Valentine's Day Ball: Hogwart...

By YeraReader

1.4K 57 8

A Hogwarts Mystery fic about the Valentine's Day Ball TLSQ, featuring MC Sarah Spellman and Barnaby Lee. I'l... More

You Shall Go to the Ball
Hearts Have Ears
Party Planning
Valentine's Day
Time for a Ball
Surprise in the Library

Wait, it Worked?

140 7 0
By YeraReader

Andre had already set up shop in the Transfiguration classroom. Bits of red and pink fabric had already been pinned to several mannequins, and Andre was busy at one of the desks, sketching out ideas. 

"Sarah!" he blurted, hurrying to cover his work. "No peeking, Missy!" 

"Relax, I'm not here for me," she said, though she couldn't help but glance around at the mannequins. One of them was wearing a fetching, pale pink blazer. "I thought you weren't designing outfits for the ball."

"That was before you said you would save the day. I have no doubt you'll succeed, and I want to be ready. So, what are you here for, then?"

"I need to you design a formal outfit for Filch."

"I'm sorry...what?"

Sarah explained the whole situation to him. By the time she finished, Andre was grinning. 

"You're playing match-maker for pinched-face-Pince and Rotten Filch? I love it! Alright, if it will help us have a stylish ball, I'll throw something together for him. I should still have time to do everyone else's outfit before the ball."

"Thanks, Andre," said Sarah. "I owe you one."

"Careful," he said, wagging a finger at her. "One of these days, I'm going to cash in on all these IOUs."

After Andre had put together the rough idea for an outfit, Sarah brought Filch to the classroom so Andre could get his measurements. The old man looked extremely uncomfortable. 

"I don't want anything too frilly," he kept saying, as Andre made adjustments to something behind a screen and the magical tape measure zoomed all over Filch. "Or colorful. Or uncomfortable."

"Alright, that's done!" Andre stepped out from behind the curtain and took a deep breath. "I think you'll be happy," he said to Filch. "If you will..."

He gestured for Filch to step behind the screen. Filch shot them both a suspicious glance before disappearing behind it.

"So, do you have a date yet?" Sarah asked Andre while Filch was changing. "Please tell me you're not going with Merula again."

"No, that ship has sailed," said Andre with a chuckle. "I get the feeling Merula's desperately in love, but I have no idea who with."

Sarah decided not to mention anything about her brother. 

"I'll probably go stag, it's more fun that way," said Andre. "You get do dance with more people without anyone gettng jealous, and you don't have to worry about your outfit clashing with your date's." He grimaced, then placed a hand on hers. "So tell me, how did Barnaby ask you to the ball?"

"He hasn't," said Sarah. "I suppose we both just assumed we'll go together, as we're dating and all."

Andre nodded, but Sarah could tell he was refraining from saying his true thoughts. "This will be your first Valentine's Day as a couple, won't it? It ought to be very special."

"I'm sure it will be," said Sarah. As long as this convoluted plan works, she thought. 

Filch stepped out from the screen, and their conversation ceased at once. The grumpy old man was almost unrecognizable. He wore a fetching black suit, complete with a carnation in his buttonhole and a black bowtie. Andre had given him a top hat, which covered his bald patch and made him look less stooped. His glowering expression was replaced with an insecure hopefulness that Sarah found quite sweet. 

Andre was in shock. "I'm good..." he muttered. 

"It doesn't look ridiculous?" Filch asked. 

"No," said Sarah. "You look quite handsome. I'm sure Madam Pince will agree." Filch went as red as the carnation. 

"Right, then. It's about time for my meeting. You better come too," he said to Sarah. "You can remind me what I need to say on the way there."

Sarah thanked Andre once more and followed Filch to the library. She smiled as he kept adjusting his hat and his tie. 

"Right," said Filch, when they arrived. Madam Pince was rearranging books on one of the nearby shelves. Filch took a deep breath. "Here I go."

Sarah decided to sit at a table nearby in case she needed to intervene. She spotted Talbott reading a book and joined him. 

"Why, Mr. Filch, you look quite dapper!" she heard Pince exclaim. 

"Heard your working your tail off to save the dance for us," Talbott whispered. "I appreciate that."

Sarah smiled at the reference to her animagus form. "I'm surprised you care, to be honest."

"I do, because Penny does," he admitted. "This our first Valentine's Day together. I want everything to be perfect for her. I even asked her to go with me by giving her some daisies and reciting her a poem."

"That's sweet," said Sarah. 

"Yeah. Well," he said, looking sheepishly down at his book. 

Sarah listened as Filch recited what Sarah had told him nearly word for word, but her thoughts were elsewhere. 

Should she be putting more effort into doing something nice for Barnaby? She'd hardly even seen him since the ball had been announced. If Talbott was even being more romantic than her, she worried her and Barnaby's Valentine's day might fall flat. 

"It sounds lovely, Mr. Filch," said Pince. Sarah turned her attention back to them. "But it might be a bit much."

"Everything you need for the fairy-tale ball you deserve, Madam," said Filch. 

"Oh well..." she gave a nervous laugh. "Still, I doubt we'd have time to throw such a grand affair together."

Sarah rose from her chair and hurried over. "I can help," she said. "I know several of the students would be glad to assist you."

"Miss Spellman, have you been spying on us?" asked Pince severely. 

"Uh, not spying," she said, looking away awkwardly for an instant. "You'd agreed to collaborate with me on the ball, so I figured I should be part of this meeting."

Talbott moved to her side. "Sarah and I and a few friends have already planned a Valentine's Day party before," he said. "We'd be happy to help you with this one."

"And Filch will be right by your side, every step of the way," added Sarah. 

Pince looked at him. 

"Yes, I will. That is, if you'll have me."

Pince's cheeks went rosy as she smiled. "Well, I admit this all sounds wonderful. Round up those friends of yours, Miss Spellman. We've got a storybook ball to plan."

"Will do!" She started to leave. 

"Miss Spellman? Please remember to keep it a classy sort of fun."

"Of course." 

She set off in search of helpers. 

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