Our Mad Hatter | Twisted Wond...

By LianRales

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"oh my oh my, isn't this quite the celebration, I didn't expect to be taken here" Y/N Hatter is what you can... More

About Y/N
Prologue part 2
Prologue part 3
Prologue part 4
Prologue part 5


14.8K 569 624
By LianRales


I slowly wake up from my sleep and decided to stretch my limbs, then I realize I was in a box.

"What in the world? Why am I in a box? Box day isn't until next month" I said to myself.

"Box day? What even is box day haha!" I laughed to myself as I remember there's no such thing as box day.

"A- A TALKING RACCOON!?" a voice from outside the box yelled.

"Oh! It sounds like the person outside is having fun! Well I'll be, how I'd pay to see that!" I smiled to myself as I try to listen to the voice outside.

"HURRY UP AND GIVE ME THOSE CLOTHES! OR I'LL ROAST YA!" the another voice yelled.

After that all I hear were screams of terror as it slowly faded away in the distance.


I soon hear footsteps coming in closer, soon I hear the click of a lock as I leaned into the box to hear more, then the box suddenly swung open as I fall to the floor face planting.

"Gwaa! Ouch that hurt! BUT NOT AS MUCH AS HAVING MY HEAD CHOPPED OFF HAHA!" I laughed as I pick myself off the floor.

I look up and see numerous hooded figures, and I look down to see I was also wearing the same hood.

Then I look forward to see 6 other hooded figures, a floating tablet and a man with a crow mask.

"Welcome all to Night Raven College, an prestigious school on where you will blah blah blah blah" the crow man says as I block out the boring stuff

"Please step Infront of the mirror to have you sorted into a dorm"

One by one students step forward said they're name and got sorted into a dorm

"State thy name"

"Ace Trappola"

"The shape of thy soul, hmmm it is Heartslabyul"

The boy who is name Ace walked off as another student approaches

"Ugh this is so boring, I wonder who the guy that was screaming was, I wish I could've joined him he sounded like he was having fun" I mumbled to myself as I pouted

The crow man then dashes off for some unknown reason as the others stare in surprise.

"Wait headmaster where are you!? And he's gone" a boy with white hair trailed off as they watch the so called head master disappear in the distance

"Let's just continue the ceremony, I do not wish to be behind schedule so let us proceed" the red haired boy said

"Hey you there it's your turn" someone said as they pointed to me

"OH! it's my turn? Yippee!" I cheered as I skipped to the mirror

"State thy name" the mirror said

"Well it's Y/N Hatter at your service, pleased to meet ya!"

"Wait a Hatter?" A student questioned

"As in Madison Hatter?" Another student asked

"Isn't that the slowly depleting house that's full of crazy people?" Another one stated

"I heard that the most recent descendant is a girl"

Then there was a silence

"Then that could only mean"

"YUP! I am no boy, no man, nor a hare, BUT a Lady who has loose screws everywhere!" I said as I proudly stood there

"The shape of thy soul, Is quite unusual. Chaos peacefully settled deep within. A spirit so carefree... but... there is something that I cannot seem to find. So therefore" the magic mirror went silent.

"I do not see a dorm fit for you." It continued.

"Awh bummer, I was hoping to be sorted but alas it seems that life is like a cart flying zigzags in the air."

"Impossible why did the ebony carriage bring a girl to an all boys school?" A red headed boy up front asked

"That my dear I do not know, BUT THIS IS QUITE FUN!  Fun indeed! Haha!" I laughed as a smile gleams on my face

"I LIKE HER SHE'S FUNNY!" The tanned white haired boy said

"I suggest we consult the headmaster about this later" the boy with glasses said

The others agreed

"But other than that, is that all for the new students dorm assignment?" The red haired boy asked

"Good now listen up student! Here in Heartslabyul. I am the rules. Break them, and it's off with your heads" the red haired boy announced to the new members of the said dorm Heartslabyul

"Ugh... The stuffy ceremony is finally over. were going back to the dorm, Savanaclaw. Follow me" the boy with lion ears said

"To the new students, congratulations on entering this academy. Enjoy your life here to the fullest. As the dorm leader of Octavinelle, I support you to he best of my abilities" the boy with glasses said

"Speaking of which where is the headmaster? He just flew off in the middle of the ceremony" The beautiful blond said

"Abandoning his post" the tablet said

"Did he get a stomach ache or something?" The white haired boy said

"Not. At. All." and on que the headmaster made his way in, with another boy following him with a creature on tow

"I cannot believe you all. I believe we were missing one student. So I went out to find them" he gestured to the boy behind him

"You are the only one who is yet to be assigned a dormitory, I shall watch over the raccoon. So step in front of the mirror" the headmaster said as he gestured the boy to the mirror

"About assigning dormitories headmaster, we have-" the red haired boy got cut off by the mirror

"State thy name"

"Yuu" the boy said

"Hmmm the shape of thy soul is" the mirror paused

"I do not know"

Everyone was stunned at what the mirror had said

"Umm pardon?" The headmaster asked

"I do not sense a spark of magic from this one, the shape, the color they are nothing, but there is something I can't seem to put my finger on, therefore they are not suited for any dorm" the mirror stated

"An ebony carriage would definitely not go meet someone who can't use magic!" The headmaster exclaimed

"In 100 years there had not been a mistake in the selection of students, so why in the world" The headmaster wondered

"THEN, I'LL TAKE THEY'RE PLACE!" The creature in tow said as it untangled itself



"If you need proof I'll show you right now!"

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" the red head yelled

"UWAA MY BUTT IT HURTS ITS ON FIRE!" the white haired boy yelled

I giggled and summoned a tea pot that's just full of plain water and poured it on the fire that's on the boy

"THANK YOU SO MUCH" the boy thanked

"Not a problem! We wouldn't want you getting roasted now do we! Haha!" I laughed

"If this keeps up the school will be a sea of fire! Somebody catch that raccoon!" The headmaster yelled

As chaos started breaking out I stood there straight and proper with a smile on my face

The tan skinned man with lion ears was arguing with the beautiful blond one about hunting and sucking up of some sort

"Mr. Crowley please leave it to me" the boy with the glasses said stepping up

"I'm sure the others couldn't stand harassing the poor creature, so I will take it upon myself" he continued

"That's Azul for you, always trying to earn points for himself" the floating gadget stated

So his name is Azul, well the more you learn

Then I hear a chime from my pocket, it was my pocket watch saying it's time for tea

"Oh would you look at that! It's tea time! Haha!" I exclaimed as I configure a tea pot with water as it started boiling on air and then I summon a few tea leaves, I then turn to the student named Yuu

"Hello there would you like some tea? Which would you like? Chamomile? Black earl? Green tea? Oh! Maybe rosehip!" I exclaimed as I hovered the choices in front of him

"Is this really the time for tea?" He questioned

"WHY OF COURSE! around this time the Hatter's have tea! Well, actually any time is tea time! So what would it be?"

"Is that so? Then I'll have Chamomile if that's ok, I'm gonna need a good night sleep after this." he replied

"Lovely choice my good sir, cookie?" I exclaimed as a plate of cookies pop up and gestured for him to get one as I brew the tea

"Thank you very much" he said taking one

"Everyone, are you even listening!?" The headmaster whom I found out was named Crowley yelled

"If it's catching the stupid raccoon can't you do it yourself, teach?"

"How many times do I have to tell you!? I'M NOT A RACCOON! The great Grim that will become the greatest magician is me!" He declared

"It certainly has some moxie, care to help me Riddle?" The one named Azul asked

"I cannot overlook those who have broke rules, let's hurry and get this over with" the red head named Riddle replied

I was here having tea with Yuu in the sidelines, I then turn to the white haired boy that was on fire earlier and asked

"Would you like some tea?"

"Is it really the time to-" he got cut of by me

"Why of course here have some Chamomile tea" I said as I start pouring him some tea just as I was about to pass him the cup, something flung past me and hit my hand causing the cup to fall, spill and break

I stood there still smiling holding the gesture of passing a cup, I slowly turned to the creature that flung that object

"Oh my! How incredibly rude! It's like shoving a stick into a perfectly good cake!" I exclaimed

"Why don't we get things under control, otherwise it'll ruin our uniforms!" I walk towards the beast as I gripped the magic stone on my neck.

"Now little one"

"Let me host a party, before you get grumpy!"


The beast then stopped moving and stopped where it stood... But it seems I've over done it.

"What in the world is going on!?"

"I can barely move!"

"What is this!?"

Everyone was making remarks about what's happening

"Act prim and proper and you might get a treat at supper" I said

"But act like a monster and I might just make you suffer" I continued

"What did you do I can barely move!?" Grim yelled struggling to move

"You see you made that tea go to waste, so I'm sorry dear but I have to put you in your place."

"Why the hell can't we move!?" Other students complained so I just realized I may have went a tiny bit overboard.

"Oops! seems like I had over done it! but it's much better than getting beheaded haha!"

"I'LL BURN YOU UNTIL YOUR NOTHING BUT CHAR!" Grim was about to send fire at me until


the next thing I know Grim had a metal collar around his shaped as a heart, interesting unique magic he's got there

"Nya! What the heck is this!?" Grim yelled as he tried prying the collar off him

"According to the law of the Queen of Heart; number 23" Riddle started

"One shall not bring a cat to an occasion" I said at the same time Riddle did

Riddle glanced at me with a curious look before turning back to Grim

"You being a cat means you have broken the rule, I shall have you leave the place at once" he continued

"I'm not a cat! I'll burn this collar right up and... Huh?" Grim went silent


"A method to put their subjects in their place, a power that would most likely be an Ace." I mumbled (I'll stop with the rhymes)

Riddle then puts his hands on his hips

"Humph! You won't be able to use your magic unless I remove the collar. Now, your just an ordinary cat"

"I'M NOT SOME PET!" Grim yelled

"Don't worry, I'd rather not keep a pet like you, I'll take it off anyways when you're out of the school" Riddle stated

"Wonderful as always, any kind of magic gets sealed by your unique magic, Riddle" Azul stated

"I want it.... No, I wouldn't ever want that casted on me" he continued as his expression contorted to something that could send shivers down someone's spine, before switching to a smiling facade

The headmaster then makes his way to Yuu who was beside me

"You must do something about your familiar! Properly disci-" he was cut off by Yuu

"He isn't mine, I had never seen him in my entire life" Yuu stated

"Eh!? It's not yours?"

"I've been trying to tell you numerous times"

"Oh is that so" Crowley said timidly

"Speaking of familiars, a rabbit managed to get in, and it was carrying a hat" the white haired boy state as he pointed at the little rabbit

It had a snow white coat with a red heart on its forehead, and beside it was no other than my hat

"Ah! My sweet little Rouge, you brought me my hat! Thank you so much little one" I said as I made my way to Rouge and picked up my hat and then petted the little rabbit

I put my hat on my head

"That's more like it! I can't be a Hatter without a hat now can I! Haha!" I laughed as I had Rouge stand by my side.

Then Rouge stomped it's little foot to the ground as she's upset.

"I know I know, I shouldn't use too much magic." I say as I gripped the magic stone on my neck tighter.

The headmaster ordered some students to throw Grim out

"Gya! Let me go!" Grim said as he struggled to break free

"I-i- I'll definitely become the greatest magician!" Grim yelled as the door closed

"I feel bad for the little dear, he only wanted to become a great magician" I said as I felt pity for the creature

"Well we had a bit of trouble along the way but, this brings the entrance ceremony to a close" Crowley spoke

"Dorm leaders, please show the new students back to their respectful dormitories" Crowley said as he scanned the dorm leaders

"Hm? Now that I think about it, I don't see Diasomnia's dorm leader, Mr. Draconia around at all"

"That's no different from usual,is it?" The one with tanned skin and braids said

"Did someone forget to tell him today is the entrance ceremony?" The white haired boy said

"If your going to complain then you should've done it yourself" the blond haired one said

"Hmmm but I really don't know anything about that guy"

Everyone then started to chatter

"He said Draconia, does he mean THAT Malleus Draconia?"

"So it was true he goes to this school"

"That's scary!"

Malleus Draconia? Oh wow he goes to this school huh? Well i would like to meet him, maybe even have tea.

"I was right, I thought he might've come but he didn't" a new voice said, it came from a short male with fair skin and magenta eyes

His ears are pointy, is he perhaps a fae?

"It seems the invitation didn't arrive again" he continued

"My sincerest apologies. I promise you, we didn't intend to exclude him" Azul explained

"His aura made him hard to approach" Riddle said

The short male shook his head

"It's fine, members of Diasomnia Dormitory follow me... If it pleases you" he said

One by one the students followed the dorm leader of their respectful dorms

"Now that that's settled, I'd like to ask who you are" Crowley asked as he turned to me

"Well hello there headmaster Crowley, I am Y/N Hatter, pleased to make your acquaintance" I said as I did a small bow out of habit

"A Hatter? Why are you? Night Raven is an all boys school, why did the ebony carriage bring a girl?" Crowley said

"Well it was midnight, and I was in the garden having my midnight tea, when a carriage with a strange looking horse showed up, and me being me thought that it was a carriage sent by the queen to have tea with me, so I got on and the next thing I knew I was here" I said

"I- why would you get on a random carriage in the middle of the night?"

"That's just me, what's life without a bit of fun!"

"Then sir Yuu and Miss Y/N, I'm terribly sorry to say this but we must have you leave the school"

"Those who cannot use magic cannot attend classes here, and for Ms. Hatter this is an all boys school" Crowley explained

"Awhh but it was getting interesting oh well it was fun while it lasted" I said shrugging

"There is no need to worry, the mirror of darkness will send you directly to your home."

"Step on the gate and picture your home clearly in your mind"

Yuu was the first to step onto the gate

"Oh dark mirror! guide this one to the place where they belong"

The mirror did not reply

Crowley then cleared his throat to try again

"Very well then. Oh dark mirror! Guide this-" Crowley was cut off by the mirror

"It is nowhere"


"The place where they belong is nowhere in this world, so it does not exist" the mirror stated

"W-well while we try to figure that out why don't we have Ms. Hatter go home first shall we" Crowley said as he processes what the mirror had said

I stood at the gate and pictured home

"Oh dark mirror! Guide this one to the place where they belong"

The mirror did not reply again

"Oh for the love of! It is impossible for Ms. Hatter to not have a place in twisted wonderland, she lives here for the sake of the great seven, what's the matter now?" Crowley asked

"Little girl. The answers you seek may be found here in Night Raven college. But it is up to you if you wish to continue" the mirror said

I paused...The answers... Can I really?

"What?" Crowley asked

"She has a mystery that she wants to be revealed and Night Raven holds the answers to it dear. A mystery of a missing soul, of none other than Lucas Hazelthorn."

"OH! you know my father? Well of course you do, he went to Night Raven after all! Haha!" I laughed as I remember the times I spent with my father before his disappearance

"Wait father? Isn't your last name Hatter?" Yuu questioned

"Well yeah! My father married into my mother's family the Hatter's, so my full name is Y/N Hazelthorn Hatter!" I explained

"But... if it means I could get answers... Mr. Crowley? I wish to stay! well if that is okay."

"Well I guess so"

"This is the first time something like this happened ever since I became the headmaster. what should be..." Crowley trailed off as he looked at Yuu

"Where did you say you were from?" Crowley asked him

"I'm from Earth" Yuu replied

"I've never heard of that place. I have a general grasp of where all my students came from, but I've never heard of that name"

"Haha! You really are strange Yuu-kun!" I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder

"This- this isn't a dream" he muttered to himself

"Let's do some research in the library" Crowley said

"Umm Mr. Crowley is there perhaps a store I can buy tea from? I used up all my Chamomile earlier" I asked

"Ah yes you can buy some from Sam's shop" Crowley replied

"Splendid! I'll catch up later, right now tea is important" I said as I made my way out to go the store

"Now Rouge, do you know where the store is?" I asked the rabbit beside me.

Rouge perks up and the heart on her forehead starts glowing, she points at a certain direction and I start walking

Isn't this an exciting day.

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