Lykan Girl

By jjminay

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"Can I ask for one selfish thing before you go?" Titan asked me with sadness in his eyes. I held my breath bu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Fourteen

437 26 1
By jjminay

Being the queen was not as easy as Queen Tailah had made it out to be. There were so many things to do. With great power comes great stress and, yeah, responsibility. Uncle Ben was right.

When something went wrong I had to handle it. I was in charge of almost everything and it was scary. It seemed like I had Elias on the phone with me every single minute of the day. I would have never survived the first week without him.

I spent my days trying to reorganize the pack into a semi-civilized place. Nothing had been the same since the death of Queen Tailah. Everyone was looking at me for guidance and I was trying my best to give it to them.

Once I started to get the hang of everything, I started to talk to the females about maybe letting the Males come and visit whenever they wanted and not only during mating season. At first everyone looked at me as if I was bonkers. If this was enough to make them think I was crazy. I hated to imagine what look they would give me when they found out that I wanted to somehow make peace with the Vrykolakes.

When they started to accept the idea of the Males visiting whenever they wanted, I started to hint at maybe letting the younger males stay with their mothers until they were in their teens. Almost every older and mated female jumped at that idea. They wanted to see all their children all the time.

When I threw in the idea of the Males staying at the Camp, they all looked at me as if I was insane again. It took a while but they came around to the idea. Everyone wanted to be as normal as possible.

Next I had to talk to the Males. I was sure that that would be an adventure all its own. I started with Elias.

"Let me get this straight. You not only want that younger males to stay at the Camp but you also want the adult males to move in, too."

I nodded my head.

He just looked at me as if I had sprouted another head.

I wonder if Queen Tailah ever got these reactions when she wanted to change things. "What's wrong with that?" I wanted to know.

He thought about it. "Nothing, I guess but…"

"But what?" I demanded.

"What if the Males don't want to move to the Camp? We can't force them. Most of us have jobs and houses out there."

"I'm not saying every single male has to move to the Camp. I'm saying if mated males want to live with their families it’s okay. Also males that are single and/or courting can visit whenever they want. It's not fair that you get to visit whenever you want but the others can't."

"Okay. Fine. I'll go along with your idea but I hope you know what you're getting into." He observed. "People will get mated all year long that means more babies. You're going to have to build more cottages."

I shrugged. "It's not like we don't have the room. I just found out that we have over nineteen thousand acres of land."

"We use to have double that but when the Lykáns and the Vrykolakes parted ways the land was split down the middle."

"I heard."

"Okay," Elias said, standing. "I'll call a meeting with the Males. If they like the idea, I'll call you and you can tell them when they can start moving in."

"All right. Thanks."

He patted my head. "You should rest. You look tired."

I smiled. "I'm the queen. I can never rest. Unlike you, I can't punch people when they don't agree with me."

He shrugged, nonchalantly. "You do it your way. I'll do it mine." He tapped the tip of my nose. "Well, now that we're done talking business. I'm off to see the apple of my eye."

"Yes, please. Distract her for an hour or two. Aliesha has gotten very bossy lately. I need some time to do things I want to do, like breathing without her there to bug me that I’m doing it wrong."

"I was talking about the Camp's cook. Today is Tuesday and I know for a fact that she bakes apple pies today." He jested.

I rolled my eyes.

"But I guess I could visit Aliesha for a while, feed her some apple pie maybe."

"You do that."

"Don't worry, I will."

"Keep her for as long as you like."

"I tell her you said that." He said, walking towards the door.

"Wait. Don't tell her." I begged. "She'll hurt me."

"Too late." He sang, opening the door. "I 'm going to tell her."

He closed the door behind him before I could say anything.

By the end of the week the Males had agreed to my plan. Males that wanted to move into the Camp could start moving in within a month. Visiting whenever they wanted started the day Elias told them about my idea.

Everything was going great. Then Koretta went and messed it all up! Two weeks before the Males were to start moving in. She and couple of females and males, she had on her side, decided to attack Titan's Ranch.

They only reason we found out about it before we were supposed to was because one of the Males came back crawling, asking for help because the ten of them that went over were getting their butts kicked.

I was in my room, getting ready to read the second letter Samara had wrote me. When Aliesha and two other guards came in with the news.

They waited for my orders. When I didn't say anything, the youngest of the group asked me if they should go over and help Koretta and the others. She was new. I couldn't remember her name but I was pretty sure it started with a P.

"Yes. We're going over but not to help Koretta and the others. We will go and watch. And when the Vrykolakes are done beating them to a bloody pulp. We will drag them back home, wait for them to heal, then beat them up all over again."

"You can't be serious." She spoke up again.

I sighed. “Of course, I'm not serious.” I paused. “We won't beat them. Maybe just smack them a couple of times until they answer my questions.”

"I wasn't talking about the beating." She said. "I was talking about the fact that we aren't going to help our comrades and battle the Vrykolakes."

“Oh.” I frowned. “I was very serious about that. No one told them to cross the river and attack the Vrykolakes.” I continued. “Now go and get two more guards that should be enough. We can each drag two people when we come back.”

I could tell the youngest guard still didn't understand but she bowed her head and followed the other guard to the door.

"Get three more guards." Aliesha called out before they walked out the door.

"We don't need three more. There's only nine Lykáns including Koretta over there. We can each drag two, like I said. Well one of us will only have to carry one person but still."

"Jayla, there is no way I'm letting you, the queen, go to the enemy's side. You're staying here."

"What are you talking about? I have to go. This would be the perfect opportunity to talk to them about peace." I pointed out.

"No. First you have to talk to Elias. You both have to agree that you want peace with the Vrykolakes. Then you send a messenger to request a meeting in a neutral place where you can talk about peace."

"Or I can just go now and talk to them. Nothing's going to happen. I trust them."

"Well, I don't. So no."

"I thought I was queen?"

"You are." She answered, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Then why is that you always boss me around?"

"Because I was appointed head guard. That means I protect you from the enemies and yourself. If I had known that protecting you from yourself was going to be so hard, I would have never taken the job. Do you know why so many seasoned guards retired?"

"Old age?" I chimed in.

"No. They retired because they said you reminded them of Queen Tailah in her younger days and they never want to protect someone as crazy as Queen Tailah again. So they retired."

"Wait? Is that a compliment or a put down?"

"Both. So you're staying here to show them that you're not as crazy as Queen Tailah. Maybe some of them will come back and we can get rid of some of these puppies helping us out."

I sighed. "Fine, but could you hurry up. The suspense is going to kill me."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay."

"And remember, no fighting. You're there to drag back the idiots who went over there. Maybe you should carry a white flag with you."

"I'm not carrying a white flag with me, you can forget it." Aliesha sighed. "Are you sure about this, Jayla, not helping them, I mean? A lot of people will talk."

"I'm sure. A lot of females must know by now. That means they've called their mates and Elias will find out soon enough. He'll probably show up in a couple of hours and I'll tell him about my plan for peace."

"And what if he says no?"

"He won't."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because it's what his grandmother wanted and you know Elias will want to grant Queen Tailah her last wish."

"You play dirty."

I shrugged. "Sometimes you have to get what you want."

She just nodded.

"Now, go already."

"Okay. Stay out of trouble. Remember we want some of the older guards to come back. One's that don't talk back when you give them an order."

"I said fine." I grumbled.

She guided me to a chair in the center of the room. "Why don't you embroidery or something?"

"What is this the 1600s? I'm not going to stay were you put me. I'm not a doll."

"Don't I know it? Just stay in this room. I'll come back as soon as possible."

"Alright already. I'll stay. Just come back as soon."

"I will." And with that she gave me one more hard stare, letting me know that there would be trouble if she came back and I wasn't in this room, and walked out.

I stayed in the chair she put me in for about two seconds. I was so tempted to follow her and the other guards, but she was right. I wanted some of the seasoned guards back. Plus I wasn't sure if I was ready to face Titan just yet.

I paced back and forth. It seemed like an hour had passed but when I looked at the clock, only ten minutes had gone by. I sat back down. I needed something to do something to take my mind of it. Then I remembered that I was going to read Samara's letter when Aliesha and the other two guards had walked in.

I went to my bed and picked up hoping that it would distract me.

To: Miss Jayla

From: M



So as you can see or maybe you can’t… Either way, I didn’t go right out to the mailbox yesterday, instead I waited till this morning because I had some problem with getting a car. The car rental places suck ass, by the way. So today, after fighting for about an hour, I got this super ugly green car. It was legit the only car they would let me have and they charged me a lot of money for it too. It was like five hundred dollars for just two days of renting. All of this just because I wasn’t twenty-five. Why the hell didn’t Kyros just let me bring my own damn car!?

Anyway, I drove out there to the mailbox {did I mention it takes a whole fricking hour to drive there? It’s just a jump, hop, and a skip away when you’re going over the river. But to drive, good god, the things I do for you}.

But back to what I was saying, so I drove out there. I didn’t want anyone to see a random car pulling up to the mailbox, so I then drove by and parked in some trees and slipped out of the car like I was a spy. I was having a really good time. I even sang my own theme music.

Ugh, but it was hot as hell outside. I was in like flip flops and stuff and still sweating and you know how much I don’t like sweating. I quickly through your letter in the mailbox and was starting to run back to my puke green car when this black car pulled up next to me. It was a beauty. Why couldn’t I have a beautiful car like that?

Its windows were tinted, and I couldn’t see anyone as they stopped. At first I stood there and thought about all those scary news reports where they talk about people getting kidnapped off the side of road. I had no one to sacrifice as I made a run towards Pukey {that will be the name of the car from now on} because you’re off doing whatever it is you do there with your new wolf friends.

But then I calmed down and figured it was someone from your pack wanting to know what the hell I was doing to their mailbox. I was wrong, of course, and realized this when the window went down. These people reminded me of Kitten and Tiger. I mean they didn’t look like them. They looked completely different but you know what I mean, right? Gorgeous beyond words. WHY ARE VRYKOLAKES SO GORGEOUS? I asked this question to the universe right there and then. So many of my problems who vanish if Vrykolakes were ugly as hell. Sigh.

The guy at the window got my attention back by waving his hand in front of my face. He legit was just staring at me as pondered the most important question of my life. He had no patience with my pondering and asked if I knew where he could find Kitten’s Ranch. I was about to tell him. When all of a sudden his eyes did that flashy thing, where they looked like they just changed colors, and the next thing I know I blurted out which way to go. With a quick nod, he rolled up the window and the car pulled away as if had never stopped. What a jerk.

I thought about texting Kitten and being like, I met some of your friends but then I figured he would get angry and try to ground me or something. He did that once. I forgot what I did but he was all like go to your room. The guy has problems. Plus, I refuse to be the one to text first. That might be childish but I don’t care.

Sigh. Let me move on before I keep ranting about that jerk. After my adventure of the letter, I came back to the hotel/motel and did something that maybe I shouldn’t have done. I put my bathing suit on, and went to the pool to flirt with the towel boy. I don’t know why this hotel/motel has a towel boy but they do. Though, now that I think about it. He could have just been a random guy asking if I needed a towel and sunblock rubbed on my back. Oh well, he didn’t try to kill me so it’s okay. His name was David and, man, he was a hott {and yes that’s hott with two T’s, don’t judge me}. He really knows how to work his charm too. He was fun and all but the more I flirted with him the worst I felt about myself and my situation. My heart just isn’t really into it. I pushed him away when he tried to kiss me. URG.

We really need to talk the next time you visit. I think I need some advice. I can’t wait for this weekend to be over. I don’t like being alone. Last night, I felt like I was being watched. It was creepy and I couldn’t figure out why I felt this way. Maybe I’m just being paranoid.

On a very random side note, I think you’ll be happy to hear this, Tiger really cares about you. I remember when I used to talk about you all the time when I first arrived and now he does it. It’s annoying as hell. I swear to god he thinks he’s Shakespeare or something. If I hear him say how your “eyes light up like a million stars” one more time. I will kill him and you will be single again. I’ll probably write you again tomorrow then take both letters to the mailbox.

I need my beauty sleep now. Talk to you soon.

Love ya


When I was done reading it, I read it again just to have something to do. Plus I wanted to make sure I had every detail down like I did for the first one. I was in the middle of reading it a third time when someone knocked on my door. I jumped up thinking it was Aliesha back with news.

Before I could say come in Elias burst into the room.

"You only sent five guards and told them not to interfere, just to drag them back when the Vrykolakes were done beating them to a bloody pulp?"

Wow. News traveled fast around here. I really needed the older guards back. At least they understood not to tell the others the orders even if they thought they were crazy.

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked, ignoring his statement.

"That's all you have to say?"

"What do you want me to say?" I asked.

"I want to know why you only sent five guards and told them not to interfere."

"Because one no told Koretta and her posse of idiots to go and pick a fight with the Vrykolakes."

"I admit that it was idiotic but you just can't let the Vrykolakes kill them." He concluded.

"The Vrykolakes aren't going to kill them." I reassured him.

"You can't possibly know that."

"They're nice. They wouldn't kill them. I know them."

"You stayed with them for three days. That's not really knowing them."

I was tempted to tell him about my relationship with Titan but I knew it wasn't the time. He was too angry at the moment. "They can't be so bad. They let my best friend stay with them."

He shrugged. "They probably use her for blood."

"I'm sure they don't." I insisted.

"You can't know that. You haven't seen or talked to her since you left." He recalled.

"They didn't kill me even after I turned into a Lykán. They let me come here so I could understand what was happening to me."

"I remember you saying you snuck out. They were probably waiting to kill you and you got away before they could do it."

I sighed. I was going to have to tell him that I actually dated Titan. Anyway, I had to tell him before he found out some other way.

I opened my mouth to tell him, when the door opened. Aliesha walked in by herself. She smiled at Elias before turning to me.

"Koretta and the others are in the clinic. Nothing serious. A couple of black eyes, some bloody noses, bruises. That kind of stuff."

"I want to speak with the Males that went over with Koretta. If you here any screams coming from the clinic. Ignore them."

"Wait. I want to talk to you about something." I began.

"It can wait." He said, leaving the room.

I stared at the door and sighed.

"Did you tell him about wanting to talk to the Vrykolakes about peace?" Aliesha asked.

"I didn't get the chance."

"Are you going to talk to Koretta?"

"I'll give her some time to heal." I said.

"What are we going to do with her?"

"I don't know. What usually happens when someone does something stupid?" I asked. "Don't tell me we have a jail on the Camp somewhere that I don't know about."

"No. We don't have a jail. We're usually peaceful, as you know. No one has ever done anything like this. I think the last time someone did something was almost a hundred years."

"What happened to her?"

"She was executed."

"Why? What did she do?"

"She killed three females."

"Why?" I asked.

Aliesha shrugged. "She never said why."

"Well we can't execute Koretta and the others. What they did was stupid but no one was really hurt."

"But they have to be punished somehow." Aliesha insisted. "We don't want anything like this happening again."

"Maybe Elias can come up with something." I smiled. "Was that a scream I just heard?"

"If it was we have to ignore it. He told us too." She grinned back.

Elias came back in thirty minutes. I was in the middle of eating a bagel when he stormed into the room again. His rage was vibrating off of him. I didn't understand why he was so angry until he spoke.

"You're dating a Vrykolakas."

Oh boy. Koretta must have opened her big mouth. Maybe executing her wasn't such a bad idea after all. I would finally be rid of her, but with my luck she would probably haunt me.

"She's not dating a Vrykolakas." Aliesha announced. "She broke it off over three months ago."

Elias turned his livid eyes in her direction. "You knew about this and didn't tell me?"

Panic filled Aliesha's eyes. She didn't like having Elias angry with her.

"Aliesha, could you give Elias and I a moment alone."

Aliesha nodded, then left the room as quickly as she could.

"Elias." I said walking towards him. "I know you're angry with me but…"

"Angry? Angry?" He sputtered. "I think I’m passed angry."

"Okay." I smiled. "So enraged at me."

"This isn't a joke, Jayla. I was hoping when I confronted you. You would tell me that Koretta was lying but Aliesha just confirmed it. People are going to start wondering if you're loyal to the Pack."

"Look. I broke it off with him. I put the Pack above everything else. Doesn't that show that I am loyal? If anyone is disloyal to the Pack it is Koretta."

"After hearing that you dated a Vrykolakas, Koretta attacking the Vrykolakes is going to give her more brownie points in being loyal to the pack department."

“Koretta is loyal to no one but herself. Koretta planned the last battle with Elsa, a Strigoi, that was staying with the Vrykolakes. Queen Tailah must have told you about her theory.”

"Yes, she told me her theory but unless you have evidence there is nothing we can do. It would be your word against hers and people would believe her because she hasn't dated the enemy."

"I don't have evidence but a couple of weeks ago she tried to blackmail me into giving up my position as queen. When I told her I had evidence she backed down."

"Like I said, without evidence, we can't do anything."

"What if she confesses?"

"If she's guilty she'll never confess."

"You could trick her into talking. Tell her that I showed you some evidence that my Vrykolakas boyfriend found in Elsa room. Some letters that Elsa never got to send to her father in Romania. Tell her something like if she tells you what really happened you could help her. And if she doesn't tell you, tell her that I plan to execute her like the crazy lady a hundred years ago."

"It would never work."

"Trust me. It will."

"Why should I trust you, Jayla?"

I smiled, touching his cheek. "Because it's me. We've been the best of friends for the last couple of months. I let you cry on my shoulder when Aliesha was ignoring you. You know me. I'm the same person I was yesterday. You know you can trust me."

He sighed. "Fine. I'll trust you but I must correct you. I never cried on your shoulder." He grinned.

"I seem to remember tears once." I joked.

"I told you. I had something in my eye."

I laughed. "Sure you did."

"I did." He said, pushing my hand away.

I bit my lip. "I want to talk to you about something else."

"Wait. I have a feeling I'm going to want to sit down for this." He walked over to the chair in the center of the room and sat down. "Okay, go ahead. I'm ready."

I walked over to him, smiling. "It's not bad news."

"I don’t believe you but okay. What is it?"

I took a deep breath, then let it out. "I want to talk to the Vrykolakes about peace between us."

Elias blinked up at me. "I'm sorry. I'm sure I misheard you. I thought you said you wanted to talk to the Vrykolakes about peace."

"I did."

"Jayla, are you crazy?" He stood to check my head for a fever then sat back down. "You must be crazy because you don't have a fever. Wow, you've already cracked and you haven't even been queen for longer than a month."

I glared at him. "I'm not crazy."

"Well, you're talking crazy."

"Why do you hate them so much?"

Now he really looked at me like I was crazy. "They almost killed me."

"I'm talking about before that. Why did you hate them?"

He thought about it. "Well…" His voice trailed off.

"See? You don't have any real reasons to hate the Vrykolakes." I continued. "Queen Tailah wanted peace between us. Don't you want to grant her last wish?"

Elias smiled up at me. "Now I see why my grandmother wanted you to be queen. You're exactly like her."

"Thank you."

"You both play dirty."

"I'll take that as a compliment." I said, glaring at him again.

"Don't worry. It is." He sighed, standing up. "Okay. Fine. I'll back you up on the peace treaty thing."

I jumped up and down clapping my hands. "Yay!"

He held up his hand. "But only after Koretta confesses she was involved."

"Okay, great! What are you waiting for? Go talk to her. Make sure you take a witness with you." I said as I pushed him towards the door. "And if you see Aliesha make sure to apologize for glaring at her." And with that last bit of information, I pushed him out the door.

As it turned out, it didn't take long for Koretta to admit her guilt. Elias was back within an hour to tell me that Koretta had confessed to her crime. Within an hour after that we called a meeting with members of the Pack that were at the Camp. After we told them about Koretta, we told them about our plans of peace.


This chapter and chapter 13 are both dedicated to iamkarablack who wrote the letters from Samara.
Thanks Kara :)

And for everyone who is reading my story. Thank you ;; Would it be too soon to tell you I love you? We've only been together for a little bit but I just know. You guys are the ones.

sobs. idk what I'm saying anymore. Later^^

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