Broken Smile (IzukuXReader)

Por breebree122311

201K 6K 5.4K

(IzukuXReader) (Y/N) is a girl who is struggling with her life because of a man she has been trying to get aw... Más

Reader Information
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20🍋
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 9

6.7K 209 204
Por breebree122311


As you closed the door to your room you changed into your pajamas, which consisted of a (F/C) tank top and black shorts, and laid down in the bed.

You thought about everything that's happened over the past couple days, and your mind wondered back to the kind man who slept across the hall from you.

After a little while, you began to drift off to sleep, only to have another nightmare.

*Nightmare Start*

You looked around the room you were in to see kids you went to school with. They pointed and laughed at you,

"Quirkless freak!"


"Just kill yourself already!"

You screamed for them to shut up, still they continued to make fun of you until you started fighting with one of the kids that bullied you regulary.

"We're calling your parents to come get you, you're suspended for fighting with the other kids." The teacher said in a disgusted tone.

*Scene Skip*

You were now in a busy street filled with police cars and people. As you looked around you saw your parents car totalled in the middle of the road.

You sat in the back of an ambulance completely dazed, until you heard someone speak.

"I'm sorry kid, they are both dead. Do you have anyone else to stay with?" A police officer placed a hand on your shoulder.

"I have no one." You spoke through your tears.

"For you to survive something like this is a miracle though kid. Be grateful you're still alive."

He turned and walked away.

*Scene Skip*

"You little bitch!" A man yelled striking your face hard enough to knock you to the ground.

You're face stung with pain but you didn't dare let a single tear fall.

"I never signed up to foster someone as useless as you!" He yelled, then grabbed your arms and activation his quirk, which left a burn mark.

You screamed out in pain.

"You can't do anything right, can you?" He smirked.

Your vision blurred.

*Scene Skip*

Kazuki stood over top of you with his hands locked tightly around your neck. You vision was blurried from lack of oxygen, you saw the same look on his face that everyone else gave you.


"This is your fault! If you hadn't been born so weak, then maybe your parents would be alive. You deserved everything you got! No one could ever love you, they probably wished that you had never been born."

His words began to faded out as your vision darkened until everything went black.

*Scene Skip*

As your vision cleared all you saw was two outlines of bodies laying on the ground in front of you, while another outline stood over them. You stepped closer while holding your breath, praying the situation wasn't how it appeared from a distance.

When you got close enough, you realized that it was Izuku and Inko on the ground, cold and lifeless. You sank to your knees and sobbed loudly, then turned your attention to the person who stood over them with blood on their hands.

"What did you do!? This is your fault!" You screamed, clutching your chest.

As the culprit turned to face you, your eyes widened in shock and you felt like throwing up.

It was you with their blood on your hands.

*Nightmare End*

You sat up quickly, screaming and crying while pushing the hands that rested on your shoulders away. You were so frightened that you forgot where you were until you finally heard a familiar voice over your heavy breathing.

"(Y/N)! It's okay, it was only a dream, you're safe now. I'm right here, just breathe."


You instantly stopped struggling and collapsed into his chest still allowing your tears to fall quietly as he wrapped you into a tight hug to calm your nerves.

"I didn't mean to-." You chocked out through your cries but he just pulled you closer and told you everything was okay.

After about fifteen minutes of silence, you had finally calmed down and pulled away from him to speak.

"I'm sorry for waking you. I know it's late." You said in a tone that was no louder than a whisper, looking down at your hands that rested in your lap.

He gently pulled your chin up, allowing your glossy eyes to met his.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" His green eyes showed concern.

Why is it so hard to breathe right heart feels like it's about to explode...

Your chest tighten as you felt heat pull to your face, so you thanked the universe that the only light that eliminated the room was moonlight from the open window.

"I'm fine..." You said trying to keep your voice from shaking. "How did you know I was having a nightmare?"

He removed his hand from your face and looked away for a moment.

"I heard you screaming and I got worried, so I came to check on you but I couldn't get you to wake up."

"Oh." You hand traveled to the spot his hand laid, wishing it was still there.

Both of you sat there for a moment in silence before he spoke again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked in a soft tone.

"No. I'm really okay, you should go back to sleep." You said trying to brush off the fact that you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep for a while.

"Um...okay. Can I get you anything before I go back to my room?"

"No. I'm fine." You gave a half hearted smile, but he could see in your eyes that you weren't fine.

Not wanting to pressure you, he slowly stood up and went into the kitchen. You could hear glass and silverware hitting together.

What in the world is he doing in there? It's so late.

He walked back into your room with a bowl filled with ice cream.

"Here, this will make you feel better." He smiled so wide at you that it made your heart beat a little faster.

"T-Thank you." You stuttered a bit as you took the bowl from his hand.

He didn't say anything, he just kept that wide smile of his and turned to leave.

"If you need me, I'm here. Please, don't hesitate to ask for anything. Good night."

You sat in your bed, eating the ice cream that Izuku brought to you. After you finished it, you went to the kitchen and washed the bowl, then returned to your room.

You tossed and turned for a few minutes, unable to get back to sleep because you were scared of having another horrible nightmare. You got up from your bed, and found yourself in front of Izuku's bedroom door.

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