A Melody With You ~ Saimatsu...

By aSilentPassion

125K 1.9K 17.7K

A Hopes Peak Academy without despair? Shuichi Saihara and Kaede Akamatsu are first years at Hopes Peak Academ... More

Ultimate Pianist - Chapter 1
Detective Akamatsu and Saihara on the Case! - Chapter 2
Ultimate Detective - Chapter 3
Believe in Yourself - Chapter 4
Getting to Know You - Chapter 5
A Duet Together - Chapter 6
1st Year Ultimate Students - Chapter 7
Maki Roll- Chapter 8
Date - Chapter 9
Confession - Chapter 10
Pianist and Adventurer - Chapter 11
Training - Chapter 12
Tension - Chapter 13
The Truth Behind Your Lies. - Chapter 14
A Melody With You - Chapter 15
Relationship - Chapter 16
Short 1 ⭐ - Iruma's New Invention
Double Date - Chapter 17
To get the Astronaut and Assassin Together - Chapter 18
Short 2 - Shuichi's Love Hotel Event
Class Representative - Chapter 19
Shipping - Chapter 20
Our True Feelings - Chapter 21
Ultimate Hang Out - Chapter 22
Kaito Momota and Maki Harukawa - Chapter 23
Short 3 - Meeting You Again
Hopes Peak Getaway - Chapter 24
Meeting the Cast - Chapter 25
Mr. Shirokuro - Chapter 26
Day Two - Chapter 27
Disaster - Chapter 28
Short 4 ⭐ - Pool Troubles
Investigation - Chapter 29
Our Class Trial - Chapter 30
Short 5 - Reality Dating Show
Our Getaway Conclusion - Chapter 31
The Calm Before The Storm - Chapter 32
Short 6 - A Special Present For a Special Pianist
Dawn of Despair - Chapter 33
Endeavor - Chapter 34
Only I Deserve The Pain - Chapter 35
Short 7 - Little Saihara
Decrescendo from Hope - Chapter 36
Crescendo into Despair - Chapter 37
Without You - Chapter 38
Three Words - Chapter 39
Goodbye to the Past - Chapter 40
Short 9 - Hanahaki
Moving On - Chapter 41
Evil Organization? - Chapter 42
Cheating - Short 10 ⭐
Planning - Chapter 43
Before the Festival - Chapter 44
Practice - Chapter 45
Motivation and Rivalry - Chapter 46
Comfort - Short 11 ⭐
Sports Festival - Chapter 47
Class Events Part 1 - Chapter 48
Class Events 2 - Chapter 48.5
Unwanted Memories - Chapter 49
Unwanted Memories Part 2 - Chapter 49.5
Special Spot in My Heart - Short 12

Short 8 ⭐️- Kiss The Girl

1.2K 21 142
By aSilentPassion

A.N: Author is STUPID and forgot to tell you all a crucial piece of information about Momota and Saihara's training! Sometimes Harukawa would join in to be a true training trio, but Akamatsu doesn't join in because she can't injure her fingers. It was mainly Momota and Saihara though because Harukawa didn't see the need (bc they're not in a killing game this time, they could spend time together whenever they want)

This takes place before Amami comes back and after Momota and Harukawa started dating. Canon to the story for the first time in like so long, wowzers! Also by the way, star emoji means that it's canon, I just added it lol.

Destined to have grammatical errors as I wrote half of it in a car.

"Maki Roll, you hearin' this right now?!" Momota's jaw had dropped as he points at his sidekick working out. It was more of disappointment than shock.

"W-What..?" Saihara asked as he struggled to do another push up.

Harukawa had already finished her push ups while Momota hadn't even started. She took a big gulp of water as she looked at the two idiots. "What'd he say?"

"He said he hasn't ever taken the initiative to kiss Kaede!"

Her eyes widened, they've been dating that long and there hasn't been one kiss yet? She knew Saihara was shy, but they've been dating for a while now, she would've expected at least one kiss.

Saihara had lied to Momota.. He knew very well that he's kissed Akamatsu many times, and with the initiative. In actuality, this was a daily occurance in his life. The astronaut had witnessed the pianist kiss the detective, but he's never seen him kiss her himself. If he were to tell Momota that though..

He probably wouldn't hear the end of the teasing.

He probably should've chose the other option though, as now he felt humiliation from the stares of his two friends. He stopped doing push ups as he explained himself.

"It's really not that big of a deal, it's only been a couple of days!"

"A couple of weeks!" Momota exclaimed as he put his arms out in disbelief.

"Okay, but I'm pretty shy, you know??" If he was gonna play with this lie, he would go with it throughout.

"It's easy! Watch." He jumped up and walked over to Harukawa. She raised an eyebrow as he approached her. He casually leaned in and kissed the girl. Saihara looked in disbelief. They took a while to separate, but by the time they did her face was completely red.

"See?" he pointed his thumbs at his girlfriend while giving a stupid smile to Shuichi. Harukawa gave an irritated expression, despite looking like a tomato.

"The hell you mean, 'see'?!" Harukawa yells out as she punches the astronaut to the ground.

"Aghhh.. Why..?" he groaned in pain as he fell on the ground. He rested his hands on the area she punched him as he rolled on the ground.

"Sorry." she picked him up and put him on his feet.

He pat the dirt off his back. He smirked at his girlfriend. "Thanks, babe."

She punched him in the gut again.

"I didn't even do anything!!" he yelled out as he fell to the ground.

"Well, Saihara. You haven't kissed Akamatsu yet? You've seen the type of person she is, she definitely wants to." she ignored the astronaut.

Saihara knew this to be true.. Because he had kissed her before and seen her firsthand beg him to kiss her. He was in too deep to say 'Haha, just kidding, I've kissed my girlfriend loads of times!'

"Well, I'll just keep that in mind. I'll update you two about it later." Saihara got up from the ground and picked up his backpack. He was about to head home until Momota placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Bro. You gotta do it today."

"Eh?" he looked back at his friend.

"A man would've kissed their girlfriend by now! You gotta!" he let out a cheerful grin as he gave him a thumbs up.

"B-But, she's probably busy right now!"

"No excuses! Let's go, Maki Roll!" he smiled as he started marching off to Akamatsu's house.

"Why do I have to come..?" she sighed, but despite that she walked with him. It looked like Saihara had no choice but to come, he would have to explain the situation to his girlfriend later.

The training trio walked over to the pianist's house. Momota banged on the door despite there being a doorbell available to use. Akamatsu opened the door with a confused expression.

"Oh, hey guys!" she beamed at them. "What are you doing here?"

"Well.." the astronaut began, "We need to get a space ship model for me, we need two people to go! So.. Would you like to go with Shuichi?"

She looked at him with a weird look. "Well, of course I want to go with Shuichi! I love spending my time with him!" she pumped her fists up, making the detective blush. "But why us? Couldn't you or Harukawa do it with him, or you two do it together?"

Momota struggled to get out a response as Harukawa answered for him. "Kaito stole Saihara's underwear and things are awkward between them so we're giving him to you while I scold this one." she digs her finger into Momota's cheek, making him grimace. He swiped her finger away.

"The hell?! No, that didn't happen!" Momota argued. Saihara could've sworn he heard something like this before.

Kaede laughed. "Well, I'll gladly take him. But um, only if you want, Shuichi." the boy nodded quickly. She smiled in response as she grabbed his hand. With the other, she waved at the bickering couple, making them stop. "Well, I'll text you when I have it! "

Momota gave Akamatsu the address to the store and after that they exchanged their goodbyes.

"Cya, Kaede!"

"Bye, Akamatsu."

The detective and pianist walked away from the couple as she looked at him with a smile. He gave one back as the two walked to the store. Meanwhile..

Harukawa and Momota were spying on them. Of course, Harukawa had the experience as an assassin to not get caught. Momota- Not so much.

Harukawa was swift with her movements and didn't make a noise while she moved all around them, remaining out of sight. Momota was casually walking on the road, if they looked back they would see him. He told Harukawa that he would hide behind a car the moment they look back but she didn't trust him at all. She didn't care enough to tell the boy to pick a different strategy though.

"Huh, Maki Roll.. You're treating this more seriously than me!" he teases when she hides close to him.

She puts a finger to her lips and glared at him. "They're gonna hear you, idiot. I got dragged into this so I'm at least gonna get it done right."

"Alright, alright. Jeez.." he scratched the back of his head with a chuckle.

They watched the two as they entered the shop. It was full of a bunch of action figures, japanese dolls, and of course the model spaceship. Of course it was expensive so from his own funds, Momota had passed the two some money. Even though it was all of his savings (just to get his sidekick to kiss his girlfriend), he didn't have enough so Harukawa had to fill in for him.

"Shuichi, I think that's it." Akamatsu pointed to a model space ship.

Saihara took a glance at it, it wasn't too impressive. Definitely not worth 5000 yen, but he wasn't the one paying. He felt bad that this was just for an opportunity to get him to kiss Akamatsu, but Momota insisted that he wanted this anyways. The two went to check out and bought the model space ship and the two carried it out.

"It looks cooler than I thought!" Momota exclaimed with a smirk. Harukawa glared at him.

"Seriously, you're too loud, Kaito."

"My bad!" he laughed.

The two walked out with the model space ship, it was heavier than they expected. They both carried it together, careful not to drop the thing. They took a moment to take a break at the sidewalk.

"So? What was the actual reason?" Akamatsu asked him as she leaned against a stop sign.

"Huh?" he looked at her with a weird look.

She giggled. "Of course, there's no way that Momota would do this is if he didn't have an ulterior motive so.. What'd he want you to do?

He awkwardly chuckled as he whispered in her ear. "I told Momota I hadn't kissed you yet so he's forcing me to do it now. I'm pretty sure he's watching us.." The two looked back and Momota was right behind them. He noticed and quickly hid behind a trash can even though they already saw him..

She suppressed a laugh as she whispered back. "What the heck, why'd you lie to him like that?"

"It's just kinda embarrassing so I thought I might as well lie.."

"You're such a dork.." she laughed as she hugged the boy. "But, I find it really cute. It's what I love about you." He immediately blushed at their sudden contact but wrapped his arms around her as well. The two looked at each other with shy smiles, faces completely red. "So, why don't you prove to Momota that you can take the initiative?"

"W-Wait, aren't there people here? And Momota and Harukawa??" he killed the mood as he looked around. Akamatsu pouted in response.

"Jeez, this is a secluded area at this time.. Almost no one will be here besides a few passing cars. They wanted you to do it anyways so.. Could you continue..?" she asked with a begging smile. Saihara gulped at the expression she made, it looked like he had no other option (though, he was perfectly fine with it).

He cupped her cheek, the familiar warmth spread in his hand. She instinctively closed her eyes, she couldn't even contain her smile. Saihara wasn't much different..

He leaned in and let their lips touch. Her hands reached up to his hair as she let the boy kiss her. She ruffled it up as he continued to kiss her, enjoying everything about this situation. They were both addicted to the feelings they felt when they kissed.

After a while, they separated with a pant. They rested their foreheads on the other as they laughed. Saihara mentally thanked Momota for forcing him to do this, kissing his girlfriend definitely made his day.

"Good job!" she praised the boy with a thumbs up, ruining the flirty mood (but could you expect more from these dorks?).

"..Thanks?" he laughed it off. The two separated from each other, still blushing from the kiss. "Well, I guess we should head out now.."

"One more for the ride?" she put her arms out for him to come in. He obliged, giving another kiss to his girlfriend.

"I love you." he says after separating. A stupid grin was on his face, just like Akamatsu.

"I love you too!"

"Hell yea!" Momota pumped his fist. "I didn't expect anything less from my sidekick!"

"It was the bare minimum." Harukawa sighed.

"It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as you do!" Momota defended his sidekick.

"Yea, yea. I guess better late than never. Akamatsu looks happy enough." She rolled her eyes as she brushed off his comment. "But Akamatsu initiated the hug in the first place." she pointed out.

"Well, um. He did the kiss so that's all that matters!"

Akamatsu sent a text to the two that they had they had successfully completed their mission. They agreed to meet up at the park. As the two arrive, Momota and Harukawa were sitting at the bench together.

"Yo, you got it!" Momota exclaims as he picks up the model spaceship. "Thanks guys!"

"Um.. No problem." Saihara chuckled.

"That's funny, you guys make up already?" Akamatsu teased.

"Oh, uh!" Momota made up an excuse. "I've gotten over the embarassment and Shuichi already forgives me, right?"

"I guess?"

"Mhmm." he gave an assuring look to the pianist. She laughed in response.

"Alright then.. But, I have to head home now! I didn't tell my parents I was heading out so I'm probably in trouble."

"Shit, my bad!" Momota responded with an apologetic look.

"It's alright. I had some fun! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" She starts running off as she waves at them. "Bye guys, bye Shuichi!"

"See. you get your name called separate from us because you kissed her." Momota nudged his shoulder with a smirk.

"M-Maybe." he chuckled.

At Akamatsu's house, she closed the front door and ran to her couch. launching herself to it. Even though they kissed so often, things like that would still get her so worked up.. She grabbed a pillow from her couch and let out a ecstatic squeal as she hugged it.

"So, how was it?" It seemed that whatever choice he made back then to tell Momota the truth or not would still result in him getting humiliated.

"Well, um. It was nice." he responded. There wasn't anything else to say except for that. Momota smirked as he gave him a firm smack on the back. Harukawa walked up to him next.

"Congrats, Saihara." she told him without any tone in her voice. It almost felt sarcastic.

"Let's celebrate Shuichi's first time kissing a girl with a blast!" Momota exclaimed proudly as he walked out the park. He marched down the sidewalk with a smirk on his face. The astronaut's statement made the detective feel stupid, as if he were in middle school. "Let's assemble the model together at my place!"

"N-Not so loud.." Saihara hissed.

"Should've been done a long time ago already." the assassin added, but Saihara already knew she was teasing.

Suddenly, they see a familiar artist walk past. "Huhh..? Saihara got his first kiss?"

"Oh, Yonaga! Nice to see you here!" Momota smiled at her.

"Nyahaha! Thank you Atua so that we could meet here!" she clasps her hands together as she prays. "But.. What were you saying about Saihara getting his first kiss?"

"Ah, so you heard! My bad, guess I was too loud!" he laughed.

Of course you were..

"Yea, Shuichi finally took the initiative to kiss Kaede, so we're celebrating!"

"Huhhh? That's strange, because Angie saw them kiss before!" she puts her fingers to her cheeks in surprise.

"Well, we meant Saihara taking the initiative." Harukawa explained.

"Huhh? But Angie saw that too!"

"..Huh?" the assassin and astronaut said at the same time. Saihara's face paled. That's right, Yonaga had seen the two hang out at the park before!

"See?" she brought out her phone and showed a picture of Saihara cupping Akamatsu's cheek and giving her a kiss. "Definite proof!"

"Where did you even get that?!" Saihara yelled at the girl. "You guys took a picture?! Was it Shirogane?!"

"Angie can't tell you that.. Or else they'll get mad at me!" she said with a smile.

Harukawa crossed her arms with an amused look. Momota looked at the detective in confusion. "..Why did you lie about this?"

He gave a blank expression. "I don't know."

This trip was for nothing.

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