Love sick

By Kites_life_insurance

55.1K 1.8K 4K

"I love him..." ✄♡✄♡ Inspired by Yandere Simulator Killugon/Gonkillu High school & Yandere Au Complete!! Wor... More

⚠ Info & Warnings ⚠
♡ Prologue ♡
♡ One ♡
♡ Two ♡
♡ Three ♡
♡Ten ♡
♡Bonus Chapter♡


1.6K 51 165
By Kites_life_insurance

A little albino boy walked outside alongside the sidewalk while the other secondary schoolers played in the playground. He was looking around, observing, "None of them," he muttered under his breath, "None of them work."

He continued walking until he heard some commotion coming from a more hidden- garden like part of the school, it was beautiful, a few tress, patches of grass, and to top it off some flowers, every flower from primrose to weigelas, all sorts of flowers he'd never seen before, but near the front were a group of three boys picking on one smaller one.

He could see the smaller boy crying and attempting to fight back while the others were picking apart something made of flowers. Killua wasn't one to just be a bystander, so he stepped forward, "Hey!" He called out successfully catching the attention of the boys, stopping the act.

While he was talking to the others, he noticed how devastated the smaller boy looked as he stared at his crushed flowers, and he felt something in him stir at the sight. After disposing of the boys, he introduced himself, "You're a second year student right? I'm Killua Zoldyck, a third year." He found out the boys name was Gon Freecss, the boy was so cute he couldn't even help calling him pretty.

His pastel green sweater was a little oversized, giving Gon sweater paws as he attempted to recreate the destroyed flower crown with delicate hands and fingers. He had stopped crying, but his eyelashes were still glistening, his lips were in a cute little pout.

This is the one...

Killua smiled as he offered to help, finding it cute how Gon blushed and accepted. This was the one he wanted...

Killua went home that day, running to his father and mother, "Dad, mom, I found him, the one I want to marry."

"Did you, son?" 


"Yes, he's adorable and the most beautiful human being ever, and he's so sweet. He's the one I want!"

"Do you love him?" His father asked

"Yes, yes I do; I do love him." 

"Then you must go get him." His mother continued. 

"How do I do that?"

"By any means necessary." His parents said. 

Over the next few years, Killua kept the façade of being a star student who was also one of the school's sweethearts, he wanted to have a good image for Gon. He was scared when he and his family moved after finishing the first part of secondary school, but luckily Gon transferred to the same high school as him a year later; he wanted to keep the younger as close as possible.

He studied hard, wanting to do the best of his abilities for Gon, he wanted to make sure he was worthy enough to have Gon as his partner for life. He couldn't talk to Gon as much as he wanted due to their grade difference, so he only admired from afar, but he finally mustered up the courage before one practice when he saw the boy practicing track and field.

He didn't want to frighten the younger by coming off too eager, so instead he kept his cool during every one of their encounters, even though on the inside all he thought about was making Gon his.

There were times when he'd overhear other students secretly crushing on the lower classman, even thinking about asking the brown eyed boy out, and Killua definitely couldn't have that. Both boys and girls, he'd pull the aside before or after class, "I suggest you stay away from Gon," He'd tell them. "Trust me, it's in your best interest to keep away if you actually care about your future, in more ways than one." 

After that the student would act like Gon never existed.

Killua always had a mischievous glint in his eyes, some would say sinister. Everyone he threatened never spoke to anyone about it, mainly because of his family; they just did what he said and didn't look to Gon's direction.

Killua wanted Gon all to himself...and now he does...

Killua had picked him up in his own personal vehicle driven by his personal driver. The silverette smiled as Gon slid into the car, "I hope it's not too forward, but," Killua spoke nervously. "I got you these." He held out a small bouquet of sunflowers, Gon smiling widely upon seeing them.

"I love them," Gon is practically swooning, trying to hold himself together, still processing that he was going on a date with the person he's been in love with for so many years now. "I feel bad, I was so nervous I forgot to get you something..."

Killua smiled, gesturing the driver to start driving, "Don't be sorry, I was the one that asked you out and I wanted to surprise you."

"Where are we going?" Gon asked, eyes sparkling with wonder and anticipation.

"It's a surprise." Killua smirked, Gon feeling small under the other's gaze, fidgeting with his sweater paws.

Gon's eyes were glowing when he looked up, seeing all the lights, "I've never been to a carnival before." He was so giddy, and Killua felt proud.

The silverette knew everything about Gon, everything- he knew Gon loved sunflowers, he also knew that Gon had never been to a carnival before; he needed to make sure that he'd win over Gon's heart with this date.

Killua buys their tickets, leading them to some of the booths. Gon is practically beaming, one thing he's always loved, besides Killua, were stuffed animals and once again, Killua already knew.

Killua approaches one booth that seemed to be based off of basket ball where you had to throw the ball into a goal with a robotic dummy moving back and forth- trying to make you miss-, "What prize do you want?" He asked the giddy shorter brown eyed boy.

Gon smiled, "The cat one." He pointed to the medium sized white cat plushie pinned up on the side.

"Done." Killua handed two tickets to the tender and threw the basket ball into the goal three times in a row, successfully avoiding the moving guard.

"Congratulations, here's your prize." The tender spoke monotonously, handing over the desired cat plushie. Gon took hold of the plushie with greedy hands, completely happy, "Thank you, Killua!"

"It was nothing." Killua pridefully shrugged off. "What do you think about roller coasters?"

"I've never been on one." Gon responded a bit shy.

"Well, we're about to change that." Killua pulled the smaller boy towards one of the lines for the roller coaster.

After a while when the two got off, Gon was a bit dazed; not only because of the speed and adrenaline from the roller coaster, but because his and Killua's hands were still interlocked from the ride. Killua saw that Gon was a bit jittery when they got into their seats and restraints, so he took the initiative and held Gon's hand, hoping to calm him down.

That did anything but calm the boy down. Gon wasn't prepared for such a move, he's always dreamed about being this close to Killua and if he were honest he was wondering if this was all another dream.

"Are you okay?" Killua asked, genuinely concerned.

Gon looked up at him with wide eyes, "Oh, yes, of course," He was scared he was holding onto the silverette's hand for too long and was going to make a move to let go, but felt Killua's grip only become tighter. "I just d-didn't expect it to be so...surprising."

Killua smiled, "Well, I'm glad you liked it," They began walking again, their hands staying together. "Are you hungry? Did you want something to eat?"

Gon nodded, Killua leading them to one of the food booths that seemed to sell a variety of snacks, drinks, and of course food.

"Hi, what can I get you boys?" The cashier asked, smiling.

Gon smiled while Killua ordered, it's like Killua knew exactly what he wanted without even having to tell him, and maybe Gon found himself becoming brave and leaned lightly against the older.

The boy was pulled out of his happy thoughts when he heard giggling. Curiosity getting the best of him, he looked over to a small group of girls nearby that were looking no so discreetly at them, at Killua. Gon could tell they were talking about him, by now he could tell if anyone were making eyes at Killua, but this wasn't the place to do anything irrational. His best move were to be to make sure people knew Killua was his.

The girls suddenly stopped laughing, becoming a bit..nervous. They failed to notice the male next to the silverette who seemed to be staring them down, but the gaze They felt uncomfortable and maybe a little...apprehensive under the other's eyes, eyes that seemed so dark and..ominous.

Gon watched as they walked away, his gaze never faltering, his mind diving into deeper thoughts on what it would be like to tie them each to different parts of the roller coaster tracks and run over-

"Gon," Killua spoke gently, holding two trays of food in his hands. "Are you okay?"

Gon smiled, pushing the sinister thoughts out of his mind, "Oh, yeah," He held out his hands, taking hold of his own tray of fried rice and noodles. "Sorry, just saw something weird."

The two ate at one of the empty table, talking while they ate, enjoying their time with each other, learning more about each other...but not everything. They giggled when one of them would get sauce on their face after eating too fast, talking about school, even about what Killua had planned after he'd graduate...and maybe Gon's heart hurt a lot at the thought of Killua leaving.

Once finished, Killua threw away their trays, surprising Gon by reattaching their hands as they returned to the booths. "I want to win you something," Gon proposed. "Pick something out."

Killua eyed the booths, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the prizes before eyeing the one he wanted. Leading the shorter boy to the desired destination, "I want the frog." Killua smiled looking at the small pastel green frog plushie.

Gon smiled brightly before noticing the game; it was a simple one that seemed to be based off of baseball where some pins were built up like a pyramid and you had to hit the target to knock over all of them in one shot, then two more pyramids following that gradually got taller. He handed over his tickets to the tender, receiving three balls in return, "I don't specialize in baseball, but I'll try my best." Gon giggled nervously.

"You'll do great." Killua supported, rubbing the other's back comfortingly, while Gon shuddered for a moment.

After all three attempts, Gon successfully won over the frog plushie. Killua was stunned momentarily since Gon looked like he wasn't even trying yet he knocked over all the pyramids on the first try. Being pulled out of his thought, Killua looked down at the beaming boy who held out the frog plushie at him, "For you," Gon squeaked.

"It looks like you." Killua smiled while Gon pouted playfully.

"Should I be offended?"

"No," Killua smiled. "It's cute like you." Loving the red-ish pink flush that adorned Gon's cheeks.

Gon turned away, wanting to hide his blushing face, "I want to play another one." He began walking, Killua following closely behind in attempt to reattach their hands.

They approached another booth, Gon already handing his tickets over to play, excited while Killua watched fondly. It was a game of darts where you had to hit the balloons a number of times to win your prize, and once again Gon was a pro. Although, something caught Killua's eye...

Looking away from the boy, he saw that the tender, who seemed to be a guy around their age was looking at Gon..a little too closely for his liking. The guy licked his lips looking at the shorter male before turning his gaze upwards, meeting the silverette's glaring eyes. He gulped, suddenly feeling uncomfortable; Killua's half-lidded eyes becoming daring and threatening, making the other feel small.

The tender was startled with a sudden cough, "I'll take the purple bunny please." Gon requested after successfully winning the dart game. The tender was quick to move, giving the bunny to the boy who gladly took the plushie, turning his attention to the silverette who was now smiling and congratulating the younger.

The pair turned away, reattaching their hands, but not before Killua could shoot one last menacing gaze towards the tender.

After many more roller coasters, rides, and games, the pair became tired. Killua smiled fondly when the younger boy eventually gave in and leaned against him as they walked towards the car. Gon closed his eyes as he lightly napped against Killua's shoulder while in the car, feeling the silverette rest his own head against his.

Pulling up to Gon's little home, neither of them wanted the night to end, "I hope you enjoyed tonight," Killua spoke up, voice low from being so tired as he began walking the other to the front door.

"Of course I did," Gon declared. "It was perfect, better than I could've ever imagined."

Killua swore he could see all the stars in the night sky in Gon's own eyes at this moment, "I hope it wouldn't be too forward, but I'd love to take you out again," Killua  proposed. "I know the school year is ending and I know we have exams but-"

"I'd love to go out with you again, Kil." Gon smiled, eyes crinkling up as the stars gleamed in them.

Killua sighed, happy and relieved. The tension seemed high for some reason, both wondering if the other was thinking the same thing; Gon's heart was racing while Killua's mind had a million thoughts running around.

Gon had always wondered what it would be like to have Killua's own plush lips against his, and Killua always thought of how perfect Gon's would fit with his. Both wanted the same thing, but were too afraid to speak up.

It wasn't until Killua licked his own lips for a brief second, his eyes flickering to Gon's own cherry lips before all thoughts and unspoken words were confirmed. They both found each other leaning slowly, lips parting slightly, becoming closer and closer, mere centimeters away until-


"Honey, what's wrong?" Kikyo asked as she saw her husband sitting still in an empty room.

"Another one..." He softly spoke.

"What?" Kikyo asked, slightly tilting her head.



Silence was all he was met with until-



"Mother, father, we can hear you. Also for your own enlightenment, Illumi is engaged, Milluki is questionable, we all know Killua is gay, Alluka uses she/her pronouns which makes her transgender, and I use he/they." Kalluto calmly spoke.

"Thank you, Kallu- wait...THEY'RE ENGAGED??"



"Hmmm~♤ I like your family Illumi~♧ Also, as clarification, I am a magician. I would never stoop down to the level of a clown~☆" A certain clow- my apologies, magician spoke.

"Big brother Illumi, I have to agree with father. You could've done so much better." A sweet little girl honestly spoke.

"Alluka, I swear I will smack you out the window." Illuni said, internally question his entire life.

"I love you too, big brother!"


"Virtual girls are better anyways."



"Killua, you make it too obvious. We'll be dead before we believe you saying you're straight."


"They all need a cup of tea and a shit ton of melatonin" A certain grandfather spoke.


Feel the pain of a cliffhanger. Anyway aside from the cliffhanger, how are you doing?

Enjoy the extra long chapter, instead of 1k-ish words you got 2k-ish.

I would also like to clear up the Zoldyck family, in this fic they have a good relationship, most of the things with the Zoldyck family are headcanons and other stuff. I genuinely like the Zoldyck family and think they'd be a good family if they weren't assassins.

I'm writing this in class so just point out any mistakes and I'll fix them later!!

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