Please Forget About Me

By mniejnizzero

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Everything was going well. Maya got her first summer job, she was finally earning money. She was on the right... More



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By mniejnizzero

"Good evening" Salvatore greeted them politely and Maya regretted lifting her gaze to look in his eyes she could feel herself freezing on the spot.

What was he doing here, how did he found out?

"H-hi" Maya said quietly, and suddenly she found it interesting to play with the hem of the dress she borrowed from Nicole's wardrobe.

"Good evening Mr. Sorrentino" Lucas suddenly was very serious and stood up to greet her brother respectfully.

"What's your name boy?"

"Lucas... Lucas Reyes sir"

"Lucas, please pack your things and say goodbye to my sister"

"Yes sir" Lucas agreed quickly, Maya didn't know exactly what is going on but he sensed that Maya must be in trouble because he glanced at her with compassion before he left. Maya registered how he quickly fulfills her brother's command, he was afraid of him and Maya could relate.

Meanwhile, Salvatore took his time to take off his long, black coat and sat it on the chair that was previously taken by Lucas. Maya had a feeling that his slow movements exist only to build tension and make her more scared than she already was.

"I will have a black coffee, no sugar" Salvatore went to the counter and ordered a beverage.

As Salvatore sat down in front of Maya his cold eyes focused on her when he asked

"Do you know what this ring signifies?" He pointed at the golden signet ring on his finger, Maya shook her head "it signifies my position as the family head. In our family following orders is very important. Your actions dear child are disrespectful"

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect you" what was he saying? This was extreme. Scary. She had no idea where this discussion is heading.

Salvatore smiled "being ahead of the family comes with a great responsibly dear Maya. It is not a job for a fool or a weak person, but you must think of me in that terms since you thought it was a good idea to lie to my face, ditch your bodyguard and meet with a boy after I explicitly told you that you to stay away from boys"

"I don't think you're a fool or weak" Maya protested weakly

"Oh? Then what's this foolish attempt to defy me is supposed to mean?" He pretended to be surprised as he took a small sip of his coffee.

"I just thought you wouldn't find out... but... how did you?"

"Nicole assumed correctly that I can check your localization through your phone, but she didn't consider that it's not the only place where the tracker can be placed"

"What? So where is it? And why are you tracking anything?" suddenly Maya got angry. She deserved some answers she was sick of all these secrets.

"I am not obliged nor do I have a desire to satisfy your curiosity at the moment. On the contrary, I believe it's time for me to ask you some questions. So tell me, Maya, what rules have you broken?"

Maya stared angrily at Salvatore for a moment. She wanted to let him know she's upset but as she saw his unchanging, cold expression she realized that he's not the one to back down and she was only making her situation worse.

"No boys and no lying"


"And what?" she winced at her rude tone of voice. She wasn't helping her case at the moment, she knew it.

"There's another one that has been broken, the one that I care deeply about"

"I don't know"

"You're a smart girl so figure it out"

"Is it about safety?" She asked quietly not looking at him.

"Nicole must have warned you about the security detail this is why you went through the back door. You may not be aware of the extent of the danger you're in this is why I expect you to be obedient and follow the rules. Regardless of your lack of awareness, you must know that if I assign you the bodyguard with bodyguard you should be. Despite the safety precautions that must be something new to you not leaving the home without the phone cannot be something you unfamiliar with despite that you decided to make yourself unreachable" he summed up her actions his voice was becoming more and more severe as he spoke.

Maya didn't know where she got her bravery from, but she said

"I'm sorry I just don't understand the no boyfriend rule, it's stupid"

Maya regretted those words as soon as they left her mouth. Damn, she was the stupid one here.

"I'm inclined to agree. Since you want to spend time with boys so much how about this, you will be assigned not one but two bodyguards. Both will be instructed to follow you like dogs everywhere you go. They may even hold your hand if you want" Salvatore proposed calmly

Maya's eyes opened wide in stunned surprise at her oldest brother's words.

"Wait no you can't do this!" she yelled and stood up so quickly the chair she was just sitting in almost fell on the floor.

"Really? You think you're allowed to tell me what I can and cannot do?" Salvatore asked

"I am not trying to tell you what to do I just don't want you to control my life"

She expected to see an understanding in his cold, gray eyes, but there was none. He followed Maya example and also stood up, then said

"We are leaving"

She didn't move. He sighed

"What am I supposed to do with you, Maya? It seems like the freedom I've given you so far is hardly being appreciated that might be the case because you haven't seen what happens to people who disregard my orders. Why do you insist on trying my patience? I said we are leaving, move"

Maya wanted to fight, she did. It was just her legs who started to move on her own towards the doors as Salvatore ordered. Then she said in a voice that could be read like nothing else than a whine

"I'm sorry I won't do it again"

"I'm happy this is your conclusion at the moment. It's time to go home Maya, we will continue this conversation at my office" he said and then he lead Maya towards his car, the driver Maya first saw in Pittsburg was already behind the wheel. Maya just hoped he wasn't serious about the security, he was bluffing, right?

Author's note:

Hi guys here's another chapter thank you for all your kind comments I read them all and they motivate me to continue with this story so I'm very grateful to all of you.

If you have any questions about the story I will gladly answer them, feel free to hit me up.

I'm sure you probably realized by now but I'm not a native speaker so not everything in this story will have a correct grammar all I can say is that I'm trying and I hope that the story is at least coherent enough for you to understand and enjoy it.

I saw some comments saying this story is different from other stories about older brothers and I'm very curious why people think so if you could give me a hint I would be grateful. I'm happy because it means that at least I won't be accused of plagiarism but I also hope that this story is not different in a bad sense like weird or something... yeah I hope it's not weird but it might be I don't know T.T

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