Pride and Prejudice a frans s...

By lancersans

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This is my second story a frans of course More

Pride and Prejudice
Chapter 2 the proposal
Chapter 3 the gaster brothers
Chapter 4 snowdin
Chapter 6 morning rising
Chapter 7 Mr. Spades house
Chapter 8 Mr. Gaster
Chapter 9 what a fool
Chapter 10 hopes and dreams
Chapter 11 the dress
Chapter 12 Roulz

Chapter 5 the dance

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By lancersans

Mr. Gaster and Frisk finally arrived "oh Frisk I thought you wouldn't come!" Megan said, running to her. She hugged her softly, and Frisk felt at home. Mr. Gaster just looked at them both hugging and greeting each other. Sans was a bit relieved when he saw Frisk happy "hello there, I am Frisk's sister Megan have we met before?" Megan asked. "Yes but we were only kids, I don't think you would remember, Megan right?" Mr. Gaster said
"I thought I recognized you, sorry my bad," Megan smiled. Sans, a bit annoyed at how happy Megan was. , left the girls alone . "so is that him?" Megan asked "yes," Frisk said, "he doesn't look that bad Frisk and he's not weird. He is very nice".Megan said "then why don't you marry him?" Frisk asked. "Well I wouldn't want to marry him plus he likes you not me" well what Megan said was right. Mr. Gaster liked her instead of Megan, it made Frisk think why she and not Megan.
Both girls were in the food section since they didn't like to socialize with anyone. They were both talking, but out of a sudden a man came in front of them all he wanted was some cookies but Frisk saw Megan's eye glowing, she softly took Megan somewhere else. She didn't want anything to happen to her even if she was the older sister. "Did you see him?" Megan asked "yes I suppose," Frisk said, "isn't he handsome??" Megan said in an in-love face "all he wanted was cookies, Megan, he wasn't even looking at you" Frisk said "then I'll go talk to him" she said "no Megan who knows maybe he's a bastard, please don't go" she said desperately "then I'll go find out myself"
She saw Megan walk off and talk to him. She saw her so interested in him that she even left Frisk alone "you shouldn't be lonely in this ball isn't it your 20th birthday Mr. Frisk?" someone said from behind Frisk turned around scared but in the end it was Mr. Gaster polishing his black shoes oh and what are you doing behind the curtain?" Frisk asked "and what are you doing behind a curtain?" Mr. Gaster asked "well i-i-i have business" Frisk said "like what?" Mr. Gaster smiled wide while talking "well i-i-i have to take care of my sister and plus this isn't your room." Frisk said "well i heard you were lonely so i came" Mr. Gaster said "Well I don't need you right now." she said Mr. Gaster stood up took frisk's hand without asking then he grasped Frisk's waist and softly danced to a song which Frisk loved she also followed him but through the way she accidentally stepped on his foot, they stopped for a while but he kept on going either ways "so i think Mrs. Frisk that you are jealous of the man Megan is in love with because you will now be lonely and you won't talk to her anymore. . .'' Mr. Gaster spoke "no im not" Frisk argued. "I'm happy for her,'' Frisk lied. "You don't need to lie to me" Mr. Gaster spoke
" I know you" Frisk scoffed at what he said " how do you know me so well?hmm" she asked "we have only seen each other a few times like yesterday and today" "well let me tell you Mrs. Frisk but i have secrets of my own" he said while Dancing with Frisk "i always knew you, since i was a little boy" Frisk gasped at what he said *oh no this can't be* she thought " you see i always worked with your parents ever since i was a boy, and you were always playing with your sister megan i noticed you till i was like 15 or 16 but i knew i would never be able to be with you so instead i spied at you for hours" he said struggling a bit "but when i heard you refused every man who loved you i was for sure they wouldn't let you pick who you marry any more so i decided to ask your parents for your hand and they said yes for you" " oh you insolent spoiled rat how dare you think that way!" she pushed him off "Mrs. Frisk i didn't mean to startle you im sorry" he said in a desperate voice " I know you will never love me but could you at least give me a chance? I know I don't look attractive or handsome or anything a woman wants or even the fact that I don't have money! But I have love towards you and at least that means something to me" Frisk looked at Me. Gaster. Never in her life has she seen a man this desperate for a woman whom the man loved she surprisingly stayed where she was and stood there where she froze because of what Mr. Gaster said for the first time this man said something seriously which tells her that men have feelings and that this man was actually in love with and not because of her beauty but because of how she is on how her attitude was. She was surprised that he didn't just want her to do work at home, but he wanted someone to be with him. . . "well uh, I appreciate you saying what you feel." and Frisk left leaving no trace she was there. Sans went to sit in one of the couches until he realized his brother was there   " there you are sans c'mere" Papyrus said " like usual yr late" sorry Paps didn't mean to" sans said "so what is going on here" Papyrus asked loudly " well it is my future wife's birthday party and second you should lower your voice down she doesn't like loud people" "oh" Papyrus responded "I see, she wants us both to make it more special" " No No Paps'' sans said "what I meant was that we both should be quiet." sans said stressing out " oh why does she want it to be quiet? A party can't be quiet then it's not a party isn't that logical sans?" Papyrus said "well yes but Mrs. Frisk doesn't like noise ok let me explain she is very reserved so maybe you should be quite cheapish? Sans said unconfidently " oh okay" Papyrus shrugged "and where are wingdings' ' sans asked "oh he decided not to come he doesn't really like Mrs. Frisk but I think she's nice" papyrus said. Sans smiled at Papyrus's comment. Yes, Frisk was nice in her times, her times. She stood strong when she was supposed to be. Yes, it annoyed him, her temper, and the way she got away with things, Sans needed to show her how to behave. Like a real lady. What could he say? He wanted someone to respect him. " Mr. Gaster," Mrs. Dreemurr said from far away " how are you my dear?" she asked "ah yes I fine" Mr. Gaster responded "seems like Frisk has a lot of friends"
" yes," Mrs. Dreemurr said "I know" "also seems like Frisk also has anger issues," Mr. Gaster said "I see," she said in a worried tone.

"Another thing," Mr. Gaster said, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it up
"Frisk doesn't seem to have respect towards men."
"Oh I'm so sorry I'll make sure she doesn't disrespect you again," she said in a frightened tone.
"It's all right," he said "no harm done, right?" he then left Mrs. Dreemurr.
Where did Papyrus go? He usually left him at parties which annoyed him "Pap?" he called "what?" Papyrus said from behind " you idiot, you're are not supposed to be loud in Frisk's party"
"Oh I thought you left so I decided to look for you"
From a faraway distance, he saw Frisk looking at him with that glare that women gave when they were really mad. Sans remembered his mother looked at him with that face, but being the middle child is very hard and he knew his other brother's wingdings always got away with everything, and his younger brother, nobody cared what he did. While Sans always got blamed.
Well, now that all was sorta settled between Sans and Frisk he could finally kinda relax. Well, he couldn't. He was sweating by the fact that Frisk was very mad and nothing was resolved only that. . . he couldn't get mad at her. She was so small and pretty, but oh well.
He honestly believed that he should be respected since he never had been by his parents, ever. He then saw Frisk coming toward him "look I don't know how you knew me for such a long time, but I will swear that if you spy on me again in secret I will tell my parents to break the engagement you heard me you monster?" Frisk said in a horrible temper "I promise". Sans said while crossing his fingers behind his back "what do you have behind your back". Frisk asked "nothing Mrs. Frisk," he said, almost wanting to choke her. "I don't like hiding anything. Then I wouldn't have told you what I told you back there. . ." she then moved around to see but by that time he already had his hand in a normal position "nonsense show me now!". Sans got his hand out with a flower in his hand "here, it's for you" Frisk looked at the flower in disbelief "what?! Is that it Mr. Gaster ? all that drama for nothing?!" "calm down". Sans said in a calmer voice "I just wanted to give you this because it matches your hair, besides what's all the drama for?"

"I rather not say". Frisk said trying to calm down while looking at the flower Mr. Gaster had
"And?" Mr. Gaster spoke, "why do you rather not say hmmm?"
"Well because i-" ' you're mad at Megan right? And you're pouring it all on me you know Mrs. Frisk I am losing my patience you seem to disrespect whoever you want and I won't allow that so you better watch out because my anger issues aren't very nice" Sans said while fixing his jacket
"Well, I'm not whatsoever scared of you!" Frisk said while raising her voice, then everyone turned around, and looked back in their direction. "As much as you were not scared of me I will not hold up the disrespect" he then left the conversation annoyed and enraged, he couldn't honestly believe that she was willing to disrespect him, he looked to see what time it is only a few more hours until the party ended put, Sans was anxious to leave already "c'mon pap," he said "let's go"
"But why? I'm having fun!" papyrus said "sorry but I have business out of this place so c'mon" sans kept walking he then knew papyrus was following him they got in the carriage and left.
Frisk was more relieved. She decided to enjoy her party but knowing that Megan was talking to that mysterious man she could be calm nevertheless knowing that Mr. Gaster was annoyed and enraged over the dumbest conversation Frisk had ever had. She looked at the flower she had. It was pale white, smooth, and soft. It reminded her of her childhood when Megan and she went outside to play. They always saw these flowers. She honestly thought that. . that was sweet of his part. She began walking and looking at her surroundings she never realized how pretty the ballroom was the colors of pink and white blended in with her dress and the flowers, the room smelled like vanilla and she saw the food she was so. . . grateful, then again she was anxious either ways but looking around was so perfect she could almost stay like this all night and day and forever. She then went to her mom " hello mother." she said in a dignified tone " frisk there you are I needed to talk to you" her mother said "yes mother what is it?" she asked, "just some time ago Mr. Gaster came to me and said you had no respect towards him is that right?" "Yes mother it is'' Frisk replied "well could you please give him a chance maybe then he isn't that bad '''' I'm trying mother but it's just that I can't" she stopped her sentence "fine I will'' then she went off.                               

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Hello readers! This is my second part of the story! Hope you all like and appreciate my work! Thankyou :)