Dead-Eyes (HIATUS)

By NinosGoat

13.8K 392 400

The White Room was established 20 years ago, founded and headed by Professor Ayanokōji. It is an educational... More

Character Info
Part 1
Part 2


2.5K 95 76
By NinosGoat


What's your top 5 anime? Here's mine

- Monogatari Series

- Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

- Attack on Titan

- Oregairu

- Black Clover

3rd Person


In a facility located in the middle of nowhere. A man with a lab gown was reporting to his boss.

???: So how are the experiments doing?

Scientist 1: The experiments are doing really well sir, although some kids are dying, but no worries the success rate is above 50%. Sir, is it really fine to sacrifice those kids?

???: Yes, The death of those kids will fuel the others to survive. Sacrifices is necessary.

The man stopped for a moment then continued.

???: A Sacrifice is giving up on something that matters for something that matters more.

Scientist 1: Yes, Sir but don't you think that it's morally wrong?

???: When you are striving for success you don't need such things as morals, it will only hinder your chances of succeeding.

Scientist 1: Yes, Sir.

The scientist can't help but look uneasy on what he is experiencing.

???: Are you questioning my way of doing things?

Scientist 1: N-NO! Sir! I-I wouldn't dare to question you! But wouldn't that be a burden for you?


The man laughed sarcastically

???: In order to achieve this silly dream of mine, I just have t- No I will carry all the burden! Do your job well, and do it with no worries because I will shoulder all the death and guilt of everyone in this facility!

Scientist 1: Yes, Sir....

The scientist still felt a hint of guilt for torturing and having experiments on little kids and leaving them dying on the ground.

It will be the crying and screaming kids that felt pain and despair that will continue to haunt him for the rest his life.

A knock was suddenly heard and interrupted their conversation.

Scientist 2: *knock* *knock* Prof. Ayanokouji, May I please come in?

Prof. Ayanokouji: Let him in.

Scientist 1: Yes Sir.

The man then opened the door to let the other person in. He was in a somewhat good mood when he entered the room.

Prof. Ayanokouji: You, May now leave.

He said while pointing at him.

Scientist 1: Yes sir.

Prof. Ayanokouji: This better worth my time

Scientist 2: Yes! Sir, good news! Your sons have now officially completed their experiments and training!

The Scientist said enthusiastically

Prof. Ayanokouji: HAHAHA! Finally, my sons are now ready for the real world! HAHAHA! Now, for their final test

His laugh was so loud it can be heard in the whole facility.

Scientist 2: Professor is their training not finished? It says in the manuals that there is no more to teach them.

Prof. Ayanokouji: Yes, there is one more. I need them to go out to the real world and socialize with different types of people. It will help them improve their social skills.

Scientist 2: How will we do that professor?

Prof. Ayanokouji: A previous student of mine who is now a chairman at well known High School. I'm just going to let my sons enroll into that school.

Scientist 2: But Sir, Wouldn't it be useless? They already have learned all they need to know about academics.

Prof. Ayanokouji: As I've said they will need to learn how to socialize with people especially people with the same age as them so that they would know how to act accordingly. Plus! They might even bring a suitable woman for them.

Scientist 2: Now, I understand sir!

Prof. Ayanokouji: Good. Now call my sons for me. I have to tell them some good news!

Scientist 2: Yes!

The scientist left the room to call in the boys.

Prof. Ayanokouji was talking to himself while holding a photo of a family of 6.

Prof. Ayanokouji: My wife, we are now one steps closer to our dream.

Prof. Ayanokouji looked outside the window and saw 4 boys playing chess in the garden.

Prof. Ayanokouji: My sons please don't fail me.

Tears ran through his cheek as he said those words.

Narrator monologue


Yes, that man was Professor Ayanokouji he is renowned professor from all over the world! He has taught the likes of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and many more. He also helped build the telescope that was used to take a picture of a black hole. He was also a student of the late Stephen Hawking. (RIP)

He was a billionaire and helped kids from around the world but behind that mask was a depressed and cruel man. He may have helped kids but he is also the big reason for the many missing kids in japan. He ordered his men to kidnap children all over japan and he placed them on a program known as the "White Room." It is a program that molds children to become perfect human.

It's a cruel and gruesome program that pushed the kids to their very limit. Teaching them college level lessons at a young age and also taught them almost all martial arts known to man and last but not the least they push children to their physical limits, making them run 10km in under a minute and all sorts of training. This caused some children to die and the death of those children are used as an example to others to not end up like them.

Prof. Ayanokouji also placed his own children in the white room. He placed them on a generation that would be known as the "Demonic Generation." It's known as the most dangerous and lowest success rate of all generations with 4% but it also created the "Perfect Humans". Yes, those "Perfect Humans" are also the sons of the professor.

3rd Person POV


Someone knocked on the door and Prof. Ayanokouji's moment was interrupted.

Scientist 2: Sir, here are your sons. May they enter?

Prof. Ayanokouji: Yes, Let them in.

He said while wiping the tears falling down from his face.

Scientist 2: Understood.

4 handsome young men entered the room. They were Quadruplets.

Prof. Ayanokouji: Ah! My sons I heard you have finished your trainings for all years! Congratulations!

The 4 just nodded for they're response.

Prof. Ayanokouji: But there is one more.

He looked at the 4 before continuing.

Prof. Ayanokouji: You will have a final test. The 4 of you will be entering a high school.

The 4 boys were confused and just tilted their heads in unison.

???: Wouldn't that be just a waste of energy for the rest of us?

(Can you guess who said that? lol)

Prof. Ayanokouji: No, it won't be. Attending a High School will help your social skills improve especially when interacting with someone your age.

The 4 just nodded again.

Prof. Ayanokouji: I also need the 4 of you to learn human emotions and especially the thing called love.

???: Love? The one I always read on the books?

Prof. Ayanokouji: Yes, that one. Anyway, I also want the 4 of you to bring a suitable partner for yourself once you truly learn what love is.

He may be a piece of shit but he still cares for the well being of his children.

Prof. Ayanokouji: You 4 will be leaving in a few weeks. I already called the chairman of the High School and he said he just needs you to take the entrance exam and an interview. Sakuta, Houtarou, Hachiman and Kiyotaka you are now free for the next three years. Enjoy it well my sons.

He said a smile on his face.

Quadruplets: Understood. Thank you very much father.

The quadruplets left the room. They were walking silently when someone finally broke the silence.

Hachiman: Hey, what do you guys think of attending the high school?

Houtarou: I think it will be just a waste of our time and energy.

Kiyotaka: That's just you being lazy though.

Houtarou: I prefer saying that I'm saving my energy.

Sakuta: That's the same thing. Didn't father say that it would help our social skills?

Houtarou: Well, he is right. What do you think Hachiman?

Hachiman: I don't really mind it that much. Attending that school will help us gain some emotions. I think it would really be a great experience.

Kiyotaka: I would have to agree. We can finally experience some freedom and maybe even learn a few things about love like father said.

Sakuta: True. I would also like to experience some human warmth.

They were walking in silence again until..

Sakuta: Hey, you know since we can go outside now, we can finally test what ice cream taste like!

The Quadruplets stopped in their tracks with the sudden realization. Their eyes were now filled with excitement when they heard what Sakuta said. They can now finally experience the things they only read in books.

Houtarou: Maybe, Going to school won't be that bad after all.

The other 3 just nodded in their response.

The Quadruplets may not show it but they're hearts were beating fast for the excitement to experience new things outside the "White Room".








SEE YA!!!!

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