Pride and Prejudice a frans s...

By lancersans

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This is my second story a frans of course More

Pride and Prejudice
Chapter 2 the proposal
Chapter 3 the gaster brothers
Chapter 5 the dance
Chapter 6 morning rising
Chapter 7 Mr. Spades house
Chapter 8 Mr. Gaster
Chapter 9 what a fool
Chapter 10 hopes and dreams
Chapter 11 the dress
Chapter 12 Roulz

Chapter 4 snowdin

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By lancersans

Frisk had never felt so disgusted in her life she looked everywhere to see if there was anything decent to look at but this looked like the poor area of the humans town. It also didn't look presentable why he would want to show her this place, of course it was his home.but . . . it didn't look decent at all . some monster didn't even have homes. They were living in the streets and also the smell of the place reeked of a lot of grease. Maybe he wasn't rich at all like frisk thought he was. He had expensive clothing so why did he live here? Mr. Gaster offered his hand to Mrs. Frisk; she unknowingly took it and forced a smile.. Maybe if she gave this place a chance she would like it. She has to anyways she will live here sooner than what she thinks she will "so Mrs. Frisk seems like the city isn't that presentable" Mr. Gaster spoke "i am very sorry if you don't like this place but i grew up in it. So im sorry but you'll have to deal with it" then he put a wide smile on his face . Oh how Frisk wanted that man and saw him face to face and punch him so hard to where he would cry . How this guy pissed her off, every single guy in her wanted to kill him. Plus Frisk was a bit younger than him so she really was mad at him for that.
Mr. Gaster let go of her arm and opened the door for her, he also opened the chair for her.
She then saw around the restaurant, more of a bar, Frisk looked at Mr. Gaster and Mr. Gaster looked back at her with a smirk on his face. Nevertheless Frisk hated it when men did that "what may i be able to get for you today?" a monster said from behind Mr. Gaster. This monster was more taller than Mr. Gaster or it was what she saw, he was color fire-ish and he looked exactly like fire, his clothing was presentable a purple sweater, khaki pants, and black shoes.
He also had a soft and patient voice. He seemed nice. "Well for me the usual Grillby" Mr . Gaster said "but for her i don't know. What do you want Frisk?" he asked her kindly . "give me a moment please. She looked at the menu , all it said was hamburger or fries. What even was a hamburger? So Frisk went with nothing, even if she hadn't eaten breakfast "oh i'm fine thanks grillby" she smiled at him. And Grillby left off to go do what Mr. Gaster asked him to do. "Welp, that was short" Mr. Gaster said " why did you not want anything Frisk?" well now that her parents weren't there she could tell him the truth "well there was only two things in the menu second of all i don't even know what hamburger is third i wasn't hungry, that's it" Frisk said a bit more calmly, Mr gaster looked at her with astonishment Mr.Gaster started to speak "oh well i'm sorry i didn-" "oh i'm not done". She said cutting his line " why did you choose me? And not my sister she's way much more handsomer than me and she is always happy and im alway mad." "well-" "and i am too young for you im only 19 while you're 23 or i think you are but whatsoever you're still older than me" "would you let me e-" "oh no i can't let you explain"
Frisk said more madder than she has ever been " i am just trying to break the proposal so i can go back to my normal boring life before i knew you ever existed because i didn't even know you even lived" Frisk said furiously " Mrs. Frisk i think you should relax'' Mr. Gaster said trying to speak "oh no you should relax i fine your not!" frisk said. Grillby then came and set the plates on the table and gosh to Frisk it looked good. But Frisk pretended to not be interested in whatsoever he was eating.After Grillby left Frisk looked at Mr. Gaster but just then his brother came in and sat down "where is Grillby? Sans?" wing dings asked "he just left wanting some?" he said while looking at Frisk. Needless to say Sans had never seen a woman this mad, he could even say she was scaring him a bit but. . . she was trying to defend herself he had seen women hitting someone if they touched their child. Sans moved a bit letting his brothers sit next to him. "So?" Papyrus said "have you like this place so far" Frisk smile gayly " i guess so" she lied
" i see everyone here likes food" "everyone likes food in snowdin" wing dings said confidently
" oh i see" she said " and what do you like to e-" "SPAGHETTI!!!!!!" Papyrus yelled in the restaurant. Frisk a bit startled and laughed fakingly " what?" Papyrus said " was it quiet?"
" Oh no Papyrus" Frisk said "it was really loud" the three of them except Sans smiled "well we have a ball to get going to Mr. Frisk" Mr. Gaster finally spoke. Just as they got out of the restaurant, Mr. Gaster pulled Frisk's arm and told her " you better not speak to me that way again Mrs. Frisk. I've tried speaking to you many ways but it seems like you don't learn easily. So I will have to use the other side of me." Frisk frightened nodded her head and he smiled wide again then he offered her his hand and she took it forcing herself not to vomit or do anything that will get him mad.

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