A Brand New Journey: When it...

By Nintendofanchild

276 10 0

Unova is a pretty peaceful place, where many different cultures collide, in fact that's why it's called Unova... More

I have a good name for this-
▪︎The Beginning ▪︎
▪︎Back Home▪︎
▪︎A Strange Dream▪︎
▪︎Through The Woods Together ▪︎
▪︎Together in Nacarene▪︎
▪︎A Night In Nimbassa▪︎
▪︎Onward to Driftveil▪︎
▪︎Argument in Mistralton▪︎
▪︎Telling The Truth▪︎

▪︎Journey to Nimbassa▪︎

16 1 0
By Nintendofanchild

Malerie opened her eyes slowly, she was groggy and wasn't fully processing where she was. She did remember she rented a room in the pokemon center. And she had a conversation with- N that's right he was staying with her that night.

She thought about how the night went, and how she woke up from that nightmare she had... was it a nightmare? It wasn't that scary, just confusing.

And then that's when she remembered she was sharing a bed with N.
The thing was she noticed something...or someone was hugging her.
Her eyes widened and she looked up. Sure as heck N was there hugging her almost like she was a stuffed animal. She noticed one of his hands were tangled in her hair. 'He might've been messing with it before he fell asleep'. She thought, she was thinking about getting up but he had such a tight grip on her she was afraid she might wake him by moving.

He looked so peaceful that she would feel bad for disturbing him. She was embarrassed sure, but if felt nice. She wouldn't mind staying there for a while. She wondered if her pokemon had woken up yet, or if they were still asleep. She didn't hear anything so she figured it must be the latter.
She thought she could end up falling asleep again as comfortable as she was. Although before she dozed off again she felt N start to stir.

"Mmm... oh Malerie-"

There was a silence for a few moments.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to...um..." he started.
"N-no you're fine... can you let go of me though...?"
"Oh- yeah of course!"
The green haired man moved his arms away from her and sat up. Malerie followed suite, and took a look over at her pokemon. Lilligant was just waking up while the other two were still asleep.
"Sorry if I was-"
"No its fine..."
The silence occurred once again. So Malerie pushed herself off the bed, and walked over to the other sleeping pokemon. Lilligant gave her a happy look as she rubbed the top of the flower pokemon's head.

"Morning Lilligant, I would ask you to wake up the other two but... you know how cranky they get." She chuckled glancing over at Audino and Servine.
She picked up her bag, and entered the bathroom to change.
After she exited she noticed Servine had woken up. The grass type looked rather cranky, and was tiredly rubbing her eyes. Audino was still asleep though, of course she was...

N was at the desk where she placed her other pokeballs. "You can let Gothitelle out if you want to, it's about time for breakfast anyway." Malerie smiled, Audino perked up at the mention of food. "Oh now you're awake..." Malerie said sarcastically chuckling softly. 'Audi...' the normal type huffed.
She turned her gaze back to N who was releasing Gothitelle.
The psychic type walked over to the rest of the team.

Malerie quickly pulled out some food put of her bag. Attempting to equally pass it out in each of their food bowls. She also pulled out a granola bar and took a quick bite before throwing herself onto her bed. She laid there for a few minutes before sitting up
She noticed N staring at her with a confused look on his face.
She decided not to question it, she was to tired to. "So... do you want to go to a cafe for breakfast or something...?" She asked, watching her pokemon slowly finishing their food. "...It doesn't matter to me honestly..." he replied.

"Mm... okay I'll just stop by and get a muffin or something." She took another bite of her granola bar before standing up. She quickly collected her pokemon's bowls and placed them in her bag.
She also walked over to the desk and grabbed her pokeballs. "Okay who wants to walk with us today?" Malerie asked, turning her gaze back to her pokemon.
Most of them let out a groan except for Lilligant who gave an excited wave. Malerie smiled and returned the rest of her team, leaving out only Lilligant.
"You ready to go?" She asked, looking over at N. He nodded softly and followed her as she opened the door and entered the hallway.

She skipped out of the pokemon center, but not before giving Nurse Joy the keys.
"I don't think it'll take much longer to get to Nimbassa city. I'd say we may get there before sundown if I'm right..." she pulled out her map again scanning over the town's they would have to go through to get to their destination.
"We'll have to go over the bridge into Castellia and then we can get to Nimbassa..." she put her map away, and put her eyes back ahead of her.
"Now to find a place for some food! I'm hungry!" She chuckled, scanning around the city before noticing a cafe.

"Stay out here you two I'll be real quick!" She rushed off before they could even respond. She entered the building and pulled out her wallet. But what she wasn't expecting was to run into someone.
Neither of them fell over, but she felt embarrassed for sure.
"Oh arce- I'm so sorry! I'm in a bit of a rush and wasn't paying-" that's when she noticed who she ran into.

"...Lenora?" The normal type gym leader smiled at her.
"Well if it isn't my favorite Andrews."

Lenora was a good friend of Malerie's parents. She had seen the two trainers after they visited her soon to be gym.
"Of course this is your city I just wasn't expecting to see you." Malerie chuckled.
"How have you been dear, it's been a while." The older woman asked.
"I'm fine, in traveling with a... friend? We're going to Nimbassa together." The blonde replied.

"You sound a bit unsure about that friend of yours." The gym leader stated, crossing her arms. "Oh...I'm not sure if we're friends or not, I think we are..." she scratched her chin in thought.
"A-anyway I'm kinda in a hurry, he's waiting outside with Lilligant and I told them I would be quick."

"Oh it's a boy that explains it." Lenora chuckled.
"Wait no- I" her eyes grew wide and she covered her face.
"I was just messing with you dear."
The two chatted a little more as Malerie got her muffin.

"Okay I'll see you later Lenora!" Malerie waved as she exited the cafe, a chocolate chip muffin in hand. She noticed N and Lilligant next to some Pidove on the sidewalk.
"Hey sorry if I took to long, I ran into a family friend." She said as she approached the two.
"Its fine, I was just talking to these Pidove." N replied, standing up. Lilligant waved at the flying types and ran to Malerie's side, she gave her baby doll eyes almost like she was begging for a bit of her muffin.

"Alright fine you can have a bite." Malerie huffed, tearing a small chunk off of her muffin and handing it to Lilligant who took a quick bite.
Malerie herself to a bite as well.

The journey to Nimbassa continued. They had to cross the bridge to get to Castelia but it gave the two more time to talk.
"So you said you ran into a family friend?" N had asked.
"Oh yeah, Lenora the gym leader. She knows my parents." She replied.
"Ah, that makes sense I suppose..."
Malerie looked down at Lilligant who was skipping slightly ahead of the two. Surprisingly enough it was a rather silent walk. The two didn't really have much to say to each other... or at least not right now.

Eventually they made it into Castellia, Malerie looked around the big city. She wasn't really used to the larger parts of Unova as she mostly stayed around smaller or just forest areas.
Lilligant hung by Malerie's side again, knowing she could get lost easily in such a big city.
"I kinda want to explore the city a bit before we go to Nimbassa, I haven't really experienced Castellia you could say." She said, turning to face some of the larger buildings.
"Do you want to explore with me or go do some yourself?" Malerie asked turning towards N.

"I'll come with you, I prefer traveling with you..." He smiled softly, and Malerie blushed lightly at the comment. "I like traveling with you as well, it makes things less lonely." She replied, returning the smile.

And so the two walked around the city for a while, Malerie was mostly just looking at buildings rather than entering them. It was about noon now and Malerie could tell the group was getting kinda hungry.
So they stopped for a quick lunch in a park. Malerie had gotten a few sandwiches from a cafe not to far from the park. She had let out the rest of her team and gave them some somewhat equal portions.
After they had finished she quickly picked up the group's bowls.
By now the other members, besides Lilligant, looked like they could fall asleep.

"I think we better head to Nimbassa now... if we want to get there before sunset." Malerie mumbled, as the two started walking again.
N nodded quietly, he hadn't said much since they arrived in Castelia. Other than pointing out a few things, or some pokemon.

Malerie was hoping she could form some kind of conversation but she wasn't sure what they could talk about. Honestly she really liked N... she wasn't sure why he was odd, but she definitely understood why he was like he was... or she thought she did.

"So... do you know where your friends are right now?" N asked, he kept his head faced forward but Malerie could see him occasionally glance at her.
"Um... not really, I haven't kept up with them that much... other than Bianca and I talking a little bit I haven't really seen them since they beat the Straition city gym." She replied, she glanced at the poke-gear the professor had given her a few weeks ago.
She knew it was for communication, but she hadn't been contacted that much. "Hmm... So what are your parents like... you never told me."

"Oh! Well my mom is really sweet, shes also really good at baking as I've already said. My dad is... kinda I dunno, he tells a lot of stupid jokes but at least they're pretty funny..." she replied.
"Ah... they sound... nice."
"Yeah, they actually fell in love during their journey. They were already friends but, they ended up falling for each other before my mom could complete the 8th gym. She still has all seven of her badges, my dad only completed six though." She added.

"Really... do they still have their pokemon?"
N was starting to talk a bit more now, of course they were mostly questions but at least he was speaking. Malerie really liked his voice, it was... really calm and soothing, It really fit him.

"Yeah, my mom had a Oshawott, while my dad picked Tepig. Samurott mostly stays outside, she really doesn't like the indoors that much. And my dad's pignite hasn't evolved, but he likes staying indoors." She, looked his way again smiling softly, "The rest of their teams usually hang out around the house as well. My mom actually gave her deerling to my little cousin."

"How old is your cousin?"
"She's 6 now, my mom gave her deerling when she was 4 though. Back then her parents weren't able to be around her much due to work, so she gave her a pokemon to help her feel less lonely. Of course now her parents can be with her more, but Deerling is still her best friend." She smiled brightly remembering visiting her little cousin and seeing the two get along so well.

"So she takes good care of deerling right?" He asked, as if he were making sure. "Yeah, she gets help from her parents, but she does a good job by herself." The blonde replied.

The rest of the walk had a few more questions, but the conversation had nearly dwindled when Malerie noticed the entry to Nimbassa city.
She let out a happy gasp,"Look we're here!" She said excitedly.
"It appears we are." N looked at the sky seeing that the sun was either one or two hours away from setting.
"Let's go check this place out, we got some time." She said, taking his hand and starting to walk around the city. She noticed a couple of people walking in the direction of the ferris wheel.
"I wonder if they're having a fair or something..." she said quietly, she kinda wanted to check it out. And at this point N was basically following her around... of course she was kinda dragging him around but still.

"Hey, would you mind checking this out with me." She asked, pointing at a poster that mentioned a fair.
"Mm... sure, we don't have much else to do... do we?" He replied.
She let out a small cheer and proceeded to nearly drag him the entire way once again.
There were a couple of booths set up. It wasn't that big, but enough to capture the attention of the tourists in town.
She was thinking about letting out Lilligant thinking she might enjoy this. But she actually kinda wanted to be alone with N right now.

Of course most of her attention was drawn to the Ferris wheel, a staple of Nimbassa.
Although she wanted to wait until sunset or after sunset till she asked if N wanted to ride it with her.

Something caught her eye, that being a plushie hanging up at one of those ring toss booths.
It was a little Stufful plush, a pokemon that wasn't native to Unova but nonetheless was adorable.
She probably looked like a child looking at something they want, and N noticed he chuckled at the starry eyed look she gave the plush. "Imusthaveit-" she muttered quickly, walking over to the booth.
She had let go of N's hand but he followed her over to the booth. Of course the first thing she did was hand the booth operator money and he handed her a few rings.

Now the thing was, she knew these things were rigged. They always had been, probably always would be. So she made sure each of her throws would be precise.

1st toss: she managed to land it, it was a bit hard but she was able to ring the neck of the bottle

2nd toss: A bit harder than the last but she managed to land it as well.

Final toss: She started praying she could make it.
She had noticed N looking at her, he was paying a lot of attention to what she did. She could tell that he knew it was rigged as well.

She threw the ring...

And it barely managed to ring the bottle neck.

Malerie let out a happy/surprised gasp, the booth operator looked shocked as well and reluctantly asked her what prize she wanted.
He didn't even get to finish the question before she pointed at the Stufful plush she had set her eyes on.
He grabbed the plush and handed it to her.

And so now Malerie has a plushie and is... oddly happy.
The sun was getting closer to setting now, and she wanted to do a bit more before she brought up the ferris wheel.
Although she noticed N scanning the area, he looked a bit stressed she wasn't sure why though. She had the plushie under her arm, but she quickly thought of something. So she stopped walking for a moment, and turned towards N without saying a word and handed him the plushie.
He gave her a slightly confused look, but she simply responded, "Hold it for me will you?"
He just nodded.

And so the two continued walking some more.
They went to a few more booths, they didn't win anything but it was still fun. Although she noticed a couple of people mistaking then as a couple.
Mostly a few old folks, or some small children. She didn't really care though, it made sense to her since she was holding his hand...

Oh yeah she was holding his hand... how was she just now comprehending she was holding a really pretty guy's hand... shes actually done this multiple times.
Her face started to heat up as she thought more about it. Did she like him? I mean she's hasn't known him that long...
She didn't really get to know him until yesterday but she technically she has known him for about 2 months now.
She thought about it some more...huh he was a really good guy wasn't he?

She felt a light tap on her shoulder snapping her out of her thoughts.

He looked like he was struggling to figure out what to say... or ask.
He took a deep breath then exhaled.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go on the ferris wheel with me?" He asked, kindness laced in his voice.
"Oh of course!" She exclaimed.
And so the two got in line for the Ferris wheel. It wasn't a long line, so the two had a small chat.
Malerie grabbed the right amount of money for admission for the both of them. She quickly handed it to the person currently operating it.

As the two entered the carriage she felt the mood shift slightly. Like...something in one of their moods had just switched.
She shook it off, and looked out the window. As the ride had started to move she looked over at N who was staring out the window. He had this somewhat grim look on his face.
His faced change to a softer look though.
"I love Ferris wheels. The circular motion... The mechanics... They're like collections of elegant formulas." He mumbled, a soft smile on his face.
Although he seemed to think a little more and the grim expression returned. He turned his head to face her.

"...Malerie I need to tell you something..."
3041 words

Hey I made it to over 3000 this time. It probably seemed like I stretched out this chapter but I wasn't sure where I could stop, so I did it with a slight-ish cliffhanger cause cliffhangers are fun for everyone but the audience.


Stay safe and peace out fam ~ 😗💕

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