Afterlife [Naruto Fanfiction]

Da xShiraXx

796 26 25


Prologue [Beta]
[Patch 1.0]
[Patch 1.2]

[Patch 1.1]

122 6 6
Da xShiraXx

I tried focusing my unprepared eyes on our surroundings, trying to pick up details out of the blur that went by, but to no avail. That woman literally left a trail of dust behind when she raced away from that orphanage. And it didn't seem as though she wanted to slow down anytime soon, much to my dismay.

I tried hard to squint my eyes and figure out ANYTHING that was happening around us but, oh well. It wasn't working. The only thing I noticed and instantly made me thoughtful, was the fact that we were jumping above the rooftops of the village. Normal citizens weren't particularly supposed to be able to do that kind of ninja stuff. Sure, I didn't think it was that hard, but still, I saw Naimi all the time at the Orphanage, she shouldn't even have the time to keep her body fit enough for this kind of activity.

Plus, she went at a speed that didn't really match my expectations for a simple caretaker as well. Had she been a shinobi of some sort before she started taking care of children like me?

I got ripped out of my trance when we abruptly stopped, shaking the living hell of my tiny body. I admit, during the months I had been able to build up the slightest muscles. Mainly because I tried to open my chakra coils which put so much strain on my undeveloped body and muscles that they were forced to build up. Also, I had tried to move around as much as I could, but it wasn't exactly much since I was still only around 4-5 months old.

Now that I thought about it, maybe it wasn't the best idea to already blow my cover. I was too young to actually go against whatever people would do to me or wanted me to do. Not to mention that I was apparently born into a Senju body, which meant I was probably the last living Senju besides Tsunade.

Apropos, was it possible that Tsunade didn't leave yet? I still didn't quite know in which time I was reborn. All I could tell was that it wasn't Boruto's time, judging by all the traditional and run-down buildings around us. Now that I could actually see them, BECAUSE NAIMI DIDN'T RUN THRICE THE SPEED MY EYES COULD TAKE.

We stood in the middle of Konoha's busy streets, people were walking and wiggling all around us, some calling out to sell their products, others happily engaged in conversations to catch up on the newest events. I could hear children running around in the mass, laughing and enjoying this sunny day. A warm breeze gently blew above my still developing, silky skin and face, bringing the calming smell of trees and water to my nose.

I was...mesmerized. This village, it seemed so peaceful. So friendly and bright. It had been a long time since I had this melancholic but calm feeling that let my heart feel so incredibly light. And I couldn't help to smile at that. I could see now why Konoha was being claimed as the nicest village of all. If Kirigakure was the bloodiest and deadliest village, Konohagakure indeed was a ray of hope that shone above the horizon. Even though I knew there were many, many deadly shinobi that had their origin in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, it felt like a fairy tale.

But, the more peace emitted from this place the more I began to see how dark the shadow of this village had to be to make it shine so brightly. No wonder all those villains, well rather the people we saw as villains, had so much darkness and anger in them.

The brighter the light, the darker the shadow indeed.

My eyes wandered all over the place, observing our surroundings, until we halted right in front of a huge building. Behind it I could see an even more gigantic wall of stone with three faces in it-

Wait. Only three? Did that mean I-I was born into the times before Naruto? Minato hadn't even been Kage yet? If that was true, then either I was born right into the third shinobi war, or into the second. As much as I knew, Hiruzen became Hokage after Tobirama Senju died in the first shinobi war. Oh jesus, please don't let me be born into the sannins times. I pray to all heavens and hells, please don't. I didn't want to be an old hag when Naruto would be born. And I didn't want to be old enough to be Kakashi's and Itachi's mother.

I planned on bonding with them, getting to know them and be a supportive friend so they wouldn't have to go through what they went through originally. But if I was now born years before them...noooooooooooo.

Anime tears ran down my cheeks as Naimi hurriedly walked up the stairs, probably to not raise any suspicions.


You really do like to keep your eyes moving, eh?

Good Deduction Sherlock (Lvl. 1|20%) > (Lvl. 2|10%)

The progress of your observation skill. The higher your level of observation, the more information you are shown by looking at an object or person.


Very considerate of you, Afterlifer.

+1 INT

Maybe I really should have turned off the notification sounds. That shit scared the crap out of me. Hopefully there is an option to change that.

Naimi gave me worried side glance when I suddenly flinched but didn't mind much as we reached the upper floor of the building that I identified as the Hokage Tower. Wait, I didn't think about it much before, but why exactly is she taking me here?

The Hokage hadn't called, I would've noticed that, plus, why would she bring me with her? My eyes narrowed suspiciously as soon as we stepped into the building and pointedly made our way to a big door just a few minutes from the entrance.

An unsettling feeling pulled down my stomach. Why was I here? Why did she react so out of her mind when I only showed so little to blow my cover? Was I being watched by her? But why? Was it the Hokage? Well, obviously it was, but I didn't know how me being a bit more advanced than others would be out of the ordinary to such an extent. Or did I miss something?

Soon, a big, old, greenish door appeared along the hallway. Though the vibes it emitted instantly turned on a code red switch in my head. Back when I was in Afghanistan I had often seen such important-looking doors on infiltration missions. I hated them. So many innocent people died because of drug lords and bosses that spread false information and lead other people into traps. Mostly ones that involved putting innocent civilian families in his place and letting them get killed instead of their own cowardly hiding asses.

That was the time before I started being a sniper though, but that's a story for another time.

Right now, we halted in front of the door, Naimi knocking on the sturdy wood in a calm manner. I eyed her shortly. Normal people wouldn't notice, but I could see it clearly. Her back was straightened, her eyes scanning the area every few seconds. Her arms that held me close to her were as hard as stone. She definitely had her guard up. The only question was, why?

By now I was sure that she wasn't the person I had thought she was. One hundred percent. She was no ordinary civilian.


The deep voice resonated through the hallway we stood in. Even though that door seemed so broad and thick, you could still clearly hear the authority and...might in the person's voice. It gave me goosebumps.

We entered soon after and indeed, in the middle of the room-casting a dark shadow onto the wooden floor-sat a man clad in a white and red robe, the triangular hat laying next to him on the desk. The face I knew to be old and wrinkly, simply waiting for his life to leave him, was now much younger and sterner. I could still see his kindness though, but I could also see the guilt and desperation weighting him down. Under his eyes were slight bags, barely visible to the normal eye und his mouth was pulled down the slightest bit.

But, as soon as he set his eyes on me I had the feeling that it tilted upwards. With me in her arms, Naimi bowed down on one knee, tilting her head forward. "Hokage-sama."

He nodded once, before waving his hands. Instantaneously the pressure in the room lightened. ANBU? Probably. He sent them away? Suspicious.

"Imane-chan, I'm happy to see you again. How is it going?" Hiruzen asked.

Imane? Not Naimi?

I narrowed my eyes at the person next to me as their appearance seemed to morph into something utterly different. Naimi's orange-blonde hair darkened into a deep midnight black, same with her normally bright blue eyes. Her face that originally had a rather round and cute shape faded into a longer, way more mature and defined contour with high cheekbones. With it, a scar appeared on the right side of her face that went down from her temple to her chin.

So she was not the person I thought she was. Just as I assumed. Normal civilians didn't just take the route above the roofs and went at such speed.

She seemed to feel my calculating gaze as she looked at me with a crooked smirk.

That was the moment that instantly put together all the pieces. She was a motherfucking Uchiha. I would recognize that smirk anyday. How the fuck did I not notice? But, in my defence, I gotta say she was a great actor. She played me for 5 months. No wonder I had the feeling that I was one of her favourites. She was supposed to watch over me, that's why she was around me all the time.

"Seems like she caught up." She snorted. "I'm delighted to see you as well, Hokage-sama. As to your question, we're doing just fine."

Oh yeah, of course she had to be cocky as well. A cocky Uchiha. She'll probably shatter my last nerves. Just great, I always hated cocky people.

"There must be a reason you came here today then?" Hiruzen stated, looking at my state of utter exasperation in slight amusement, even though there was a shimmer in his dark orbs that showed his obvious curiosity.

I was a bit surprised when the cockiness of Imane vanished with her next words to make space for a rather serious tone. "Hokage-sama. It seems as though our little cub is...let's say I can see her heritage." She said and looked down at my pouting but curious self.

Cub? As in, a lions baby? Wait, she knew of my heritage? My eyes widened a bit before they narrowed again.

"Uchihas." I exasperatedly muttered under my breath, watching with obvious amusement as her facade crumbled into one of absolute surprise.

"D-Did you just-oh my god. Hokage-sama, this girl is going to be-HAHAHA." Her words abruptly stopped when whole-hearted laughter took over her body, catching me by surprise this time. The Hokage didn't seem to be in a much better state. His smile was so intense he seemed to somehow radiate happy vibes off of him. However that was possible. But, it also shouldn't be possible to be reborn into another world, so I didn't even bother asking.

"How is that even possible?" He then raised his voice, looking at me with a melancholic gaze. Right, I remembered...Tobirama Senju hated the Uchiha, right? Well, not that I particularly hated them, but their cockiness was just so...uuurgh. And he taught Hiruzen, he was the one declaring him as the wonder I was here. Imane was probably set up to watch over me, his last reminder of his earlier years and his sensei's.

An understanding smile made its way onto my face. He cared. Even though I still wondered why it was Imane out of all shinobi in this village that took care of me. An Uchiha taking care of a Senju? What are the odds?

"Teehee, right. I'm sorry for my outburst Hokage-sama. She's already so much like her mother. Anyways, you told me to come to you if anything out of the ordinary happened and...well." She took a quick glance at me. Was that...pride?

"I sat with her and her crib-mate outside in the garden when she suddenly began speaking. I mean, not speaking in gibberish but actual words that made sense. She has never talked before! But what is the most surprising, she told me she wanted to read. Hokage-sama, she is 5 months old. Why does she even know reading exists?" The Hokage and I blinked at her for a few times, before looking at each other.

His eyes instantly hardened a bit and I could clearly see his shinobi side becoming more visible. Not completely though, but just enough to show his authority. "Are you sure, Imane-chan?" He finally asked after a few seconds of eerie silence.

To answer his question she grabbed my sides and held me out in front of her, facing me directly.

"Anzu-chan, this is the Hokage, a very important person in this village, would you tell him what you told me in the garden?" She even mimicked her Naimi voice when she talked to me, don't ask me why though. I thought it would be obvious that I could understand them to a certain extent by now. But, oh well.

I tilted my head to the side a bit before nodding understandingly. She then proceeded to turn me around and stretch me towards him in a Simba-like manner. I sweatdropped at that. Does she really have to be so overdramatic?

I deadpanned at the Hokage before shaking my head again and crossing my arms before my tiny, undeveloped chest.


Quest alert!

Like a ninja

The Hokage has taken interest in you!

Prove him that you are indeed a prodigy of some sorts!


+ 30 EXP

+ 5 Reputation with Imane Uchiha

+ 10 Reputation with Hiruzen Sarutobi



You will not advance as much and quick as you could have.

No access to special rewards.

Do you accept?


I blinked. 30 EXP? I mean, I'm always in for some free EXP and reputation with useful people. A smirk tilted my lips upwards ever so slightly.

"I wanna read." I repeated, this time in a less childish accent and watched as his eyes widened the slightest bit before narrowing again.

"And you are sure that she hasn't been kidnapped and swapped with a transformed adult? In no way should she be able to do this. Even prodigies have their limits." I pouted a bit when I heard that he accused me of being someone else but to be honest. He wasn't that wrong. I indeed was an adult. An adult reborn into a tiny baby body, whose only reason to make their mother smile was because of a tutorial quest. Much wow.

"I'm 100% sure she is the real one, Hokage-sama. I never took my eyes off of her. Also, her chakra is the same. That's another thing I noticed. She...uhm...well I once had the suspicion of her being an intruder and checked her chakra with my Sharingan and even though I am by any means no Hyuuga, it seems like her flow is already getting stronger. Every day it's getting more and more. As if...she was already beginning to open her chakra coils. I mean, I could be wrong, seeing her heritage it could just be the genes but- I don't know I just have this gut feeling." She stated.

I didn't see her face, but I didn't have to, to hear the struggle of finding the right words for it out of her voice.

Anyways, that was kinda bad. I didn't plan on revealing anything yet. Nothing necessary anyways, just little hints so I could get more access to things other toddlers my age were not allowed to. But seeing this, maybe it was a bad idea. Fuck.

"Her chakra coils? Imane-chan, we both know that's impossible. Her body would never be able to bear the pain, exhaustion and damage it deals. Any baby her age would die if they did such a thing. I do trust your gut feelings, but in this case I'm on the genes side. There's simply no way." He stated, obviously relieved of me not being an intruder, but still worried enough to frown anyways. No wonder that man had more wrinkles than inches in height, jeez.

"As you say Hokage-sama. But what are we supposed to do now? Someone will notice if a five month old is sitting around with a book in their hands. It'll raise suspicion and not the good one-is there even a good one? The women there will try to use her for their own benefits AND if they tell anyone, people will get attracted by her genius. I mean, my whole mission is to look out for her BECAUSE she is not to be found right? We can't just blow her cover." She worriedly stated. By now she had pulled me back into her arms and I could literally feel her pressing me against herself unconsciously.

So, she worried for me? Was that why an Uchiha was watching over a Senju? But why did she worry? Did she know my mother? Or my father by any chance? Now that I think about it, who the fuck even is my father. I never thought about that.

"I understand your worry, Imane-chan..." He seemed to be lost in thought as he let his gaze wander out the windows behind his back. I followed his eyes, again seeing the peaceful streets of Konoha that were filled with family, kids and laughter. I seemed to hear the birds even through closed windows and heavy stone walls. No one could possibly escape the peace of Konoha, so I thought.

Family, huh?




"Say Imane-chan, you do live alone don't you?"

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