The Quarterback

By fortheloveofcereal

23 3 5

Jason Matthews is the star quarterback of the Bradshaw High Rangers. In this small Nebraska town, he is the h... More

Regional Loss

23 3 5
By fortheloveofcereal

The pressure of being the star quarterback of a small town team is unbearable a times. For Jason Matthews, it truly is unbearable. The pressure causes Jason to do unspeakable things. If he continues to live like this, Jason Matthews will be dead in a matter of weeks. But, in a small town like Bradshaw Nebraska, everyone is happy, everyone is perfect. And this leads Jason not to tell a soul about his mental instability.

"And the new division Champions are the Pheasant Wood High Buffaloes!" The announcer bellowed through the intercom. Jason looked at the score board; Home: 36 Away: 24. He hit the side of his helmet with his fist. As soon as they got in the locker room the couch, his father, grabbed Jason by the face mask. "What the hell is wrong with you Matthews?! You think this is a joke? You let the whole team down! When we step off the bus at Bradshaw High no one will be cheering and it's all your fault Matthews!" He pushed Jason into the lockers. Coach Matthews left the locker room. He then took off his helmet and hurtled it at the tile wall, chipping off a decent sized piece. "Calm down Matthews!" One of the defensive players yelled. The sleeve of his white under armor long sleeve started to rise up his arm. Jason was immediately alert, he whipped down his sleeve only hoping no one caught a glimpse of his scars. He started changing into a long sleeve t-shirt and sweats. He walked out of the locker room and his girlfriend, Amy Hales, ran up to him. She plants one on his lips but he barely reacts. "Great game baby," she says. "Not really, but thanks." He says blankly. "I was thinking that maybe to cheer you up I could spend the night," she whispers in a sexual voice. "Not tonight," he breathes. "Ugh. You no fun Jason," she says in a stuck up tone "I'll catch a ride home with Sarah." Then she runs off. Jason gets to the parking lot, he unlocks his car and throws his Rangers duffle bag in the trunk. He slumps in the drivers seat and pulls out zipping past the team bus.

A 45 minute drive home should be enough to cool off him and his father. Jason opens his center console and pulls out a small ziplock bag with a small amount of white powder at the bottom. He slows down and pulls off to the side of the road. He pours the powder into one long line and snorts it. He leans back in his seat, it kicks in and Jason's body goes into high alert. He pulls back onto the road, his foot putting as much pressure as possible on the acceleration. He zips past the "Welcome To Bradshaw" sign and 2 blue and red lights appear in his rearview mirror. He does everything he can to try and seem as normal as possible as he eases off to the side of the road. After a couple minutes an officer approaches his window. "Do you know wh-" the officer stops "Jason?" "Hey Carl," Jason says in the most warm voice he can fake. "Heard about the game, sorry kiddo," Officer Carl says with pity. "It was my fault." "Don't beat yourself up kid, listen, I know your under a lot of pressure so I'm gonna let you off with a warning if you promise to get some rest." "Thank you so much Carl," Jason says as he takes the warning slip. "Slow down Jason." "See you Carl!" Jason yells as he pulls onto the road. That was close. Too close.

The drugs started making him panic. "I can't go home! I can't go home! I can't go home!" Jason yelled at himself. He took a sharp turn into a nearby street. He knew his best friend Andrea's dad worked nights. He pulled into the driveway of Andrea's house. Parked out front was her little red car and a dark blue pickup truck that he didn't recognize. He burst through the front door. On the couch was Andrea and Shane Collins from up the street. Shane's pants were down to his knees and Andrea was obviously giving him a bj. He jumped up pulling up his pants. "What the fuck man! Do you know how to fucking knock?" Shane yelled. Everyone in Bradshaw knew everyone. "What the hell is he doing here with his dick out?" Jason yelled at Andrea. "We were on a date Jason," she said trying to gather herself. "Since when do dates consist of guys dicks being out?!" Jason yells again. "Relax Jason," Shane started to say, Jason was obviously high and getting even more pissed off. Shane put his hand on Jason's chest motioning him to chill out. Jason punches him straight in the face. Andrea ran to help Shane up. She whispered something in Shane's ear and he walked out the door. Flipping off Jason on his way out. There she was, Andrea Summers, Jason has had the biggest crush on her since they met in the first grade. "What the hell is wrong with you Jason? You come into my house higher than a fucking kite and punch my date in the nose?" "You can tell I'm high?" "Jesus Jason, your eyes are damn near popping out of your head there so dilated!" "Andrea, please don't yell at me!" Jason yelled at Andrea. Tears started rolling down Jason's cheeks.

Jason sat against the wall, head in his hands. "Why didn't you come? I needed you tonight Andrea." Jason slurred out. "Your girlfriend went and you know she hates me." "And you were at home sucking Shane Collins' dick," Jason said under his breath. "Oh my god Jason! You act like you've never had your dick sucked, it's not a fucking crime!" "It just pisses me off," he said lowly. "Why? You're not my boyfriend." "I wish I was," he whispered to himself. Andrea heard this statement but disregarded it. "You can't keep shooting yourself up with whatever drugs you can find whenever you lose a game Jason. You're gonna get kicked off the team." "I want to kill myself," Jason blurted out.

"What did you just say?" "I want to commit suicide Andrea." She stood in awe and then slumped down next to him. She wrapped her arms around his muscular midsection. A single tear dripped on her shirt. "You're a senior in high school and you're almost guaranteed a spot on the Huskers' team next year. You have so much to lose Jason." She sobbed. "The pressure thats already on me is crushing me, how am I supposed to manage myself while playing Division 1 football?" "Don't go Jason, please don't hurt yourself."

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