Mother Of Dragons

By GumdropsAndRoses

31.4K 869 33

When Daenarys Targaryan is forced to marry Khal Drogo, a powerful Dothraki Khal and feared warrior, she is ve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
26 Final chapter

Chapter 3

1.8K 55 2
By GumdropsAndRoses

The khalasar traveled late into the evening that day. The stars were starting to come out before they began to circle the grass and crush it down for tents and firepits. After circling a few times with the other riders, Daenerys began to look around for her tent, normally one of the first ones erected by the slaves. She couldn't find it. Her home was nowhere in the khalasar's camp. She stayed mounted on her silver, wandering and confused, before Doreah found her. "The Khal has requested you come to your new home, Khaleesi," she said with a soft smile. "He would have Khaleesi stay with him now."

Dany let herself be led to the Khal's huge tent, where she dismounted, took off her boots and entered. Immediately, she noticed that the Khal's bed was made up with her blankets and cushions, and that her clothing and possessions were scattered about in an orderly way, as if they'd always been there. Already hot water was waiting in her bath, the lightly fragrant almond oil inviting her to soak away the dust from the day's journey. She turned and looked back at Doreah.

"He's waiting for you to be comfortable, Khaleesi," Doreah answered her unspoken question. "He will come later, after the khalasar is settled for the night. He said whatever you wanted to change in here was yours to do so."

Daenerys glanced around and then met Doreah's with eyes full of gratitude. They shared a smile. "Thank you, Doreah," she said softly.

"I only did what you needed me to, Khaleesi," she replied, casting her eyes downward. She quickly undid Dany's braids with deft fingers and prepared her for the bath.

Dany eased herself into the hot water and explored the Khal's tent with her eyes as she soaked. She'd never been in it before. Their first night together was under the open sky full of stars, and the next night was in her tent, where he'd been expecting more and was disappointed when she didn't know what to do or what he wanted. She wished she had saved them both many nights of trouble and had spoken to Doreah right away.

She spotted many of her bride gifts, including the beautiful bow and arakh given to her by Drogo's blood riders, the gifts she had followed tradition and refused, instead giving them to Drogo. Her clothes for the night were hung carefully next to the bed, as well as what she would wear the following morning. It really was as though she'd been living here with him all along.

As she dressed in her soft dressing gown, she discovered more of her bride gifts, and more of her clothing and items that wouldn't have fit in her small tent. Items she'd completely forgotten about, jewelry and adornments, her set of silver bands that had been braided into her hair for their wedding in Pentos. They'd been here and waiting for her the whole time. He had been waiting for her, she realized. She had married him in Pentos, but their real marriage was truly only a day old.

She expected him to come to her late that night, just as he had always done in the past, so when he entered the tent before the evening meal had been laid out, she was surprised. He removed his arakh and then his boots before glancing up at her. She saw something in his eyes as he saw her there, and then he smiled slightly, a look of satisfaction on his usually unreadable face. He's happy I'm here, she thought. She walked toward him timidly, and was relieved to see the smile grow as he reached out to her.

She took his large hand in her small ones, once again intimidated by their size and strength. She still was only accustomed to her brother, and his hands hurt her more often than any other action. He sensed her hesitance, and curled his fingers gently around her hands, holding them softly. She looked up at him, and he started to say something but stopped, frustrated by the lack of common words. Drogo squeezed her hands a bit more firmly and then slowly pulled her close. He leaned down and rested his forehead against hers, the Dothraki way of kissing, sharing their breath - their souls. Dany closed her eyes, breathing him in, his scent of a thousand fires and summer grass, sun and wind, sleep and sex.

Irri came in quietly at that point, carrying food from the fires outside, just a bit of something to hold off Dany's hunger until the late night meal was ready. "Irri, I have need for you tonight," Dany said softly, breaking away from Drogo. "You need to speak for us until I learn Dothraki."

"Yes, Khaleesi," Irri said quietly, putting food down and then moving to the back of the tent, giving them the illusion of privacy.

They sat together, eating in a comfortable silence before he turned to her and spoke.

"The Khal would know why you are afraid of him, Khaleesi," Irri translated.

She thought carefully for a moment, not wanting this powerful man to change his mind about Viserys' army. She was terrified of failing her brother, of course, but now, she was afraid of failing herself, too. She wanted her marriage to the Khal to mutually happy for her and Drogo, over and above what her brother wanted.

"My husband is a large and powerful man. I would be foolish to not fear and respect him in all things," Dany replied, looking down at the table as her voice shook slightly, hoping her answer was satisfactory.

She was taken by surprise as his hand came into her view, gently touching her face. He looked at her when he spoke, guiding her to look him in the face. Tenderness was in his eyes as they met hers.

"Khal Drogo would have you look him in the eyes, Khaleesi, and know that he would not harm you. Unlike your brother, he will not hurt you. You are his Khaleesi, to be respected and cared for."

Tears filled her violet eyes as she kept his gaze. How did he know Viserys hit me? She wondered. He reached over with one finger, much like on their wedding night in Pentos, and brushed the tears from her cheeks as he spoke, gesturing to the other side.

"The Khal saw him strike you at the manse in Pentos. He saw the bruises on your leg where he pinched you after you first mounted the silver mare. He will kill Viserys if he threatens you again."

"No," she whispered. "He's supposed to be a king. It's his right."

As Irri translated, Drogo began shaking his head at her. "Khal Drogo says the only rights are for those who are strong enough to take them, Khaleesi, and if your brother needs an army to seize back what is his own, maybe someone else should have it."

Dany's gaze drifted downwards again, silent, her hand coming up to touch the Khal's fingers, pressing his hand to her face. He guided her eyes back to his, his words suddenly soft and gentle.

"The Khal would have you to join him in the bed now, Khaleesi. He wants you to come willingly, as you did the past night," Irri said softly. "He wants you to enjoy him as he does you."

Dany smiled shyly, and stood. It was a seemingly simple thing to talk about removing clothes in front of another, but Dany found herself intimidated. He watched intently as she untied the ribbons of her sleeping silks with shaking fingers, Doreah's words of encouragement from the other day fading from her memory. All she could see was his eager gaze falling on her body as the silk fell to the soft carpet.

Quickly he was on his feet, and she was suddenly frightened. She took a step backwards ready to flee. He stopped where he stood, then reached his hand out slowly, as though she were a wild horse in need of taming. Drogo took a slow step toward her, and she forced herself to calm her breathing. He said something so softly that Irri couldn't hear, so he glanced at her in the back of the room and repeated it.

"The Khal would have you lead, Khaleesi. He assures you he will not harm you. He only wants your pleasure, and a son when you're willing."

Dany blushed, and Drogo watched the pink slowly make its way from her cheeks down her chest. He smiled encouragingly at her, reaching his hand out a little further. His smile grew broader as she very slowly reached out and took his hand in hers. Squeezing her hand, he pulled her close and kissed her fingers softly before speaking again.

"The Khal would very much like to father a son, Khaleesi. One that shares your eyes."

Dany's throat caught on a huge lump that suddenly formed there. "I would like that, too," she whispered, not breaking her gaze from his face.

He bent toward her, scooped her up in his arms and softly kissed her mouth. She quickly kissed him back, letting her lips fall open to accept his tongue, encouraging him to kiss her deeply, feeling all the anxiety leave her body. He acquiesced without hesitation, giving her everything she asked for, proud of his little wife for becoming less fearful of him. He carried her to the bed, and laid her down on it gently before climbing over her to lie on his side facing her.

Reaching over, he let one hand gently stroke her side, simply touching her pale, soft skin while his eyes stayed locked on hers. He kept his movements slow, regretting his earlier actions of roughness with this beautiful girl, regretting the nights that followed their wedding night. He had taken it slow and touched her gently that first night, but after she showed no sign of wanting anything to do with him, and he had assumed she only married him to please her brother, the weak and whining snake. He'd become annoyed with that, and then was determined to at least get her with child quickly so he could be free to pursue another wife if she failed to give him a son. She changed everything when she had touched his face.

Daenerys leaned toward him, and tucked her head under his chin. She reached around his side with her own hand, running her fingers over taut muscle and tanned skin, realizing he had bathed before coming to the tent. He smelled of water and the oil he used in his hair. She pressed her nose against his chest, embracing him as he stroked her back and ran his fingers through her hair.

Drogo let his hands wander at will, stroking her back with gentle fingers. Her skin was so very soft. His hands worked slowly down to cup her rear, pressing her against him tightly, and he smiled as she arched her backside into his hands. It was all the encouragement he needed as he pulled his chest back to look her in the eyes before leaning down to kiss her.

Her arms flew up around his neck and she deepened the kiss almost immediately, his hands moving her body upwards so he could claim her mouth entirely before entangling themselves into her hair. He grabbed one of her hands and guided it down to his erection, her small and soft hand making him moan as she grasped him. He showed her how to hold him, her hands inexperienced with the movement and pressure, and brought his own hand down to touch her. She gasped and practically melted in his arms, earning her a smile from her husband. He touched her softly, slowly letting his fingers glide back and forth, her sounds of surprised pleasure encouraging him, her body becoming more and more wet and welcoming.

He could smell that intoxicating scent again, sweeter than before, her arousal overwhelming his senses as he kissed her. Slowly, she likes this part slow, he reminded himself, guiding himself to her tiny slit, rubbing the tip against her soaking wet heat as she arched her back and opened to him. He pushed forward, just enough for the tip to slide in, and his head rocked back as he gasped in the same breath that she mewled out in pleasure. Her fucking heat, this is going to feel so fucking good, he thought, amazed at how much better it felt when she was willing and so highly aroused. He pushed in achingly slow until she began moving under him, trying to get him to go faster.

Grabbing her by the hips, he rolled over, letting her settle on top and press down on him at her own pace. He twitched deep inside her, and he gritted his teeth, trying not to come immediately, her velvet depths wrapping around him tighter than he thought possible. He held her still, gripping her thighs tightly, his eyes locked on hers for a moment before she rocked her pelvis once, and he slammed his eyes shut against the onslaught of pleasure that bordered on pain. He bared his teeth as he ground them together, and she stilled against him, letting his breathing slow for a moment, her panting giving away her pleasure.

"Drogo, I need to move," she whimpered. "Please!"

Irri had gone out the back of the Khal's tent long before this moment, but Dany's sweet and pleading voice coupled with his name he knew what she was trying to say. He liked the sound of his name coming from her mouth more than he thought he would. He struggled to control himself, against his need to just let loose and come right then and there, his name still on her lips.

He slackened his hold on her after a few moments, moving his hands to her beautiful breasts, heavy for their size, cupping and holding them, gently stroking her soft skin as she began to rock against him. Her mouth was open slightly and she was making small noises, pants and whimpers as she rolled her hips gracefully on him, her eyes locked on his, her hands braced on his chest.

He needed to kiss her. He had wanted to watch her face as she found her pleasure, but suddenly he had to kiss her, have her mouth pressed to his. Drogo rolled them over quickly once more, aggressively possessing her mouth as he did, enjoying the feel of her meeting his pace and strength as she kissed him back fiercely, holding his face in her callous hardening hands. He began to pump into her harder than he ever had, but before he could worry about hurting her she cried out and wrapped her arms around his neck, tilting her head back to expose her lovely neck.

He couldn't resist. He leaned down and bit her, hard, where her neck met her shoulder. He didn't know what he was expecting, but when she exploded around him and screamed out in her orgasm, he was surprised. His little wife clamped down on his cock as hard as her nails dug into his back, and he slammed into her and erupted within before he could hold back. He growled "Daenerys," into her neck, still holding her with his teeth, feeling the burn as he came deeply into her and as she wailed and bucked beneath him.

Drogo's thrusting slowed and finally stopped, but still he lingered within her, kissing her face and licking the red and purple bite mark he left on her neck, soothing the sting as they shared heaving breaths.

Dany held him tightly with both arms and legs, not wanting him to pull away. Her neck hurt, but not in a way that was unpleasant. His tongue licking and soothing felt incredible on the sensitive skin. She cried out softly when he finally withdrew from her. Not knowing how to ask, he cupped her sex gently and looked in her eyes, his unspoken question there. She smiled and sighed, nodding her head and kissing him lightly on the lips. He smiled back, and returned her kiss before rolling off her and pulling her into his side.

Dany snuggled into him and rested her head on Drogo's chest. She drifted off in his arms as he pulled her blanket and pelts up and over them both. She sighed and pressed her nose into his chest, drawing in his scent as she drifted off to sleep.

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