A Brand New Journey: When it...

By Nintendofanchild

307 10 0

Unova is a pretty peaceful place, where many different cultures collide, in fact that's why it's called Unova... More

I have a good name for this-
▪︎The Beginning ▪︎
▪︎Back Home▪︎
▪︎A Strange Dream▪︎
▪︎Through The Woods Together ▪︎
▪︎Together in Nacarene▪︎
▪︎Journey to Nimbassa▪︎
▪︎A Night In Nimbassa▪︎
▪︎Argument in Mistralton▪︎
▪︎Telling The Truth▪︎

▪︎Onward to Driftveil▪︎

14 1 0
By Nintendofanchild

Overall it was the sun that woke Malerie up. After a few moments of her just laying there with her eyes closed she eventually got up. The first thing she saw was Lilligant and Audino wide awake and sitting on the other bed. Audino looked like she had a piece of paper in her hand, as soon as Malerie had noticed she waved it lightly and handed to her trainer.

"'Ah a note..." she hummed looking it over. "Malerie, sorry I didn't wait for you to wake up, but I had to leave a bit early. I'll most likely see you later, until then just know I'll be thinking of you. See you soon - N.'" Letting out a little 'hmph' Malerie grabbed her bag and entered the bathroom. After exiting in her usual outfit she grabbed her bag and motioned for her pokemon to follow her out the door.

She didn't really say anything until they exited the pokemon center. "Let's head to Driftveil, I'm sure I'll run into someone I know there." She mumbled, walking twords the stadiums and taking a left. After passing by some bakers and street performers her attention was caught by not just Cheren, but Hilda, and Elesa as well. Elesa, had just gotten off the phone and said something to the kids and walked off. Malerie guessed she didn't see her cause they kind of knew each other and usually Elesa would say something if she knew Malerie was there.

Audino and Lilligant followed her until they say Hilda and Cheren, in which they both ran up to the younger trainers. The bridge to Driftveil had just been lowered so she wasn't surprised to see Cheren already attempting to cross, although he was halted with Audino hugging his leg.
She ran up and pried Audino off of the boy, apologizing a little.
"Malerie I wasn't expecting to see you so soon." Hilda said cheerfully, petting Lilligant on the head.

"Hey guys, sorry for the... sudden appearance, I was just in Nimbassa and was headed to Driftveil today... although I wasn't expecting to see you two." She hummed.
"We weren't expecting to see you either," Cheren replied, "Elesa got the bridge lowered for us... so I suppose we should head over before the raise it again."

Malerie nodded and the new small group walked the bridge to Driftveil, the small chatter soon coming to an end when Cheren rushed ahead when they were near the end. "He's always in a hurry... always trying to get ahead of me I guess..." Hilda mumbled, she turned her head twords Malerie. "Hey, so what were you doing in Nimbassa?" The brown haired girl asked. "Oh... I was there with...a friend." Malerie replied, Audino and Lillligant went quiet, glancing at each other although neither girl noticed. "Ah... I got Nimbassa earlier today... I got through Elesa's gym pretty quickly though... so that's why were here so early." Hilda mumbled.

"Although before I could challenge her I had to search for some Plasma grunts... although something weird happened." Malerie was about ask what but the conversation ended when they noticed Clay and Cheren up ahead, and Clay didn't look happy.

They soon learned that the workers at the cold storage had captured Team Plasma grunts causing trouble. Although when the bridge lowered something happened and the grunts managed to escape... and now they all had to help find them
"This is kinda stupid... it wasn't our fault-" Malerie huffed, walking twords the cold storage.
"It not that bad... we just need to find where they're hiding..." Hilda responded.

It took about 15 minutes but they eventually found them all hiding in a box inside the storage. While there were plenty of grunts there was also this other guy Malerie couldn't recognize... he dressed kind of fancier than the grunts did so she figured he was at a higher rank then they were... probably one of those "Sages" She heard of.

After fighting off a few grunts Clay eventually entered with some workers and dragged the grunts and the other guy off. "That was annoying...but at least they got captured." Malerie mumbled, Hilda nodded in response, Cheren had already left... most likely headed to the gym.
The two girls walked to the pokemon center but that was where they separated, Malerie headed to Chargestone cave while Hilda went twords the gym.
She was going to go through the cave but it seemed a Garvantula's nest blocked the way. Not wanting to disturb it she decided to head twords the gym's direction, although what surprised her were the Plasma members walking passed her. She could've sworn she saw Ghetsis glance at her, maybe even scowl.

She approached Hilda and Cheren who were watching the group walk off. "Honestly I hate them..." Cheren huffed, crossing his arms. "I know..." Hilda murmured.
"What happened...? I thought they would've been arrested..." Malerie asked, glancing in the opposite direction. Cheren huffed again and replied, "That Ghetsis guy managed to talk Clay out of it... it's really stupid..." he shook his head before continuing, "Whatever... I'm going to challenge Clay, I'll see you two later."

Hilda shifted her gaze to Malerie, "Hey... after I finish the gym, would you like to travel together for a bit...? it gets a little lonely after a while... and I would like to have someone to talk to." She mumbled. Malerie responded with a swift nod, "Of course, we can go to Chargestone Cave together... maybe you can get Clay to clear that Garvantula's nest blocking the entrance."
Hilda let out hum signaling a yes. "I'll be at the Pokemon center, so come get me when you're ready to head over."

And so Malerie walked back to the pokemon center. With no particular goal in mind she sat on one of the benches near the entrance. Both Lilligant and Audino were back in their pokeballs, so she didn't really have anyone to talk to. Although after about a minute she pulled out her X-transcevier just to see if she had any messages.


She wasn't sure how long Hilda would take so she didn't want to leave just in case the girl got finished before Malerie was able to get back. And so she sat, until she got the idea of buying potions and other items, just realizing she might have been running low.
And just after she bought everything she noticed Hilda walk in, a bounce in her step.

"So I assume you got the gym badge?"
Hilda nodded quickly, a bright smile on her face.
"That's great! Heal up your team real quick, and we'll head to Chargestone, I'll be waiting outside."
After waiting about two or three minutes Hilda exited and the two began the short journey to the cave. They talked a little bit, but It seemed Malerie had forgotten about the conversation that she and Hilda had earlier...

They both approached the Garvantula's nest although before anything could be said Clay came up and had his Krookodile take out the next. A quick thanks and a tm for Hilda and the pair walked into the cave.
"This place is charged with electricity, so you may want to be careful or you could get a little shock." Malerie chuckled. "I could probably catch a good pokemon do go agaisnt Skyla in here..." Hilds mumbled.

"I mostly ran into Joltik and Klink in here... so those could come in handy. Although Zebstrika do live in Mistrailton..." Malerie was about to continue but a chill ran down her spine and she stopped walking. Hilda soon following, "Is something wrong...?" She asked, furrowing her brow.

"I don't know... I just got a weird feeling all of a-" her sentence was cut off when three strange men appeared. Only one of them spoke and only said one thing, "...Come." Basically dragging both Hilda and Malerie through the cave until they stopped. And Malerie noticed a familiar head of green hair. Although before she could say anything Hilda spoke up. "N...?"

"Ah, Hilda... Malerie, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. Although I was hoping you would head this way." He said smiling. The three strange men quickly dissapeared, it really freaked Malerie out, although she was able to question the brunette,"Oh, Hilda how do you know...?" "We met in Nacarene about a month ago... he challenged me to a battle... and I learned about his place in Team Plasma this morning..." the brunette replied.

Malerie turned her gaze to N, trying to comprehend what just happened. "Who were..."
"The Shadow Traid," N replied, "I told Ghetsis about both you and Hilda, along with her friends. And apparently he's been using the Shadow Traid to find out about you four."

"Oh so they've been... stalking us... great..." Malerie huffed. "Well we've found out a lot about Hilda and her friends. Cheren pursing the ideal of becoming stronger. Bianca finding the truth that not everyone can be stronger... and Hilda..." He turned twords her, placing a hand under his chin. "You don't seem to be swayed either way... rather neutral."

Malerie was in fact curious but that really didn't excuse the fact that N wasn't really acting like the one she knew. She didn't want to say anything though, something inside her was telling her not to question him. Although she ended up turning him out for a moment, only hearing something about Pokemon, power, and separation. That was enough for her to understand what he was talking about.

Hilda did seem to listen to him fully though, Malerie could tell by the expressions on her face.
"Team Plasma is waiting deeper in the cave. I suppose Ghetsis wants to see how strong you really are." N muttered. He was about to turn away and walk off, but he instead turned twords Malerie and took her hand placing a light kiss on it and muttering a 'I'll see you soon,' And walking away from the pair.

Malerie blinked twice, and turned to Hilda who was just staring. "Is that the 'friend' you were with?" She asked. Malerie bit her lip, "Yeah," she said quietly. "I know it seems bad, I swear I'm not with Team Plasma-"
"I know... just seems odd to me that the two of you are...together... you're like complete opposites... I think."
Malerie nodded softly, "I mean... you're not wrong, I don't know how we got together to be honest," She said quietly.

"We should keep going... we're probably going to have to deal with a bunch of Plasma grunts..." The blonde mumbled, she let go of her bag strings, which she didn't know she had started gripping. Hilda nodded and the two were about to continue, although a bubbly voice stopped them. "Hilda! Malerie!" The two turned and saw Bianca, a smile beginning to form on Malerie's face. "Bianca! I'm glad to see you, she said, waving softly. "Malerie, I wasn't expecting to see you here! I'm with professor Juniper, I'm acting as her bodyguard." She said, placing her hands on her hips, looking very proud of her self.

Professor Juniper soon came up behind Bianca. "Yes, my father asked me to research the Klink in this cave. Mostly their origins and when they appeared, but luckily for me I was already interested in this topic. So it's more fun rather than homework!" She chuckled. Malerie let out a soft chuckle as well, "That's good, say professor could you share a slice of knowledge about this cave...?"

Juniper nodded, smiling, "Of course, the rocks in here are charged by the electricity of the cave. And if you push them, they tend to be attracted to the larger rocks, Bianca if you would demonstrate?" Bianca nodded, and lightly pushed one of the smaller rocks that was blocking the way, and just as the professor had said it would, the rock floated towards one of the larger ones.

"Wow... that's really cool!" Hilda exclaimed, Malerie nodded, "Thanks professor."
"Its never a problem Malerie, if you ever need some more information don't be afraid to ask!."

And with that Hilda and Malerie started to move forward once again. Occasionally Hilda would fight a random trainer or a Klink or two and Malerie had a little to much fun pushing the rocks out of the way.

Eventually they came up to a bridge, and the same chill ran up Malerie's spine again. The Shadow Traid appeared once again, making both of the girls jump slightly. And, once again they were ushered along to wherever these guys decided. Eventually they stopped, and Malerie noticed some stairs leading downwards. But her attention was brought back to the three men when one of them spoke.

"Team Plasma is waiting for you... Ghetsis wants to see how strong you are..." the one speaking turned twords Hilda, and then to Malerie. "Although for you... I don't know what's in store." With that the trio disappeared. Malerie gripped her bag strings again, shifting her eyes to the left.
"Malerie... are you okay?" Hilda asked, Malerie shook her head, "I'm not sure..." she mumbled. "I- we should head down there... do you need you heal your pokemon?" Hilda nodded, and Malerie swiftly healed her team up and the pair headed down the stairs.

Hilda took on most of the grunts, although Malerie did take on a few of the last ones. It was a bit annoying having to deal with so many of them but they eventually got through.
Malerie noticed a set of stairs heading upwards, and motioned in that direction. Leading to the duo to go up them, a short path later and Malerie noticed N standing near them. Although she wasn't quite sure what to do... did she approach him? He was near the only exit to the cave so she would most likely have to.

She wasn't sure she wanted to talk to him with Hilda there. Although before she could think anymore Hilda had noticed the green-haired man near them, she didn't hesitate to approach him. Malerie didn't get to make up her mind because of Hilda's own decision.

N noticed them and spoke up, Malerie braced herself for what was to come,
"Many different values mix together, and the world becomes gray... That is unforgivable! I will separate Pokémon and people, and black and white will be clearly distinct! Only then will Pokémon become perfect beings! Yes, that is my dream! That is the dream I must fulfill! Tell me Hilda, do you have a dream of your own?"
Hilda didn't really seem prepared for what he said either, and mumbled a soft, 'Yes'. N nodded lightly and smiled, "You have a dream... That's wonderful. I'll learn just what kind of dream you have--in battle!"

And just like that the two began having a Pokemon battle, Malerie just standing in the background and staring. She really didn't understand how N thought, and at this point she figured she wouldn't. Just watching the battle did give a bit of an insight on both Hilda and N. Hilda was more offensive, while N did his best to make sure the Pokemon that helped him didn't get hurt.

The battle ended and N looked frustrated, understandable of course, losing a battle can be rather frustrating. "Tsk! Why? Is it impossible for me to win while feeling bad about being a Trainer?" He muttered, "As if I could pursue my ideals with something as meaningless as a battle! As if that could make me worthy to become friends with the legendary pokemon!"

"I- N..." Malerie was cut off by a familiar blonde running up to the two.
"Hilda!! Malerie!! Just a little farther to Mistralton city!!"
Professor Juniper was in tow, a smile on her face, "Bianca, you have good ears. I can't believe you heard Hilda's voice from that far away." Juniper paused for a moment, noticing N standing across from them. "Hilda, who is this trainer?" She asked, before either of the girls could speak, N took their chance.
"Professor Juniper, what are you thinking? You appear to have no qualms about the relationship between Pokémon and people. You put Pokémon into categories using arbitrary rules and think you can understand them like that... The very idea of a Pokédex revolts me. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Malerie froze up, she could've sworn Hilda did as well. Juniper's eyes went wide, but she regained her composure and replied, "Oh, my. Looks like you're not my biggest fan." She nervously chuckled, "Your opinion is understandable. It happens to be different from mine, which is equally understandable. How about if all people get to decide for themselves how to relate to Pokémon?"
Juniper's words made sense to Malerie, although she really wasn't sure how N would respond to that.

"You're saying I should just allow people to think whatever they want and treat Pokémon however they want, no matter whether the Pokémon suffer? I refuse to tolerate the existence of a world like that!" N stormed out of the cave, Malerie noticed the rest of the women around her freeze up, but she managed to make herself move and speak. "N- Wait!" She did her best to follow him out of the cave, although she did hear Juniper speak.

"Well I didn't expect him to change his mind instantly..." She supposed Juniper was right, but she really couldn't focus on that right now. As soon as she walked out of the cave she saw exactly who she wanted to.
"N, please wait-"
"Malerie, you really don't understand do you?"

She stopped walking for a moment, "understand- understand? I really don't think that's what we should be talking about." She huffed.
N seemed to glare at her for a moment, before shaking his head. "Well, I think-" Malerie cut him off. "...maybe we should talk in private." He replied with a nod.

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