Pride and Prejudice a frans s...

By lancersans

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This is my second story a frans of course More

Pride and Prejudice
Chapter 2 the proposal
Chapter 4 snowdin
Chapter 5 the dance
Chapter 6 morning rising
Chapter 7 Mr. Spades house
Chapter 8 Mr. Gaster
Chapter 9 what a fool
Chapter 10 hopes and dreams
Chapter 11 the dress
Chapter 12 Roulz

Chapter 3 the gaster brothers

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By lancersans

Shortly after her terrible dream woke her up. "AAAHHH" frisk screamed. Soon after one of her sisters came up "what happened?" Megan asked with her beautiful voice, it was true she was prettier than frisk, her lips were the right size and her skin was smooth skin pale color, her body was the right shape everything a man wanted, even her voice and singing sounded beautiful when frisk and Megan went for there daily walks, every man would see her, but no one had the strength to tell her parents, frisk was surprised Mr. Gaster was more interested in her instead of Megan, maybe he had never seen her before or maybe he did but didn't like her at all, her personality Megan was all sweetness and sugar, all Frisk was, was an old angry young lady, although Megan was a little jealous of Frisk she was still her good friend and sister. "Nothing" Frisk responded, "I was just screaming for fun haha" "you know mom and dad would've gotten mad if they heard you scream as that" Megan said casually like always.
"I heard the news, Frisk. I am so excited for you!" Megan said in excitement "how do you feel?"

"I think I'm ok," Frisk said almost breaking into tears again "the man is attractive I guess"

"What do you mean I guess??" Megan asked.

"The truth is I'm not interested in him and he is very weird," Frisk said with such ease
"Well, we better get ready for today..." Megan said. She started getting up "come on"
Frisk started to get up. Mr. Dreemurr was at the door "get ready Mr. Gaster is waiting for you outside" Mr. Dreemurr smiled and started walking in the alley  "ok I will" Frisk responded. What could he be doing here in the morning?? Why does he want to see her? And why in this horrible circumstance? Frisk started hurrying downstairs and that's when she saw him *oh no* Frisk thought "good morning Miss. Frisk, how are you?" Mr. Gaster asked. Frisk did not respond to his question, she just looked to the other side of the living room, then she saw her dad "it's a very nice morning" Frisk said with a forced smile. Mr. Gaster gave Frisk a soft smile, Frisk then put her arm in his arm and started walking " you look very pretty today Miss. Frisk" Mr. Gaster added "My thank you" Frisk responded shyly then put her head down to where she couldn't see Mr. Gaster. Today he was wearing something different he Was Wearing a white suit and some black shoes, he had a red tie which in some cases wasn't worn correctly. " I am very sorry if my clothing isn't put on right. I was in a hurry. . ." Mr. Gaster said " Today I want to bring you to snowdin town and present you my brothers since I know all your family to memory" Frisk could tell Mr. Gaster was having a hard time talking because of the way he was babbling, and stopping in certain parts of his speech. "Oh, it must be interesting meeting someone else but doesn't forget we have a dance to go to, ok?" Frisk said sharply "ok Miss. Frisk, I will bring you to the dance just in time" Mr. Gaster said with a wink. Frisk surprisingly smiled at Mr. Gaster. Then she put her head to the other side and blushed a little bit. Did she like him?*no no no I don't like him* Frisk said silently " Are you, ok Miss. Frisk?" Mr. Gaster asked. Frisk moved a little to the side and let go of Mr. Gaster's arm, and started walking off to the beautiful flowers "aren't they beautiful?" Frisk asked. "Yes, they are just like you, sweetheart" Mr. Gaster responded, "flowers have the fortitude, they have courage even on a cold winter day." "oh. . . that is true Mr. Gaster," Frisk said. They started going on the train "welp of we go, Miss. Frisk." Mr. Gaster said "shall we?" he asked Frisk "my, yes." While Frisk was sitting down she noticed two other skeletons in the train " IDIOT!!" one of them said to Mr. Gaster " yes? " Mr. Gaster asked "where are the results?" the tall skeleton asked " yes where are the results?" the tall skeleton asked
"Well. . . . I gave them to  Mr. Dreemurr. '' Mr. Gaster spoke "Sans!! That took 7 years, 7 years to collect all that data and you just give it to some bastard?!'' The tall skeleton said "wingdings relax" Mr. Gaster said with ease. "Relax!?" wingdings asked in a loud voice. . . "my and who is this?" The tall skeleton asked, " she is Frisk Dreemurr, my future wife, Frisk these are my brother's wingdings gaster, and papyrus gaster." Mr. Gaster said "oh it's a pleasure to meet you," Frisk said "I see you gents don't look the same" "oh no we know we don't look alike in anyways," Papyrus said, "I always calculate that we are not brothers but we are.  at the end of my calculations that is always the answer." wingdings said in a rude mode "oh I see you don't like your brothers'' Frisk said, "at all. . ." "I suppose you are right" papyrus said "they are just some rotten bastards." he said with confidence and smiled wide, not that frisk could tell with papyruses skeletal face, sans's face was easy to tell so was wingdings, "well... alright"
Frisk said calmly they finally arrived at Mr. Gaster's city so-called snowdin, they got off the train
And oh no, this wasn't it, this wasn't where she's gonna life "no ." she said, "no what?" Mr. Gaster asked, "this can't be my new home," Frisk said with a disgusted face, she saw around the other side "no...".

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