Get back up(edit)

Από CattStarr

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Oc takes over Sakura's body at the start of the series. Major plot destruction when her being there changes... Περισσότερα

Original world, Original Life
Chapter 1: The Error and the Compensation
Chapter 2: Testing My Skills, Meeting a Scarecrow!
Chapter 3: Introduction to Money$Money$Money
Chapter 4:Teammates! Secret Rules?
Chapter 5: Of Bloodlines and Family History
Chapter 7: Real Shinobi Life, Talk-no-Jutsu (of a kind)

Chapter 6: Time skip, C-Rank?

110 6 2
Από CattStarr

A full two months of training and learning team maneuvers from Kakashi Sensei passed by. Naruto took me out for dango once and sushi twice in return for teaching him a few simple prank spells that I twisted into jutsu.
Sasuke bought a wardstone and had me set it up for him at his home, and requested me to stitch durability and weather resistant wards into his clothing and the fabrics of his camping supplies as well in exchange for him training me in using fire chakra.
Which wasn't agreeable with my affinities at all, so I worked hard to practice it just in case.
(Note to self-fire manipulation sucks ass.  And hurts.)

Every morning our team would meet at eight. We'd train in strength and speed using workouts Sensei gave us that was adjusted to our own bodies, then after an hour we would switch to practicing either stealth, mission tactics and practices, or basic evasion and mock sparring —Sensei's favorite, he threw rubber balls at us from the sidelines as we fought each other in a three way battle—that freaking hurts!- and of course there were the various team exercises.

Honestly I hadn't been expecting how gross and smelly a girl and boy could equally get!

Sensei also taught us the basic Jutsu and chakra enhancement methods that could help us out on missions or even for everyday use.

How to light a campfire with the easiest spark of fire chakra, (I had problems with this until Sasuke helped me) the flame coming from our fingertips. How to warm or cool ourselves to a certain extant, how to do what I had done before out of curiosity—enhance our muscles properly to speed up while running and a more advanced method of jumping higher and hitting harder. (That really depended on the chakra control of the individual, but we got the gist of it in general.)
I learned how to do all this without the use of just mana, though after team training I always practiced my mana manipulation for two hours on my own before I visited the shop. (Run by employees while my parents were traveling.)

We learned a better method than Iruka-Sensei had taught us on how to muffle our steps and Kakashi-Sensei also taught us how to shrink our chakra signature to seem like less of a threat, or to blend in as civilian children. Codes for just our team, basic sign language, weather prediction and how to better and more accurately find out which direction you are headed and lay basic traps for any approaching enemies.
Camping was something we practiced every day for the first month at our training ground, and Sensei had us speeding through routine after routine on a camp setup.
We experienced different scenarios where we had to take shifts for sleeping and accurately alert our teammates to a hidden intruder, and he had us experience tracking and hunting small animals, making us skin and cook the meat after getting rid of the unusable parts.
An earth Jutsu in particular was learned to swallow the carcasses, as if the creatures had never been there in the first place if someone hunting them didn't know where to look.

Things like that naturally had our team growing closer, even if there still seemed to be a barrier somewhat between us three kids without our Sensei present.

The reason for that was because of awkward hormones (puberty) and jealousy.
Naruto was jealous of Sasuke, of how he seemed to breeze through most of our training with a cool stand-offish attitude, and he was even more envious on how the people we worked for on D-ranks naturally praised the Uchiha and berated the blonde for not knowing commonly known things. Their dislike of Naruto was weird and made me want to beat the shit out of them for being unnecessarily rude to him.

Sasuke in return was jealous of Naruto's insane stamina—the boy never stayed down for long—and of his natural charisma that inspired us all to train harder and keep going.
The ravenette also was jealous of the blonde's bullheadedness that led to him showing progress in the ninja arts extremely fast compared to the 'Prodigy' Uchiha. It made it seem as if he wasn't making any progress on his side as fast, if at all.

I meanwhile was jealous of them both.
I could admit that the bond they shared was only a part of it, but it was also because they were guys in general and were thus treated as better ninja.
Meanwhile I was looked at by our clients and fellow Genin as a little girl playing dress up.
Even with using my bloodline secretly and training like crazy to catch up, I still felt like I was lightyears behind the two, especially Sasuke, as he had some clan training!

This all led to the frustration I had to deal with on the daily—where did I really fit in into the team?

Sensei treated us kids as more or less equally, to an extent. Like his cute little Genin minions who he could run into the ground for fun.

For some reason he had taken to being less harsh with me when it comes to training and workouts in general—which I hated, but was too cowardly to say to his face for some reason. Don't get me wrong—he still made me work my ass off, but it wasn't as harshly as Sasuke or Naruto.
He taught the boys more when it came to Taijutsu, helping to fix Naruto's stances and showed him how to work on throwing a proper punch and kick.

I wasn't jealous of that.

No I was jealous on how he seemed to focus more on Sasuke than on Naruto and I in general. He had the Uchiha doing almost double what he had us doing, and was working on trying to unlock the boy's dojutsu. I understood he was taking focusing on that because the village wanted the Sharingan prowess back, but damn was it frustrating to get shut down when I asked for a new training technique. The man had clones so he could have been using them to help me with my own bloodline the whole time!

Sensei hadn't even started in helping me in working out how to properly use my bloodline without becoming exhausted and passing out, instead I was trying to figure out how to raise my chakra and mana amounts as fast as I could by myself via the Genin issued books at the library and meditation.

After being sent home twice for attempting to use my Gravity Release during my workouts, I just started using it whenever I had a chance, ignoring his outward disapproval when I forgot to henge my eyes or wasn't quick enough to hide my face from him.
I couldn't eat during morning training to refill my mana either— Sensei didn't allow that many snack breaks, and my stubbornness and anger at him had me keep trying anyway, so I had to sneak it into my workouts anyway I could.
He never said anything when he caught me, and I got the feeling he wasn't training me in it because of an order from higher up. Probably the Hokage himself.
Other than a select few people, my bloodline abilities weren't yet public, as my parents were working on having a baby while they were away so we could form a clan successfully when they came back—the more people in our family, the more likely we were to be approved by the ninja council after all. I didn't like the idea of being stuck in Konoha as an adult to become a baby breeding machine either, so the utter relief and love I felt towards my parents for trying so hard to kickstart our clan's success without being stuck under old laws like that was freaking gigantic.

Outside of training Kakashi Sensei had gotten into the habit of treating me like a little sister almost. It was a common thing here, for people who knew each other well to label each other as kin, especially so in Konoha, so I wasn't too bothered by that.

I actually loved that I could walk down the street and the aunties that ran the bakery together would greet me like a niece, or how the people around our age or younger would sometimes call me little sister or big sister. It made my village seem more like a family, which made me love it more in return.

Sensei hadn't actually called me his sister yet, but he still teased me and liked to embarrass me sometimes in front of the boys or customers at the store. I worked mostly on my ward stones at this time so they could be shelved or put into stock, with the occasional requested piece from my long list of clients.
When I was finished with those I usually work on jewelry, scrolls and wearable tags to be put into stock to be sold once my skills have gained more notoriety.
Sensei found it interesting how warding had different levels to it like Fuinjutsu, an he held a collection items I made specifically for him to train and fight with too.
He liked to watch me carve good fortune sequences, fertility runes, wellness charms and other low leveled Runic sequences into various pieces of jewelry in particular.
Or a clone of his did anyway.

He would sometimes bring me dinner when I had a special client's order to work on and was stuck longer than intended in that back room figuring out the best way to combine and fit the sequences together so they would work right and not do something horrible instead.
Sometimes Sensei would have one or two of his dogs with him and they'd roam the store and pick out treats or toys to play with while he watched me work curiously.
He would sometimes share some jerky or some other snack with me when I was finishing up or needed something to bring my mana back up too. It felt nice, to be looked after like that.

Sometimes though it felt like he was using those evenings we spent together as a way to apologize for the way he was treating me and Naruto, because he knew we—me more so than Naruto—were getting frustrated with the preferential treatment.
It made me think he was being forced or pressured to put Sasuke first, and I assumed it was because he was the last Uchiha in Konoha.

How Naruto didn't seem to notice the treatment, I don't know. Yes he was dumb when it came to social norms and common things kids were taught, but the blonde was incredibly street smart, able to put things together fast once he understood something fishy was going on.

If it wasn't for mom then Sensei probably would have had to find another way to make up for his behavior, and I wasn't sure what he would have came up with. As it was the blonde woman was charmed by my teacher, and was the one to give him his own key to the store when I introduced the License to make and sell my specialized work. He eventually offered to be my assistant and guard when meeting with clients and delivering the items that I had to give specific instructions for.
Unlike mom and dad, I knew the Hokage had ordered him to help me, or at least that's what I thought. also keeps inviting the silver haired man over for dinner along with Naruto and Sasuke-the latter who has yet to come. Of course Sensei comes...he almost never turns down free food....

Sasuke treats me somewhat cautiously. He's super tense and wary sometimes when I get too close, and goes red in anger when I accidentally or on purpose-(training maneuvers sometimes require contact)-touch him, jerking away and turning from me. Probably because of my past as his fangirl.
Other than that, while he listened to my ideas and took into consideration my obviously changed idea of ninja life, he didn't really talk to me like Naruto did, or even attempt to get to know me beyond what I could do in a sparring match.

Naruto still had a crush on me, and had finally successfully drilled it into my head that him and Sasuke really weren't together, or even interested in each other.
I still had my doubts sometimes though.
They seriously argued too much for them to not like each an old married couple.

The blonde hasn't asked me out since we became a team, and treats me more like his best friend.

Who's a girl.

That's breakable.

Its annoying, especially when he tries to take over a task given to me on a mission, because I seem too girly and weak.

I get he means well by it, but it still irritates me.

He met my parents about a week after they had filed for our family to become registered as a new Shinobi clan, and was a common addition to our household every other night or so for dinner.
He even shows up at the shop sometimes and has started buying his first aid kits and basic human necessities from there.

The Frosted Leaf was pretty much a convenience/odds and ends store after all.

Dad and mom had dug out some old family photo albums from when they were younger, and Naruto had listened to them talk about our sister clans in rapture. He mainly comes over for those stories, I think.

I had also learned through a DNA test from our ninja files that no, we weren't closely related.
Very distantly, as yes we shared family members, but no where near close enough for marriage to be a problem.
Mom had gleefully told me this in front of Naruto, Kakashi-Sensei and Dad!

I. Was. Mortified!

I hid in my room that night, refusing to leave it until they left and dad stopped laughing at me.

Naruto was definitely smart enough to put it together that I had asked about him in a romantic way to mom. The blushing contest we had between us the next morning at training had Sensei cackling at us, Sasuke watching on in confusion.

After the awkwardness died down, we did become closer as friends and our dynamic on the team began to settle in a weird but workable way.
I could go without being treated like a useless doll though. I was worth more than to just sit aside and look pretty.....though I could admit it was probably my fault because although there were signs of it, I was reluctant to speak about or show others too much of what I could do with my mana.
Mainly because of how dangerous some of the spells I knew about were—I wasn't able to do many of them yet, but with time I knew I'd become a powerhouse in this world, possibly even legendary if I played my cards right.
So too much attention at a young age before I could even do most of those spells wasn't a good thing.
During chakra exercises I just worked on my chakra versions of what I knew and worked to make the Jutsu more stable and battle ready, coming up with strategies in and out of spars to get better.

Besides, ninja were supposed to be sneaky and mysterious, right?

Naruto and Sasuke also couldn't seem to keep from issuing challenges and insults to each other, and I ended up being some kind of peace-keeper in general to keep missions from being messed up.
Sensei even encouraged it all, a nostalgic look sliding over his face sometimes as he watched us or read his mysterious book and listened.

Sometimes I felt like joining in though, even if I knew I would be scolded by Sensei, ignored by Sasuke and placated by Naruto.
It was making me so freaking mad!

I was sick of them leaving me out of their weird friendship—I wanted to joke and argue and pit myself against them too, and be taken seriously!

Being left out as the sensible one made me feel lonely, and horrible. Every time it left me somewhat depressed to see them doing it.

Maybe it was because I was a girl?

Or maybe it's because I had once been a fangirl maybe, who bullied one and crushed on the other?

Maybe it's because they didn't truly want to be my friend other than in name only, and really only saw me as a teammate, a coworker? That would mean Naruto was using me to get close to my parents for obvious reasons....information on his family.

Or maybe it was because the two boys didn't see me as strong or as good as them as a ninja, as equal to them, as a potential rival?

It left a bad taste in my mouth because I knew that last one had to be it.
Maybe I shouldn't have held off in telling them about my bloodline after all, but at the same time, how would I know they respected and liked me as a teammate if I was suddenly important in their eyes? All ninja took bloodline users and clan ninja more seriously and respected them more.
Being an anonymous civilian ninja gave me a veil to hide behind, to find out my peers true character, and I had decided I would milk it until I knew for sure who were my real friends that I could trust.

Naruto was the closest to being a real friend.
As it was though, his treatment made me doubt his intentions.
I would tell him if his treatment of me changed, or both the boys if something happens in the field that required it to be known.
As it is, my bloodlines were known only by Kakashi, even if there were hints for my teammates to find the truth. He told me it was my decision to share, and I was holding him to it.

Regardless of how we three treated each other, we weren't completely hopeless as a team after what Sensei put us through daily, but we had things to work through if we ever wanted to be able to trust each other fully to watch each other's backs.

After training in the morning we would head to lunch, then pick up a couple D-rank missions.
D-ranks were tolerable, but after a month of doing the same chores over and over we were getting sick to death of them!

The worse one just happened to be Sensei's favorite too.

See, I love animals, cats being one of my favorite cuddly little fur balls to pet and play with.
I even had a kitten that Sasuke of all people had given to me, the poor baby furball having been found with four others its age right outside his apartment. (He said its face reminded him of me, and the shelter wasn't accepting female kittens, so I got a new pet.)

So yeah, I have one and she is such an adorably precious little cuddle-bug. I thought that meant I loved them in general after getting attached to her.

But then I met Tora.

The Tora Mission is one that is posted up on the board at least four times a week, the furball running repeatedly away from Madame Shijimi, his owner.

This not normal. Rumor has it that the feline beast is an immortal demon, biding its time to destroy all of Konoha, because not only has it escaped constantly for the last month since I've been a Genin—its been escaping for over EIGHTY YEARS!!!!

Hokage-Sama and his team were catching this blasted cat when they were Genin!

Not normal!

Which brings me to now.

(\_/) (\_/)
(O.o) (O.o)
(> <) (> <)..........................................................

"Target in sight, I'm ready for the signal!" The voice of the only blonde on the team came into my left ear only, the head piece letting us communicate letting out a soft buzzy little noise as he breathed into it slightly.

"I am as well." I replied, hidden behind a tree trunk, crouched and ready to spring. My eyes never strayed from the target and I tensed up, ready to dart forward and capture it.


"Use your words Sasuke, we talked about this." Sensei's voice sounded exasperated, and I fought the urge to giggle. They really had talked about it.

"...*sigh* I'm ready for the signal."

"Good! Alright team...Now!"

Ten minutes later I was walking between my teammates, glaring harshly at the Demon Tora. The cat had taken a long bloody swipe across my face leaving a bleeding gash on my cheek, and had shredded one of the sleeves to my hoodie!

This material was supposed to be resistant to metal weapons like kunai and shuriken!

It claws shredded it!

"—-damn cat chops! No no no...I'll fillet you and barbecue your fatass and feed you to Sensei's pack! What about that? Huh, you damn rat faced—!"

A large hand on my head stopped me from my low growling at the carrier Sasuke was holding, and my jaw snapped shut as I looked up with a glare at Sensei.
"Maybe you should calm down, Sakura-chan, you can buy another hoodie, maybe a better quality—"

"Sensei, this has a shinobi grade mesh! Unless the shop is selling faulty clothing and weapons-in which case all my stuff is worthless! Then that means that cat is not normal! It tore something of mine that cost me good money—so its fair game! That means I should kill it!
That's right kitty~I can make a pretty little necklace from your teeth...maybe sell your fur as a pelt!" Baring my teeth at the hissing and growling cat in the carrier, I noticed the wide terrified faces of my teammates, and I pulled my bloodlust in a little.

I wasn't known as a violent person, I just had temper issues when it came to things I found important.
Money was important.
I didn't like wasting it at all and this incident would cost me Ryo I had wanted to save.
Clothing-good quality shinobi grade clothing at that—was not cheap.

"You can't kill the client's pet. How would they pay you if they did? Show me the place you got your things from after this mission and I'll make sure you get the right kind of hoodie."

Nodding I still glared at the cat, imitating its hiss back at it before flinching as Sensei lightly rapped his knuckles on my head.

'Fine!' Puffing my cheeks out in annoyance, I went ahead of my team, stomping slightly in frustration.
Naruto's snickered at me and I turned and blew him a raspberry, catching Sasuke trying to hide a smirk with one hand as he held the carrier tighter with his other. I sighed then turned back around, marching on with a huff

(\_/) (\_/)
(O.o) (O.o)
(> <) (> <)..........................................................

Upon entering the missions office, I headed over to a vending machine, buying a veggie bar and a mineral water, using them to cap off my mana after I healed my face.

I completely ignored the looks from the curious faces as I walked back to my team, my cuts releasing wispy golden light as it sealed itself shut, free hand lifted with the same wispy light as I used it to concentrate. I found it easier to focus this way when healing for some reason.

"Whoah, Sakura-chan, you can heal? How did do you do that? It's amazing!" The boys eyes were wide, staring in shock at the now gone cut as I shoved the bar in my mouth. I nodded, ignoring the questioning looks and swallowed the piece of bar.



Attention caught by the tantrum being thrown by the Yami incarnate, I watched the scene in partial amusement.
"Seriously?" I huffed, watching as the Daimyo's wife, an obese civilian woman in garishly fancy clothes bemoaned her precious Tora-chan's newest escape. Madame Shijimi wasn't the brightest bulb was she? She should have figured out by now not to open the carrier until she at least reached her home.
Humming at the dumb woman, I turned and looked up at the lazy one eyed dork—er, man.

"Sensei if we have to catch that cat again then I know what we're having for dinner—and it ain't rabbit stew again!"

"Uh...maybe a different mission. Let's uh...go and ask the Hokage and see what they have."

(\_/)  (\_/)
(O.o) (O.o)
(> <) (> <)..........................................................

In the end Naruto sweet talked the Hokage into getting us a C-rank. How?
By proclaiming he isn't the same brat as he was before—then proceeding to show he definitely still was.

The old man also had calmly explained the mission ranks to us, so I did learn something new too!
But then he had Tazuna-san called in.

"Hey you, the shortest one with the stupid look on your face, you expect me to believe your a ninja?"
Cue the drunken old man.

Naruto burst out laughing, even though Sasuke and I shared a look, knowing the man was referring to Naruto.
"Sasuke, he's talking about you!"

"No he isn't idiot." Lining up next to the blonde, I stood on his other side showing the height differences.
Sasuke was tallest, then me, then the clueless blonde.

"Agh! I'll demolish you! I'll—"
Sensei grabbed the boy's jacket, holding him back as he raged at the drunk.
"Naruto, you can't attack your client, it doesn't work that way."

The old drunk took a swig as watched the scene slightly amused. "I am Tazuna, a master bridge builder and I must return to my country. I'm building a bridge there that will change our world, and I expect you to get me there safely, even if it means giving up your life."

'Giving up our lives? For the pitiable amount a C-rank pays? Not likely.'
Alarm ran through me at his words though. What was he expecting that he would say that? He requested a C-rank, the most we should encounter would be bandits, but even then we had a Jonin with us as well.
Surely he knew ninja weren't even allowed to leave their village until they could take petty civilian bandits on? A single Jonin had the skills to completely annihilate two village sized bandit camps in one night, all without being discovered. (Depending on the distance between the two and a few other factors of course. Still, its happened plenty throughout history. Bandits were like roaches though...)

Did civilians really not know that? Or did they think they were just stories or something?

Sensei walked forward, accepting the scroll as he read through it.

"Alright team, we'll be going to Wave Country, so go grab your mission packs and meet at the gate in an hour. Dismissed!"

'Wave country....isn't that where Dad said he was denied entry to buy their herbs and medicine? He complained to mom a lot about it for months..... I even had to help her completely switch the potion and herbal shelf for antibiotics and antidotes from Suna, it's why they left a few months ago for their Suna route instead!' The Suna route would lead them through River country, then Grass, Bird, and a small village in Vegetable country. Then they would travel through the desert, visiting a small traveling merchant trading site, then head with them to Suna. After restocking and selling our goods, they would then head back through River country, visiting a different village briefly then heading back home.

At a civilian pace it would take them four to four and a half months to get home for this route, and it was only taken once every two years. They hired ninja to go and buy products in bulk if the store had a problem or ran out.

They wouldn't have needed to take this trip this year if Wave Country hadn't denied dad access.

Instead of following my teammates from the room, I walked closer to our client instead. Behind me at the desk Iruka-sensei and Hokage-Sama watched us curiously.

I bowed my head slightly in greeting before speaking. It was polite.
"Ah, excuse me Tazuna-san.  I'm Sakura, one of the Genin that will be escorting you back to your country. I just had a question or two before I go get ready."
He eyed me, eyes stuck on my pink haired bun before grunting and taking another gulp of his drink. I ignored the curious stares of the two adults behind me, feeling like maybe I probably should have said something before Sensei left.

"Sure, what is it kid?"

"My dad is a merchant you see, he regularly visits each country at least once every couple of years for supplies. Wave country has been denying him access though since last year. Not a single boatman would accept his money, they were all afraid to get caught by someone.
He said that the people there were having trouble with a rich lord and bandits. Is-is this man targeting you? Is that why you asked for a C-rank?"

Seeing the sweat run down the man's face and the suddenly nervous posture and shifty eyes, I knew he had lied about us just escorting him.

"Tazuna-san. Is what Sakura-kun asked true? Did you lie about the parameters of your mission?" Hokage-sama asked seriously.

"I—uh......M-my country is in a s-spot of trouble, that's true. We uh, couldn't afford to ask for a higher ranked mission.
The rich lord-his name is Gato of Gato Transport."

The Hokage hummed in thought before speaking.
"I know of whom you speak of. We have heard rumors of his business deals and sizable wealth in our country from civilian travelers and merchants. Tell us what he has done to your country to make a man of your honorable profession lie to us."

Relaxing slightly, the man cleared his throat and nodded.
"Rich is an understatement concerning Gato, but its all blood money! His reputation is clean on the surface because he uses underhanded tactics to silence those who speak out against him.
He's a parasite—he comes to small countries and nations like mine, buying up land and buildings by having the owners killed or  forcing them to sell to him through violence. He fills those buildings with bandits, thugs, and missing ninja!" Anger was strong as he spoke, remembering something horrible.
"He has them terrorize the townspeople and vandalize our properties, demanding we hand over money, family heirlooms, food and medical supplies!
Women and children going missing as they're beaten and taken in broad daylight—drug rings, public executions for those who rebel-" His eyes glazed over more slightly, heavy pain and loss crossing his face at a memory.
"He's nothing but a war lord, sucking up the money and resources from our lands! I have no idea what to do, other than building a symbol of hope for my people, to prove we don't need to rely on doing his dirty work to leave our country and find peace! The only way to leave right now is to sign yourself away, to work with him so you can feed your starving family and sneak them out on his boats.
After what he did to the last family that attempted escape.....! Please, tell me what else I could have done—what could a poor man do to save his countrymen and family from our poverty?"

Seeing the serious face of the Hokage and a somber Iruka-sensei, I watched as the old man began to tremble, releasing a squeak of fear as the Hokage glared at him.
Now I could see why the hat wearing man was dangerous—Killing Intent filled the air, but not aimed at me. It actually didn't affect me too much, as I knew it wasn't aimed at me and he wouldn't ever harm me as long as I was one of his, but it still felt heavy, a warning of caution not to piss him off ever.

"You should have told Hokage-Sama the truth from the start!" Iruka Sensei growled out.
"A team of Genin-children who are still being trained to fight and gain experience would have possibly died if Sakura-chan hadn't spoken up! Sold into slavery, child trafficking, prostitution! A deal could have been made to pay later! A toll on your bridge in a years-time! Our village is known for making deals such as these!"
Iruka-Sensei end with an angrily yell at the man, a tic mark on his forehead.

Then the Hokage spoke up, voice monotone with an undercurrent of rage.
"It is as Iruka-kun has said. The parameters of your mission is too much for a single Genin team! A team of Chunin at the least would need to be issued, possibly even a Jonin. Do! Not! Ever! risk the lives of my ninja again!"
It was stated, each word with an angry pulse of KI, not strong enough to do anymore than drive the message home, aimed at the quivering drunk before us.

I shivered, but kept my back firm in pride. This old man...our Hokage—there wasn't a true way to describe the intensity of awe and pride I felt for being defended by this man. He didn't even look truly pissed off either, his eyes were narrowed onto Tazuna, but his face was blank, somewhat dark, not showing visible cues of emotion. To have such control over his face. He was definitely more than the friendly grandfatherly figure he seemed to be towards the citizens of Konoha.

I bodily turned to the Hokage as he sighed, jotting down a mission directive of his own.
A black C showed on the scroll as he rolled it up and handed it to me.
"Sakura meet your team at the gate with this scroll. Give it to your Sensei and pack for a week long mission to the capital. There is a high possibility of normal bandits, make sure your teammates are properly informed and prepared. Kakashi-kun will tell you more, dismissed!"

"Hai, Hokage-Sama."

Tazuna was then told to take a seat, and the three adults began discussing a negotiation, the pinkness I'd noticed from Tazuna's face significantly lessoned from the KI sobering him up.

As I was leaving the old man's voice stopped me briefly. The contents had me grinning widely, pride making me almost dizzy.
"Good job, Genin Haruno!"
"Hai! Thank you Hokage-sama!"


I stood at the sign out entrance/exit that led to the village gates, having arrived half an hour early. The Chunin in the small building eyed me in utter boredom, then went back to his familiar looking book, glancing up occasionally while his partner stood just outside his mini stall, watching for any approaching people.
More like watching for any sneaky children who thought they could slip in and out so easily.

I remember the kids at the academy had thought it would be fun to try and dare each other to leave and come back for fun. That had been the class full of my bullies and tormentors, most who had flunked if I remembered right.

Then I was switched to the class I graduated in. I never actually played the game, as I hadn't been invited to play truth and dare with them during recess. Instead I had sat alone with a book by myself.

Until Ino had befriended me one day during Kunoichi classes, which was shared between all classes of our grade. She had helped me convince the Sensei to move me to her class.

Then a year later we stopped being friends because I was a stupid little kid, following a pretty face.

I sighed at the memories.

Sasuke showed up to the checkout point first, nodding at me as he went to sign out, but I stopped him.

"Actually Sasuke, Hokage-sama gave me a mission scroll for Sensei before I left. Tazuna's not coming." I showed the edge to him before putting it the rest of the way into my pocket.

"What happened? Did he change his mind about the escort?"

I shook my head. "I'll tell all of our team together. Its...too much to tell more than once. He also told me to double check all of our weapon and supply packs, as we more than likely will be encountering bandits. You know what this means."

Nodding, he didn't argue as he came closer, showing me his weapons pouch and medic kit. Which was...subpar.
That's surprising.

He knew what encountering bandits on a mission meant, and I noticed his fingers tremble from nerves as he unzipped his travel bag, showing the neatly packed supplies within.
It meant we might end up making our first kills, something we had been preparing for since we left the Academy.

Usually the first kill was more accidental. Sensei had told us how easy it was, to go through a movement against a weaker opponent, or one taken by surprise. Especially when it was a civilian enemy.
We were mainly taught to subdue them, but it was very possible that instinct from our rough sparring matches and self preservation would have us reacting the way we were taught, going for a kill shot to stop ourself or a teammate from being hurt.
Battle euphoria, rages, bloodlust, battlefield disassociation and tunnel vision were all possible for any Shinobi fighting for their life, we had been trained for any of those outcomes if it happened to a teammate and they couldn't calm down or were disassociating.
I really hoped none of us experienced it this soon in our careers, if at all. Some people didn't have any of those issues after all.

"You need a bottle of standard health enhancers and a new bottle of sanitizer spray and box of disinfectant wipes. Also, you need some more bandages—you don't even have any for your hands. Um, if you get sick from something you ate or touched then I have plenty Health Enhancer pills that I can share for this mission, and I know Naruto and Sensei do too. I get they're expensive, and as my teammate if you buy from the Frosted Leaf in the future you'll get a massive discount—not promoting, I promise! Other than those, should probably also have another few laundry tablets, if not another set of clothing. Hokage-sama told me we needed to pack for a full week instead of a couple days. You're good with everything else though."

Grunting his acknowledgment, he zipped his bag and set it on his back.
"I'll be back in ten minutes. If the idiot and Sensei arrive before me then tell them I'll be right back."


He ran off then and I sighed in boredom myself.

Looking at the Chunin behind me again, I tried to get a glimpse of his book title, curious on how good it was. He seemed to be really into it.

"Its not a book for kids...sorry girlie."

He noticed!

"I-I was just curious! You seemed really into it so...."

He chuckled. "Its fine. Say, isn't your Sensei Hatake?" I nodded sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Yeah! The cover of your book looks similar to his—its part of what caught my attention."

"I see! Well, with that horndog...." the man smirked.
"That probably means you have already read or heard worse." He raised the book, turning it around for me to see the contents of a page.
A very naked woman was splayed wantonly on a desk, her assets on display as a man's head rested between her legs, one leg holding him against her, as his left hand cradled her breast, his right yanking on a very long braid while her mouth opened in an expression of ecstasy.

Eyes wide, my face turned bright red.

The guy only laughed as he explained the book to me.
My eyes kept being drawn to the guy's head, the smaller boxes and text across the page showing his tongue was exploring her pearl and slit.

Did that...really feel good? The woman sure thought so....then I remembered through a brief haze of flashbacks of my time in Althëa, the hazy memories targeted on me and a set of twin men, alcohol and a large bed with me in the middle as they— I spluttered and went an even brighter shade of red, a dreamy expression coming forward before I shut my expression down.
Yeah that felt uh...

Ahem....the answer is yes...


"Its called Icha Icha, a porn with plot manga based on various Kunoichi and Shinobi. Have you read them then? Have a favorite?" I rapidly shook my head, speechless. Why was he showing a preteen this?

"What about you blondie?"

My eyes became saucers, face darkening further.

"Sakura-chan, I didn't you you were into that stuff? Girls can be perverts too then?"

I squeaked.


"Ah, I don't mind though! We could explore together-just wait a little bit for us to grow bigger, ok?"

I'm a little ashamed to admit, I fainted from the imagery of an older me and Naruto.
For like ten seconds.

I woke up to the evil horrible pervy Chunin man roaring with laughter, his friend grinning widely and joining him when he saw and heard what happened.

I have never wanted the earth to swallow me whole.

So I threw Stinging Hex after Stinging Hex at Naruto and the laughing guards, smirking when they couldn't figure out what was biting them. I then aimed a boil hex on the evil, horrible—well, on the gate guard's ass after he stood and turned from a pinch to his thigh.

I hope those boils itch and hurt for fucking days!

Then I turned to my confused but highly amused teammate.


"Y-yeah? Wahh! Don't kill me please?!"
My eyebrow twitched. Then I took a deep breath, and shuddered with anger.
I then exhaled.
And let the tension go.

Just like that.

"Are you really into those books though? I can show you some pretty good ones—"

But he had to open his fat mouth. I could almost feel the tic mark...

"Naruto? You earned this...don't complain!"

A tug of my wrist and magic and he was upside down, one of his feet held in the air by my mana and willpower empowered by my feelings. Ignoring the gate guard's surprise and the blonde's scream of confusion, I turned him around in midair, noting it was draining me heavilyto hold his weight up, and shot Stinging Hex after Stinging Hex at his ass, imitating the sting of an ass whooping I myself had gotten for being naughty and lying to my dad as a kid.

Ignoring the blonde's cries of apology and mercy, I then took it a step further.
I set him down in a heap, glaring angrily at him for helping the Chunin embarrass me.

"You think you could handle me Uzumaki? Huh? You like teasing me? Think I'm that easy to get? You must think your hot shit! How about I help you cool down!" With that he yelped as I overloaded the easiest water spell I knew and shot cold water at him, drenching his face and jacket. I then turned and blasted the guard who started it all, seething but feeling better as he sputtered in confusion. A nearby Chunin who was probably his partner and had been watching the whole time erupted into laughter at the sight.

A good chunk of mana regretfully wasted, I grabbed a protein bar from my hoodie pocket and angrily ate it, washing it down with some water, again from my pocket.

"Sakura-I'm sorry! I won't tease you, I swear!"

'Fucking baka! I don't mind the teasing itself—it the fact he did it publicly! To the point I actually fainted! Grrrr! Do I have to spell it out to him?'

Helping the shivering boy up, I led him to a more shrouded area, away from potential watching civilians.
I felt bad when he flinched away from me slightly, guilt hitting me.

"Naruto...I'm sorry, I think I went too far. But you m-made me f-faint! In public!" Cheeks turning pink again, I used a spell to dry him off and warm him up.
I lifted his face up and laid a glowing hand to his skin, preparing to use the Healing Hands spell on something other than an animal I had to later kill for a team dinner. (It was the best way to practice without hurting someone at the moment.)

His bruises faded away, my mana letting me know when he was fully healed, the excess seeping back towards me in waves of golden light.

"Its so...pretty, blue...."

I blinked at him in confusion. 'Blue..?'

"Ah! Nothing. How are you even doing that? You did it to yourself earlier too."

"You mean my sp-jutsu?"

"Yes, how do you do it? Will you teach me?"

Not sure how to answer him, I thought over my relationship with Naruto.
Should I? He hasn't really shown me he respects me as an equal.

Indecision showed on my face and I bit my lip, his eyes following the movement. I felt a spark of awareness shoot down my spine when he seemed to lean closer a bit, his eyes darkened as they never left my mouth.


"Oh my, am I interrupting something? Does Mebuki-chan need to know she can expect Naruto in the family after all?"

Our faces went bright red again.
"Sensei! N-No, we were just—!"

"Mah, no need to explain. Not even for the show you two gave us a couple minutes ago. Poor little Daisuke deserved it for trying to corrupt my cute, innocent little Genin. Now where's Sasuke? Actually, where's Tazuna? Its odd he isn't here yet."

"Ah!" Pulling out the scroll I handed it to Sensei.
"Hokage-sama cancelled our mission with Tazuna, but he said we needed to pack for a week at the capital! He told me to inspect our supplies and make sure we're prepared for bandits, so Sasuke left to get the things he needed. He said he'd be right back!"

"I am, I just got back." Looking over Sensei's shoulder, Sasuke stood, face tinted pink and slightly sweaty from running halfway across Konoha and back in a hurry.
"Did something happen? The gate guard was talking to a newer one about a pink haired girl being some kind of messenger of female vengeance? It was weird."

"Mahh. I'll tell you allll about it later. Why don't we check our supplies and head out? Our goal is to meet our client in the Capital City and escort him to Grass country. We need to be there in two days to get paid in full. Naruto, show us your packs, Sakura tell us what happened and let me check your pack too just in case."

"Hai, Sensei!"

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