Love sick

By Kites_life_insurance

58K 1.9K 4.1K

"I love him..." ✄♡✄♡ Inspired by Yandere Simulator Killugon/Gonkillu High school & Yandere Au Complete!! Wor... More

⚠ Info & Warnings ⚠
♡ Prologue ♡
♡ One ♡
♡ Two ♡
♡ Three ♡
♡Ten ♡
♡Bonus Chapter♡


1.1K 48 32
By Kites_life_insurance

Jittering legs, tapping of feet, nervous glances.

That's all Gon saw and heard as he sat outside the principal's office along with a few other students that were being taken into questioning; Gon wasn't bothered as he sat there straight-faced, his legs crossed. If anything he was more so annoyed with the fact he was being questioned when he felt there was no need.

Each questioning lasted about 20 to 30 minutes each, which could be used doing other more important things. He found it more annoying when the same investigators as before were doing the questioning.

He just wanted this to be done and over with.

The school had shut down for the rest of the week after that day, and the students returned the following week to be questioned, only a particular set though, like Uzumaki and Kikyo's close friends or anyone that could know information on the events that transpired.

As Gon waited patiently to be called next, he grew irritated with the constant tapping from the other nervous students, especially when some started clicking their pen caps repeatedly.

He wanted nothing more to just grab one of the clicking pens and stab it into their-

The door opened, pulling the boy out of his sinister thoughts, especially when the albino boy, Killua, stepped out. "Killua?"

Said boy looked down, "Gon? Hey," The older student smiled, Gon standing up timidly. "Haven't spoken to you in a while; you okay?"

"Yeah," The tanned boy responded, trying not to sound nervous. "Just a bit nervous. How did it go in there?"

"Eh, I don't think I gave much for the investigation." Killua shrugged. "I didn't really know either of them, I just think they both had a crush on me but that's about it."

Not a problem anymore...

"Oh, I see," Gon looked down, his hands suddenly becoming more interesting. "I don't how I'd contribute either, I didn't talk to either of them much."

Killua hummed in understanding, opening his mouth to say something, until one of the investigators, Wing, interrupted the two, calling Gon into the room.

Gon looked back at Killua, "Well, I'll see you around, Kil." He smiled.

"Yeah, but don't disappear on me so much." Killua smirked, Gon's positive his cheeks dusted a light pink, thus causing his to turn into the room in attempt to hide his blush.

Gon sat in the chair seated across the two investigators, his innocent demeanor returning to him. They questioned him thoroughly, more thorough than any other questioning he's been in before with the two, but in the end they got nothing out of him...just like he wanted.

He exited the room with a bow, returning to his classes.

Biscuit sighed, exhausted, as she held the papers in her hands, "Have we got anything so far, Wing?"

"Nothing." Wing stated, looking through the files. "Just some information on their friendship and other useless information."

"How is it that this teen girl gets sick for a few days, than immediately comes back only to murder her best friend then kill herself, and we still can't get any information?"

"The only one that knows the answer to the question is dead." Wing retorted.

"Their friends described that they had some feud over that boy, Killua Zoldyck, but I don't think it would lead to murder." Biscuit stated, almost questioning herself.

"Well some people do insane things for the people they 'love'," Wing stated. "Don't you know about that boy, Gon's, parents?" Biscuit looked at his partner, confused. "During his first year, his parents both died..but each differently. His father was returning from work and got into a terrible accident, he died right as he got to the hospital, there was no chance in saving him. The second his wife found out, she, in her grief, killed herself, leaving a note for her only son."

"Wow, okay," Biscuit sighed. "Don't you think it's a bit much to commit such an act knowing you still have a child?"

Wing shrugged, "Surprisingly, Gon wasn't that affected after the event. He attended the funeral, received many condolences, but, like I said, returned to school like normal the following days."

"Strange," Biscuit returned to her folders. "Still, to leave all that behind for one person. All of it for one person...huh"

"I guess it's that type of love that makes people do crazy things..."

Gon wasn't taken in for a second questioning, thankfully. He hated being titillated with annoying matters, especially since there was no real evidence for it.

The last dismissing bell rang, the students flooded the halls to get to their homes, some with families, some going to hang out with friends, and some to spend the nights alone. Gon gathered his books and bag, proceeding out the door to his locker.

Twisting the lock with his personal code, opening the door only to find a piece of paper falling out. Eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he placed his books in his locker before kneeling down to pick up the folded paper. He opened up the paper from his folded parts, reading the words inside:

Meet me on the rooftop after school sharp! ~ღ

Gon didn't understand, he had never written a note like this before, but in a matter of seconds, his heart took over his mind. What if it was a note from Killua? Gon felt the need to follow through, folding the paper back up, walking with purpose towards the stairs, thoughts racing through his mind.

What if it's from Killua?

What was the heart for?

Could Killua see the signs?

Maybe, just maybe...

Gon finally made it to the top floor in no time, bursting through the doors, excitement filling his veins at the idea of seeing Killua, perhaps here to confess so that Gon could confess as well. To tell him how long he's loved him, that he would do anything for him, that he's done everything for him.

Instead he found something else, a familiar figure standing at the school's side railing. Hair flowing with the wind, long and unhealthy, figure looking more thin and fragile than usual, facial structure looking quite thin as well, eyes almost tired, dark circles coloring underneath, prominent against the pale skin.

Gon stood, bewildered almost, but more annoyed than anything,



Hey, how are you?

Remember Aoi? 👀 Don't tell me you forgot about her..

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