Blended Family

By Raindancer2004

54.7K 1K 62

The World's Best Tracker Demetri has a hybrid son following a liaison with a human female. Sophie is a human... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Final Chapter

Chapter Nineteen

1.6K 28 8
By Raindancer2004

Felix and Demetri put Sophie through 'Newborn Bootcamp' to help with her self-control. "Hey buddy, what are you doing here?" Demetri asked as Nico entered the courtyard "I'm here to help..." "Nico, I can't let you do that" Demetri cut him off "I'm half-human so my blood will appeal to mum and I'm half-vampire so I am quicker and stronger than Ellie" Nico told him, a determined expression on his face, as he looked between his parents "You're not quicker or stronger than her" Demetri warned, pointing at Sophie "I know dad, but you're quicker and he's stronger than she is" Nico nodded in Felix's direction. Sophie was holding her breath whilst Felix had wrapped an arm around her waist, ready to hold her back if needed. Sophie let out the breath she was holding and looked at Nico "I'm sorry for the other day sweetie, you know I'd never hurt you or Ellie" "I know mum, that's why I'm here to help. Ellie's missing you and dad and doesn't know why you went for her and the quicker you get control, the better...for all of us." Demetri gave Nico a proud smile.

Wednesday afternoon, Nico tested Sophie's self-control in a way that Demetri and Felix did not approve of but went ahead anyway. He decided to cut his palm and left a trail of blood from the garden fountain to the Queen's prized Rose bushes. Sophie picked up the scent and started to follow it but stopped after a few moments as something didn't feel right. She inhaled deeply and fear ran through her entire body "Nico" She cried out and ran to him, cradling him in her arms, whilst inspecting the still bleeding wound. "Are you ok sweetie?" She asked concern laced in her voice "I'm fine. I cut my hand on purpose. It was a test" He smiled at her "I-I could've hurt you Nico, why would you..." "I had faith in you mum, I was relying on that mother's instinct of yours and guess what, it worked, that part of you won over the blood thirsty newborn part" He said proudly and watched relief and happiness wash over her face "Come on or that'll get infected."

Demetri stood watching the scene unfold with Jane and couldn't believe his eyes "That's one brave kid Demetri" "I know, but I'm still upset with him, he risked his life" "He doesn't see that way Dem. You should be proud of them both, I am. This means their bond is stronger than her need for blood." Jane replied "I suppose this means you won't be pain dropping my mate anymore?" He asked "I only did it three times and it was on the lowest setting, I promise" She replied.

Thanks to working with Demetri, Felix, Jane and Alec twenty-four-seven, Sophie got her bloodlust under control within a week and everyone was proud of her, especially Demetri. Admittedly, Sophie did kill the postman on Friday, but in her defence, he smelt really appealing, like 'chocolate and cinnamon' and she did completely ignore Gianna who sitting less than three feet away at the time, something Gianna was happy about, so much so she helped Sophie dispose of the body. "I think that's progress. Well done Sophie" Gianna praised with a smile "Thank you Gianna and for helping clean up" Sophie replied "Demetri is likely to be less upset about the 'accident' if he knows we took care of the 'evidence'" Gianna added.

That Sunday Demetri decided to allow Sophie to see Ellie as she was missing her mum and he couldn't take the sad look in her eyes anymore "Is mummy ok now? Can I see her soon?" She asked as he carried her back to his room "Mummy is feeling better yes, she struggled a little after she woke up as a vampire. We're going to see her now" Demetri replied gently and Ellie smiled at him.

Once they reached the door, he put Ellie down and watched her run into the room and straight to Sophie "Mummy" Sophie picked her up and held her close, breathing in her scent "I've missed you hunny" "I missed you too mummy." Alec was in the room ready to remove Sophie's senses if needed. Demetri knew that Ellie was aware of Alec's gift, having caught him playing peek-a boo with her when she was younger, in that 'special' way that only Alec could. "I'm sorry about what happened in the garden last week Ellie" Sophie said low "It's ok mummy. Santiago explained that newborns can be unpredictable and that I wasn't to blame" She replied and snuggled into Sophie. Demetri and Alec smiled knowing that Sophie and Ellie were going to be fine now, although Demetri knew he'd still be worried about them until Sophie had passed her newborn stage.

Time Skip – Ellie at 13 years old

Having hybrid going through an accelerated teenage phase was one thing but having a human teenager in the castle was something no one was prepared for, with the exception of Sophie and Gianna.

Ellie woke up one morning with a sore stomach and blood on her bedsheets, giving herself and Nico a mini heart attack. "Nico...Nico wake up" He rolled over and grumbled sleepily "Whaaat? It's too..." "I'm in pain and bleeding Nico, please" She cut him off, pain evident in her voice, Nico was instantly awake and with his feet tangled in his duvet fell out of bed in his hasty attempt to get to Ellie. He pulled back her duvet to look at her to discover there was no visible wound but there was blood surrounding his sister and he panicked, he phoned his dad knowing he and his mum liked to get an early one on one training session in of a morning. "Dad. Ellie's in pain and bleeding, please come quick" Sophie overheard the conversation and knew exactly what was wrong with Ellie and was fully prepared. Sophie had to practically wrestle her mate and son out the room and "But Soph, she's my daughter..." "Dem, please this is embarrassing and awkward enough for her, let me deal with this and then you can see her" Sophie cut him off. Alec caught the scent of blood as he left the throne room and ran straight to the elite guard floor "Ellie, Ellie..." "Ellie's fine Alec" Demetri told him but he still tried to fight him to get inside Ellie's room, Nico stood beside his dad, blocking the door.

Jane stepped out of her room "Don't make me use my gift on you brother" Sophie couldn't believe that she had threatened Alec with her gift as everyone knew they had a pact to never use their gifts on each other. "Ellie's bleeding and they seem so calm about it" He growled back, clearly worried about Ellie. "Ellie is having her first period and doesn't need you crowding her right now. Let Sophie deal with it" Jane explained and found it amusing when Nico and Alec's faces held identical confused looks "It's a monthly thing Nico" Demetri added, having calmed down "The first time is always unexpected" Sophie called through the door "If you knew what it was why did you not say something dad?" Nico asked "You said Ellie was bleeding and I panicked, it didn't cross my mind that it could be the reason when you rang but your mum knew what was wrong when she heard our phone call" He replied and heard Sophie and Ellie snicker from behind closed doors "What were they going to do mum, rip apart the invisible man that hurt me" "Not funny Ellie. I was worried and hurt myself falling out of bed to help you" Nico grumbled "I know, I'm sorry I was worried too but you can't blame me for that" She called back. "Why's Alec so worried?" Ellie asked quietly "He cares about you Ellie, we all do" Sophie replied low.

That afternoon Ellie curled up into a ball in her parent's bed with a hot water bottle whilst watching film with Sophie. "This happens every month, the cramps and bleeding?" Ellie asked "Yes, hunny, it's all part of becoming a woman" "Well, that sucks" Ellie replied. Demetri sat at his desk with Nico beside him as he looked up information on 'menstrual cycles' "They really should add a chapter on this at the back of the baby books, warning parents of what to expect during the teenage phase" Demetri muttered, Nico nodded and replied "It'd be more helpful if they sold a teenager version of the baby book" Sophie choked back a laugh "I'm sorry for being an inconvenience to you all" Ellie retorted, Nico flinched at the attitude behind her tone "You're not an inconvenience princess, it's just...I was unprepared for this stage in your life" Demetri replied, turning his chair to look at her "He bought baby books after we met so he'd be able to look after you and know what to expect as you aged slower than your brother" Sophie told her "Well I'm sorry that I wasn't born a hybrid" Ellie growled and rolled over "It's not my fault I'm a lowly human" She muttered low but they heard her and tried not to laugh "I warned you the teenage years would be fun" Sophie said "I don't remember you using the word fun mum" Nico replied "I remember you saying one 'wait till she's a teenager'" Demetri added.

Once Ellie had her first period, the monthly week-long mood swings were a minefield that Demetri and Nico dealt with in their own way, much to Sophie's amusement. Alec on the other hand kept his distance for the first two days of that week, after Ellie threw an encyclopaedia across the room once, that narrowly missed his head screaming "Arrgh, I hate being human."

"What happened?" Demetri asked Alec as he entered his room "All I did was enter her room to say hi and to see if she wanted anything" He told Demetri who shook his head. "Rookie mistake" Nico muttered smirking "How come she doesn't throw stuff at you two?" "Dad and I will not share our secret with you. You need to figure this out on your own" "Now you're just being mean Nico" Alec replied and Nico just smiled.

Nico and Demetri learnt after a few months how to avoid being shouted at and having items thrown at them during the 'bad' mood swings. Their research online told them that chocolate releases endorphins, which is the happy hormone and some women get a craving for chocolate, so as a result there was always a stash of Ellie's favourite chocolate in the fridge. As Nico runs hotter than her due to being a hybrid, Ellie often snuggles up with Nico when she has stomach cramps and if she gets too hot, she cuddles into her mum or dad. Nico also found that running Ellie a bath with her favourite bubble bath 'Raspberry and Vanilla' scored him brownie points, especially if he handed her a hot chocolate to drink whilst she soaks. "You two spoil her, you know that right?" Sophie asks her mate and son "Being a human teenager sucks mum, anything I can do to make it better for her I will" Nico replies "She's my daughter, I can't watch her suffer either, I'm sorry" Demetri replies "I know but you're setting a high bar for her mate to reach" Sophie replies "If he can't reach or exceed the bar, then he doesn't deserve her" Nico replied and Demetri nodded.

Caius sets Ellie and Nico a History assignment in which they need to write a report on someone that they admire from history. Ellie decides to write her report on her dad and she borrows his Volturi crest, his engraved silver compass from Sophie and the baby book he bought so he'd know how to look after her for the show and tell part of the report. Nico chose to write his about Marcus, because although he lost the love of his life, he didn't let that destroy his life, he found a way to continue living without her. This is something Nico admired.

Demetri was getting ready for guard duty but couldn't find his Volturi crest "Hey Nico, have you seen my crest? It isn't where I left it" "Ellie has it. Ellie also has your silver compass and the baby book you bought years ago" Nico calls back "How do you know she has those items?" Demetri asked curiously "That's what I do, I track objects" Nico replied and Demetri gave him a proud smile "You do a have a gift and it's tracking related" Demetri pulled Nico up into a hug "I'm so proud" "Thanks dad...I hate to cut the proud dad moment short but I have to join Ellie in the library as we have to present our reports to Caius. You and mum should come along" Demetri released Nico and went to get Sophie from Heidi's room "Hey, mi amore we are needed in the library" Demetri smiles at her.

Aro, Marcus, Sulpicia and Athenodora are sitting in the library with Demetri, Sophie standing in the doorway listening to Nico and Ellie give their reports, along with Felix, Heidi and the twins. Demetri feels proud when he realises Ellie's report is about him and his life starting with him being born and raised in Ancient Greece, becoming a vampire and living in Egypt with Amun and Kebi as they helped him hone his gift, then meeting and joining the Volturi as an elite guard. She also speaks about his tracking gift and how it works. Finally, she speaks about the last thirteen years, where he met his mate Sophie and together, they raised her and Nico. "I admire my dad because although he has been around for 1000 years and seen and done many things, he's still learning and experiencing new things, mainly thanks to me, his human daughter and he takes it all in his stride. Also, he is fiercely loyal and protective of those he cares about and I love him very much" Demetri felt his eyes filling with venom "I love you too princess."

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