Not The Apocalypse

By hailsgrimes

218 3 1

This story follows Judith Grimes and her family in a civilized world where the apocalypse never happened. Jud... More

author's note

Chapter 1

54 1 1
By hailsgrimes

Newly awake, Judith crawled out of bed. As her bare feet reached the floor, she stood up and walked up to the window.

Though it was still early, it seemed like the whole neighborhood was already awake. Judith could see the Rhee's eating breakfast in their kitchen across the street, Rosita was talking to Aaron through his kitchen window while Coco was playing with some insect off the ground.

Judith has a really good view from her window, she can basically see the entire neighborhood from there. Right now she could also see Daryl walking Dog a couple of houses down. In fact, they were outside Magna, Yumiko, Luke, Kelly and Connie's house, talking to Connie who had come outside. Judith smiled to herself as she watched Dog chasing his own tail.

Judith walked away from the window and started getting dressed for her first day back to school.
Her first day of high school.

When she walked down stairs, she heard Daryl and Dog coming home.
She walked into the kitchen right in time for breakfast. Her mom and dad were already sitting at the table, R.J was running around in the kitchen with way too much energy and Lydia joined right after Judith sat down. Daryl being the last one to join the party.

"Come on little brave man, if you don't have breakfast, you won't be able to have fun with your friends at school today" mom said to R.J.

Her argument was good, Judith's little brother came and sat down next to her and started eating his breakfast right away. Missing out on playing with his friends was something he definitely didn't want to do, especially on the first day back after summer brake.

"So, how was Connie this morning Daryl?" mom started conversation while eating her cereal.

"Yeah, you talk 'bout the weather?" dad filled in teasingly.

Instead of answering their questions, Daryl just asked Judith to pass the bread.

"You spying on me now?" he said to Rick and Michonne as he took the bread.

Judith and Lydia exchanged a look and mom started giggling.

"Everyone knows you talk to her every morning" Lydia said.

Daryl just looked at her and kept eating, tossing a bit of his bread to Dog on the floor.

"Hey! Mom says not to feed Dog from the table!" R.J bursted out.

"Yeah uncle Daryl, what have we said about that?" mom took R.J's side, although her voice was still a little teasing.

"The bread will be dry later, he doesn't like it" Daryl said without looking up from his food.

Everyone at the table looked at Daryl with slight raised eyebrows, but Daryl just ignored it and continued eating.

They were all still sitting by the breakfast table as the doorbell rang, and before anyone could get the chance to say or do anything, Carol walked in, Henry following right behind her.

"Good morning family! I come bringing cookies, first day of school and all" Carol said as if she didn't make them cookies every single weekend.

She put down a box with her newly baked cookies on the table, which caused R.J to instantly drop his spoon in his bowl of cereal and reach for a cookie.

"Finish your breakfast first, then cookies" mom told him after she thanked Carol.

Carol smiled at mom and then turned to Daryl.
"Connie good today?" she asked, also very teasingly.

Daryl just answered with a slight glare and then stood up.
"Dog gets offended by your cookies, he can't eat them, they're chocolate" he said and walked away from the table, Dog following him out of the room.

Carol laughed at him a little. Henry looked after him and then turned to everyone with a look that said; "wtf did he just say??", but everyone else were just so used to Daryl being Daryl that they simply just found it pretty entertaining at this point.


Alright, I finally got the first chapter out.
I really hope you enjoyed it!

I will continue to update whenever I get time, but in the meantime it would mean a lot if you could leave a vote and maybe comment what you thought. :)

Have a nice day!!

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