H A I L H Y D R A || J. B...

By naerysa

12.8K 424 341

Bucky Barnes is a well known and well loved character. But let's put a twist on that. Jamie Rebecca Barnes... More

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t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
e i g h t
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t e n
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t h i r t e e n
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f i f t e e n
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s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
t w e n t y - f i v e
t w e n t y - s i x
t w e n t y - s e v e n
t w e n t y - e i g h t
t w e n t y - n i n e
t h i r t y
t h i r t y - o n e
t h i r t y - t w o

s e v e n

382 18 4
By naerysa

The next morning Beck woke up bright and early. She already had her small bag packed and everything else ready, the girl simply needed to get dressed.

She met the others shipping out to England at the bus stop. It would be taking them to Camp Lehigh in New Jersey, where their plane was waiting for them.

The bus contained a lot of new soldiers reporting for basic training, they took up most of the space. There were two other nurses on the bus, each having mild experience. Lastly, there was one doctor there too.

Beck was very uncomfortable on the ride but continuously reminded herself that she was helping her country win the war. If she couldn't handle an uncomfortable bus ride, she was in the wrong profession.

It took about an hour and a half to get to the military camp. The recruits were yelled at and screamed at as soon as they stepped off the bus. Nurses and doctors were told to separate themselves.

Beck watched intuitively as the recruits were rushed around the base, they all looked stressed. She also watched as the older soldiers ran their miles and did their drills. They were on their way to being deployed.

A man approached the group of medical personnel. "Nurses, Doctor. I'm General Halpmen. Follow me," the General commanded, leading the group through the grounds.

They passed more soldiers being trained and other various activities before walking into the main building on site. It was the administrative building.

"We'll need you all to sign some forms for your plane ride. You'll be riding with some other equipment that we're sending down to London," Halpmen explained, setting forms in front of each person.

Beck read through the papers. It was standard consent and information. To make sure they weren't being forced to go to London.

Becky signed all of them and handed them back over, the others did the same.

"Now you," the man said, pointing to Beck, "Are taking a second flight from London to Italy. I know we said just London but they need trauma nurses down there on the front lines," the General finished. Becky nodded immediately, she didn't care where she had to go.

It was another hour before they were loaded onto a plane containing military equipment. They did have their own seats which was good enough for Beck.

The flight took seven hours. Beck slept for half and read a book she packed for the other.

While she had time to think, Becky pulled her father's dog talks out from her shirt and looked at them. He had fought for his country. She wanted to fight too.

When they landed in London it was 9 pm, a sharp difference from New Jersey.

The base here was much the same compared to Camp Lehigh, considering it was an American base as well.

Beck had little time to admire and look around the base. She was immediately greeted by another general.

"General Thomas. You're Jamie Barnes?" The man asked hurriedly.

"Yes, Jamie Barnes at your service," Becky responded quickly, confused as to what the hurry was.

"Good. Come with me. There's a flight going out to Italy right now. You don't catch that one and you'll have to go tomorrow. They need you tonight," the General explained, pulling the dishevelled girl along with him.

This plane was smaller than the one Beck had ridden in before, it contained fewer supplies. But Becky got as much sleep as she could, considering what the General said.

She woke up when the plane was landing, the rough shaking and tumbling of the aircraft signalling it was settling on the ground.

The camp she arrived at was alive, even at midnight. People were bustling about, something had obviously just happened.

Beck dropped her bag and ran out of the plane. She saw the unmistakable medical tent with a big Red Cross on it. That's where she needed to be.

Becky ran across the camp, almost getting hit by a couple of military trucks along the way. But they were medical jeeps. More and more people were being brought in.

The tent curtain was ripped open by Beck who's mouth dropped open at what she saw. There were possibly hundreds of soldiers in there, all wounded and bleeding in some way. Some were missing arms and legs.

"You! What are you doing back here?" A doctor yelled, a spurt of blood coming from his patient.

"Jamie Barnes, trauma nurse sent from London," Beck responded quickly, not wanting to waist any time.

"Finally! Ok, standard trauma protocol. Black, red, yellow. Save the ones you can and move on! Supply trays are in the corner!" The man called out.

Becky turned on her Jamie brain. It was time to focus on the task at hand. Beck ran toward the corner and picked up a supply tray. The tray was equipped with gauze, scissors, bandages, tourniquets, all types of pain medication and other standard meds.

Beck got to work on the patients in front of her. Although it was gut-wrenching, her first patient was a man who had lost one of his legs. He was on the verge of death and was passed out. She ripped off black from her sheet and stuck it on his chest.

She moved on to the next soldier. He had a bullet wound in the middle of his stomach.

"Hey, soldier. I'm Nurse Jamie. I need you to relax for me, big guy," Beck told the soldier quickly, ripping his shirt open.

"Woahhhh. You gotta at least take me on a first date," he joked, wincing when Beck looked at the wound.

Becky ripped off a red tack and put it on his chest. She then ripped open her gauzes packet and stuffed it onto the wound. "You're not gonna die but you need a surgeon. I'll give you some morphine. Can you hold that on there?" Beck explained, taking one of the portable morphine containers and sticking it in the man. He groaned but nodded to her request. Becky moved on.

It took three hours to get through everyone in the tent. Many men died that night, some were maimed forever. It took a toll on a person.

So in the early hours of the morning, bloody and exhausted, Beck carried the dog tags of the deceased soldiers toward command. She took one from each body and left one so they could be identified.

She wrapped on the tent door and heard a faint "come in."

The General was in his pyjamas, obviously ready to go to bed. "Sorry to bother you, General, but I've got the dog tags from the deceased," Becky explained, handing them off.

The man looked at the amount in his hands and sighed. "Alright. Thank you, nurse. You have yourself a good night. Thank you for your help," he said, dismissing her.

Becky shared a tent with a fellow nurse named Freya. Both girls were exhausted and went to sleep immediately, trying not to let the sight of the bodies get to them.

What a welcome party.


Not every day was that busy for Beck. A lot of days she spent treating headaches and sprains and taking care of the soldiers who needed to stay in the medical tent.

The only time it was busy was after a big battle. The bullet wounds were large and nasty. It was hard seeing so many men die but Beck had her ways of coping to keep herself sane. She knew she was helping win this war and prevent further bloodshed.

Becky also wondered how Steve was holding up back at home. She knew he must be crushed that he didn't get enlisted and now he doesn't even have Beck. Maybe she should write to him?


There was another large battle happening, the soldiers on the front line were getting shredded. A ton of them were being sent to the medical tent and the nurses were working hard. But then the bodies stopped.

They had gotten through all of the men and were waiting on another Jeep load but it didn't come. They waited for thirty minutes for more soldiers but it was empty.

Finally, one of the Doctors radioed to command to ask what was happening.

"Our boys are pinned down out there, can't get the medical vehicles out. On top of that, all of our combat medics are splitting in too many directions. I'm gonna need one of your nurses out here," a general radioed back to the tent. It was silent as each nurse looked at another.

But there was one nurse who was eager for the job. She didn't care that she could die, she wanted to fight and she knew this might be her chance.

A hand shot up in the corner of the tent. "I'll go. Send me," Beck exclaimed, walking over to the doctor with the radio.

He looked at her uneasily. "Are you sure? This is very dangerous and unprecedented-"

"Yes. I'm sure. I know how to shoot. Know how to fight. And know how to take care of wounded men. Send me out there," Becky replied quickly, cutting off the doctor. He looked impressed.

"Alright then. Suit up," and with that, he took her by the arm and outside.

Beck was going to war.

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