Hero Hunter Deku [My Hero Aca...


637K 15.3K 5.8K

80% of the world is born with quirks but not izuku. He's one of the lucky 20% that has no powers. He lives hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Thank you!
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Quick update
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
The Final Chapter
The Aftermath

The New Generation

4.1K 126 48

A girl walked down the street staring at the cherry blossoms as they had just started to bloom with the seasons changing. She let out a deep sigh as she kicked a rock and continued her way down the road until she stood at the foot of her apartment complex. She checked her phone and hurried upstairs before bursting through the door.

"I'M HOME!" She yelled as she tossed her bag and shoes across the room.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to throw your things around." A voice mumbled from the kitchen.

"Sorry mom, that's something that'll never change about me." The girl responded as she stepped into the kitchen to find her mother cooking away.

"Oh you know I can't be mad at you. Stop taking advantage of your dear old mother." The woman smiled as she turned around and pinched her daughters cheeks.

"MOM!" The girl pouted causing the woman to let out a small laugh.

"Oh be quiet, it's time to eat. I made your favorite." The woman cooed as she motioned towards the stove.

"Did you make pork cutlet bowls?" The girl questioned with wide eyes.


"You're the best mom!"

"I know, but don't you stop telling me that."

"Mannnnnn that was amazing mom. I swear I don't know what I'll do when I have to move out."

"Oh don't you worry about that honey. You can stay with me for as long as you want."

"Thanks mom but I'm 16 now, give it two more years and I'll have to move out and go to university."

"Don't remind me! You make me feel so old when you say that." The mom grumbled causing her daughter to stifle a laugh.

"You'll always be young in my eyes mom, because if your young, then that means I'm even younger!"

"Oh hush you. Now help me clean the dishes."

The duo spent the next half an hour cleaning up their dirty dishes and kitchen. As they finally started to wrap up the mom shooed away her daughter into her room so she could start her homework for the evening. The girl greatly appreciated the gesture and closed her door and locked it behind her. She instantly jumped into her desk chair and pulled up the news. She searched through article after article trying to find the information she desired.

"Bingo." She smirked as she stared at the screen in front of her.

She quickly wrote down the information she desired and hopped up from her seat and made her way over to her closet. She dug through the old dusty clothes that hadn't been worn in years until she found a black box at the bottom. She removed the case and tossed into onto her bed before opening it and smiled at the contents inside.

She quickly changed into her new outfit and looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn't  help but smile from ear to ear as she glossed over her figure. It had taken her years to get to the point she was at in life. Countless years of hard training and determination drove her to be at her peak physical level.

Slowly the girl walked over to her door and peaked at the alarm clock next to her bed.

It read 9:45 p.m.

She quietly opened the door and peaked her head out into the kitchen area of the apartment. All the lights where off and it seemed like her mom had gone to bed already, which was perfect for her.

Closing her door, the girl made her way across her room and slid open her window. Once the gap was large enough, she slipped out and jumped out to the ground below. As her feet hit the ground the girl tumbled into a roll and took off towards the train station.

"Hi has the train for Musutafu left yet?" The girl asked as she approached the ticket booth.

"Nope. You made it just in time but I must say young lady, isn't it a little late for you to be traveling by yourself?" The ticket salesman asked.

"Oh you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine." The girl responded as she extended her hand with a wad of cash.

The salesman hesitated while eyeing the money. He slowly reached down and took the money before bringing out one ticket for Musutafu.

"Thank you!" The girl screamed as she snatched the ticket and took off down the platform.

The girl sprinted in and out of the crowds until she found herself at her boarding station. Carefully without bringing any attention to herself, she slipped onto the back car and took a spot next to the window.

It didn't take long for the train to start moving but it felt like forever for the girl. But once she heard the train whistle singling its departure, she couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. Suddenly the girls phone vibrated causing her to peak at the device and after reading the notification, she let out a deep sigh.

It'll take 30 minutes to reach Musutafu. Once I'm there I need to book it to the southern district. If all goes as planned, I'll run into both of them at the perfect time.

Happy with her progress the girl set an alarm on her phone for 25 minutes to wake her up just in time to depart. And with that, the girl closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep.

A sudden white light flashed and the girls eyes fluttered open. Slowly she leaned up and brung her hands above her head to stretch.

"Man that feels good.........." The girl started to say to herself but stopped when she started to take notice of her surroundings.

She wasn't in the train anymore, instead she was in a city packed with people she had never seen before.

But even though she had never seen any of these people before, she could feel something calling out to her.

The girl slowly started walking forward and took a left down the street. With each step she took she could feel the presence getting stronger and stronger. As the girl rounded another corner she took off into a sprint and dashed in and out of the large gatherings of people.

She had no idea why she was trying so hard to figure out what the presence was but deep down her gut was telling her she had to find out.

As the girl rounded another corner she quickly stopped and stared out into a large field that now stood in front of her. The field was like nothing she had ever seen before. It had trees of all colors. It had pink, green, red, heck it even had blue.

A sudden crunch from behind caused the girl to turn around. But as soon as she did, darkness consumed her.


The alarm blasted in the girls ears causing her to quickly grab her phone and silence the device. After that she spent the remainder of her time apologizing to the rest of the people on the train for having her alarm on so loud. As she wrapped up talking to the last person, the door beside her slid open. Not waisting a second the girl sprinted out of the train and made her way to onto the streets.

So this is Musutafu. I can't believe big bro got to grow up in such an amazing city.

The girl suddenly felt a sad smile grow across her face as the thought of her big brother crossed her mind.

"Keep me safe big bro." The girl whispered to herself as she took back off down the street.

The girl sprinted for a minute until she saw a group of police officers coming her way. Not wanting to get caught she quickly dipped into an alleyway and hid behind a dumpster until the group of men passed her.

I can't keep just running in the streets. I'll be caught before I even make it to them. But how else can I get there...........bingo.

The girl smiled and jumped up onto the metal ladder hanging to the wall. She quickly made her way to the top and swung herself over onto the roof.

Slowly she walked over to the other side of the building and peaked over at the deep abyss that laid between her and the next building.

"Can't back down now." The girl hyped herself up as she made her way back over to the other side.

Once she was there she let out a deep breath and took off before she could talk herself down. As she approached the edge she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. But she couldn't stop now. She had to see it through to the end.

So she jumped.

As her foot left the last bit of roof it felt like all of her weight disappeared and everything turned to slow motion. She looked out across the skyline and couldn't help but let out a laugh.

She felt so free.

As she started to come down she leaned forward and landed into a roll allowing her to continue running and jumping from roof to roof.

"This should be it." She said as she landed on another building.

The girl plopped down with her back against one of the guard rails and pulled out her phone. She scanned the news article one more time before clicking off her device and shoved it into her pocket. The girl stared up at the stars for what felt like forever until she heard a crowd down below break out into cheering.





The girl peaked over the edge down below to find the two hero's signing and giving away autographs. They both seemed a little tired but they were happy to give the people what they wanted.

"Bingo." The girl smiled to herself.

It took about five minutes or so for the crowd to disperse, allowing the hero's to finally continue on their way.

"Man all this popularity never gets old!" Chargebolt cheered as he put his arm around the red head next to him.

"Come on Kaminari, that's not really professional of you." Red Riot responded as he moved his friends arm off him.

"It's Chargebolt! I have no idea who Kaminari is Red Riot!" The blond joked.

"Come on let's go. We've got to cover two more blocks before we can head back to the agency."

"Alright alright."

A sudden crash of metal echoed in the hero's ears causing them to jump on high alert.

"Who's down there?" "Is everyone alright?" The hero's asked in unison as they peered into a dark alleyway.

"Help me." A voice weakly called back.

The two hero's sprinted down into the darkness and frantically searched for who the voice belonged to.

"Over hear!" Chargebolt yelled as he found a girl laying propped up against a trash can.

"Are you hurt?" The hero asked frantically.

"Help me." She managed to whisper out.


"ON IT."

The red head quickly pulled out his phone and started to dial medical services. While he did that, his friend started to look over the girl for any injury's.

"You've got a nasty cut on your leg but I've got some bandages to wrap you up. So just stay still and you'll be good as new." The hero said calmly to the girl causing her to smile.

"Thank you." She managed to cough out.

Kaminari gave her a small smile and turned his attention to his belt to grab his first aid supply's.


"What was that?" Red Riot asked as he turned around only to have the air leave his lungs.

Standing in front of him was the girl that Kaminari had been helping. But instead of him helping her, he now laid unconscious on the ground with a pool of blood forming around the massive gash in his head.

The hero's eyes slowly trailed down the girls arm until it landed on a bloodied and cracked brick that she held in her hand.

"Red Riot what's your status?" The voice from Red Riots phone asked.

Before the hero could even respond the girl hurled the brick at the hero causing him to shoot his head to the side. But where he was fast enough to move his head out of the way, his phone wasn't so lucky as the brick smashed the device into pieces.

"Damn it." Red Riot mumbled as he looked down at his broken phone.

As the hero turned his attention back to the girl he quickly ducked down to avoid the head kick coming towards him. He threw a jab of his own only for the girl to redirect his blow outward and slam her foot into his chest.

"OOF!" The hero coughed out as he slid back a couple of feet.

"Come on! I thought the number ten hero would put up more of a fight." The girl teased as she bounced up and down waiting for the hero's next move.

"Oh you think I'm trying? LETS GET REAL!" The hero yelled as his skin instantly became hardened.

The hero charged the girl and threw a right hook aimed at her cheek. The girl ducked but the hero anticipated it and slammed his foot into the girls side.

"ACK!" The girl spit out as she flew to the side and slammed into the concrete.

The hero not waisting a second charged the girl and jumped into the air. He brung both hands above his head and rocketed them downward only missing the girl by several inches due to her rolling to the side. As the ground around them cracked the girl rolled backwards and sprung herself up off the ground. But before she could land, Red Riot snatched onto her leg and swung her above his head before slamming the girl into the ground.

As the girls body made contact with the cold hard ground she felt her entire body explode with pain. She could feel herself starting to lose consciousness. She slowly raised her head to find the hero attending to his unconscious partner.

"I'm sorry brother." The girl whispered to herself as a tear fell from her eye and the darkness consumed her.

The girls eyes snapped open as she felt a warm gust of wind slap her face. She started to panic but stopped when she felt a pair of hands rest down onto her shoulders. The girl looked upwards to find no one standing in front of her. Another gust of wind rushed by causing her hair to fly forward covering her version. And as the wind stopped and her hair fell, she was met by a set of piercing dark green eyes. The girl scanned the rest of the persons face and felt tears start to build up in her eyes.

The person in front of her gave her a small smile.

"Wake up." The boy said while reaching up and touching her forehead.

The girls eyes snapped open to find her self being dragged across the ground by the same hero that knocked her unconscious. As she slightly moved her leg the hero's head ripped down to her and frowned as he realized she was indeed awake again.

Before either could comprehend what happened, the girl planted her hands into the ground and flung herself backwards causing the hero to lose his grip on her leg. The girl flipped into the air and landed gracefully a couple of yards away from the hero.

"Just stand down. I don't want to hurt you anymore." Red Riot explained as he hardened his skin again.

The girl in front of him didn't respond, she slowly let her body fall into a limp position before bringing her arms up in front of her ready to fight.

The hero let out a depressing sigh and took off towards the girl. As he closed the distance between them he raised his right arm in an attempt to punch her but before he could throw his fist forward a steam of blue light crashed into his face causing him to slide backwards.

"What the hell was that?" The hero coughed out as he wiped the blood coming from his nose.

His eyes remained locked on the girl who was standing still looking down at her hands. He couldn't see her eyes but he assumed that whatever she was thinking wasn't good.

"What was th............." The hero felt the air drain from his lungs as the girl in front of him retook her fighting stance.

The girl stood with her feet shoulder width apart and smoothly moved her hands back and forth in front of her.

But what really caused him to stop was the flawless continuous blue stream of light flowing behind her hands.

The hero took a step back as he felt his breathing and heart rate start to speed up.

What the fuck is that form and why am I so scared? I feel like I've seen it before somewhere...........

As the heart beat in his ears was slowly drained out to the high pitch noise of nothingness the hero's memories flooded him.

He kneeled on the ground cowering in fear as he stared up into the deep dark abyss looming over him. He felt but couldn't see the figure in front of him that had a tight hold on his face, almost restricting his breathing.

The dark figure slowly raised its free hand up and clenched it into a fist. The hero squirmed and fought against the figures grip but his screams and escape attempt turned to nothing.

With a quick flash of light his eyes widened as he caught a full glimpse at what was in front of him. A figure slightly taller then him with skin as black as night. Two horns protruded from its head and where it's eyes should have been, was just two dark black abysses.

And as quick as the flash of light occurred, it turned to darkness as the figures hand came flying down towards him causing him to snap back to reality.

The hero took a few more steps back and clenched onto his chest.


Before he could react a sharp pain exploded from his side followed by a sharp kick to the jaw. The hero stumbled backwards and threw his arms up to block but with each hit he could feel himself starting to fall apart.



The hero threw a weak jab aimed at the girls stomach but she effortlessly parried the blow and slammed her fist into the hero's gut.

"OOF" Red Riot coughed out followed by a stream of blood.

As the hero flew backwards onto the ground the girl stalked over to him and look down at her prey. The hero laid in a puddle of sweat and blood. She scanned his face and scoffed as all she found was a look of pure fear.

The girl slowly raised her foot which caught the attention of the pro.

"WAI—" The hero started to scream but was cut short when the girls foot slammed into his head causing the ground around them to crack.

The girl took her foot off the pro and looked down at his unconscious body.

Looks like he was having a mental breakdown. I wonder what that was all about....

After checking to make sure no one else was around the girl pulled out her phone and cursed at herself.

Shoot I spent too much time here.

Quickly the girl pocketed her phone and climbed her way back up to the roof before taking back off into the night. The girl sprinted from building to building not waisting a single second until she finally collapsed from exhaustion.

Dammit I can't be at my limit yet. I still need to face him!

With all the willpower in her body the girl pushed herself back up and continued on her journey. After passing several more blocks the girl landed and tumbled into a fall on the roof of an office building.

Still while laying on the ground the girl dug out her phone and held it to her face.

1:36 a.m.

Crap I might have missed him.

The girl placed her phone back into her pocket and crawled her way over to the edge of the building. She did a quick scan of area and frowned when she found her target no where to be seen.

But in a sudden stroke of luck her fate changed. A sudden explosion on the opposite side of the street echoed through the air. The girl whipped her head towards the blast and could see the smoke easing into the dark night sky.

The girl took off running before she could even comprehend what had happened. She felt so rejuvenated it was as if her prior fight hadn't even happened.

As the girl got closer to the ally way that was leaking smoke she ducked down behind a safety wall and peaked out into the open.

Her eyes laid locked on the dark ally in front of her. She couldn't see anything in the darkness due to the terrible lighting and the black smoke drifting outwards.

The girl felt her breaths slow and felt as if time froze around her. She could hear and see everything. Her heart beat pumped in her ears as the sweat slowly rolled down her face.

And then it stopped.

Two piercing red eyes slowly came into view inside the smoke. Two body's came flying outward and slammed into the ground followed by the owner of the blood red eyes.

Standing above two unconscious villains covered in cuts and ash was the number one hero, Ground Zero.

It's him

The girl dropped below the wall and gripped onto her chest. She had been training for this moment for as long as she could remember but now that she was actually in his presence she was terrified.

He was the number one hero after all and no matter how much hero's could be considered pushovers, he was not one.

I can't back down now. I've already come this far. I need to carry on his will.

The girl stood and looked down to the streets below. The hero had just finished tying up the criminals and was now passing them off to the police. Lucky a crowd had formed around them hoping to take a picture of the new symbol of peace.

Using this to her advantage the girl quickly dropped down from the roof tops above and flicked her hood up to concealed herself into the crowd.

Slowly she made her way closer and closer to the front of the sea of people. With each step she took she could feel her self getting more and more nervous. Once she got within 30 feet of the hero she stopped dead in her tracks.

He was so much more intimidating then she thought. He stood above everyone else in the crowd and he radiated power. His body was pushed to its absolute physical limits. He had scars coving his arms to show his years of hard work and dedication to the job.

He truly was worthy of the title of number one hero.

But to her none of that mattered.

She could care less about his physicality or his rank. She was going to pursue him no matter what.

Because that's what her brother would have done.

The girl pushed her way to the front of the crowd and readied herself to attack when she caught something out of the corner of her eye.

Standing by herself was mom with a look of pure happiness on her face. In her arms she held what the girl assumed was her son. His face was lit up in glee at the hero in front of him.

Slowly the girl looked around and found everyone else cheering the hero on.

And without hesitation she took a step back and disappeared into the crowd.

I can't get all these civilians involved. That would be against everything my brother stood for.

I don't care if I need to wait for another night. It'll be worth it to not let any innocent people get hurt.

The girl sighed and made her way back out of the commotion before climbing her way back up onto the roof of a nearby building. Unmotivated to do anything else she decided to take her crushing failure at her mission and head back home and try again some other time.

As the girl jumped from rooftop to rooftop she couldn't help but stare down at her feet below. It was so majestic to her to see her feet float above the alleyways below.

But that all came crumbling down when she jumped over an alleyway and saw the number one hero walking below her.

The girl shocked from what she saw crashed into the concrete and cursed herself for losing her footing. But she would have to worry about that later.

The girl quickly crawled her way over to the edge of the building and peaked down below to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her.

And she was shocked to find they weren't. Standing by himself kicking piles of trash was the number one hero.


The girl dropped into a sitting position and reached to cover her mouth in an attempt to stop her heavy breathing.

You've got this. Don't back down now!

Gaining enough confidence the girl stood back up and peaked back over the side to find the hero still trudging back and forth.

"OI WHAT THE HELL FOURTH? I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU SENSED SOMETHING!" Ground Zero yelled as he kicked a piece of trash.

A moment of silent passed before the girl saw the hero become visibly frustrated and ruffle his hair.


What the heck is he screaming to himself about? Is he really the number one hero everyone looks up too?

The girl sat there for a second and debated her options. She could either jump down below and face off with the symbol of peace or run away from the mentally unstable hero.

The choice was a no brainer for the girl.

"Screw this." She mumbled to herself as she pushed herself off the ground and made her way to the opposite side of the building.

A sudden grip on her shoulder sent a shiver down her spine followed by a voice she swore to never forget.

Rule number one, never back down.

The girl turned heel and took off towards the ledge before jumping over the edge and into the darkness below. As she fell she quickly turned her body and pushed herself off one of the surrounding walls to rocket herself at the hero who was yet to realize she was there. As the girl cocked back her hand the hero suddenly turned and threw his own arm out to catch the girls arm mid punch.

"This what you were sensing fourth?" The hero questioned as the girl struggled to get out of the hero's grasp.

The girls eyes widened as she saw a devilish smirk grow across the number one hero's face.

"So it was you! According to the fourth there's something special about you. Now what would that be?" Ground Zero teased as he leaned down to be eye level with the girl.

The girl took her free arm and grabbed onto the hero's gauntlet and jumped upward. Using the gauntlet for leverage she spun herself in the air in an attempt to dislocate the hero's arm. But a sudden cold sensation wrapped around her leg and ripped her clean off before whipping her sideways into the concrete wall.

"ACK!" The girl spit out at she hit the wall.

The girl felt her vision flash in and out as she attempted to regain her breath.

Holy crap that was one freaking hit! I can't even feel my arms anymore. What the heck did he even hit me with?

The girl looked down at the hero just in time to see a blackish orange rope snake back into his wrist.

So that was his black whip huh? I can see why it's so versatile.

The girl pushed herself off the wall and fell back down onto the ground. She slowly raised her head to see the dark black army boots stomping toward her.


It's no use. I have to use it.

As the foot steps got closer the girl prepared herself for the absolute hell she was about to put her body through. A technique she had only tried once before and it left her bed ridden for a week when she failed. But if she could get it to work, it might just shift the tide of this fight.

Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. She felt her mental state loosen and her body become lighter as she let go of her bodily restrictions.

"OI YOU HERE ME?" Ground Zero yelled as he reached down at the still girl.

As his hand touched her shoulder the girl quicker then he expected kicked upward only narrowly avoiding a hard blow by his sheer unmatched speed. But as the hero rocketed his head backwards he felt his eyes widen as he saw a blue light fading from behind the girls foot.


Caught up in his thoughts the girl took this as her chance to strike. As soon as her feet hit the ground she sprinted as fast as she could towards the stunned hero.

The girl felt time slow around her with each step she took. Everything felt like it was in overdrive but yet she felt so calm. She had never been so focused in her life.

As she closed in on the hero she couldn't see his eyes as his head was falling backwards but she could tell he was off his game.

He was thinking about something and being honest, it scared her just how effected he was by it.

Once she was in range she jumped towards him and cocked back her fist once again. As she threw her arm forward a bright stream of blue followed on path ready to crash into the hero's cheek.

But right before it made contact a popping noise rang out through her ears followed by a bright light and loud explosion.

The girl flew backwards and flipped though the air before landed several yards away from the hero who stood with his palm pointing towards her and his head still facing the sky. 

A small burning sensation tickled her arm causing her to look down and find the sleeve of her jacket slightly on fire.

"Shoot!" The girl yelped to herself as he quickly threw off the burning piece of clothing.

As the girl retook her fighting stance a deep sounding laugh echoed around her. Slowly she moved her gaze to the hero who was chuckling to himself.

But as the seconds past the low chuckle turned into a full on laugh that actually scared her. But then suddenly it stopped and the hero lowered his head to meet her gaze.

"Oh the forth was right about you. You really are special. I knew this day would eventually come where you try to come for my head like that damn Deku did." The hero said as he let out a deep breath and inspected the girl in front of her.

She stood a significant amount shorter then him but he could tell her body was trained to it's limits. She wore an uncomfortably familiar tight black long sleeve shirt and a pair of loose fitting gray sweatpants. 

The alleyway was pretty dark but with the light draining in from the city around them he could see her most defining features. Her long glistening white hair and her strong martial arts stance.

"Bring it on Eri!"

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