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mikasa is coming home after almost two full years of being separated from the band after a falling out with o... More

ch1 - familiar memories
ch2 - ice cream
ch3 - a painful recollection
ch4 - an old friend
ch5 - nerves
ch6 - used to it
ch7 - unexpected visitor
ch8 - chaos breaks over dinner
ch10 - certified genius
ch11 - confessions & explanations
ch12 - the birthday party pt1
ch13 - the birthday party pt2
ch14 - the final number
ch15 - after it all, epilogue.

ch9 - the aftermath

4K 210 315

thank you all for 4k!!! as you know i haven't updated this in a bit. there is an explanation at the end of this chapter. thank you for reading :D


"Shit!" Eren yelled, starting to chase after the police car Zeke was now in the back of. "That's my brother! Let him go!"

He shouted multiple profanities as he ran. He almost hoped they'd reach the ears of the cops.

"Eren, wait!" Armin ran forward after him. His hands latched onto Eren's shirt to stop him from running any further.

He was pulled back by Armin and he collapsed on the concrete. The yells he emitted made his voice scratchy and hoarse. He sat on his knees, breathing hard. The cars disappeared from your line of sight as Armin helped guide Eren to the group.

A deep voice made you tear your gaze away from them. "I apologize on behalf of Levi. He usually keeps a cool head." Looking up, you saw the blond man from before looking at your stumbling friends worriedly.

"Oh, yeah. I apologize on behalf of Zeke. He's always in some sort of trouble. Was that your wedding ring he pawned?" you asked.

He sighed. "Yes, it was." H paused and pressed his lips in a thin line. "Levi was really upset when he came home without it. But you don't have to apologize for what Zeke did. It's in the past and we can always just get more rings. I'm Erwin, by the way." He moved his hand forward to grasp yours.

You returned his kind smile. "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you. You should probably go before my friend gets back over here." You gestured to Eren, who was slumped against the blond beside him. "He can get pretty temperamental too."

Erwin smiled again. "I'll take your advice on that one. Take care, Y/n."

"You too."

After a few minutes, he reached his car and drove away. You couldn't help but wonder if Erwin's husband had anything to do with Zeke and Nebraska. However, you figured pawning something wouldn't get you banned from a state.

You decided not to dwell on it at that moment. So many things happened throughout the night and you didn't need another add-on.

Eren sat against the bench, sliding down the back. Armin was still by his side.

Annie and Bertholdt exited the restaurant, Bertholdt holding the door for her. Reiner trailed behind them.

They made their way over and stood by the bench. Reiner spoke up, "Everything's on the house, according to Marcel. Porco said we should probably get out of here, though."

"We didn't even get to eat!" Sasha whined. Her dress creased against the pavement as she kicked her legs.

Connie nodded and frantically looked around as if some food would magically appear from the ground. He wasn't far off.

"Holy shit is that a food truck?" He pointed across the road, and sure enough, there was one running in the parking lot of a plaza.

"I didn't even know food trucks were out this late. I'm thanking my lucky stars they are, though," Marco grinned.

Sasha's eyes lit up at the sight and she bolted across the parking lot. You were sure you had never seen anyone run that fast in your life.

"Christ, Sasha. Wait for me at least." Connie jumped off the sidewalk and charged after her.

The rest of you followed the two at a slower, more reasonable, pace. Careful to watch for cars instead of just running into traffic like your idiot friends.

The employees of the truck were pleasantly surprised when they saw the sudden line of people gathering at their window.

Eager chatter about the food you all would order quickly arose. All your stress from earlier events seemed to dissipate when Mikasa urged you into a conversation.

When the two of you reached the front of the line, the guy running the truck recognized you. He referred to you as 'the hot guitarist from that one band.'

Mikasa was visibly disgusted when she trained her cold eyes on the man. Grabbing the food, she ushered you away and glared over her shoulder as you sat on the ground in front of her.

The whole group was sitting on the pavement since there were no benches nearby in the empty parking lot.

Stores lined the end of the lot that faced your back. Dim lights emitted from inside a few of them. Other than that, there was only light coming from the food truck plus some street lamps.

The air was light and the sky was dark. Stars shone amongst the barely visible clouds. Your gaze shifted up at them just as you finished eating. They stared back down on you and a closed-eyed smile broke out on your face.

Mikasa stopped laughing with Sasha when you caught her attention. You looked so contempt and peaceful, especially after the night you had. Your foot tapped lightly against the concrete. Your face was illuminated by the moonlight.

She was entranced by you and couldn't avert her eyes. Coming back home made her fall into habits from a long time ago. Habits she used to be ashamed of.

The sound of Armin dropping their paper plate as he stood made Mikasa finally snap her eyes away from you. She blushed and Sasha side-eyed her with a teasing smile.

Eren dropped his plate next to Armin's and pushed himself up. He gestured excitedly to a liquor store behind you and proudly declared that all drinks were on him.

Ymir cheered loudly at this. She stood as well and tried to get others to join in. Historia chipped in a small yell of triumph as Eren dragged Jean into the shop to stock up.

Armin reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. A wide smile stretched his face. "Do you guys like the idea of music right now?"

Reiner nodded enthusiastically and looked over the blond's shoulder at their playlist. He grinned and leaned over to hit shuffle.

Armin turned up the volume and set his phone down. An old song filled the atmosphere and he began to dance along.

Reiner joined in alongside Marco, Ymir, and Historia likewise. Sasha and Connie's dance moves were very uncoordinated compared to the others. Their limbs flailed in the air but at least they had the spirit.

Bertholdt was awkwardly overlooking the scene until Annie grabbed his arm and led him into the dancing circle. It was nice to see her letting loose, even if she was only making Bertholdt's obvious crush worse in the process.

Laughing to yourself, you got up to dance with your friends. You beckoned for Mikasa to come along and she didn't hesitate to follow.

After a few songs, Eren and Jean emerged from the liquor store with cases of beer. Ymir emitted another cheer and helped them unbox some of it, taking a bottle for herself and her girlfriend.

Mikasa stopped dancing to grab bottles for the both of you. After multiple attempts, you claimed to be too weak to open yours so she gladly took up the responsibility. You thanked her and drank it happily.

Eren stepped in to dance and stole Armin's attention from Reiner. A hurt look graced his features for a moment before shaking it off as quickly as it came. He opted for intruding on Bertholdt and Annie.

Jean took hold of Marco's arm and spun him around over and over while they laughed like idiots.

Ymir was loudly singing along while twirling around in various parking spots with Historia.

A few yards away from the others, you kept swaying to the music with Mikasa. Sasha and Connie were snickering to themselves and pointing but you pretended to not see them.

Mikasa snorted when she looked at your clumsy form. "You're not a very good dancer. I guess that's one thing that'll never change."

Your jaw dropped as you feigned offense. "That's rude. I happen to be a great dancer. Remember homecoming?"

She smiled and laughed. "Do I? You must've stepped on my feet at least fifty times."

"Damn, sorry about that. But if I'm so bad then you must be great. Teach me your ways, Mikasa," you jested. Even though you were joking, you still felt your face heat up at the idea of her showing you how she danced so well.

Her smile was still evident when she took hold of your hands and moved you along to the beat. "I'll take you up on that offer."

She never took her eyes off of you as her hands guided your body to move with the music. You flushed under her stare and prayed it didn't show in the moonlight.

Each time she sent you a reassuring smile you wondered if she was thinking like you. Not that it mattered much. All you knew was that when you met her eyes, there ceased to be any problems nagging your mind.


By the time Armin's songs replayed for the third time, you had your fair share of drinks. A lot of your friends had drunk a little heavier, though. The only ones who weren't extremely drunk or passed out were the designated drivers and, coincidentally, you and Mikasa.

At this point in the night, the food truck was long gone. Eren and Armin were making fools of themselves trying to dance together. Marco was doing his best dealing with Jean's clinginess but he was barely holding on by a thread. Ymir and Reiner were fast asleep on the ground on either side of Historia. Sasha was surprisingly sober, you guessed she had to drive a drunk Connie home.

A slower song started to play and Mikasa made the bold move to pull your arms around her shoulders and put her hands on your waist.

"Like them," she whispered and nodded to Bertholdt and Annie. You would've shrieked at the sight of them dancing so closely together if you weren't already so surprised by Mikasa's suddenness.

You swayed with her to the rhythm of the song as she led the dance. You hoped the clicking sound you heard behind you wasn't Sasha's camera.

Continuing the quiet dance, you knew the familiar song was coming to an end. Call it the alcohol talking, but you felt a sudden burst of confidence run through your veins.

You adjusted your arms around her neck to pull her closer and she did the same at your waist. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach as you eased into her embrace.

When you looked into her eyes you realized she was leaning closer to your face. She stopped to ask, "Is this okay?" Her voice was shaky as she whispered. Her warm breath tickled your nose from the proximity.

You nodded. Your hushed words came out even shakier than hers, "Just listen to the music."

You didn't fight the feeling when your lips collided with hers. A warmth spread throughout your chest and you felt like fireworks were exploding inside of you. Her kiss was soft and her scent was intoxicating. This is really happening.

When you finally parted to look up at her, you felt everything and then nothing at all. The world faded from your view and you were no longer staring into her eyes when it went dark.


𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐,𝟎𝟑𝟕

explanation: i'm on my last day of spring break so that's how i managed to get this chapter out. i apologize for the long wait. heads up that updates will probably be a bit slower from now on. i still experience a lot of self-doubt about my writing since i'm not extremely well versed in it. this is the first fanfic i've written that i actually had hopes of completing. my school schedule has changed a lot this month and it leaves me so exhausted after a school day ends. it's just been very hard on me but i'm sure i'll adjust soon and figure out a better way to put out chapters. as always, i hope you enjoyed this chapter! have a good day/night :))

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