon said, looking down at his shoes.
Kurapika sighed, reaching into the bag he brought, "But you're lucky. I brought one for you."
He pulled out the small black hoodie, handing it to Gon. Gon's face lit up.
"Thanks, Pika!" Gon pulled the hoodie over his head, situating himself in it.
"Are you two hungry yet?" Kurapika asked. It was noon now, and Gon and Killua had been running around tirelessly, so Kurapika figured they were hungry.
"We'll eat in a bit, I wanna finish this round," Killua said, turning towards the group of kids.
Kurapika sighed and nodded. He knew they were hungry, they just sometimes forgot to acknowledge it. But they were playing and having fun, so he let them be.
Kurapika heard someone next to him, so he turned to see.
"Kids, am I right? It's like a full-time job."
It was the woman he had noticed earlier, presumably Killua and Gon's friends' mother. She had short dark hair and looked like she was in her thirties. She had a kind smile on her face.
"Oh- uh, yes, it really is," Kurapika responded, laughing softly.
"Hey, we are matching," she said, pointing up at the flower crown on her head. "My daughter made this for me."
"Oh-! Yes, we are." Kurapika reached up to touch the flower crown on his head. He had almost forgotten that Killua and Gon had decorated his hair while he was sleeping.
"The one with wavy short hair and the little boy with dark hair are my kids. Those two are yours, right?" she said, gesturing to Gon and Killua. "You seem like a great mom."
Kurapika felt his face flush, "Oh- oh! Uh, no I'm not uh- I'm not their Mom. The four of us are just close friends- it's uh, sort of complicated. I'm- well, I'm actually not even a woman... but thank you anyway," Kurapika smiled awkwardly and nervously pushed his hair behind his ear.
The woman looked a little shocked but seemed to quickly compose herself.
"Oh my, well, I apologize. I shouldn't have assumed anything."
"No, it's totally fine. I understand, I look out for them like a parent would, and I'm very feminine presenting."
"If I may ask, how old are you?" the woman asked.
"Oh, I'm eighteen," Kurapika responded.
"Oh, wow! You are very mature and responsible, I admire that."
Kurapika smiled, "Thank you. You seem like a wonderful mother. How old are your kids?"
"My daughter is eleven and my son is eight," she said, looking over at her children and grinning. "They seem to be getting along."
Kurapika looked over at the group. They were all playing a game of some sort and seemed to be very entertained. Kurapika was a little surprised at how well Killua was getting along with the children. He was usually pretty solitary, and he did not like to share Gon with other kids. Kurapika smiled, feeling proud.
"Yeah... They uh, Gon and Killua tend to get a little feisty, so just a warning in advance." Kurapika mentioned, watching as the kids talked.
"Oh, it's totally fine. My kids are also like that. Well, it was very nice to meet you...?" she started.
"Kurapika. I'm Kurapika," he finished.
"Kurapika! My name is Mei. It was very nice to meet you, but we must go now, we're going to go get lunch."
"It was very nice meeting you as well, Mei. Thank you for letting Gon and Killua play with your kids, I'm sure they had fun." 
Mei smiled and waved a little, turning to walk over to her kids. Kurapika watched as she approached the group, as she did all the kids turned to look up at her. Kurapika overheard her telling her children they had to leave, followed by the two of them letting out a dramatic "Awww." The two children got up and said goodbye to the other kids, including Killua and Gon. Kurapika watched as the family walked away together.
Kurapika heard Leorio snicker. He turned to see him sitting next to him.
"What?" Kurapika asked, giving him a puzzled look.
"She- she thought you were their mom!" he said, laughing.
Kurapika felt his cheeks flush. "Oh, be quiet!" He scolded.
"You do look like a mom," Leorio laughed harder, leaning back.
"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?"
Leorio's laughter slowed to a stop and he sighed, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He rested his hand on Kurapika's shoulder. "That was pretty funny, though."
"Whatever," Kurapika mumbled, rolling his eyes.
"Besides, you're too good looking to look like an actual mom," Leorio said, looking over at Kurapika suggestively.
Kurapika felt himself blush again, "W- what?!" He looked at Leorio, Leorio only laughed again.
"Were you trying to flirt with me?" Kurapika asked. Leorio only continued to laugh. Kurapika scowled a little, gently pushing Leorio's hand off his shoulder.
"I'm going to get Gon and Killua, it's time for lunch," Kurapika said, standing up. Leorio calmed down his laughter and Kurapika walked away.

. . .

Gon and Killua came running over to the picnic blanket, Kurapika following behind. They quickly sat down, immediately grabbing snacks they picked out from their bag.
"Gosh, now that I think about it, I am pretty hungry," Gon said, opening a bag of chips.
"Hey, hold on," Kurapika said as he approached. He took the chips from Gon's hand. Gon gazed up at Kurapika, looking hurt. "You need to eat something nutritious first."
"Aw, man," Gon said sadly, hunching over.
"What?! No, that's lame! I'm eating whatever I want," Killua said, grabbing a chocolate bar.
"No Killua," Kurapika said sternly, reaching to take it from Killua. Killua quickly pulled away, sticking his tongue out. 
"Hey, don't stick your tongue out at me!" Kurapika said, quickly leaning over and grabbing the chocolate bar. Killua resisted, keeping a tight grip.
"Kurapika, it's fine. Just let him eat it," Leorio said.
"You stay out of this, Leorio!" Kurapika snapped.
This happened often; Killua was a rebel and Kurapika was all 'goody goody.' The two of them were too stubborn to ever compromise.
"Yeah, Kurapika, stop being such an asshole!" Killua groaned trying to pull the chocolate back.
"Excuse me?" Kurapika said, sounding serious now.
"Killua!" Leorio scolded.
"That's it. I bought these for you, I will take them away!" Kurapika said, raising his voice. With one last tug, he took the candy bar from Killua, quickly grabbing the other two bags of snacks as well.
"What the hell?!" Killua said, raising his voice as well, quickly standing up.
"You need to watch your mouth! We are in public!" Kurapika snapped.
"That's not fair, Kurapika!" Killua whined.
"Yes, it is! I bought these! If you are going to be a brat, you don't get them!" Kurapika said harshly.
Killua stared up at Kurapika coldly, "Sometimes your such a little bi-"
"Okay, okay! That's enough!" Leorio interrupted, quickly standing up. "Killua listen to Kurapika. He did get those for you," he said calmly. Killua gave him a death glare, then slowly sat down. Even though Killua was close friends with Leorio and would never hurt him, that look still deeply unsettled Leorio.
He turned to Kurapika, placing his hands on his shoulders, "Relax, Kurapika. We don't want to make a scene."
"You're telling me to relax?!" Kurapika said, still agitated. Leorio felt Kurapika's body tense.
"Hey, it's alright, he's fine now," Leorio said, looking down at Killua who was sitting in silence. Leorio knew Killua was probably plotting revenge, but at least he wasn't attacking Kurapika in a public park. Gon nervously glanced at Kurapika and Killua, wearing a concerned look on his face. 
Leorio gently pushed Kurapika to sit down, and Kurapika gave in, sitting down on the picnic blanket as Leorio followed. Kurapika sighed and Leorio felt his body relax again. Leorio gently rubbed Kurapika's shoulders.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lost my temper," Kurapika said calmly. "Killua, can you please just eat a sandwich? Then you can eat whatever else you like."
Killua was silent for a moment, unmoving. "Fine," he mumbled.
Leorio glanced at Kurapika who was looking at Killua longingly. He knew inside Kurapika was probably a little hurt about how Killua reacted. Leorio still felt angry about what Killua said- and what he was going to say.
"Killua, you should apologize to Kurapika. You were being really nasty," Leorio said sternly, unable to hold back his agitation. He saw Killua scowl coldly, but he didn't say anything.
Leorio clenched his teeth. Stuck up little snob.
"Killua-" Leorio started, getting angrier.
"Leorio, it's alright," Kurapika said softly. He gently touched Leorio's hands, carefully removing them from his shoulders. Kurapika crawled over to Killua, moving to sit next to him.
"I'm sorry, Killua," Kurapika delicately placed his hand on Killua's back, looking down at him.
Leorio was shocked. Of course, he is apologizing. Typical Kurapika. He didn't even do anything wrong!
"I shouldn't have called you a brat. You are not a brat, not at all. You are a very polite and kind kid," Kurapika said, smiling softly.
Killua was still quiet. Gon looked over at Leorio confused, and Leorio only shrugged in response.
"I am still learning how to take care of you and Gon, and I know sometimes I make mistakes. I'm not used to this sort of thing, and I'm not the best at taking care of others. But I know that I care about you, so I'm trying my hardest. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. Is there anything I can do to make up for it?" Kurapika said quietly.
"I'm fine, my feelings aren't hurt or whatever," Killua mumbled, still looking down.
"Hm," Kurapika hummed softly, frowning a little. He pulled a premade sandwich out of a grocery bag, handing it to Killua. Killua took it and placed it in his lap. Kurapika then reached over and handed him the chocolate bar as well.

"Why did you do that Kurapika?" Leorio asked, still slightly agitated.
Leorio and Kurapika were walking around the park together as Gon and Killua played. The four of them had eaten lunch in silence, other than Gon's occasional comment in an attempt to lighten the mood. Leorio felt annoyed with Killua the whole time, Killua had sat in unsettling silence, and Kurapika looked worried the whole time. Leorio knew Kurapika probably felt bad for some reason.
"Hm?" Kurapika looked up at Leorio. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, you know! Why did you apologize to Killua? You were so nice to him after he was being so rude. He called you an asshole and I barely stopped him from calling you a bitch!"  
"Hm," Kurapika said softly, looking across the park. Leorio looked down at him as Kurapika gazed off.
"I was wrong too, you know," Kurapika said after a moment. "I called him a brat. I was implying he was being greedy and foolish. I was also generally violent. I know I hurt his feelings, even if he won't admit it," he sounded disappointed, almost sad.
"Yes, but he said and did much worse things!" Leorio sighed. "I'm sorry he said those things to you. He was wrong, you know."
"He had every right to say what he said. That doesn't make it right, but it also doesn't make it wrong," Kurapika replied. He looked up at Leorio, "Tell me, why are you so defensive of me? You shouldn't be biased, you know."
Leorio was a little shocked, "I'm not biased! It's just- you are just right! He was being a brat, and he should eat something healthy before he eats chocolate."
Kurapika examined Leorio's face, "I see. Just a tip, it's better to not side with someone when trying to break up an argument. I've learned this when dealing with Killua and Gon's many fights."
"Hm," Leorio responded, looking down at his shoes as they walked. He just couldn't help but side with Kurapika.
"Leorio, I know you're partially biased to me because we are lovers," Kurapika said, gazing off at buildings surrounding the park.
"What- that's not true," Leorio defended.
They were silent for a moment. Kurapika kept his eyes on the city.
"Okay, fine! Maybe it is a little true. But I care about you, Kurapika. I don't want anyone to treat you like shit, and Killua doesn't get an excuse!" Leorio admitted.
Kurapika looked up at Leorio, smiling, "Thank you. But this is how it is in a family. Everyone is equal. No one should get an unfair advantage, even if we are adults."
Family. Leorio echoed. I guess we are a family. The thought of them being a family gave Leorio an odd sense of comfort.
Leorio sighed, then smiled, "Yes, you're right. You know, you are a good parent."
"What?" Kurapika's head snapped to look up at Leorio. Leorio snickered a little. "I'm not parent."
"You basically are," Leorio said, smirking.
"No, no, I'm only 18! I just make sure Gon and Killua don't kill eachother." Kurapika said, sounding hilariously serious.
Leorio chucked, wrapping an arm around Kurapika and pulling him close. "Nah, you're a parent. We are parents. Plus, as I said earlier, you look like a mom."
"What?!" Kurapika exclaimed, pushing away from Leorio a little, his delicate hands pressed on Leorio's chest. "I am not a mom. If anything, I'm a dad."
Leorio laughed in response, "We're both dads, then."
Kurapika rolled his eyes, focusing his gaze back down to the grass, but Leorio noticed a small smile.
"Y'know, you're hot, for a parent," Leorio said, smirking.
Kurapika looked back up at him, blushing, "What is that supposed to mean?"
Leorio laughed, and after a moment Kurapika laughed a little, too.

. . .

"Hi Pika, hi Dad!" Gon said cheerfully, running towards Leorio and Kurapika as they approached. Leorio's arm was around Kurapika. 
"Hey, Gon," Leorio responded. Kurapika smiled.
Killua sat on their blanket, watching them silently. He still felt embarrassed about his outburst with Kurapika.
"Pika, Killua has something to tell you," Gon said, grabbing the sleeve of Kurapika's sweater. Gon looked over at Killua and smiled softly. Killua sighed a little and got up, slowly making his way to the others.
"Kurapika, I-" Killua looked at the grass nervously.
Gon gently touched Killua's arm, smiling a little.
I've got to do this. For Gon.
"I'm sorry, Kurapika," Killua looked at Gon nervously, who nodded encouragingly, "Sorry for yelling at you and calling you names. Um... I'll try to be calmer next time."
There was silence for a moment. Killua glanced up at Kurapika, and to his surprise, he was smiling.  Kurapika leaned over a little to get to Killua's eye level. He placed his hand on Killua's shoulder.
"Thank you, Killua. I forgive you, of course. We all get angry sometimes, and it's good to hold ourselves accountable for that," Kurapika said warmly.
Kurapika stood up straight again, "Okay, I am going to start cleaning up the mess we made." He walked towards the picnic blanket.
"Well done, Killua. I'm proud of you," Leorio said, smiling. He rustled Killua's hair a little with his hand as he walked past.
Killua felt an unfamiliar warm feeling in his chest. Although they had just gotten into a fight, Killua and Kurapika were able quickly to recover easily. It was nothing like Killua's family. When they fought, they fought hard. No one ever apologized.
But Gon, Leorio and Kurapika, were different. They were better than Killua's biological family.
Is this what a family is like? Or what it's supposed to be like?
Killua smiled a little. He turned to Gon, who was beaming.
"Good job, Killua!" Gon whispered.
"All I did was apologize. You act like I just won a medal or something. Plus, you're the one who told me to apologize," Killua mumbled.
While Leorio and Kurapika were on a walk together, Gon had told Killua he should probably apologize to Kurapika. Killua felt bad for yelling at Kurapika, mostly because he was embarrassed for making a scene in public and because he thought Gon would be mad at him. To his surprise, Gon wasn't angry.
Gon had helped Killua figure out what to say to Kurapika. Killua hardly ever apologized to anyone. His family never taught him anything like that. He never saw why he should anyway. He felt if he did something he should not regret it, and he usually felt that way; except with Gon. He cared a lot about what Gon thought of him. So sometimes he did regret things, but only if he thought it might affect what Gon thought of him.
Killua loved living with Gon and his other friends. It was very unusual to him at first, and it still was. He wasn't quite used to being so close to a lot of people every day, physically and emotionally. He felt quite attached to Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio. Killua often scolded himself for becoming attached, hearing the disapproving echoes of his family. But he couldn't help it.
Leorio, Kurapika, and Gon had welcomed Killua and showed him affection. This was the first time in his life Killua felt truly loved. How could he not love them back? Killua would never admit how much he loved his friends.
Kurapika and Leorio cared for Killua as if he was their child. At first, Killua pushed them away, feeling like he was being treated like a baby. He refused to accept their affection, he was a mature independent kid who could take care of himself. But after a while, Killua caved in. Killua couldn't resist all the affection he secretly craved. Even though it made him feel like a child, he believed it was making up for what he never got as a kid. Killua had come to realize that he had the same kind of attachment to Leorio and Kurapika as a child had to their parents.
Although with Gon... it was different. Gon was Killua's first, and only, friend. Killua felt so close to Gon, as if they always knew each other. After a while of Gon's overwhelming affection, Killua began to feel different. He wasn't sure if it was what it felt like to have a friend... or more.
Killua eventually realized his feelings for Gon were not platonic, but romantic.
He didn't accept it at first, making up excuses. "Maybe this is just what friendship feels like?" "I love him like a friend." "I've never had a friend before, let alone a crush. This is just what all people feel towards their friends."
But he knew those excuses were wrong. Killua had accepted his attraction to Gon by now. Although he could always feel the lingering feeling of his family's disgust. His family would be deeply disappointed in Killua. Although he had completely shut them out of their life and moved on, it wasn't that simple. He was forever damaged by his childhood.
Killua gazed off, watching as Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio cleaned up the picnic from a distance.
"Killua!" Gon called out to Killua, gesturing for Killua to come over with his hand.
Killua blinked a few times, snapping out of his daze. He smiled a little and quickly made his way over to the group to help clean up.
They are my family. My real family.

. . .

"Killua, guess what?" Gon said excitedly.
Killua tossed a few sacks into a grocery bag, looking up at Gon, "Hm?"
"Leorio and Kurapika said we are going to Starbucks on our way home!" Gon beamed.
Killua's eyes lit up, and he glanced over at Leorio and Kurapika as if asking "Is this true?"
Leorio and Kurapika smiled a little, Kurapika nodding his head.
"Yes!" Killua cheered under his breath.
The group often went to Starbucks together, usually to celebrate something or as a reward. Sometimes, when someone was feeling down, they would all go to Starbucks together to cheer them up.
Gon and Killua both loved Starbucks. Killua had introduced it to him during their adventures together, and he fell in love with it. There weren't any chain restaurants on Whale Island, so Gon had never had anything like it. He thought coffee could only be the caffeinated dark bitter liquid that Aunt Mito often drank in the morning. But Starbucks proved that wrong. Apparently, coffee could be made in many different (and more enjoyable) forms.
Gon noticed Kurapika starting to fold up the picnic blanket, and came over to help him, picking up the opposite edges of the blanket.
"We should do picnics more often, this was fun," Leorio said, standing up with one of the bags in hand.
"I agree. The weather was very nice today," Kurapika agreed.
"Yes, this was so much fun! Wasn't it, Killua?" Gon smiled, looking over his shoulder to Killua, who was holding their grocery bags full of snacks. Killua smiled a little and nodded.
Once everything was gathered, the group made their way back to Leorio's car, talking amongst themselves. Gon hopped in the back with Killua.
"Those kids we met were awesome! I hope to see them again," Gon mentioned to Killua. Gon loved talking and playing with the children. He didn't have a big friend group or anything, so being with more kids than just Killua was refreshing.
Killua nodded, "But you know we probably can't see them again. We didn't get any way to contact them."
Gon thought for a moment, "Aw man, I guess you're right."
Killua grabbed the seat in front of him, and leaned over to see Kurapika, "Hey, I saw you talking to their mom. Did you get her number or anything?"
Kurapika glanced back, "Oh- no, forgive me, I didn't. I didn't realize that you two might want to meet up with them again."
"Hmm," Killua sighed, leaning back into his seat.
"Maybe we will see them again if we go back to that park," Leorio mentioned.
"Doubtful," Killua replied, shrugging.
After a moment, Kurapika spoke. "Killua, I'm proud of you," he said softly. "You were quite friendly with those kids. I'm glad you could get along well."
Gon glanced over at Killua, nodding. He noticed Killua blush a little.
"Wha-? All I did was talk to some kids, it's not that impressive," he mumbled.
"Kurapika's right! You were so friendly, Killua," Gon added.
"You've improved," Leorio added.
Killua sat up stiffly, "What is that supposed to mean? Yeah, I know I wasn't that friendly before- before... when I was an assassin! But you don't have to make it a big deal."
"Damn, just take the compliment," Leorio said quietly as he pulled into the Starbucks drive-thru line.
Gon pressed his hands against the window, peering out. He tried to see the menu up ahead, but couldn't exactly see far enough. He rolled down the window and leaned out a little and gripped the edge of the car with his fingers.
"Does everyone know what they want?" Leorio asked.
"Not yet," Gon said. He heard Killua unbuckle and crawl over as Leorio pulled up. Gon could now clearly see the menu and scanned it with his eyes, trying to decide what he wanted. Gon felt Killua shove himself next to Gon. Killua forced his head out the window, practically sitting on Gon.
"Killua! I can't see! I wasn't done reading," Gon complained.
"Hold on," Killua said, peering out. Gon tried to lean out more, and a soft wind blew Killua's hair into Gon's face. Gon spit some of Killua's hair out of his mouth, batting it away with his hand.
"Your hair is tickling me, move your head!" Gon pushed Killua aside a little.
"I said hold on!" Killua said, pushing Gon away.
"Be quiet," Kurapika snapped.
"Killua just got in my way! Look at him!" Gon complained, elbowing Killua.
"OW! Knock it off Gon! You are so damn impatient!" Killua shoved Gon back into his seat.
Gon quickly got back up, grabbing Killua's shirt and attempting to pull him backward.
"Knock it off!" Killua grabbed Gon's shirt in response.
"You started this!" Gon snapped back.
"Cut it out, you two! The server can hear us, you know!" Leorio rolled up the window and locked it so the two boys couldn't mess with it anymore.
"What the hell, old man!" Killua hissed.
"Hey, don't be like that! I won't get you anything if you keep this up," Leorio said harshly.
Killua clenched his jaw as if biting back an insult. He sunk back into the seat, crossing his arms.
Gon peered at him, feeling bad for a moment. He pouted a little.
"Sorry Ki-"
"Shut up." Killua interrupted dully.
Gon quickly returned to being angry, scowling, and turning to look back at the menu. Leorio let out an exhausted sigh and started to tell the server their orders.

. . .

Kurapika took the frappuccino from Leorio's hands, carefully handing it back to Gon, who grabbed it excitedly.
"Thank you!" Gon took a sip of his drink as Kurapika handed Killua's drink back to him as well.
After grabbing his drink, Kurapika pulled his wallet out of his bag, handing it to Leorio. Leorio looked down at it, then up at Kurapika.
"I'm paying," Leorio said.
"No, I'm going to pay this time," Kurapika insisted, holding the wallet out farther.
Leorio pushed it away a little, taking his wallet out, "I'm going to pay, Kurapika."
"I insist," Kurapika replied, still holding out the wallet.
"Pfft, I insist."
Kurapika squinted at Leorio. Leorio turned away from Kurapika and began to hand his credit card to the barista at the window.
"Leorio!" Kurapika leaned over to snatch the card out of Leorio's hands.
"Hey-! Cut it out, Kurapika!"
"I will pay, whether you like it or not," Kurapika said sternly, holding Leorio's credit card out of his reach.
Leorio scowled at Kurapika, then sighed, "Fine, then let's split the cost."

After agreeing to split the cost, they paid and headed home. Kurapika gazed out of the window, watching the city pass by. It was a small city, practically nothing compared to YorkNew. But it was a city nonetheless.
The group often left their house in the country to visit the city for a day. Kurapika enjoyed spending time in the city with his friends, but he would always prefer the countryside. It was peaceful and calm, and much less populated than the city. Not to mention the country reminded him of his home in the forest.
Kurapika almost dozed off as he watched the city slowly thin out. He hadn't slept much the night before and although he took an accidental nap at the park, he was still worn out. In all honesty, Kurapika was always tired. Not only from taking care of Gon and Killua and doing house chores, but mental health had always been a struggle to him. Although he was doing better now, Kurapika still wasn't mentally stable. It was a huge burden and he was always out of energy from dealing with it. And to top it all off, he rarely got a good night's sleep. Falling asleep was difficult and nightmares were always a struggle to deal with.
More trees than buildings and houses were starting to whiz by. The drive to and from the city was a pretty long one, about 45 minutes. Kurapika could now tell they were completely out of the city and closer to home.
Kurapika remembered back to when they first moved in. It was not long after Kurapika and Leorio's relationship became official. They decided they wanted to move out. They had heard Gon and Killua had been staying on Whale Island with Aunt Mito for a few months. Kurapika missed them, as he had always felt a protective attachment to the two boys since they met at the Hunter Exam.
Kurapika and Leorio decided they would invite the boys to live with them. This changed their plans quite a bit. While they initially planned to just live in a larger apartment, they knew that with Gon and Killua that just wouldn't work. They needed plenty of space and a large backyard, especially for Gon. Not to mention the noise, they couldn't have neighbors so close like in an apartment. They knew they wanted to live in the country somewhere. But that caused one problem: money.
A nice house with lots of property in the forest was quite expensive. With Leorio in school still and Kurapika having quit his job, the only money they had was anything saved up. Leorio came up with a solution, although at first Kurapika was completely opposed to the idea. But after a lot of convincing and time, they decided it was best.
Leorio sold his Hunter License and used the money to buy the perfect house. Leorio bought a car as well, so he could drive to school. With the money Leorio had after selling the Hunter License, they had all the money they needed to sustain the four of them for years and more.
After talking quite a bit, Gon and Killua agreed to live with them. Aunt Mito happily agreed as well, saying it was fine as long as they visited often. They quickly moved in in early June.
The four lived in a simple house in the forest. They owned a little land, so their "backyard" was huge. The forest they lived in was lush and green, and not far from a river. Quite a few people lived there as well, and they knew most of their neighbors. It was now October, and the four had lived together for a few months now. Kurapika truly loved living with all of them. Taking care of Gon and Killua made Kurapika feel like he had a true purpose. Compared to the start of the year, Kurapika's mental health was exponentially better.
And he owed it all to Leorio, Gon, and Killua. He felt guilty about the fact that they had to look out for him. Kurapika knew he was a burden. But he couldn't help it. Now that he had found comfort in a safe place with his newfound family, he couldn't leave. Although he regretted it often, the feeling of failing his clan always weighing him down, Kurapika knew if he tried to leave again his friends wouldn't let him.
And that was fine.

. . .

Leorio slowed the car to a careful stop, parking on the large gravel driveway in front of their house. It had been a surprisingly quiet drive. He glanced back at Killua and Gon, whom he'd assumed were asleep. But to his surprise, they were both awake and gathering their things.
As they all got out of the car, Kurapika spoke up, "Gon, Killua, just a reminder that you need to clean your room tonight."
Killua groaned.
Leorio made his way to the trunk of the car to grab the picnic bag. Leorio glanced at the others as they made their way to the front door. They all looked exhausted. Leorio understood why; Gon and Killua had stayed up late and then ran around at a park for hours. Leorio didn't understand how they even had that kind of energy. But now they looked clearly worn out. As for Kurapika, well, he always looked tired. But Leorio knew he was extra worn out, considering the little sleep he got and the picnic.
Leorio yawned, realized how tired he was as well. It had been a long week.
"Hey, maybe we should all take a nap," Leorio suggested.
"Why?" Gon asked, a hint of a whine in his voice.
Leorio laughed a little, looking down at the obviously exhausted teen.
"I agree with Leorio. We all are pretty tired," Kurapika added as Leorio started to unlock the front door.
"I'm not tired at all," Gon insisted. The group walked into the house together, all simultaneously taking off their shoes.
Killua yawned, "Well, I'm always down for a nap. And now that I think about it, I guess I am pretty tired."
"So we all agree on a household nap?" Leorio asked, closing and locking the front door.
Everyone nodded except Gon who scowled a little. But just as he seemed like he was going to say something, he yawned. Everyone giggled.
"You sure you're not tired?" Killua smirked, elbowing Gon lightly.
Gon sighed, "Okay, fine. I'll take a nap too. Race you to the bedroom!" Gon dashed towards the stairs, Killua not far behind.
Leorio smiled as he watched them chase up the wooden stairs, laughing and shrieking playfully the whole way. He brought the picnic bag he was holding into the kitchen and began unpacking it.
Leorio glanced over at Kurapika, who was neatly lining up all of the shoes against the small step in the entryway. Leorio often noticed Kurapika doing this. Usually, everyone just threw off their shoes, leaving them at the doorstep. But Kurapika always stayed behind to line them up without saying a word. That was one of the many things Leorio loved about Kurapika, all the little gestures and routines he did that no one would notice if you didn't pay attention enough.
Slipping the leftovers from the picnic in the fridge, Leorio glanced over at the time displayed on the oven. It was just past two PM. He walked over to the window above the sink, cracking it open a bit. A gust of cool autumn air blew into the house, bringing along the sweet scent of cottonwood trees.
Leorio heard Kurapika making his way upstairs, and after a moment, he followed. He wondered why Kurapika was going upstairs, as his bedroom was downstairs.
Once Leorio made it upstairs, he could hear voices from the master bedroom, or Gon and Killua's room. Leorio noticed Kurapika quietly tidying up some things in the den. Upstairs they had a small living area with a couch, a TV, and a small table.  A shelf was placed on the back wall, filled with books and games and a few art supplies that Gon and Killua used occasionally.
Kurapika picked up a blanket, tossing it into a laundry basket. He looked over at Leorio.
"Kurapika, what are you doing?" Leorio asked, walking over. Kurapika gave Leorio a puzzled look, then continued to gently toss another blanket in the basket.
"I'm cleaning," he stated.
"Well- obviously, but why? Didn't we all agree we would rest first?"
"Yes, and I will. I figured I should tidy up a bit first," Kurapika picked up a few crayons that were sitting on the table, and some off of the floor as well.
"No no no. I know you, you'll end up cleaning the whole house if you don't stop now. Sleep first, clean later," Leorio gently pushed Kurapika, guiding him back to the stairs. Kurapika looked up at Leorio, pouting a little.
    "Fine. But at least let me put these in the washer," Kurapika picked up the laundry basket full of blankets and laundry.
    Leorio sighed, "Alright. But I swear if you aren't resting by the time-"
"Leorio, I'm fine," Kurapika smiled as he looked over his shoulder, starting down the stairs. Leorio watched as Kurapika made his way down the stairs.
Leorio could feel a wave of exhaustion wash over him. Running around with Gon and Killua had worn him out. Leorio retired to his room, which was across from Gon and Killua's room. Carefully shutting the door behind him, Leorio flopped down onto his full-size bed.
His gaze fell onto his desk, where a few books and a large open binder were sitting. The desk lamp was the only light on in his room, shining onto the books.
Right, school.
Leorio had almost forgotten that he had a test on Monday he was supposed to study for.
It can wait.

. . .

Kurapika placed the empty laundry basket in front of the washer machine. He closed the laundry room door gently, turning out the light as he left. He made his way to the kitchen to get a sip of water.
Just as Kurapika was about to head to his room he noticed a few dishes in the sink from that morning. They were all focused on leaving that no one had the chance to do the dishes.
Might as well.
Warm water spilled into Kurapika's hands as he rinsed a mug he'd used that morning. Just as he was about to place it into the dishwasher, he noticed that he had forgotten to unload the dishwasher that morning as well.
Kurapika sighed, angry at himself for forgetting to do something so simple. He started to unload the dishwasher. Kurapika felt a chill go up his spine as a cold breeze flew in through the open window. He inhaled the fresh air, taking a moment to gaze out at their backyard.
He stared out at the bright green leaves of the cottonwood trees, shimmering in the breeze. The familiar sound of leaves in the wind could be heard, sounding almost like a waterfall in the distance. The wind chimes hanging at their porch rang in the wind. 
A bird call snapped Kurapika out of his brief trance. He stared down at the stack of ceramic plates he was holding.
What am I doing... I told Leorio I would try to sleep.
Kurapika then realized how tired he truly was. He opened a cupboard, reaching up to carefully place the plates inside. Although he was only halfway done with the dishes, Kurapika left it. He made his way down his hallway and to his bedroom.
Hesitatingly, Kurapika touched the door handle, stopping for a moment. He stared at his door for a moment, then turned and silently started up the stairs. The house was eerily quiet. The only sound was the running washer machine and any noises coming from the open window downstairs. In the silence, the familiar feeling of cold loneliness began to creep inside Kurapika. Although he knew Leorio, Killua and Gon were with him, silence always made him feel empty.
Driven by his mild anxiety, Kurapika gently opened the door to the master bedroom. He peeked inside, scanning the messy room. His eyes fell onto the large open window, which was practically never closed. Gon always insisted on leaving it open, claiming that he needed fresh air.
Kurapika let himself in, careful as to not step on anything in the messy room. He looked over at the bunk bed on the far left side of the room.
There on the bottom bunk, Gon and Killua slept peacefully. Killua was curled up next to Gon, his head resting delicately on Gon's arm that was sprawled across the bed. A small blanket barely covered the two of them, Gon's feet hanging out. Although the bed was small, the two teens somehow managed to both squeeze into it.
Kurapika smiled at the image of the boys sleeping together in tranquility. He made his way over to their bed cautiously, picking up the comforter that was laying on the floor. Kurapika covered the two with the blanket. Gon stirred a little in his sleep but luckily didn't wake up.
Kurapika turned out a small lamp that was sitting on the bedside table, leaving the room and closing the door silently.
Kurapika walked over to some incense sitting on the shelf in the den, picking one out and lighting it. After watching the flame slowly transform into smoke, Kurapika turned to Leorio's bedroom door.
He took a steady breath, then knocked on the door lightly. After a few moments without a response, Kurapika let himself in.
Leorio was passed out, sprawled across his bed. He hadn't even bothered to get under the covers or take off his glasses.
Kurapika felt a warmth in his chest replace the cold lonely feeling from before. He noticed Leorio's desk lamp still on. He gently closed the door before going to turn off the light. Kurapika looked down at Leorio's schoolwork sitting on his desk.
He must have been studying last night. I hope he didn't overwork himself.
Kurapika sat down next to Leorio on the bed, reluctantly laying down next to him.
Although they had been together for months, Kurapika and Leorio still each had their own room. Kurapika didn't feel ready to sleep in the same room (let alone the same bed) every night. He knew they would share a room eventually, but for now, Kurapika and Leorio only laid together occasionally.
Kurapika's blonde hair fell into his face, and he gently pushed it aside, feeling a flower come out into his hand. He had completely forgotten about the flowers and braids in his hair. He had taken off the flower crown in the car, but loose flowers from Gon and Killua remained in his hair. He wondered if the braids had come undone.
Kurapika nuzzled his face into Leorio's chest, feeling the tiredness come over him again. Although he usually had trouble sleeping, being so close to Leorio made Kurapika feel completely relaxed. Feeling the warm swell in his chest again, Kurapika knew he would have no trouble falling asleep.

The end <3 

Even though this was a poorly written mess, I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Thank you for reading. I hope you like this AU because I absolutely love it. I plan to write more for this AU in the future, and if you have any suggestions please comment them!
P.S., if you like this AU I have two short stories in this AU already posted!


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