Love is a different ball game...

By Cactus_table

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Y/N, a 25 year old NFL player. He's been playing for the LA Chargers for 2 years now and have been streaming... More

Chapter 1: The Meeting
Chapter 2: Becoming Friends
Chapter 3: Game Day.
Chapter 4: Trending
Chapter 5: Coffee
Chapter 6: Part 1
Chapter 6: Part 2
Chapter 7: Fun stream and Tragedy.
Chapter 9: Catching up

Chapter 8: Closure

2.6K 28 3
By Cactus_table

( So I started this story cause I was bored. And this is like the cringiest thing ever, but I guess the people have spoken and I shall continue..)


*Rae POV*

Its been exactly one week since (Y/n)'s mom died and nobody has heard anything from him. He hasn't answered any of our texts or calls nor has he streamed once and its been worrying me and Imane a lot.

Today me and Imane played some Minecraft while streaming but after we ended our streams we just talked a bit.

"How are you really doing Rae?" She asked.

"Im fine, I told you"

"No your not, I can hear it in you voice." She said


"Im just really worried about (Y/n). We havent heard from him in a while." I said

"Im worried about him to. He's all alone now when he needs somebody the most." She said sadly

There was a silence before Imane finally said something.

"How about we go check on him to make sure hes alright?" She asked

"Are you sure? Maybe he just needs some time to get over this on his own."

"Maybe, but we're his bestfriends and he has nobody else so its our job to make sure hes alright." She responded

"Ok how about tommorow?"I asked her

"That sounds fine to me." She said

"I'll come pick you up tommorow morning."

And with that we said our goodbeys and headed for bed.


*Poki POV*

Today me and Rae are going to check on (Y/n) to make sure hes fine.

I woke up and took a shower and checked my phone to see that Rae's almost here. I grabbed all my stuff and headed to where Rae will pick me up.

After a few minutes she came and I got in the car. There was a few minutes of silence before I decided to speak up.

"Do you think he's doing alright?" I asked

"I dont really know Imane. This must be a really tough time for him and not having anybody to comfort him must also be hard." She asked and I nodded and looked out the window.

After about 20 minutes we were coming up to his house. Right before we could stop by the road we saw the same car that (Y/n) drove to the coffee shop leave his driveway.

"Thats his car, Where's he going?" I said

"Should we follow him?" She said

"Lets see where hes going and then talk to him there." I said and she nodded and started following him.


*(Y/n) POV*

Its been a week since mom left and we buried her 2 days ago. At first I felt like nothing changed but then I  remembered that I was now truly alone...

I woke up this morning but just stared at the ceiling. After a few minutes I got up and changed. I wasn't in the mood for streaming so I put Lucy's collar on and made my way to my car to go visit mom.

Me and Lucy pulled out of the driveway and made our way to the mall. When I got there I got out of the car- not before opening the windows a bit for Lucy to breathe- and made my way to the store.


*Rae POV*

We followed him and he went to the mall. He went to a store and a few minutes later he came back with some white roses.

Then he got back in his car and continued driving. Eventually we ended up at the cemetary.

"You think he's visiting his mom?" Imane asked

"Probably." I said

"Come on, Lets go." She said


*(Y/n) POV*

When we got to the cemetary I got out and had Lucy in my one arm and the roses in the other.

I Made my way to a freshly buried grave with the name (Ym/n)(L/n). Which was next to two other graves.
I placed the roses against the tombstone and sat down in front of the grave.

"H‐hey mom, I brought your favourite. White roses." I said already trying to hold the tears.

"I'll have you know mom, Im not pressing charges against the Hospital. You never really liked drama."

"I sometimes wish I didn't stay home that day..."thats when the tears started falling

"Instead of going with you guys I stayed home and played videogames like the 12 year old I was, while that was the day I lost almost my whole family... When the hospital called and said you were in an accident that day my world changed forever." The tears streamed down my face as I just hugged Lucy in my arms

I looked to the othed graves which was those of my dad and younger brother.

"I always hoped and prayed that you would get your memories back so that I wouldn't be so lonely... and when we buried you two days ago, I was the only person here. Thats when I realized that I was Truly alone now."

"Well not entirely...I met two girls recently. Their nice, I think you would have liked them mom."

Meanwhile behind a tree there were two girls with tears streaming down their faces aswell.

I then stood up and stood in between the three graves.

"I miss jou mom... dad... little brother." I whiped my tears and slowly walked to the car.


*Poki POV*

Now I know what happened to his family.

Hearing (Y/n) talking to his family made it really hard not to burst into tears but when he said that he's now truly alone in the world finally caused the tears to flow out.

But hearing him say that his mother would have liked us did cheer me up a bit.

I looked at Rae and saw tears flooding her cheeks to.

We then saw (Y/n) standing up and began walking back to his car.

"Come on Lets go talk to him." Rae said as she wiped her tears away.

"Are you sure?"

But she was already walking away towards (Y/n)

Before (Y/n) could get in the car Rae made herself known.

"(Y/n)!!" Rae shouted

(Yn) turned around and looked shocked to see us

"W‐what are you guys doing here?" His eyes looked red from the crying

"We came to check on you (Y/n). We're really worried about you." I said walking closer

"Dont worry guys. I just needed a couple of days to clear up my head. Ill be back this week I promise."

"Please (Y/n). We miss you." Rae said as she wrapped her arms around him. I felt a little left out so I did the same.

At first he just stood there but then wrapped his warm arms around us as well. Even though this is a bad time I cant help but feel safe and warm in his arms.

"Im heading back guys." He said

"Promis your coming back?" We said

"I promise." He said and gave both me and Rae a kiss on our heads wich naturally made us Blush.

Still a bit sad, (Y/n) got in his car and drove home while we did the same.

On the way to my house I couldnt help but think of him.

Dont worry (Y/n), Ill always be there for you and soon I will tell you how I feel.


*Rae POV*

I just want to hug him so bad!! I love you (Y/n) and I will tell you soon.


*(Y/n) POV*

On the way home I couldn't help but smile. I only recently met these two girls and they already mean so much to me.

What the fuck am I going to do



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