Cant I Just Be A Background C...

By bubblecakespattykiss

458K 19K 12.5K

All Suna Katsumi ever wanted to be was a background character. But fate has other things in stored for him... More

000; prologue
001; crisis indeed
002; the butler
003; The Past Of Collins Wright
004; a day with dad
005; brothers conflict
006; grounded
007; crown prince
008; this is not home
009; pretty little thing
010; vanilla
011; history with some salt on top
012; disgusted
013; just an average day
014; a new beginning
016; Arumnia
017; forest

015; sudden confession

16K 654 423
By bubblecakespattykiss

A/N: so back in the days, girls do not go to school. Normally, i would want my book to be as historical as possible, but i have to make some exceptions because of the heroine.

Trivia: Allen is good at the piano, while Phil is good at the violin. They both are known to be music prodigies in this school.

Another trivia: the author of this book has a love-hate relationship with the heroine.

Oh, this is bad.

Isn't today the day the heroine will come and baboom the whole school? He's not really interested in dying, but it seems that everytime he tries to stay low, he always manages to fail even that. Must be because he didn't try hard enough..

Sumi observed the building with his silver-eyes, a depressing aura seeping out of him. He held his bag close as he started walking to the building.

New year, new hell.

Sumi was actually planning to skip school today, but it seems that Collins is having none of it. Good grief, why must that butler be so stubborn? Does he not care that his master is literally heading to his grave? Apparently, he doesn't.

As he walked down the hallways, he could hear many whispers. He perked his ears up to hear what they're about and his body tensed.

"Hey, the new girl is pretty cute."

"A commoner? No way, your standards are shit, man!"

"No, but she's ridiculously hot."

Suddenly, an angry aura stopped infront of the group who was talking about the new girl. Sumi was shocked to find out that the new girl, the heroine, is literally right infront of his eyes.

She's ridiculously pretty, just like what he remembered. Still though, her personality is wild, she's ridiculously OP, and she isn't the type to listen. That's a minus.

"You guys, if you have something to say, just say it to my face." The girl smiled menacingly. The group gulped down their salivas as they saluted and promised to not talk about her again. Just as the heroine went to her locker, the group whispered again, making sure that the scary lady won't hear them again.

"She's super scary, dude!"

"Hmph, who does she think she is? She's just a mere commoner." Sumi shook his head. If he still remembered correctly, she's a hidden gem of another kingdom, which now doesn't exist as they were attacked by another kingdom.

She has that aura that makes people listen to her, no matter what her status is. It's practically the reason why she was able to survive the whole school year, plus getting a harem.

She's a noble blood.

But still, she's considered a commoner in Arumnia, somewhat. Phew, wouldn't want to talk to the girl. Sumi shook his head, wiping off the sweat on his forehead.

Before he could even go another step, someone bumped into him. "A-ah, I'm sorry. Huh?" Sumi looked at the one who bumped him. Hm.. this guy looks somewhat familiar.

Oh- It's the wizard guy, Theodor, was it?

Theodor is a well-known and respected mage. Though not a noble, people respected him because his dad is known to be the most powerful man in Arumnia.

This magic genius is quite clumsy. Doesn't he know who Sumi is? Sumi is Louis Cliffard. The son of a super powerful duke. If it was the original Louis, Louis would've basically slapped him, or least that's what suppose to happen in the game. It's the first step to his death, basically.

'I see, I see.' This was the action that was supposed to make the heroine hate Louis. This could be easily avoided if Louis just ignored Theodor or forgived him. This is also when Theodor falls in love with the heroine, as if the heroine was a knight on a white horse and Theodor was the princess. Theodor is the first capture target to fall inlove with her. Basically Theodor is easy.

Well then, just a quick 'OK' will do.

Sumi kindly smiled at the mage, as he daringly held his hand and kissed it. The mage turned red at the sudden action, realizing who he bumped into. Louis Cliffard, George Cliffard's beloved younger brother and the youngest son of Byton Cliffard. A little imp who's spoiled and bratty.

It seems as if Sumi, our favourite protagonist, made things worst.

Sumi sweatdropped as he still kept his smile. 'Too much?' he thought. He swore he could feel the heroine's stare. He shivered as he let go of the hand.

As he looked up, he saw a red Theodor, who was stuttering words that Sumi didn't quite understand. Yeah, the thing he did was seriously too much.

"It's fine." He plainly said, as if he forgot what he did a few seconds ago. He doesn't know where this seriously amazing acting came from, probably from his other world, but it's super handy. Hm? Wait a second. Why is his face red? Is Sumi's charms a little bit too much?

"I-I like you!!"





Sumi sweatdropped as he could feel the heroine's gaze on him. Just what is going on? What's with the straight up confession? We've just met. Is he going to confess to everyone who flirts with him? Oh no. We're getting alot of attention.

Sumi sweat even more as the heroine inverbally said, 'Your not gonna reject him aren't you? He mustered up the courage to say this.' Basically, the heroine is a nosy brat who wants everything to go her way.

Sumi must do something about this. He's pressured because people are literally staring holes into them. Jeez, what a pain. What's the best thing to do in this situation? The answer is-

"Ah, thank you, I'm honored to be the one you like~" Sumi said with a big, charming smile.

Is that right?


Theodor was fiddling with his fingers as he pushed his bangs out of his face, blushing. Is he high? Sumi wants nothing more than to hide in a hole right now. This situation is so unreal.

The heroine's eyes narrowed as she stared at the duo. 'So the infamous Louis is a playboy, huh? I hate people like him the most.' Clearly the heroine misunderstood Sumi's character, but Sumi wasn't born with mind reading powers, so he doesn't know what the heroine is thinking.

Sumi unconsciously made things worst for himself.

Oh well.

Stalker +1

Hater +1

Time to go eat some cake. Wonder what Phil has for Sumi today~ Sumi strides down the hallways, almost skipping, not even acknowledging the blueberry head following Sumi behind with a blush on his face.

"My love, please flirt with me again.." The mage whispered as if he was chanting a ritual or something.

If George knew about this sudden confession, he'll most likely flip out and beat the crap out to Theodor, but he probably wont win, considering Theodor's control in magic.

As Sumi walked, he suddenly saw Allen standing outside his classroom. What does that nuisance want now? Good grief. He already had a crazy day today, please don't make it crazier.

"Ah, Louis. I was wondering if you brought your maths book with you? I forgot it at my manor, so if you brought it, could we share?" Allen fiddled with his fingers, stopping Sumi from stepping into his rightful classroom.

Now, what should you do in this situation? Sumi doesn't really like to share his things. Especially sweets, but fortunately sweets aren't apart of this conversation. Guess Sumi will share his book. Would probably avoid drama.

Sumi nodded at Allen, and Allen's smile grew brighter that Sumi had to squint his eyes.

It seems that the 2 young boys didn't even notice the presence behind Sumi. Why? Despite being OP as fuck, Theodor always had little presence. It allows him to blend in the background and no one would notice him. The son of the most powerful mage is always talked about in school, but no one knows it's actually Theodor.

Theodor wants to make his father proud, but his presence and appearance makes it difficult. Basically, he's like the opposite of Sumi in terms of attracting attention.

As Sumi felt a stare on his back, he looked around to see who was staring at him, only to see that everyone was either busy talking to their friends, or taking out things from their locker. Sumi shrugged off this awful feeling.

It seems that these days, the only thing Sumi is good at doing is making things worst.

'It's the first time someone has ever acknowledge and flirted with me, at the same time..' blushed Theodor.

Theodor watched as Sumi and Allen walked back into their class, talking. Sadly, he couldn't hear what they're talking about.

Now, as you all know that Theodor has little presence but is OP as fuck, there is one person that recognizes him wherever he goes, and it's always such a nuisance to Theodor.

A hand suddenly grabbed the blueberry's shoulder as Theodor flinched. When he looked back, Theodor sighed. "Jeez, it's just you?





Aziel West."

Aziel West is Oliver's son. For the ones who are reading this book and forgot who Oliver West is, it's stated that in chapter 6, Oliver caught Sumi and brought him back to his doom- I mean, mansion. Oliver is the captain of the royal knights and Aziel is his son.

It seems that Aziel has gotten most of his features from his mother's side. He has blue eyes and black hair. If Theodor was the best at magic in Blades magic academy, then Aziel is the best swordsman in the academy.

They are friends.

Although that's what Aziel thinks.

If possible, Theodor would like to stay the hell away from Aziel. Why? Because Aziel is a full-blown narcissist. He boasts about his beauty and strength 24/7, and not to mention, he is super annoying.

Well, it's not a lie that Aziel is super handsome. Infact, Aziel is voted to be the top 10 most handsome in the academy by the noble girls, as expected from a capture target~ And this super ikemen is friends with Theodor.

Theodor sighed. They don't know how annoying Aziel is once you get to know him, yet they all talked about how they want to get closer to him. Aziel smirked as he held a smug expression.

"What? Too amazed at my beautiful face? By the way, what were you looking at?"

"It's none of your business, Aziel." Theodor's tone was laced with annoyance as he turned the other way, turning his back on Aziel, most likely heading to his class.

The same class where 'The crown prince' and 'The son of the duke' is studying. It's the most advance class in the academy. Only ones with the highest grade can join. It's a class where special people studies, and Theodor is one of them.

"Now, now. Don't be like that. Even if you got interested in a lady, she's probably already got her eyes on me! HAHAHAHAHA!!" Aziel laughed while looking at Theodor's figure getting smaller and smaller.

Theodor clicked his tongue as he swiped his hand on the air, chanting some kind of magic. Suddenly Aziel felt like someone tripped him and the boy fell down.

"Damn you, Theodor!" Aziel shouted through the hallways, garnering attention.

And so, today became an eventful day with Theodor.

Back at the heroine's class, her yellow eyes observed her classroom and every people in it. Then she bowed, showing respect as she is new.

"My name is Emilia Harmon. Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

Everyone in the class got bewitched by her exotic beauty. Blondish platinum hair, big round yellow eyes (with a tint of gold) and a mole just below her right eye. She had a stoic expression on her face as she introduced herself to the class.

Emilia knows that she has noble blood in her. That's why she's not afraid of anything. Despite her original kingdom had burned down, she shall keep the pride of it. Living as a commoner is so tiresome.

All these nobles are worthless, she knows it herself.

But she's not going to be like those worthless nobles. Because she's strong. Actually she's too OP. Born with imitation magic, she can observe other people's magic (as long as it's physical) and use it for herself (for a certain period of time).

It's really strong. She's grateful that the author has blessed her with this magic.

She'll restore her kingdom and live as it's queen.

George loosened his tie as he wrote down the things on the board. He's currently multi-tasking right now. His ears are perked up, hearing his classmates conversation.

William was currently skipping class and told George to cover for him. William would do the same for George, so he agreed. When your status is high or strong enough, you can basically do anything you want.

"Did you hear? Some guy confessed to the Louis Cliffard this morning in the west hallways."

"I heard of it. It's spreading so quickly."

"Of course, it's the son of the duke, after all!"

"Who's the boy that confessed again? I can't seem to remember." George's pencil snapped due to his grip strength, veins popping out of his forehead as he gritted his teeth.

Just who the hell dares to confess to his little brother? They'll have to answer through him first.

"Hm.. Same. What does he look like again?"

Due to Theodor's lack of presence, Theodor is safe from the might of The Cliffards.

Sweat covered the old mage's forehead as he made a bunch of books float in the air. Despite his age, he has lots of things to worry about. Even a strong mage like him, has problems.

"Ho.. ho.. ho.. What shall I do to prevent this disaster? Ho.. ho.. ho.. And more importantly, how is Theodor doing in school? Ho.. ho.. ho.."

You guys may or may not be wondering what's the name of this old wizard. Well, since he's he has the blood of a demon in his names, his name is obviously not normal either.

If you say his name, you may end up dead. So let's stick to the old mage for now, shall we? 🤗

Luckily, Theodor does not have demon blood in him, so the man doesn't have to name him something that might kill ordinary humans.

Demons co-exist with humans. But their existence are only known to a few higher-ups. The public thinks that the old-man is human, and even gave him a fake name he uses sometimes.

The reason why the old mage is strong, is because he has demon blood inside him, basically. Not only that, but demons are known to be unintelligent creatures, but the old mage is different. He's smarter that those average demons.

Anyways, something bad is approaching Arumnia and apparently he's only given 2 days to fix it.

"Ho.. ho.. ho.. His majesty sure is cruel to this old man." He caressed his beard.


This is the second arc is going to be alot more drama and ofc alot more fluff. There will be romance.. i think.. probably.. yea maybe.

I tried my hardest to make each character interesting starting with their personalities and the trivia that i give every chapter with the intention of hoping that you guys would understand them more.

A secret between the author and the readers: Aziel has a crush on Theodor.

Exams are coming up, so im gonna get a little busy.


I got a 0 in maths becuz i fell asleep, thank god it was revisions.

School sucks man.

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