Suffocation - Cat Noir

By thestilinskijeep

52.3K 1.1K 934

'You lay a hand on her and I'll rip out every single one of your fingernails, one by one, slowly and painfull... More

1 - Flames
2 - The Life Debt
3 - Marked
4 - Thief
5 - His lips
6 - Victims
8 - Thunder
9 - Lightning
10 - Public Eyes
11 - Headlines and Deadlines
12 - Undeniable
13 - The Cat's Tongue
14 - Electric
15 - A Second Date
16 - Blindfolded
17 - Defender or Accuser?
18 - Eavesdropping
19 - Hidden Truths
20 - The Face of a Monster
21 - Rouen and Ruins
22 - The Angel

7 - Childish

2.3K 61 34
By thestilinskijeep

I wakened to the comforting, familiarity of my flat. I examined my wrist for marks left by the cuffs. I was mainly checking if last night wasn't a hallucination. Unluckily for me and all those people, it wasn't. I was relieved he was proving to be a man of his word, he did put me back after all. The bruises left on my wrist would last quite a while and act as a constant reminder of the monster I would rather forget. I turned face down into my pillow and screamed out of frustration. What right does he have? He doesn't own me, I thought. He can't just take me and put me back when he feels like it. I refused to be his little pet. To always come at his beckon call and let him do as he wishes. Repelling the thoughts of how my life would be if I wasn't so defiant of him. Part of him seemed to like it though, to be challenged. I suppose it allowed him to try and prove him dominance over me, he loved that and it made me sick. He was obsessed with the idea of making me submit, which I had no intention of doing. He doesn't deserve the satisfaction.

My phone buzzed next to my pillow. It was a text... from Luka. I couldn't decide wether to open it or not. The inner turmoil was making me dizzy. Surely, just reading it couldn't hurt? I thought. Unsure of wether the risk was worth it. My hands cast aside my gut feeling and opened it.

Hey Ari! Thanks so much for yesterday and sorry it got cut short :/ I hope it wasn't too bad once I left, anyway there's a party tonight at Nathaniel's and I think you should come. I'll be there so come and find me when you get there. Hope you make it, L x

As my eyes read the last few words my phone was rapidly snatched away from me. I rolled my eyes and turned over in my bed. Adrien's eyes were diligently reading the message. He snapped back to me and he handed it back.

'You're not going' He simply stated, matter-of-factly. I felt my blood begin to simmer so I took a few deep breathes.

'Why not?' I asked, sitting up and squinting my face at him. His glare only stiffened.

'Because, I'll be there and there'll be this wonderful thing called alcohol-which won't mix well with you, trust me' He sneered, talking to me as if I were a child. I felt myself tense up.

'Oh please' I scoffed, rather childishly, 'I could out drink you any day' I stood up and walked to the door, turning back only to say 'And I'll prove that to you tonight'

'You better not be there, Garcia' He warned severely however I cast a sinister smile and turned my back on him.

I left him with his stubborn scorn as I floated out the room, excited for me to finally live the life of a university student. One without a crazy, super villain, arsonist stalker breathing down my neck. A little bit of letting loose and freedom would feed my soul, providing the little push I need to keep going.

That whole day I was buzzing with excitement. I had never been to a party before, however drinking-I was very familiar with that. I used to have an abusive relationship with alcohol, mainly myself abusing it. It was a good coping mechanism for a while, until it became addictive. Part of me was worried about drinking again but I needed to let myself go a bit. I had way to much steam to blow off. Besides, I was pretty confident I wouldn't over indulge. At least my long history with the stuff would definitely mean a victory over arsehole Agreste.

After a long deliberation, I had chosen an outfit. I wore a black mini skirt-good for slimming and a pair of thigh high, lace heels. On the top I curled my hair and wore a not-too-fancy not-too-casual white top. It made my tits look amazing so that was a plus. I also decided to wear makeup. I don't normally wear it, not a lot at least. However, I boldly chose to do a full face with black winged cat eye liner. I felt gorgeous and confident. This was what I had planned university to be like and it was finally happening.

I arrived at Nathaniel's place. I hadn't really met him or spoken to him but I had heard of him. He was an art student and from what I had heard, he was really good. I'd always wanted to try art however my incoordination won't allow it.

The door swung open and some guy gestured me inside. I blended right into the swarm of people. The music blared and the lights were flashing yet in the anarchy of things I could still spot Luka in the crowd, his hair was useful like that. He waved me over and wrapped his arms around me. It was nice. I wasn't sure where we stood with each other but I liked where it was going. He turned around and grabbed a beer.

'Here' He passed it to me after opening it, 'This will get you started!' He yelled over the music. I took it and took a small sip which he encouraged. Then surprising him, I chugged the whole can in seconds. His face was priceless, the boy was stunned. It was as if I proved the existence of magic with the look of sheer disbelief sat on his face. I smiled at him and opened another. I did the same.

'You are really something else' He laughed while lifting his drink to sip some, 'Give me your hand' He held his out to me and I placed my hand into his. He gripped it lightly and led me out to the middle of the room, where the dancing was.

Within seconds we found ourselves dancing. The more we had to drink, the more erotic it became. His hands lowered from my waist as my arms flung in the air. The swing of my hips against him turned into grinding. Everyone around us was doing the same. We laughed and smiled. We did shots and stole the eyes of the room. Everyone seemed to me looking at us, not in disgust, but in jealousy.

In the midst of of grinding and dancing, Luka stopped. I turned around. We stood there. His eyes were glued to my lips. The rest of the room began to fade away as the music dimmed into nothingness. We stepped closer to each other. Our eyes begging for the kiss. He leaned down and placed his hands onto my waist. I lifted mine onto his shoulder and began to lean in. Out of nowhere, my arm was roughly grabbed and I was hauled across the room. I was dragged into the corner and lost sight of Luka. By this point I was already drunk out of my mind and not in the mood for Adrien.

'I told you not to come' He scorned.

'What are you? My dad? I told you to fuck off but you're yet to do that' I slurred, swaying back and forth while frowning. Adrien's smile turned more sinister. He pushed my shoulders against the wall.

'What are you wearing? hm? Look at this shit' He spat 'You claim you're not a little slut but look at you, grinding with the only boy to show you any attention. Come on, Garcia, that's just pathetic-even by your standards'

'Why are you so obsessed with me?' My mouth ran free as my head was out of control. Adrien's face turned blank. 'For someone who clearly doesn't like me, you spend a lot of time obsessing over me and it's weird. If anyone's the pathetic one - it's you' I laughed as I stumbled over nothing.

'How much have you had to drink?' He demanded.

'More than you' I giggle while picking up a glass to take another drink. 'I won, again'

'Garcia' He tried to compose himself, 'How much?'

'I don't know dad! Fuck off and stop spoiling everything' I whined. He stepped forwards and grabbed my forearm, tightening his grip with every passing second.

'Stop being so childish' He sneered resentfully.

'Then stop acting like my dad!' I snapped back. His face changer from anger to fury. He took my arm and pulled me into his chest. He began to drag me out of the party. I fought back against him, struggling in his grip. When we had reached the exit, I couldn't believe what he did. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder!

'Put me down, you psycho!' I yelled in his ear. I hung limply over him as the drink in my system was not as asset to my usual strength. He ignored my protests. I began to kick him. 'I said let me go!'

'Oh shut up' He bellowed. If his freakish, controlling nature wasn't bad enough. Out of the blue, he slapped my arse. Hard. I yelped but shut my mouth after that. I could feel him smirking in triumph.

He carried me all the way back home and threw me onto my bed. That's when my hectic frenzy of memories go blank...

My eyes fought the morning sunlight as it burned into me. I clenched my eyes shut to deal with the pain of the morning after migraine. I squinted and checked my phone. It was mid afternoon. I had been asleep all morning. I tried to recall my hazy memories of Nathaniel's, to no avail. I tossed my duvet off of myself to find my clothes had been changed. Adrien casually walked in the room and smiled at me, creepily. 

'What happened last night?' I questioned while rubbing my forehead and stretching. 

'You got pissed and I dragged you home because you were acting like a little kid' He hissed. I looked back down at my clothes, I was wearing more risky pyjamas than normal. Then it hit me. I peaked under my shorts, no underwear and I was definitely wearing last night.

'Oh my god!' I exclaimed, 'Did you change my clothes last night?' I wrapped my arms around my body, trying to shield myself from his eyes. 

'Yes' He looked down at his phone as if it didn't matter. I felt my blood boil as my lungs were steaming.

' saw...' I began to stutter purely at the thought.

'Everything' He finished my sentence. I felt my cheeks flush. The embarrassment turned quickly into rage. I stood up and whacked his phone straight out of his hands. I heard a small smash as it hit the floor. He stood up bolt right. 'What's your problem?' He yelled.

'What's yours?' I yelled back. 'The stuff before was bad enough but you just crossed too many lines and too many boundaries. God! You are the worst person, I literally hate you! You know what? You win, you saw me - congratulations! Now, apart from my pride and my soul is there anything else the antichrist wants to take away from me?!'

Before he could even give open his mouth, I didn't want to wait and see what his words would be. I stormed out and went to the library to cool off. I had now words but simple pure hatred. How could he stoop that low? Oh my god what if he... no, I think that's too far even for him.

I saw Chloe enter. I had seen her a few times around campus. One of your typical popular girls. I had seen her quite a few times with the devil himself but he always seemed disinterested with her. For some strange reason, she seemed to be headed straight towards me. Before I could come to terms with what was happening, she had slapped me straight across the face. I glared at her while slowly lifting my hand onto my jaw to check it was okay. She had quite a surprisingly strong hit. I raised my eyebrows at her as I awaited an explanation.

'If you ever sleep with my boyfriend again, I swear I can do a lot worse' She tried to threaten with her sickly sweet voice. I just starred blankly. Boyfriend? I don't think Adrien knows she was telling people that which made it hard not to giggle. And he says I'm the slut. 

'That's fine because if I ever actually did shag that repulsive dickhead, I'd be willing to die - In fact, I might even off myself' I smiled and brushed past her shoulder, just for the fun of it. My real problem with the situation was why did she think we had? What made it even worse was the fact I wasn't totally sure if we had or not. Within the next few minutes I found myself back at my door and walking inside to confront him.

He was lying on his bed scrolling through his cracked phone screen, whoops. 

'Can you explain to me why your blonde lapdog slapped me because apparently I slept with you?' I demanded. The edges of his lips began to curl as he fought his smile. He put his phone turn and spun round so he was sat on the edge of his bed. He clasped his hands and lay them on his knees. 

'Whose to say we didn't?' He smiled, devilishly. 

'Me' I stubbornly retorted. He lifted his hands, placed them on the back of his neck and leaned back, he was really enjoying this. 

'Are you sure? You really remember?' He rolled his tongue mockingly. I thought back as hard as I could but he was right, it was all blank. 'Yeah, that's what I thought'

'Trust me' I smiled, 'My standards would never go that low. That's how I know'

'Well that may be true, however...' His confidence made my stomach do a somersault. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the red, lace thong he had stolen. He began to twirl it on his finger while locking eyes with me. 'With this, who do you think everyone is going to believe?'

'You've got to be kidding me?' I scoffed, 'You are so obsessed, for someone who thinks I'm such a disgusting slut, you actually want people to think we slept together?' 

'Just wait' He leaned back and smiled at the ceiling. I didn't like the feeling that he knew exactly what he was doing. I dreaded for what my first class on Monday would have in store for me.

After about an hour, he left to go out. I tried to get as much of my course work done without him distracting me. It was hard as I wanted to focus but my mind was on Adrien. As I was working, my window opened. In came Cat, wearing a sleek business suit. 

'I'm not even going to ask how you managed that' I laughed at him as he somehow climbed in through a fourth floor window. 

'Oh, I wouldn't tell you anyway'. He walked over and lifted me off my seat by my wait. He held me in his arms and just gazed down at me. He began to lean in. I placed a finger on his lips.

'This doesn't mean I forgive you for the other day' I reminded in. I was about to lean in but then I snapped back into reality. I shoved him by the chest and pushed myself out of his arms.

'What are you doing here?' I asked.

'Checking on you, you inhaled a lot of smoke' He stated,

'Yeah I did, and whose fault was that?' I snapped, tilting my head accusingly. He sung his head back and sighed, revealing the veins running down his neck. The display made my pulse rise. 

'What do you want? An apology?' He laughed

'That would be a start' I folded my arms and his face dimmed. His eyes grew more intense but I could tell he was holding himself back.

'Not going to happen' He shook his head. I strolled over to the window and swung it open.

'Goodbye then' I smiled with a sickly sweet tone, mocking him out of my room. 

'You don't want me to leave' He said huskily as he walked slowly over. He reached me and stood over me his sharp breathe flushing over me. 

'Yes-s' Our eyes were holding each other. I attempted to keep my composure. 

'Then tell me to leave' He challenged as he leaned down and drew his lips onto my neck. His light pecking sent shivers all over me. My knees became weak and my breathe unsteady. I tried to speak, to tell him to leave but something was preventing me. His lips edged their way up my neck and traced alone my jawline. Little moans escaped me to with he smiled in glory. 

He peeled his lips away and looked at me, taking my face gently in his hand. Without any further hesitation, he dived into my mouth. His tongue entering immediately. His hands began to trace my figure as he ran them up and down my body. I began to lean into it, to embrace the moment. He pulled away and smiled at me, knowing I wanted more. 

'What were you saying, darling?' He said deeply, biting his tongue at the side of his mouth. 

'Nothing' I responded without even thinking. 

'That's my good girl' He whispered before placing his lips back onto mine. 

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