The Contradiction Between Hum...

By Weeblet-san

79.6K 2.6K 554

Mochizuki Aito, a white room product, is trying to enjoy the three years of freedom he was given due to the w... More

Aito Mochizuki's Monologue
Chapter 1: The Beginning of My New School Life
Chapter 2: A Random Encounter
Chapter 3: Special Gift
Chapter 4: Club Registration
Chapter 5: Swiming Class
Chapter 6: Murderous Intent
Chapter 8: Confrontation
Chapter 9: Improvement
Chapter 10: Development
Chapter 11: Misunderstanding
Chapter 12: Island Exam Begins
Chapter 13: Strategies Forming
Chapter 14: Conflict
Chapter 15: Phase One Complete
Chapter 16: Deal
Chapter 17: Reason
Chapter 18: Results
Chapter 19: Future
Chapter 20: Discussion
Chapter 21: Opinion
Chapter 22: Students
Chapter 23: Entertainment
Chapter 24: Persuasion
Chapter 25: Next Step
Chapter 26: Cooperation
Chapter 27: Perspective
Chapter 28: Game
Chapter 29: Opportunity
Chapter 30: Identity
Chapter 31: Effect
Chapter 32: One-Sided
Chapter 33: Observation
Chapter 34: Change
Chapter 35: Break

Chapter 7: Zero Points

3.5K 120 24
By Weeblet-san

While heading out of the classroom, my body felt like it was forgetting something. You know that feeling when you forget something important, just to remember it later that day? Yeah, the same thing that was happening to me.


Wait....what happened to the art club?!
Ahhh shit!!! So that was the thought I subconsciously buried deep inside my mind.

My dumbass was fortunate that class just ended. I found myself roaming around the school searching for the club room. Desperate was the only possible word you could use to describe my behavior. Hopefully, tomorrow I can get some help.

It was tomorrow, class went as usual, but this was one of the only days that my attention was actually focused on the lessons Chiyabashira-sensei was teaching. After the bell rang, I initiated a discussion with sensei.

"Excuse me sensei, but can you help me." I asked politely.

"Make it quick." She replied in her typical cold stern voice.

"Where can I find the art club?"

"Are you serious? Stop wasting my time with these foolish questions."

Does sensei hate me? Never mind, she treats everyone like this.

"I'm serious, the school didn't notify me. Look I can show you."

She takes a quick look at it, before leaving. Hearing people around me laughing added insult to injury. Of course, I wasn't going to give up that easily.

Listening to the teachers made me feel more depressed. Once class ended, I made my way to sensei.


She downright ignored my entire existence. Naturally, I also left since people were laughing, again. From the corner of my eye I noticed a lone figure of a girl standing besides the door.

"Took you long enough." She seemed annoyed.

"What are you talking about?" I doubt she would talk to me for the sake of it.

"Follow me."

"Uhhh, okay?"

Shortly after following her, we arrived in what appeared to be a club room.

"Where are we?"

"You'll see once we enter."

"I guess so."

Then we both entered the room, it was filled with art supplies. For example, there was acrylic paint which can be used on almost anything. Charcoal pencils for those who were practicing realism.

Ink was used by many artists to outline and color drawing, and that was not mentioning the variations of pencils, pens, paint, and paper.

"Ah, you're here already. Thanks for bringing him here." Said the club representative. The girl besides me nodded and sat down in the corner of the room.

"Did something happen?" I couldn't help, but ask.

"Let me explain."

Long story short, the school system malfunctioned and I didn't get notified for club activities. That's strange, no wonder Chiyabashira-sensei disregarded my question.

(A/N, it's very rare for the school to mess up like that, just take it as plot convenience. Btw, are there any members besides Kamuro, Shiranami and Kaneda that are in the art club?)

Following that explanation was another one, but this one was about the art supplies. Like always we introduced ourselves. Apparently, I was the only student from Class D.

Since it took quite a bit of time for them to explain everything, the club was dismissed.

On May 1, the morning bell rang for our very first day of class. Soon afterward, Chiyabashira-sensei strode into the room, holding a rolled up poster. Damn, it's already time, isn't it?

"All right, your morning homeroom is about to begin. Before we get started, does anyone have any questions? If so, now is the time to speak."

Immediately, several students raised their hands.

"Um, I checked my point balance this morning, but I didn't see any deposits. Points are given on the first day of every month, aren't they?"

"Hondou, I already explained this before, didn't I? Points are deposited on the first day of the month. I've confirmed that points were wired this month without any issues."

"Um, but....nothing was deposited into my account, though."

Students exchanged glances, Ike was too shocked to notice them looking at each other. While on this topic on points, I checked mine when I woke up. Although, I didn't get any points wired to me......I had more than enough already.

"Are you kids really that dumb?"

"Dumb? What?" That's pretty stupid, not gonna lie.

"Sit down, Hondou. I'll explain once more." She said.

"Points were deposited. That much I know for certain. There is absolutely no chance that we forgot about anyone in this class. Understood?"

Man, sensei sure is mad at these defective classmates of mine.

"Ha ha ha, I see. So, it's like that then, teacher? I think I've solved the mystery," Kouenji boomed, laughing. He propped his feet up on his desk and smugly pointed toward Hondou.

"It's simple. We're in Class D, so we didn't receive a single point."

Kouenji, you're half right. The reason we didn't get points wasn't because we're in Class D, but because of the people in Class D.

"Huh? What are you talking about? They said we'd get 100,000 points every month—"

"I don't remember hearing that, though. Do you?" Chuckling, Kouenji boldly pointed at Chiyabashira-sensei.

"While he certainly has an attitude problem, Kouenji is exactly right. For crying out loud, barely anyone seems to have noticed the hint I gave you. How deplorable."

I agree, how could you not notice something so obvious? Well that's to be expected, this is Class D we're talking about. The class exploded in an uproar.

"Can you please tell us why we didn't receive any points?" Asked Hirata.

"A total of ninety-eight absences and late arrivals. Three hundred ninety-one incidents of taking or using a cell phone in class. In this school, your class's results are reflected in the points you received. As a result, you wasted all of the 100,000 points that you should have received. That's what happened."

Sensei spoke in a robotic fashion, devoid of any emotion, like a certain someone. I bet after this Class D will be more of a laughing stock, than it was previously. Our class reputation is already low enough, now it will be even lower.

I covered my mouth with my arm pretending to cough, in reality a smile was forming in my face, who would've thought it would be this bad. Unexpectedly, I made eye contact with sensei.

"Mind explaining why you're smiling, Mochizuki?"

Once Chiyabashira-sensei said that everyone's attention went towards me. I quickly changed my expression and put my arm down, let's act dumb for now.

"What do you mean, sensei?" I said in a confused voice.

"Tch, never mind." She said.

No need to be angry, sensei. After all, I will help this class. I'm soo generous, right~?

Hirata tried giving an argument thinking that sensei would be somewhat considerate, but that idea got shot down immediately.

The bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom.

"It looks like we spent too much time yammering. Well, it's about time that we switch to our main topic."

She removed a white rolled up poster and spread it out. She stuck the poster to the blackboard with some magnets. The still-confused students stared blankly at the poster.

It displayed the class points for Class A through Class D. To the side was a row of numbers that went up to a maximum of four digits. Class D had zero. Class C had 490. Class B had 650. And on top was Class A, with a total of 940. So every class lost points.

"In this school, students are sorted by their level of excellence. The superior students are sorted into Class A, the least capable in Class D. In other words, you're the worst of the worst. You're defective. This is the result of you being defective."

That's right, everyone is in Clasa D for a reason. For example, why is Kushida in Class D? There's something only the school knows. Which means the evaluation of each student is probably accurate.

"Now then, I have one more bit of bad news to share with you all."

She stuck another piece of paper on the board. It listed the names of everyone in class.

"Judging from these, I can see that we have quite a few idiots in this class. Your sensei was so happy after your excellent performance."

With the exception of a few high scores, most were below sixty. Even if you ignored Sudou's wonderful score of fourteen points, there was Ike, who scored a little above twenty-four points. The average score was sixty five. I had a score of sixty-nine points.

"I'm so glad. If it were an actual test, then seven of you would've had to drop out."

"D-Drop out? What do you mean?"

"If you fail on a midterm or final exam in this school, then you have to drop out. You've guys really stupid, aren't you."

"W-What?!" Wailed the failures.

"Oh, one more thing. This school, which operates under government supervision, boasts a high rate of advancement into elite education and workforce placement. That is a well-known fact. It's very likely that most of you have chosen a college or future workplace."

Naturally, most people choose this school for that exact reason. Then there are other students like me, that enrolled for a whole different reason. If I said this out loud I would be bombarded with questions. Well it's not like I'll answer them anyways.

"However, nothing comes easy in this world. Mediocre people such as yourselves would have to be naive to think that you could easily get into the college or workplace of your choice."

Chiyabashira-sensei's words carried throughout the room.

"In other words, you're saying that if we want to get into the company or college of our choice, we must, at minimum, surpass Class C?" Hirata asked.

"You're wrong. To make your dreams of a bright future come true, your only option is to overtake Class A. This school guarantees nothing for any other students."

"Th-that's.....absurd! We didn't hear anything about that!"

A bespectacled student named Yukimura stood up. He'd tied with Kouenji for the top score, indicating that there were no issues with his academic abilities.

"Calm down, Yukimura."

Everyone turned their attention towards the person who said that. It happened to be no other than myself. People were surprised, since I normally don't socialize with many students.

"What do you mean!" He said in a demanding tone.

"Like I said, calm down, there's no need for you to get angry."

"Huh? How can anybody not be angry in this situation?" Many students nodded in agreement, that's to be expected.

"That's exactly the reason, there are times where you need to cast away those feelings to focus on what's ahead."

You should be able to think rationally in any possible situation. Of course, not many know how.

"You can follow my advice if you want it's all up to you, Yukimura."

Following my statement Yukimura simply sat back down.

"Your midterm exams are in three weeks. Please think things over, and be careful to not drop out."

Chiyabashira-sensei exited the room, closing the door with some force. The students were left dejected.

Sorry it took some days for the next chapter to be published. After reading all of my own chapters. I used too many 'I' in my fanfic. Yeah, that's why I took it but longer to write this chapter. Hopefully, the I can write the next chapter at least like this. Should I rewrite the beginning chapters? Although some chapter were decent, I can confidently say that this was the best chapter I wrote so far in terms of writing. What do you guys think about my writing skills? Did my writing get better or worse?

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