Two Broken Hearts

By ameliaaaxmm

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The Academy of the Arts is where every wealthy family sends their children to pursue a career. However not ev... More

Part 1: Elapse
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Part 2. Collapse
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Part 3: Perhaps
Chapter 31

Chapter 28

19 3 0
By ameliaaaxmm

"Ohhh honey you keep falling for boys who believe love is just a word."

Spain has been incredible and beautiful. Yesterday the whole senior class went out on a tour around the location we were staying at and it was interesting.

Imagine I meet one of my favorite actors. I am just kidding that only happens in the movies and I am not an actor but a writer. Today was our last day in our beautiful paradise. Then we will go back to school and in 2 weeks we will graduate. In a few months the world will already know my name and my books. I couldn't be more excited. It was as if life is finally rewarding me after all these years.

Today my friends and I will be having a picnic and then in the night we are going to hit the club. I have not had a full night sleep in almost a week and I think my face was showing it. However makeup hides the imperfections well.

"Are we buying food along the way?" I ask the girls in our hotel room as we get ready.

"Yeah the boys said they went to the store to buy the food. They said they will meet us at the park so we have to order an uber to go," Amanda says finishing her hair.

"Okay I will order one right now," Luna says while getting her phone.

"How is your fashion program going Amanda?" I ask

"Really good actually. It is coming to an end next week since we are already graduating. But I am proud of the potential every single one of my students has. I am sure whoever wins will deserve it," she says.

"Will you be helping with the final decision." I ask

"No I can't pitch in a word on anyone. I just prepare them and let the best one win," she says.

" I bet that is exciting and fun to manage," I tell Amanda once I finish getting ready.

"Yes I love what I do," she says.

"By the way, do you ever design clothes for yourself or just for celebrities," I ask Amanda because everytime I see her she looks elegant.

"Yes girl, all the clothes I wear I design. Even the school uniform. Have you seen I don't usually wear the same uniform as the rest. Of course the same color but different design," Amanda tells me.

"Yes I have seen your uniform which is why I asked the question. All of your clothes are really pretty. I will definitely in the future buy some," I tell her with a smile.

"Don't worry I will send you a package before the whole launch. It will be free of course. And to you too Luna. You both are my only girl friends," she says.

"Aww thank you," both Luna and I say.


When we arrived at the park the boys had already arranged everything.

"Wow you three went off!" Amanda screams while she hugs all of them.

"Just a little something for our special girls," Brady says.

We all sat down and distributed the food among each other.

"So how did you all like Spain. Did y'all make good memories?' Brady asks

"Yes I couldn't be more grateful to be here," I say.

"How do you all feel about graduating in 2 weeks," Cameron says.

"Scared but excited at the same time," Blake says as he eats the strawberries passed to him.

"After graduation what are your plans Luna?" Brady asks.

"I am not sure honestly. Go back home and start working on my photos," she says.

"I was wondering if it is not too soon but once in a while I can pick you up so you can go to my football trainings and see me play," Brady says with a smile.

"Fuck just ask her out already," Amanda says.

"I'm taking my time. But what do you say?" Brady asks, getting anxious.

"That would be amazing. I would love to," she responds.

"Great as we eat, I wanted to do a little activity. Each in the circle will have a chance to talk and say something we like of each other. A way to appreciate each other," Brdays announces.

"Brady, how do you even get these ideas," Blake asks.

"The internet, okay I will go first. So first Luna. Luna you hold a special place in my heart and ever since I met you the way I look at life changed completely. Since you I am more considerate of people and more aware of what I have and how to give back. Blake my fucken best friend. Love you man even if I don't say it often. Thank you for sticking by my side and always giving me advice. Cameron you are like my little brother even if we are the same age. Thanks for bringing light in my life and always making sure I don't change for anyone. My dear bestie Rose. Ohh how you changed my life. Love you bestie. Thanks for loving Blake and showing me that money has nothing to do with loyalty. And last but not least Amanda. You came into my life at a very young age and have always stuck by my side. Thank you for being a bicth but not to me hahah. Don't change my love," Brady says while we all cheer and Blake is next.

"First to my love Rose. I have always known who you were since freshman year and something about you brought me peace and drew me to you. I just want to say thank you for standing by me and dealing with who I am. Brady mann life would be boring without you. Always when I need to be cheered up there you are. Thanks for being a great friend. Amanda I think we have been through everything together but I just want to say thank you for being so humble in this chaotic world. And Cameron you showed me how to clear my head when it is needed. Lastly Luna. Thank you for being a loyal friend to Rose and bringing joy in Brady's life," Blake says while I hug him and prepare for my turn.

"Okay well Blake. Although you are my boyfriend what you have taught me is patience and how to be appreciative of life. You taught me that money does not define a person if that person stays true to themselves. Luna is my best friend and my life savior. Without you I wouldn't be in this world anymore. No matter where life takes us, you and I are forever. What I love about you Brady is how you always make me laugh and that is needed in our world a lot. Thank you for always checking up on me. Amanda we started off at a rough start but I just want to say that I appreciate you and how you have told me your life story. I admire how strong and compassionate you are. Lastly Cameron. Your art is the definition of you and not only have you shared your art with me but you share it with the world. Never change," I say, trying not to tear up giving the spotlight to Luna.

"Thank you Rose for those beautiful words. When I came to the academy meeting you was a blessing. I was in a really dark place when you came and brought light in it. You and I will forever have a bond no matter the distance and circumstance. Besties for eternity. Brady you change my whole perspective on the elite. I thought you were selfish but not at all.  I love who you are and I will never think about changing you. Amanda I don't have a lot of time knowing you but from what I have seen you are very hardworking and strong. It is something we always admire in a woman. And Cameron you were always nice to me from the moment we met. I look forward to working with you in the future," Luna says passing it to Cameron.

"Well I will start off with Brady. Since the moment you saved me from those bullies I knew I earned a friend for life. Blake, you always helped me stand up to my parents when I decided to be an artist and I am forever grateful. Amanda you were my first friend in the academy. I remember rumors going around about you and I dating and everyone saying I was ugly to be seen with you. You made sure to shut up everyone by kissing me in front of the whole school. When people knew how wealthy I was that is when they started to respect me. But thanks to you I got them off my back. Rose what can I say you are very strange but in a good way. You changed all of our lives including mine and we will always remember you. Luna I can't wait for us to work together in the future. You should make me an uncle soon so I can spoil the baby," Cameron says leaving Amanda last.

"I want to start off with Rose. When I first met you I was instantly jealous of your beauty and personality. But what you helped me realize is that not everyone will look the same and we have to love ourselves the way god made us. Luna you taught me how to be a good friend seeing you and Luna's friendship. Blake you have been with me through my hardest hardships in life. You have helped me navigate this life and always care for me. I owe you my life. Brady. You and I at first would fight all the time but then later you showed me your true self and it is honestly amazing. Cameron you and I are the most known best friends in our elite group. I hate how others judged without actually knowing someone which is why I stood up for you. You and I started the elite group and from here on out you all have won a place in my heart," Amanda says.

We all cheered and spent the rest day shopping until it was night to hit the club.


Dear Diary,

Graduation is nearing, meaning I have to turn in my report to my professor. I have finished writing it and all I need is to proofread it. My last assignment before leaving this academy.


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