Contract Agreement With My Be...

By reader_010

5.1K 299 23

My life used to be simple. I got normal problems like everyone else. I got everything planned out. After grad... More

Chapter 1: Not so bad coming back home
Chapter 2: My stolen first kiss
Chapter 3: Contract?
Chapter 4: College Party
Chapter 5: Making it Official
Chapter 6: Back to School?
Chapter 7: Can I really do it?
Chapter 8: Festival
Chapter 9: Spin the bottle
Chapter 10: Miss being Me
Chapter 11: Weekend with Tyler
Chapter 12: Birthday
Chapter: 13 Preparing the Party
Chapter 14: Lacey's Party
Chapter 15: Back to LA
Chapter 16: Burnt Turkey
Chapter 17: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 18: The Deal
Chapter 19: New Year
Chapter 20: Four of us
Chapter 21: Date with Tori
Chapter 22: Paint
Chapter 23: Masquerade Ball
Chapter 24: Weekend with Sarah
Chapter 25: Amusement Park
Chapter 26: Make A Wish
Chapter 27: No Luck
Chapter 28: Wade
Chapter 29: Hate The Rain
Chapter 30: What About Now?
Chapter 31: Hot Spring
Chapter 32: Little Miss Temptress
Chapter 33: Summer Break
Chapter 34: This is Peaceful
Chapter 35: Not Worth It
Chapter 37: Favor
Chapter 38: Lunch
Chapter 39: Dance
Chapter 40: Celebrity Crush
Chapter 41: It Was Us
Chapter 42: Mr. Wilter
Chapter 43: Thailand
Chapter 44: Nothing Happen
Chapter 45: Miss You
Chapter 46: I Can't
Chapter 47: It's Just A Kiss
Chapter 48: Take Me Now
Chapter 49: Still Want Her
Chapter 50: Ivan Greyson
Chapter 51: It's A Date
Chapter 52: Tyler's Birthday
Chapter 53: Photos
Chapter 54: All Ever Wanted
Chapter 55: Breakfast
Chapter 56: Not A Dream?
Chapter 57: As Friends
Chapter 58: In The Past
Chapter 59: Promise Me
Chapter 60: That Simple
Chapter 61: Sister I Wish I Had
Chapter 62: Wedding
Marriage Contract

Chapter 36: Hotel Party

56 1 0
By reader_010

"Who are you?? Where am I? Why am I here?"

I stood frozen. It feels like I was thrown a huge bucket of ice.

Is this some cruel joke?

"It's me Sar.. Your bes-- your friend Olivia."

She sat up on the bed, her arms wrap around her knees feeling deeply frighten and confused.

I called for the doctor.

Her mom rush to go see her.

"What's wrong with my daughter Doc-?" It was her mom panicking.

The doctor asked Sarah a couple of things but she just kept shaking her head and didn't remember anything not even her name.

"It looks like she might be suffering from amnesia. We need to run some more test to be sure. For now we just need to give her some time to relax. It will not be good for her to be stress at a time like this so I suggest that only family members should come and visit at least for now."

My mom held my hand as I was pulled away from her room.

I was just staring at a frighten Sarah who couldn't even recognize me.


"Nooooo!!!" I screamed as I woke from my dream.

I felt a slight shift in my bed.

Ivan turn around and caress my shoulder as he sat next to me.

"Bad dream?" He asked gently.

I shook my head and massage my forehead.

"More like a bad memory." I mumbled.

He stood up and went to the kitchen to give me something to drink.

I held my chest feeling my blood pressure rising.

That dream felt real.. I mean it was but it felt like I was experiencing it all over again.

It's been three years after Sarah's accident.

We already have separate lives  now.

Ivan and I have been dating for almost two years.

I rubbed my eyes and stretch my arms.

Ivan came back with a glass of water on his hands.

I smiled and took one on the right as I thank him.

He place the other on the side table.

He lean in for a kiss.

"Good morning love.." he said lovingly.

I smiled and covered his lips to stop him from kissing me.

"I haven't even brush my teeth yet." I explained.

He shook his head and pulled back from my touch. He kiss me on my forehead instead.

"Doesn't really matter to me but okay." He said smiling.

He took his pants on the ground and wear it back.

I wrap myself with my blanket and got dress inside the toilet.

No matter how many times he had seen me naked. I never get used to dressing in front of him.

He was my first and I'm happy about it. First time with him was gentle and nice. I was always afraid to do it with him before but when we finally did.. it was everything I could asked for.

"Are you going to take a shower?" He asked from the other side of the door.

"Why?" I asked while brushing my teeth.

"I was thinking of joining you." He said playfully while knocking.

I chuckled while wiping the remains of the toothpaste with my face towel.

I open the door and he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and lift me up.

We shared an intense and playful kiss.

He moved his kisses down my neck.

"Be good.. I can't have you being naughty right now." I said while pulling away from him.

We just had sex last night and I needed to rest. We still have a press conference later today.

He let go of me and smiled in victory.

"Okay, I'm good.." he said winking.

I pointed at a red mark on my lower neck.

"I told you not to leave a mark." I complained as I showed him the hickey.

He chuckled and tried to acted like he only did it by accident.

I threw him my pillow.

"You did it on purpose didn't you?" I accused him.

He held up his hands in surrender.

"I'm so sorry love.. I swear I didn't. You can always wear make up to cover it you know." He said while trying to pepper kissed my neck.

His kisses were very ticklish.

I struggled to keep my straight face.

"Oh stop it! It's so early in the morning." I said finally as I pushed him back on the bed.

I brushed my hair and fixed my stuff on the ground.

"About that press conference later.. shouldn't we just tell people about our relationship? They keep asking and I don't want to dance around the topic anymore. It's been almost two years. So what if we want to make it official. We are already exclusive anyway." He said while wearing his shoes.

Our relationship isn't exactly out in the public yet even though there were already a lot of rumors circling around social media.

I just don't like it when people get all involve and put pressure on us. 

I like keeping my personal life private. Most of the time, people can't even respect our privacy anymore.

"Ivan.. love, we've already discussed this before. I would like to keep my privacy." I replied.

He nodded feeling defeated.

I don't know why he's making this an issue. 

It would be better if we don't have all the eyes on us. How many relationship were ruined because of some people who always stick themselves on other peoples business.


Later that day,

I went to the conference with my co-star and fellow actor Joshua. We were on the last day of promotion for our movie. Ivan was on the other conference room promoting his own movie. 

I notice that Joshua was more flirty and touchy with me. I don't normally feel uncomfortable around my co-stars  but with Joshua. Sometimes he can't seem to read the situation. He is always up close and invading my private space.

I tried distancing from him but he kept on leaning closer.

Ivan went to see how my conference was doing after he finishes his own. 

I can sense that he doesn't also like how Joshua is acting around me.

I couldn't even focus on the questions because of Joshua. He always interrupted me whenever I spoke. He is kind of full of himself. 

"Ms. Via, we want to know more about your thoughts about the movie and also impression about Joshua? I mean what is it like working together? What preparations have you made to emerse on this role?" The interviewer asked.

I nodded and wave at my fans. It was always a courtesy to keep things professional even on some uncomfortably situations.

"Yes, Carl.. it's been quite an experience. I think we did well on the movie." I replied glancing at Joshua who was grinning and waving at the fans. "The movie is definitely not your ordinary soap.  They tackled on serious subject that reflects reality. The daily struggles of people trying to live up to society. I think the best thing about this movie is it's very relatable to every age group. It wasn't overdone and working with Joshua is great.  He is very talented and a really good actor." I can't really deny his good acting. "Getting to this role was quite a challenge. I asked a lot of people and watch documentaries and did my research. Overall it was a fun experience."

Another fan raised her hand to asked me a question.

Carl, the interviewer gave her the microphone.

"What do you say about dating rumors you got with Ivan Greyson?" She asked squealing in excitement.

I nervously chuckled.

Joshua suddenly place his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh dear, c'mon kiddo.. we are here to promote a movie. Please have some respect." He said in a light joking manner.

The girl felt a bit embarrassed for herself.

"Geez, you're not even good looking. More like an average or top.." she murmured but with the microphone on, we can all still hear everything.

That unintended roasting got Joshua all fired up. He held his microphone and was ready for a comeback when I held his lower arm below the table to stop him.

He smiled, probably getting the wrong idea from me.

"Let me asked Via instead.. since you are single. Who would you consider dating? Ivan or me?" He asked.

He just made everything worse.

He was still joking and being silly and trying to be funny.

I glance at Ivan who was standing behind the door.

I sighed before giving my answer.

"Joshua.. you are funny and cute.. a boyfriend material really.." Fans are shouting and squealing.

He was about to lean closer but I dodge him and then I stood up while pointing at Ivan.

"But I thought everyone already know that I'm committed and taken by that wonderful guy over there. Mr. Ivan Greyson.. Hi love.." I replied.

Crap! I don't know if this was the best thing to do.

Ivan smiled and gave me a flying kiss.

Joshua clapped and acknowledge my answer. Good thing he didn't take it badly.

"Oh Via.. I'm so heartbroken right now but I'm glad to know that you know I'm definitely a boyfriend material. Actually I can also be a husband material he said winking while giving the audience a double thumbs up.

"What a revelation guys.. congratulations Via and Ivan, can we expect some reunion project for you guys?" Carl asked

I shook my head.

"Not really planning anything right now. Maybe some other time but I could definitely use a break." I replied laughing.

The interview ended after a few more questions.

Tyler slapped me on my shoulder when I met him.

"What was that Via?" How can you not tell me that you were planning to tell the world about you and Ivan?" He asked in disbelief.

"Ivan doesn't want to hide anymore." I replied.

"I'm so proud of you love.." Ivan enter my room and he wrap his arms around me from behind.

He was hugging me and swaying me.

I looked up at him and he pecked my lips once.

Tyler shook his head.

"Now people will call me a liar for always denying the rumors." He complained.

Ivan and I laughed at him.

Joshua peek inside and just wave off to say goodbye.

"Always hated that guy.. does he not know about boundaries? He kept flirting at you. Such a player." Ivan mentioned after Joshua left.

"Someone's jealous.." Tyler teased him.

Ivan glare at him.

I just laughed.

"He's not so bad.." I said about Joshua.

Ivan clearly didn't agree.

"Now that it's official.. maybe I can finally meet your mom?" Ivan asked all of a sudden.

I looked at him in confusion.

"You already met my mom." I mentioned pulling away from his hug to face him.

"Video call yes.. but not yet in person." He clarified.

I haven't had the chance to visit my mom at home for the last three years.

I got so busy at work.

"True.. since both of you are taking a break. This will be the perfect time to go and visit your mom." Tyler agreed with Ivan.

I nodded.

"Yeah I guess.. what about our trip in Thailand?" I asked Ivan.

"Thailand can wait.. meeting your mom would be more important don't you think?" He mentioned casually.

He has a point.

"Let me call my mom then.." I said dialing her phone.

She wasn't answering. I think she is still busy with her work.

"Can't reach her.. I'll try to call her again later. Book the flight tomorrow?" I looked at Tyler.

He smiled and nodded.

"Can't wait to see my boo.. would also be nice to see your mom after so many years." Tyler said hugging me.

Ivan went to his place after while Tyler gave me a ride back to my house.

"What are all these boxes?" Tyler asked while getting comfortable on the couch.

"Just stuff.. Ivan help me pack my things.. I'm giving away my old stuff to charity." I replied while handing him a glass of orange juice.

"Any news from Sarah?" He asked out of the blue.

I scrunch my nose slightly upon hearing her name.

"Last time I heard, she was taking her master's degree in Europe." I replied casually.

"I can't believe she lost her memory after the accident." He mentioned.

I don't know why he suddenly talked about her.

"Yeah, I know.. but I heard she was doing great. " I replied ending the topic there.

My mom mentioned that Oli helped her through everything. He also followed her in Europe.


The next day,

Ivan and I sat beside together inside the plane while Tyler was seated behind us.

"Are we going to stay at your mom's?" Ivan asked curiously.

"Let's just find some hotel nearby. Our house isn't that big. I also don't want to burden her." I replied while handing him some hotel brochure.

"My mom said this one is new. Want to try it?" I asked while pointing out the brochure of the newly opened hotel in the city.

He nodded and lean in to kiss my cheeks.

"Looks nice from the photos." He said grinning.

In less than a few hours, we reached the airport and greeted by some fans and photographers.

Tyler stood in front of us and tried to block those aggressive ones.

I look at him apologetically.

His friend, Simon gave us a ride to our hotel.

What I didn't know is that my mom was also there.

"Mom! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh did I forget to mention that Wilter family owns this new hotel? Actually Sar.." she didn't finished what she had to say because another girl approach her.

"Excuse me ma'am, I think there is some problem in the kitchen. Can I borrow you for a minute or two?" She said politely to my mom.

So that make sense. 

She is probably in charge of this new hotel. 

She left us to go check the kitchen.

"Hello Ms. Via and Mr. Ivan.. shall we proceed to your room?" The other hotel clerk assisted us to our VIP rooms.

Ivan and I got a separate room.

I tried to settle in when I got inside. It was so spacious.

My mom didn't have to get us VIP. It was just a waste of money. I would actually rather share a room with Ivan.


Ivan knock on my door.

I let him inside.

"Need help with your stuff?" He asked while sitting on the couch.

I sat next to him.

"I'll unpack later.. I'm still kind of tired. Should I take a nap?" I said while resting my head on his shoulder.

He moved closer so I'll get a more comfortable position.

He start reading for me as I close my eyes to take a nap.

After a few minutes, I woke up while seeing Ivan sleepy head bouncing.

I gently held his head and let it rest on the side of the couch.

My doorbell rang a few times. I stood up and reach for the door.

"Hi Via, sorry about that interruption earlier. I'm so happy to see you. Today is a busy day. You see.. We are going to have a grand opening tonight . Sarah and I are in charge of the party." She explained.

I was confused.

"I thought she's in Europe or somewhere..?" I asked unsure.

She shook her head.

"She was back about three months ago. This new hotel is under her management." She replied.

I think I might have involuntarily open my mouth due to shocked.

Why didn't my mom say anything about this. Why just now?

"You will attend the party later tonight right?" She asked smiling.

Just the thought of seeing Sarah again makes me feel a bit anxious.

"By the way, where is Ivan?" She asked curiously.

I move a little and show Ivan to her who was still asleep on the couch.

"Okay, I won't disturb you guys. Just call me if there's anything you need." My mom said and then she gave me another warm hug.

"I miss you so much." She said lastly.

"Me too." I replied.

I start unpacking my stuff and look for a nice dress to wear.

Minutes later, Ivan woke up from his nap.

"Love?" He said calling out for me.

"I'm here.." I said. 

I just finished taking a bath.

He stood up and walk closer to me.

"You smell nice.." he said while extending his arms to give me a hug.

I stop him and instead showed him a pair of suit and pants.

"We're going to attend a party tonight.  So here... Get ready." I said 

He nodded and took it from my hand.

"Nice.." he said smiling.

I apply some make up and curled my lower part of my hair.

"What kind of party are we going to?" He asked.

"Grand opening of this hotel. A family friend own this hotel." I replied.

"Oh really? Wow. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He was combing his hair now.

"I just happen to know today." I said.

I face him when he was about to place his tie.

"Let me do it for you." I said while fixing the tie for him.

He was grinning and enjoying himself.

"Can you stop staring at me like that?" I complained smiling.

"I really like it when you curl your hair like that.." he mentioned.

"What's wrong with my normal straight hair?" I asked faking being offended.

He shook his head and say "nothing.. but your curls are really nice right now. You look so beautiful." He said giving me a peck on the lips.

I blushed whenever I get a compliment from him.

After almost an hour,

We got out and proceed to the party. My one arm was linked on his.

We took some photos together in the lobby.

Some other guest also asked for our autographs.

I don't think I was ever able to get myself use to all the crowd attention. I smile and laugh and entertain my fans but deep inside, there was still that awkward little Olivia in me that was allergic to people's attention. Unlike for Ivan, who was a real charmer. 

After some couple of photos, he took my hand and led me inside the party.

He fixed his suit and I could sense that he was growing anxious.

That rarely happens unless he was nervous about something.

I chuckled at him and asked. "What's going on? Why are you acting weird all of a sudden?" 

He took a deep breath.

"I want a good impression for your mom." He said while checking himself on the mirrored wall.

"She already saw you sleeping and snoring on the couch a little while back." I mentioned.

He place his palm on his face and covered himself in embarrassment.

"No way!" He said.

I pinch his cheeks playfully.

"Don't worry.. you are still cute." I said.

Ivan and I laughed together after getting some drinks.

We were surrounded by a lot of elite people in the party.

Then the party host reveal the person behind all this preparations.

With my mom standing next to her. They gave some heartfelt speech before they called for Sarah's grand entrance.

Everyone started to clapped their hands together as Sarah walked down the aisle.

She was wearing a gold shiny gown.

Looking as beautiful as I've remembered.

She was smiling and saying thank you to all the guest that attended the party.

I couldn't stop myself from staring.

She looks perfect..

My eyes were only focus on her. For a moment, I forgot about everything else. Everyone just fade in the background.

My mind wandered off and start recalling the past.

It was a feeling of nostalgia.

But then I remembered about my dream the other day too.

That nightmare from the past.

The day Sarah woke up and didn't remember a single thing about me.

"Shit!" I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you say love?" I heard Ivan asked while he turn his attention to me.

I covered my mouth and brush my hair with my fingers.

"I'm gonna go freshen up.." I said while holding my purse.

"Do you want me to go?" Ivan asked.

I wave my hands.

"No, just stay here. I'll be quick." I replied before leaving from where we stood.

When I reached the toilet room, I stare myself in the mirror.

I shook my head a couple of times and tried to clear my mind.

"Stop thinking about the past Via." I remind myself again.

I inhale and exhale while gathering myself together.

I glance at the mirror again and apply some retouch on my make up.

When I return to look for Ivan, he was already standing next to my mom and Sarah. They were all happy while talking to one another.

"Oh there she is.." I heard my mom say when she saw me.

I walked towards them and stood beside Ivan.

"Hi Via, so good to finally meet you. Your mom always talks about you. Please enjoy the party." Sarah spoke greeting me.

She lean in to give me a quick peck on the cheeks as a friendly gesture.

Hearing her call me Via felt strange.

I know she haven't gotten her memories back yet.

"Thanks, lovely party by the way." I said casually.

Ivan place his one arm on my lower back and pulled me closer to him.

He smiled at me when I looked back at him.

"Sorry about your accident.. it must have been tough." Ivan said feeling a bit sad for her.

"Yeah, but that was from three years ago. I'm already well adjusted. Though I still wish people will stop asking me about it." She said jokingly.

"Oh.. hehe, sorry." He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, it's okay.. really.. Hopefully, I'll get my memories back sooner or later." She said smiling while she glance at me once.

"Catch up with you guys later, I'll just talk to some of the other guest." Sarah said lastly while turning her attention to other people.

Ivan and I were approach by other guest and we had some small talks with them.

Curious guest asking about what celebrity life feels like.

I don't know how many photos were taken on us.

I'm already feeling tired with so much standing and talking.

Ivan probably notice how drained I already was.

He lean closer to me and whisper to my ear.

"Love.. want to get back inside the room?" He asked softly.

I nodded slightly.

"Let's tell my mom first." I said.

We met my mom on the corner and said that we were leaving first.

Ivan held my hand as we walk to our rooms.

I open my room and was about to say good night to him when he suddenly grab me and kiss me passionately. I was taken a back from his boldness.

I cling on his shoulders as he led me inside. He close the door behind without breaking our kiss.

His hands travel from my face to my back.

He slightly pushed me against the wall and took his time unzipping my dress.

He whisper in my ear seductively.

"I've been waiting for this since before the party even started." He said in his hot and sexy voice.

My face turn bright red from his words.

He lift me up and carried me towards my bed. He lay me down comfortably.

I cover myself with the blanket

When he started undressing in front of me.

I looked away feeling shy.

He started kissing me again as I place my arms around his neck.

He started playing with my sensitive breast and I felt the pleasure from his touch.

I closed my eyes and focus on the feeling while he was touching me.

But I instantly regret it.

Because when I closed my eyes..

Sarah invaded my mind once again.

The way I saw her tonight.

How beautiful she was..

How stunning she was on her gown...

The way she walk and smile with so much poise and grace.

Her long bright red hair that I like so much..

Oh, and her eyes.. gosh,

Her eyes were so captivating..

Those hazel green eyes that can cast you under her spell without even trying.

And her lips..

Those lips that are so irresistable.

I remember how soft they were

How weak I feel everytime we kissed.


And just like that..

Ivan's voice brought me back to reality.

I held his shoulder and pushed him with all my remaining strength.

I sat up on my knees while still covered with my blanket.

Ivan stared at me in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

I shook my head feeling guilty for having other thoughts while getting intimate with him.

"I'm sorry Ivan.. can we just sleep? I'm really tired." I said while keeping my head low.

He stroke my hair gently.

"Of course love. Let's go to sleep now." He said while shifting on my other side to get more comfortable.

"I'm really sorry Ivan.." I whispered.

He showed me a genuine smile and hug me instead.

"It's okay.. I love you." He said sweetly.

I nodded and hug him tight with a weak smile on me.

I shouldn't be thinking about Sarah when I have a wonderful man beside me.

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