The Genius's Love

By DakotaNee

440 25 0

Ellora Anderson is a 25 year old, who started to work in the FBI as a Behavioral Analysis Unit, she work with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

21 2 0
By DakotaNee

It's been a month and a half since Tobias, Charles and Raphael. Spencer told me he now has an addiction to Dilaudid. He is now staying at his apartment instead of at Derek's. I am still staying at Aaron's house. They still don't mind me being their, but I don't want to be a burden. Jack has loved me being there. And for the first few weeks at Haley's house was rough. Like the first night they stayed with me till I fell asleep and came to me when I woke up screaming I would always apologize to them but they never minded.

I have seen some of the team now and again, visiting me and making sure I was ok. Me and Spencer talk a lot on the phone, knowing each other's pain. He also found out about my sins that I said on camera. Spencer also told me he didn't remember me in front of him before he had died, it hurt he didn't remember killing my cheek or saying 'I love you' to me. Jack has been good through out the night a lot. Not waking up as much which I am greatfull for. I also help Haley with house work, she doesn't like that I help nor does Hotch but I told them if they want me to stay under their roof then I help and they agreed. Aaron wasn't kidding when he said that he wouldn't let me go far out of his sight but he has gotten a lot better with that.

I take Jack on walks, to the park, I shop sometimes, do my laundry. I play with Jack a lot, when Aaron is away, I help Haley, they both don't understand how I feel but they help me through it. Sometimes I feel like a kid at night, but I was already tramatized before the kidnapping and now I am even more broken, tramatized, lost and they help me. I refused going to a shrink, even though it would be good for me too. But I haven't stepped foot in the BAU since I came home a while ago.

My nightmares have faded a little but they will never go away. I also visited my family faking everything was fine but Elijah knew something was wrong, he was my twin after all. And I told him along with Emma which made them both cry which made me cry. When Aaron came to pick me up they hugged him for a while and thanking him for being their for me. He smiled and said he always would. Then we left and here we are now back at his house, and have been here for a few weeks.

He had the day off but Haley had to work so it was just him me and Jack. Jack was asleep taking a nap, I was laying my head on Aaron's shoulder, and I slowly fell asleep. But not long after I woke up screaming. He hugged me tightly, "It was just a dream, just a dream." He said, I held my hand to my heart,shaking my head and crying. "Jack didn't wake up did he?" I asked he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I feel like a burden, stealing you away from your wife and child." "It's ok." He said, I shook my head quickly, "No it's not. You have a family you should spend your free time with them instead of me. Broken, tramatized, lost, scared, and weak." "You are the opposite of all of those Ellora you are one of the strongest people I know. Don't say that ok?" He asks, his voice shaking a little I nod and stuff my face in his chest wrapping my arms around his neck.

We stayed like that for who knows how long but a while later Jack woke up so I went to get him. Then I brought him downstairs. And sat him on the living room, he played with some toys as Hotch stepped aside talking on the phone most likely helping the team with a case. Then he came back and sat down next to me.

"Is everything ok?" I ask, "Yea Garcia just checking in on you." He said I nod smiling. "I think I am gonna ride the train to my brothers house. I haven't seen him in a while." I say to Aaron. "Ok make sure you have your gun, credentials and your phone on you." I smile. "Your like an over protective father, I don't know what that feels like." I stare off into space. "Can Emily come with me?" I ask, "Or are they on a case?"

"No she is free." He said back, I smile, "Ok imma call her." He nods, I run up stairs and grab my phone. I then press Emily's number. She picks up on the first call. I put It on speaker as I pack.

Hey Ellora, the team is here, your on speaker sweetie. I smile

Hey guys, how's work? And Spencer?

I am good Ellora thanks. I smile wider as I hear his voice.

Hey, so Emily I was wondering if you would like to meet me at the train station? I decided on surprising my brother with a visit.

Wow Sugar Plum I am so hurt you didn't ask me. Pennie said, Yea sweet cheeks I am offended Derek then said.

I laugh lightly, Sorry Pennie love ya, and Chocolate Cake, my sweet love, sorry not sorry.

I hear him dramatically gasp, I laugh whole heartedly. God I miss you guys more then I thought, but I am still coping with everything.

Don't rush Lovie, don't worry there is plenty of paperwork for you to do, but we have been taking lots of it off your hands. JJ said. Tears gather in my eyes,

Ok well actually I think imma stop by and say hi, so I'll see you all in about half an hour.

Ok bye see ya. Emily says then I hang up.

I stuff my phone in my pocket and grab my go bag from work that has clothes and things I need in it. Then I walk down stairs. I walk in the kitchen and see Aaron and Jack. He hands me a to go cup of coffee. "It's your favorite. Chocolate mint flavor with sugar and creamer. with extra chocolate in it." He said.

I smile, "Your gonna make me fat." I say to him. He laughs, "Want a lift?" He asks, "Yea can you drive me to work? I am gonna grab some paperwork and I am also gonna pick up an Emily Prentiss, whoever she is." I say he laughs, "Ok Jack is all dressed lets go." He grabs his keys and I grab Jack then we head out.

We get to the FBI building and we walk in. Jack was on my back while Aaron had my bag. We get on the elevator and he presses the buttons, seconds later the doors open, we open the doors to the main office of the BAU. We walk over and my friends all look up smiling. Aaron takes Jack off my back and Pennie was the first one to hug me, I laugh and hug her back.

Then Emily hugs me tightly, then Gideon hugs me quickly then Derek, JJ and finally Spencer. He hugs me tightly. Then he lets go. "I'm gonna grab some papers." Aaron said and took Jack walking up to his office Gideon walks with him. I take some of my papers and put them in my bag. "So what is it like?" Derek asks. "What's what like?" I ask turning around and hopping on my clean desk looking at my friends.

"Hotch being an over protective father?" Emily says, I look at everyone and blush they all laugh. "It's different then here that's for sure," I shrug my shoulders, "You have him wrapped around your big fat finger." Derek says laughing I laugh too, throwing a pencil at him. "So um, do you guys find mine and Aaron's relationship weird? Because I feel like everything is gonna change with you guys know that you know my past, my feelings." I say.

JJ comes up and hugs me tightly, "Nothing is gonna change, we are just happy he is taking care of you. He loves you, we barely see him smile besides when he is with you." She says I nod, I move a piece of hair behind my ear. "I think I am gonna come back to work once me and Emily come back. I miss this place and you all. And plus you all owe me lots and lots of drinks because I paid for that breakfast a few weeks ago."

Then I wink to all of them. They laugh, "Ok, we will go out once we come back." Emily says, I cheer, which makes everyone laugh. I feel more eyes on me so I look back and see Aaron and Gideon talking while looking at me, I had a huge smile on my face which made Hotch smile too. I turn back around, "So where is Pennie?" I ask, "She was here when I called." "She had to leave and she also said not to leave till she gets back." Spencer said he was Reading but he didn't flip the pages, which means he was thinking about something.

"Ok." I say looking at him. My friends look at me then Spencer they also noticed he was distracted. "Hey Spencer, take a walk with me." I say, I get up and he looks up. "Uh, no thanks I am reading." He looks down. I take the book out of his hands, he looks at me surprised, "It takes you a second to read a page you have been on the same page for 5 minutes and I wasn't asking." I set the book down on his desk.

"Ooh, get it gurl." Derek said, I flip him the finger and grab Spencer's hand and walk out of their sight. "Spencer Reid, something is wrong. Now you better tell me now or I swear to god." I say, he looks down, not meeting my eyes. "Hey what's wrong? Is it because of Tobias?" He shakes his head. "Spence what's wrong?" I ask I put my hand on his forearm. He looks at me he had tears in his eyes. "It's my fault their dead." He said, "Who, the family Tobias killed?" He nods, I sigh and grab his hand.

"Spencer he was a psychopath and delusional son of a bitch who tortured us for 2 days. But you also saved 3 other family's and all of them had kids, the family he decided to kill didn't have any kids, be grateful for the one you saved, you said you would choose who live and die so I wouldn't. Be grateful that we are alive." I say gently.

I could see something else bothering him too, "Spencer what is bothering you? Please tell me." I say to him. "When I died, I saw the light, I was so tempted to go towards the light. But the only thing keeping me here is you. My mother is sick, so sick, I can't help her. But I was so torn if I should have gone to the light or not. And now I wish I did. I rather be dead then have an addiction to drugs." "Spencer it is not your fault that you are addicted to Dilaudid. Ok?" I ask he nods.

"I am always here for you if you need me. Or if you need to talk." He nods and wipes the tears away. Then we walk back to our friends, I had my arm around Spencer's arm. I skipped towards them dragging Spencer along which made him smile. Then he sat down in his chair, I sat back on my desk. "Pennie still not here?" I ask my friends who looked at me and Spencer. Then someone covers my eyes. "Pennie is here my lovely Ellora Anderson."

I laughed, Penelope uncovered my eyes and I saw cookies in a huge bowl. "I baked your favorite cookies, chocolate with chocolate chips, and it's me secret recipe. And I also have regular boring chocolate chip cookies for people who don't want my yummy secret recipe." She said I laughed and grabbed 2 of the chocolate cookies with chocolate chips in it.

"Thanks Pennie." Anything for you Sugar Plum." Everyone takes some cookies and we just talk and laugh for a while. After an hour me and Emily say goodbye to our friends. I head to Aaron's office. I didn't bother knocking. Jack was playing his phone. He looks up from collecting his papers and smiles. "Well me and Emily are gonna go with the cookies Pennie baked." I say. Jack looks up when I said cookies I walked over and handed him 1 of each cookie.

"Bye Bugsy see you in a few days." He hugs me and I kiss his head then I walk towards Aaron. He walks over to me and hugs me tightly. I lay my head on his shoulder looking out the window I see my friends smiling. Derek made a heart with his hand which made me laugh. Aaron looks over not removing his arms from my waist and I feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles. I pull away and walk to the door.

"Bye love you Sweetie." Aaron says, "Bye love you too..... Dad." His head snaps to me instantly, he had tears in his eyes along with a huge smile. I smile back, "Bye Bugsy." I then walk out with a huge smile on my face. I walk to my friends and hug them. "Awe you guys seriously looked like father and daughter." Derek said.

"Oh, Chocolate Cake don't go soft on me now." I say smiling. "You know me Sweet cheeks, I have been since I first saw you." I laugh, Emily hands me my bag and we say bye. "Love you guys." "Love you too." They say. Pennie gave me some cookies and I stuffed them in my bag. Then we leave she drives us to the train station. And soon we are seating, there weren't a lot of people on, only 4 apart from me and Emily. Me and Emily both get out some paper work to do on the way.

After an hour and a half we all stop suddenly and with a jerk. I look at Emily and put away my folders she does the same thing. Then a man walk in with a gun to a security's head. He had a bomb on him. I look at Emily wide eyed, I was just starting to get better, I was finally smiling again, having fun and hanging out with my friends. I couldn't believe this was happening. "Sir, let him go please." Emily said. She drew her gun.

She looked at me and shook her head slightly. I covered up my gun with my shirt and jacket. "You don't know a thing." He said then he shot the security guard. "Put your gun down." He said to Emily. Emily did as she was told to as he pointed the gun towards another person. Then as time passed on slowly police surrounded the train and I then saw the familiar black SUV's from our friends. I looked around and saw 2 camera's one on each side.

I just hoped they worked. "Sir, what's your name?" I ask, "Devan." He said, his face kept twitching and he was mumbling. "Are you a schizophrenic sir?" A girl stood up she looked professional. "He is my patient he has bad schizophrenia. Is there anything you can do?" Emily asks looking at Devan as he talked to himself.

"It has never been this bad before." The Devan looked at Emily. "You have cuffs?" He asks, Emily nods, "Cuff yourself. Now!" He yelled. she did as she was told. "What about you? Where is your cuffs?" "At home, we were off duty." I say raising my hands in surrender. Then the phone rang that he brought with him. "You come here." He said to a young boy, only about 15. His mother cried for him. But he did as he was told.

"Answer the phone and make sure it is FBI only." The boy nodded, he grabbed the phone and put it to his ear. "Is this FBI?" The boy asked. "Put it on speaker." Devan yelled the boy cried and did as he was told. "This is FBI unit chief Aaron Hotchner." Devan looked at the phone and nodded. My phone vibrated silently in my back pocket.

I quickly turned it on and read the message. We have eyes and ears. It was sent by Derek. I look at the camera behind Devan and nodded. I put my phone back in my pocket. Devan then looks over at me. "Let me see your FBI information." He came towards me, "Ok sir, but I have to reach in my back pocket, don't shoot me ok?" I asked calmly. His face twitched but he nods.

"Ok I will reach back slowly." He nods again as the front of the gun touches the front of my chest where my heart is. I slowly move my left hand to my back pocket then, with shaky hands I grab it and slowly put my hand in front of me opening up my wallet with one hand. "My name is Ellora Anderson, Agent Anderson, this is my friend Emily Prentiss, or Agent Prentiss, I can show you her information too if you want." I say calmly.

He nods, I move my hand to put my wallet away but he pokes the gun farther into my chest. "I'm putting away my wallet sir." It was dead silent in the train, "Throw it on the ground." I nod, I drop it next to me and I slowly reach to the back of Emily's pocket and grab hers. I then show him. He takes it roughly out of my hand, bending my wrist backwards, I silently scream in pain. He then walks away.

"Devan why do you have a bomb?" I heard Aaron ask on the phone. "Because these aliens need to die." He said, "They aren't Aliens Devan." The lady from earlier said. He pointed the gun to her, "Shut up!" He yells, me and Emily flinch. "Ok, ok." She said and sat down behind us. "What's your name?" I ask, "Sierra McLane." I nod. The mother was sitting in front of us. "Ma'am what's your name and your sons name?" I ask. "It's Tracey and his name is James." "Ok Tracey our team will find a way to help your son." Then I looked at the man next to us.

"My name is Blake Jones." He was only at most 21. I nod. I look at Emily and lean over and whisper to her. Devan turns around. "I want all of you together." He makes Black sit next to Emily then Tracey in front of me and then Sierra in front of Emily. We all looked at Devan. "Mr. Hotchner I would like the higher authority to come and take the 2 micro chips out of my arms. They are controlling me."

"I can only do that if you take off the bomb." Aaron said. "I can't if I do it will blow up." I close my eyes and breath heavily. "Ellora you need to calm down your about to have a panic attack." Emily said they people looked at me besides Devan and James. "I thought FBI agents were strong?" Blake said. "She has just been through hell and back again." Emily said.

"What could be worse then this?" Blake said. I open my eyes and look at him. "I was tortured by a psychopathic serial killer, me and my best friend barely survived, him and I have been through hell and back again. It only has been a month and a half since what happened but it was torturous, I haven't been in the field since so yes, I can have a panic attack right now sir." I say quietly, his eyes were wide. "Sorry Ms. FBI agent I didn't know." I nod.

Devan turns around and looks at us. "Devan you don't have to do this, just put the gun down, you don't have to hurt anyone else, ok? You can trust me." Sierra said, "NO!" He yelled, he turned back to the phone, "You have 3 hours Aaron Hotchner!" Then he hung up. Memories started to come back to me, and then they stopped.

I looked around and saw Emily and calmed down some. She grabbed my hand. Devan paced up and down the aisle mumbling. He stopped stared at us, then went back to pacing. "Sir?" I ask, he looks at me, "What!?" He yelled. "Why do you think you have 2 chips in your arms, if I may ask? You think they'll controlling you?" He nods, "Y-yea." He says.

I nod, they all look at me, "What are they controlling Devan?" I asked gently. He looks up with tears in his eyes. "T-the voices." He says. "You hear more then one voice in your head?" I ask, he shakes his head, "Shut up!!" He yells then he stalks over and grabs me by my arm, "Ahh." I say as I feel bruises forming. He throws me on the ground.

"What's that?!" He yells at me, I look down and see my shirt rose showing my gun and my hip. My face pales as he takes it off roughly and points it at my head. I freeze, I stop moving, stop breathing, my eyes glazes over as I see Tobias point the gun at my head, it was when he wanted Spencer to choose who lives and who dies. He has the gun pointed at my head, It only has one bullet, he then presses the trigger but you only heard a click, then he asked Spencer again, he replied with no and pressed the trigger again.

Then once Spencer tell him, he shoots the gun above both our heads. Then I soon come to realize I am back on the train with him yelling at me. My eyes were no longer glazed over and he kicked me so I turned to my back and held my torso up looking at him. "I said why did you have a gun!" He yelled at me hitting my face with his hand.

I taste blood in my mouth so I turn my head looking at Emily she looked so distraught. I gave her a small smile telling her I was ok. Then I gathered the blood in my mouth and spit it on the floor. "Because I am an FBI agent genius." He grabs me by the hair and yanks me up sitting me back down on my seat.

He goes over to the phone and presses call, pointing the gun at James the 15 year old boy. Aaron picked up on the first call. "I reduced the times you have an hour to get someone in here to take the chips out or one of them in here dies!" He yelled then he hung up. He stared us down and sat down. "Are you ok?" Emily whispered I nod. "Yea." "Devan you don't have to do this." Sierra said, "Please I know you Devan you wouldn't hurt a soul 3 years ago when we first met." Sierra said.

Devan looks at her and gets up putting the gun to the back of her head. "I-if your going to kill someone kill me." Emily said, "I am an FBI agent you want me, she is innocent." Emily began. Devan looked at her then the phone rang. He went over and put the gun to James' head and accepted it, putting it on speaker.

"This is Agent Hotchner, we are sending in someone he is unarmed, and has the tools to take out the 2 chips, but you have to let the hostages go." "No I am not letting all of them go." "Then take the boy." I say, "Let that little boy go, he has barely lived," I say, I look at Blake then Tracey, "Blake are you ok with that?" I ask him, "Yea he is just a boy." He said looking at Devan.

"Ok I will let the little boy go." Devan said, "Ok send him out right now." Devan grabbed James got him up. Then James left. Devan stood near the phone then I heard the door open. I saw Spencer come in, I gasp. "Why would they send Spencer in?" I looked at Emily she shrugged, "What is wrong with him?" Blake asked. Tracey and Sierra looked at me.

"He was tortured with me a month and a half ago." They nod. Spencer had his hands up. "I am Spencer Reid I am the person who will be taking the micro chips out." Devan looked at him. "Take the vest off." Devan said, "The, uh, higher authority told me not to." He said. "I said take it off!!" Devan yelled Spencer flinched, but he unstrapped the vest and pulled it over his head and let it fall to the ground.

"Now I need you to sit down Devan." Spencer said. Devan did as he was told. Spencer glanced at me then at Emily and back at Devan then he slowly walked over to him and Spencer sat down across from us. "Ok, I have to cut open both of your arms. It will sting ok?" He asked Devan nodded and Spencer started working on it.

Soon Spencer did his neat little trick and pulled out a micro chip in Devan's arm. "Did you see that? He actually had a micro chip in his arm." Blake said stunned. I looked at Emily and chuckles softly. Then Spencer moved on to the next arm and he also pulled out a micro chip. "Oh my god! He had 2!" Blake said again, I fought a fit of giggles.

"Thank you." Devan said, Spencer nods, "I must go back now." "No sit down next to her." Devan said Spencer backed up with his hands up and sat down next to me. The phone immediately rang. Devan looked at it then shot it twice, then silence in the room. "You said if I got the chips out then you'd let everyone go." Spencer said.

"No Aaron Hotchner said that." He said back, "No he didn't Devan. Come one let these people go." I say He comes over, his face inches from mine. "I changed my mind!" He shouted in my face. I closed my eyes and he moved. Sierra stood up, "Devan stop this." She said he whipped around pointing the gun at her. "No! I didn't do anything. It's the voices." He shouted then I saw his finger move to the trigger, I quickly stood up and knocked Sierra down. "NO!" I yelled

I felt stinging in my arm. I looked and saw my arm bleeding, the bullet didn't hit me directly it just hit my forearm, it was bleeding heavily, he must've hit a major vein. Spencer, Tracey, and Sierra ran over trying to stop the bleeding Spencer ripped some of his shirt and wrapped it around my wound. And then pressed down. I gasped in pain.

Then Spencer stood up with his hands up in the air, they had my blood on it then he started to talk. And after a few minutes Emily was free, from the cuffs. "Emily take the hostages out while he is distracted." I told her. "What about you?" She asks, "I am not leaving Spencer." I said, "Go." I say then she ran out with the hostages.

Devan started the timer for the bomb, we only had a minute. I saw Spencer lift his right pant leg with his foot while he talked to Devan, I looked and saw a gun, My mind went to Aaron and I smiled. I quickly grabbed it before Devan could blink and shot him square in the face. Spencer spun around and grabbed my hand then we ran towards the door. We only had 5 seconds. The Compartment door wasn't attached to another one so there was a small space, we could go left or right.

Spencer chose left so we jumped out and as soon as we landed, him on top of me, his body pressing against mine we rolled and soon stopped, then we heard the bomb explode. He put his face in the crook of my neck and I put mine in his chest. He had his right hand on my bare waist as my shirt lifted up, and his other one was on the back of my head holding it there tightly.

My eyes were squeezed shut, the bomb exploded loudly which made ringing in my ears. Spencer tightened his grip on my waist and head, as my arms were around his neck tightly. We stayed like that till the sound came back to our ears. We heard our team yelling our names. "OVER HERE!!!" Spencer yelled. "WERE SAFE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRAIN!!!" I yelled.

"How are they going to get to us Spencer?" I ask quietly, "I don't know." He said back. I then felt the sparks everywhere he was touching me. And I knew he felt them too. "We survive once again Spencer Reid." I say smiling, he chuckles, "Yes we did Ellora Anderson, yes we did." I pull my head back and stare him in the eyes, our faces slowly moved closer and closer till we heard the footsteps.

He sighed quietly, I barely heard it and I don't think he meant for me to hear it. But I felt the same way. He got up off me, and pulled me up. Our team ran over making sure we were alright. Hotch hugged me tightly and we walked to the ambulances and the police. They checked me and Spencer up. They wrapped a bandage around my are saying it will leave a scar, I can add that one along with my many other scares on my body. Penelope was their, she was the one who hacked into the camera's on the train so there would be sound.

Then we went home. And I actually went to my apartment, Aaron was upset but I said would visit a lot. I needed time to think. I took a long hot shower once I got home. Elijah and Emma both called hearing the news of me and the train incident on the news. I was good, but I just wish my team would have taken longer to get to me and Spencer. I didn't know how to react to what almost happened, and I wanted it to happen badly. As I thought this I put on white lacy underwear and a matching bra with white tight fitting night shirt that was a low v neck and some short silky matching shorts.

I grabbed a glass of red wine and sat down on the couch with some light music playing from the tv and just thought about everything. I didn't hear the knock on my door till I heard Spencer say my name I got up with my wine in hand and opened the door. I smiled at him he met my eyes for a minute then his eyes travelled down my body.

I smirked taking a sip of my wine. I opened the door wider and he walked in. "Wine?" I ask. He finally met my eyes blushing, "Um, s-sure." I smile and walk to the kitchen, I got out a wine glass and bottle of wine turning around I poured the red wine in the cup. Then I put the cork in it again and turned around but stopped when I bumped into Spencer's chest. He was wear a casual v neck shirt with some sweats.


I met his eyes looking up and setting the wine bottle down on the counter, next thing I know his lips were on mine aggressively. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Up." He said I jumped up and sat on the counter not breaking the kiss. When we needed to breath he didn't stop, he trailed his lips down my neck. I closed my eyes moving my head, giving him more access.

When he found my sweet spot I moaned lightly. I felt him smirk against my neck as he attacked m neck roughly. I wrapped my legs around his waist. His arms go behind m back and he lifts me off the counter, then his lips meet mine, then he starts walking towards my bedroom. When we got there I reached back and turned the door nob opening the door.

When he was in the room he kicked the door shut and then I was pushed roughly against the closed door. I moaned quietly. Spencer smirks against my lips. "You know when I told you how I left bruises on the girl I slept with months ago?" Spencer said breathing heavy and looking me in the eyes. I nod, "Why are you telling me this?" I ask him. He leaned down near my ear, I could feel hid breath on my ear sending shivers down my back.

"I heard what you said in the kitchen." His voice was low, and husky, I looked him in the eyes shocked. "Do you want it?" He asked as he trailed his hands up and down my side. I nod, "Use your words Ellora." He said. "Please Spencer." I say gasping as his hand trailed up my stomach. His hand grabbed the bottom of my crop top and pulled it off. I took his shirt off.

Then I moved my hands all over his chest and abs. He kissed me passionately and un clipped my bra with one hand. He moved us to my bed him hovering over me. His hands travelled all around all around my chest as his mouth kissed me everywhere. Then his mouth latched on to my right nipple gasped as he played with my other one squeezing it and playing with it. Then he switched. After a minute his mouth moved down he removed my pants and underwear at the same time.

I gasped and his mouth discovered my clit. He tongue circled around it while he stuck a finger in me. I moaned. "Your already so wet for me Ellora." Hi voice was husky and deep. I looked down, his brown eyes were darker with lust. He pumps his finger in me adding another while his tongue played with my clit. Then he added a third. I moaned loudly.

"You like that?" He says, I nod. I knew I was close. "Come baby." And I did exactly that. He cleaned me up then kissed me, I could taste myself. I hooked my fingers around the bottom of his sweat pants and pulled them down. He smirks at me. "What do you want me to do love?" He asks. "Fuck me." I say, "Your wish is my command." He took his pants off the rest of the day. "I'm on the pill." I say, he nods.

I look down and see that the mini Spencer isn't really mini. Then he slowly pushes in. I gasp as I feel him, there was some pain, he stopped letting me get used to him, once I nodded he started to go faster and faster. You could hear our moans and groans. "Spencer!" I shouted, he moved my legs up and went faster hitting my G-spot every time.

He moans loudly which made me even more wet then I already was. I was in pure ecstasy, my moans got louder and louder, we were both close. He turned us around so I was on top. His hands were on my hips, holding me tightly and guiding me. I looked him in the eyes and released as I moaned loudly. He turned us around and was slamming into me, making my orgasm even more intense, I screamed as my back arched and I closed my eyes. He slowed down as I felt him release in me.

I saw stars as I opened my eyes, we were breathing heavily. "That was-" I cut him off, "The best sex I've ever had." He chuckles, he leans down and kisses me gently and full of passion. "I remember everything I said before I died. I remember every word you said, every word I said. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He said he falls next to me. "I am to tired to argue about it." He laughs and gets up putting on his pants and leading to the bathroom.

He comes back and wipes me off and the bed. Then he takes his sweats off and climbs in bed. "Goodnight Spencer." I say. "Goodnight Ellora." He said back. He turned off the light, I laid my head on his chest and in an instant I fell asleep.

Hey guys so I know I am a little late but I wanted to say that today is 9/11 and I wanted to say if you guys lost a family member that I am deeply sorry for your losses. Today's a day that brings people together. It doesn't matter who you are or anything I am just here to give you all an update and if you all wanted I would like it if you guys commented where you were when the twin towers fell, or when a plane hit the Pentagon or if the last plane was crashed into a field in PA. I'd like to know and again I am sorry for any of your losses.

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He is a Genius working for the BAU In the FBI. She is a part-time graduate student and a part-time Baker. The way they met might not be ideal, but he...
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Fake romance between two coworkers at the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit possibly turns into a real spark. But can two people separate personal and b...
43.4K 818 18
Disclaimer!!! This is a Fanfiction based on the hit TV series Criminal minds. I do not own the characters featured in the show or anything to do with...
1M 31.2K 97
𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐍 - casey willows, the nepo baby of the BAU, starts an internship at the fbi in quantico with the team she's known since she was you...