*Discontinued* Unusual Partne...

By BD_DB_69

30.4K 422 163

WWE has signed the hottest free agent in Sports Entertainment, and the Raw and Smackdown after Wrestlemania h... More

Welcome to the Big Leagues
Tough decision
Coming to an understanding
The Misfits
The Faction is born
Pre Money in the Bank
Half Crazy/Half Goddess
Dawn of a new Era
House Hunting
Royal Rumble
Monday Night Rock
The Catch
The Big Night


2K 29 7
By BD_DB_69

*Monday morning*

Logan wakes up in his hotel room in Charlotte, NC for Raw tonight as he shakes some of the cobwebs out. He has been talking to Liv and Alexa non stop, when he was texting one he was talking on the phone to the other. Never being in a situation like this before he decides to call one of his oldest friends for advice, the one who he managed in the backyard promotion when he was 18.

Jake: "Logan my man, how does it feel to be on top of the WWE?" He says on the other end of the phone. Jake decided to hang up the wrestling boots not long after Logan got signed to NJPW and focus on his family and become an accountant. His biggest client, now WWE superstar Logan King

Logan: "It's good man, how are my books looking?" He says messing with him

Jake: "A little lighter after that Lambo you bought but with that WWE money coming in plus the fact you never spend money on ANYTHING i think you will be okay. But i have the feeling this isn't a business call. What's on your mind bro?"

Logan: "Well when i was at Raw last week, i got to meet Alexa Bliss and we have been talking non stop ever since"

Jake: "THE Alexa Bliss?! You poor guy" he says sarcastically "Where's the problem there?"

Logan: "Well, Friday when i was at Smackdown, Liv Morgan was looking at my car and we went for a 2 hour ride down the Florida coast and we haven't stop talking since either"

Jake: "So let me get this straight... You have Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan both swooning over you at the same time? How the hell did you get so lucky?" He says messing with him again

Logan: "J this is serious, what the hell am i supposed to do? I mean i am getting a good vibe off of both of them and i don't want to hurt the other ones feelings and i don't want to lose either one of them either"

Jake: "Alright do this, take them both on a date this week, separate of course, then before Smackdown on Friday make your decision so you can let them both know"

Logan: "And what if i can't make a decision?"

Jake: "Well you could always date them both. Just tell them before hand because if they find out on their own it's much worse. Trust me from personal experience" he says sarcastically but it actually sparks an idea in Logan's brain

Logan thinks on it for a moment then finishes the conversation with Jake before he hangs up and puts on his gym clothes to get a workout in before the show. As he is pulling out of the parking lot he sends a text to Liv asking if she wants to go on a date on Wednesday. As he pulls up to the gym he gets a reply

Liv 😝: I thought you would never ask! Hell yes I'll go on a date with you. I can't wait 😬

He puts his phone in his pocket as he puts his headphones in and starts his workout.

*At the Arena*

Logan has a segment on "A Moment of Bliss" tonight so nothing major, and gives him a chance to spend some time with Alexa so he wasn't complaining at all. When it was time for the segment he left his locker room, wearing his usual gear and heads for gorilla. Alexa and Nikki were already out there so he had no idea what to expect.

Alexa: "Hello everyone and welcome to another addition of Moment of Bliss. I'm your host Alexa bliss. Tonight Nikki and i have a special guest. Please welcome WWE's newest free agent. The American Outlaw, Logan King!"

They both clap as his theme plays and he walks out to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. He walks over and shakes Nikki Cross' hand and when Alexa holds hers out he takes it and kisses it as the crowd aww's and cheers as Alexa turns bright red and Logan takes his seat grabbing his microphone

Logan: "How's it going ladies?" He turns on the southern charm as he speaks to them

Alexa still beat red doesn't speak at first so Nikki steps in

Nikki: "I have a question Mr Outlaw sir! Why call out both WWE champion AJ Styles and Universal champion Roman Reigns in the same week? That's a pretty big target you are painting on your back

Logan: "Well i may not have been here but I've been seeing what's going on, as soon as people get that title they become complacent, lazy and not want to defend the title so i was basically letting both of them know they need to look out because i am here and they need to watch their backs as long as they have the gold.

Before he can say anything else AJ pushes over Logan's chair and starts attacking him from behind. It doesn't take long for Logan to get the upper hand and just before he can finish him off, AJ slithers away from him and runs to the back. Logan chases after him as Alexa and Nikki are both left there looking perplexed.

After a quick shower and change he hears a knock on the door and he opens it to see Alexa. He invites her in and she sits down on the couch as he is still getting his things together

Logan: "So i was thinking, what's say you and me go out tomorrow morning? I have a surprise for you"

Alexa: "Is the American outlaw asking me on a date?"

Logan: "Only if you are gonna say yes"

Alexa: jumps up in excitement. "It's about damn time you asked me out. I'll send you my address to pick me up" she says as she kisses him on the cheek and walks out of his locker room. As he is walking to his car he gets a ping on his phone with Alexa's address and it's only a couple miles from his condo.

*The next morning*

Logan didn't sleep much last night as he was too excited for his day with Alexa. She had texted him asking what she should wear and he said something comfortable and she sent him a picture asking if this will work

"Perfect" he sends back as he heads her way and pulls in her driveway. She doesn't realize where they are going until they get on the highway

Alexa: "Are you taking me where i think you are taking me?"

Logan just nods and she screams in excitement kissing his cheek

Logan: "I know you have been to Disney world a million times but i also know it's your favorite place and I've never been so why not?"

Alexa: "You have never been?! Oh you are in for a treat" she says with a big grin on her face

After a full day of experiencing everything the park has to offer, with help from the best tour guide ever in Alexa, he arrives back at her house to drop her off for the night

Logan: "I gotta say, today was incredible" he says as he walks her to her door

Alexa: "I told you, you can't go wrong when you have me as a guide"

Logan: "Very true. So I'll talk to you later?"

Alexa: "For sure" she says and before Logan can turn around she pulls him in for a quick kiss on the lips and she opens the door and closes it again

He couldn't believe what just happened as he stands there for a second blushing bright red as he heads back to his car and back to his house. As he pulls in he gets a text from Liv with her address which is about 20 minutes from his house and saying she can't wait for tomorrow. He smiles as he walks inside for the night

*The next day*

As Logan is driving to Liv's house, he gets a notification that she has posted on Instagram and he opens it to look at what she posted (imagine this but with her blonde hair with pink tips)

@yaonlylivvonce: Actually got out of bed and was productive this morning before my date. 😈😝

"Good god these girls are going to be the death of me" Logan says as he pulls in to her house and knocks on the door. Liv answers and wraps him in one of her famous hugs

Liv: "Now we are even for the other night"

Logan: "If i keep getting those I'll become your personal chauffeur"

She pushes him playfully as he leads her to his car and they jam out to music in the car. She is more of a rap girl while Alexa was more into light rock but he didn't mind since he liked them both anyway.

Liv: "What are we doing here?" She asks as he pulls into a what looks like a racetrack

Logan: "When you first got in my car, you asked if it went fast, so i figured why not take you somewhere where you can really go fast." They get out of the car as he continues talking "This place let's you drive some of the fastest cars in the world on their track" he says as there are 2 cars waiting for them as they walk up

Liv jumps on his back as he carries her over to the cars, they get changed into the driving suits and put their helmets on as they both get in the cars. They spend a couple hours at the track before they leave and go pick up some lunch at a local spot then Logan pulls up to a mall where Liv gets even more excited because she gets to go shopping

The last place they go is to a shoe store with rare and expensive sneakers in them and her eyes go wide at the selection

Liv: "I could spend a years salary in here and still need more"

Logan: "Oh i know" he says looking around. "Pick us out some matching ones, on me" he says and she looks at him if he is sure and he nods and she jumps for joy as she goes shopping around and finally finds a pair in both of their sizes

Liv: "Figured these would go good with your car" she says with a smile

Logan: "Perfect" he says as he pays for the shoes and they walk out of the store "People actually pay that much for sneakers?"

Liv: "Oh you would be amazed at what some of them go for online it's insane"

They walk back to the car and load all of her bags in the trunk and carries them to the door for her

Logan: "You sure you don't want me to carry these inside for you? You know i don't mind"

Liv: "You are the sweetest and i appreciate it but i can handle it myself just put them inside the door and I'll handle it"

He does as she says and they look at each other and she motions him to come closer and he leans down a little and she gives him a hard passionate kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck.

Liv: "Good night my outlaw" she says as she finally lets go of him and walks inside her house

Again, Logan is completely dumbfounded by what just happened as he starts to rub the back of his neck while walking to the car

"This decision is going to be hell"


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