Shades of Amber

By Writerblocks_

67.1K 2.1K 3.5K

This was not what Zenitsu expected. He originally took part in the Kamado Royal family's tournament to prove... More

1. Determination
2. A castle and a boar
3. Tournament
4. A final and a prize
5. You don't love me
6. Operation Nezuko
7. How to seduce 101
8. New Moon
9. Stay
10. The ball pt.1
11. The ball pt.2
12. Flamboyance
13. A glimpse of despair
14. Death of the Dark
15. Mine
16. A little game of suitors and jealousy
17. I love him
18. One dance
19. Yourself (explicit)

20. Shades of our eyes

2.6K 88 129
By Writerblocks_

*Not my drawing, credits to the artist

*Please ask questions for the Q&A on this story at the end of this chapter ;)

"Oh no, no, no! I'M NOT READY!"

Normally, it should be the other way around. Servants running around the castle, juggling between the wedding preparation and Zenitsu's one. But apparently, an unusual marriage comes together with an unusual husband, as Zenitsu was the one pacing around the bedroom which was now in total wreckage. Kanao and Aoi were just standing there, the latter holding the tuxedo in her hand.

"Well, here we go again... huffed Aoi.

- We should find a way to appease him, indicated Kanao.

- To appease him? He's torn the place down into ruins!

- That's a bit exagerat-

- It isn't." interrupted Aoi, visibly getting fed up with the blond's anxiety.

Yes, dear readers, the day of the marriage had come. The preparations were being set outside on a very bright and sunny day. It was nearly eleven in the morning, meaning the guests could be coming anytime now. Ahhh, love, friends, happiness. Everything to soothe everyone, right?

Well apparently not everyone, as Zenitsu had only one thing haunting his thoughts:

"What if I mess it all up????

- Zenitsu, you won't... affirmed Kanao.

- I could stutter, and I could fall and... arrrgh!" he shrieked before curving into a ball, rocking back and forth in a corner of the room while bawling his eyes out.

Aoi held a hand up to her nose, pinching it with irritation. If they didn't do anything, Zenitsu could somehow manage to actually turn the wedding into a catastrophe. But to be frank, she wasn't particularly good with reassuring people, and Kanao would be too soft to shake the blond awake.

They needed someone a bit more forceful.

You could say that they got it.


The door burst open, revealing the boar. Yes, THE boar: Inosuke Hashibira.

"Inosuke Hashibira is here!" announced the latter, proudly putting his hands on his hips, lifting his chin in a prideful pose.

As if to stress his words even more, the door came off its hinges due to the sudden shock and fell in a loud thud. Aoi shrieked, before shooting daggers at Inosuke.

"This is supposed to be the princes' bedroom not a fuc-, hum hum, fricking battlefield! Do you understand that?

- Huh? deadpanned Inosuke. What is Penitsu doing?

- Pause! sighed Aoi. What are YOU doing here?

- Pause? inquired Inosuke. You're playing time's up or something?

- That's not what I s-

- Let me think! announced the boar-masked boy, trying to figure out what Zenitsu would be imitating. Hmmm, is it an onigiri?

- No, it's depression." deadpanned Kanao.

Aoi stared at the latter, mouth agape. Since when did Kanao start to be so blunt? This scene was very much chaotic, and she didn't know how to deal with that. The whines, Inosuke shouting out random words he thought Zenitsu was imitating, and now Kanao getting on the fun: she needed to take matters into her own hands.

"WOOOW!" she shouted in a bone-chilling sound, which echoed throughout the whole castle.

Aoi had now the attention of everyone in the room, except Zenitsu who still was sobbing.

"Look Inosuke, she resumed, I hate to say that but we need some help. The soon-to-be prince of our region, if he bothers standing up, is having an existential crisis one hour before the wedding. We need you to... shake him up.

- Like a rattle?

- No! Not literally! Hum, let me find a more proper word to describe that. Ah! We need you to boost his confidence and make him wear this dandelion tuxedo.

- But I'm just going to make that magnificent tuxedo look ugly! declared Zenitsu, pulling on his hair in between his sobs.

- Huhhh? groaned Inosuke. Give me that tuxedo Aoi!"

Aoi obliged, handing hesitantly the said clothing to the boar, who snatched it promptly with a firm grasp. He then directed himself towards the blond, kneeling next to him before asking:

"Why the hell are you crying Monitsu?

- I'm-, I don't want to humiliate the Kamado family by messing the wedding up, Inosuke... he uttered in between his sobs. I always make everything turn to a catastrophe a-a-and-

- Stop the cap, declared Inosuke. YOU have managed to win against Inosuke Hashibira the Great and Mighty. Don't think that I'll let you be sad and not fit for your wedding! I still have to fight against you someday, to prove that your win was out of pure luck! How can I do it if you're all sad and depressed?

- Inosuke, whispered the blond, it's not the matter here...

- Well it is! Today is going to be your day to become a family with Kamaboko Gonpachiro. Would you be happy if you let it slip?

- N-no, b-but if I mess it up-

- Then you'll mess it up, declared Inosuke in an unusually soft tone. But until then, you can't let your fear resurface and dictate your future for yourself. So, no, you better wear that Tuxedo, or I'm about to fight you here and now!

- That's more like you." chuckled Zenitsu, wiping his tears away.

He stood up before taking hold of the tuxedo, his gaze lingering on it. So that was it, huh? That's what he was going to wear for his union with the man he loved the most on the planet? He smiled dumbly.

He surely had gone through a lot ever since his discussion with Gramps! Who would have imagined it would finish like this? Certainly not him. But here he was, putting the tuxedo on and looking at his reflection in the mirror, the three others standing next to him.

"You look absolutely amazing! perked up Kanao. Those white pants, together with this dandelion tuxedo, fit you right.

- Th-thanks, shyly answered Zenitsu.

- Why do you have orbs attached to your ears? inquired Inosuke, slightly startled.

- He had the same back at the first ball and the ones after, sighed Aoi. How do you not remember?

- He doesn't remember my name, what did you expect? chortled lightly the blond.

- But why do you wear those again? asked Inosuke, ignoring the previous remark.

- Because... they are important to me." the blond smiled, thinking about the first ball where Tanjiro and he had exchanged their first kiss.

He held onto that memory for dear life. It was the beginning of many more, and this marriage was the symbol of it. A life together, ruling together, laughing together, loving each other.

"So why did you come here, Inosuke? wondered Kanao, bringing Zenitsu out of his daze.

- Argh, I can't remember! he growled. Think Inosuke... You were running after that lady guard to fight her, then you tried to eat the wedding cake...

- You did w-

- Ah yes, I remember! he proudly announced. Most of the guests are already here, so I was told to be sure you were on time.

- What???? yelled Zenitsu. The guests are here? Oh no, no... How many?

- Most of the nobility, some members of the village, family relatives... I'd say about a hundred or two.


- Why would I, Monistu? huffed Inosuke. You've beaten me in front of hundreds of people! You should have kneeled in front of your-

- I think he didn't mean it literally, whispered Kanao to the boar's ear.

- Huh?

- Who else is there? asked an agitated Zenitsu.

- There are people from your house, the boar-masked male carried on, like your Gramps and your best friend...Uh, what's his name again? It's your attendant for the wedding..."

Inosuke kept on thinking for a while, to the point where you could practically perceive steam coming off of his head. Suddenly, it clicked in his head and he snapped his finger.

"Ah, I remember! Burata-san!

- This is tiring me..." sighed Aoi once again.

Kanao threw a coin in the air, but the group around her didn't bother asking why.

"Gramps and Murata are here? shrieked Zenitsu. This is horrible! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my-"

A loud metallic sound echoed throughout the room, followed by a loud thud. Zenitsu was now on the ground, inert. Aoi brought back her gaze up, in shock, to see Kanao standing with a pan in her hands. She had struck a blow on the blond's forehead, knocking him out.

"Like that, Kanao declared, he won't be panicking anymore.

- W-what? inquired a very astonished Aoi. Why have you done that?

- I didn't decide, the coin did! smiled Kanao, puffing her cheeks a little. Don't panic, he'll wake up in about an hour. It will be right on time for the wedding.

- Ha! announced Inosuke in a mocking tone. Look how weak Penitsu is!

- Why do you even have a pan on you? Aoi asked, dumbfounded.

- Oh that! declared Kanao while taking her gaze back to the object. I've been asked by the cook from the Thunder House to bring that with me. He will be cooking outdoors and needed an extra pan."

Aoi took in the information, huffing before stating:

"Well, I guess we must wait for the wedding to start now..."


Tanjiro was very stressed. It was quite unusual for him to be in that state but, what would you expect? He was about to marry his cute, beautiful, dandelion boyfriend. But as time went past and he was still standing, alone, at the very front of the filled rows of white chairs aligned in the garden of the castle, he grew increasingly more anxious.

What if... Zenitsu just didn't come? What if he didn't show up? As everyone waited for the blond to make his appearance, the mayor of the village carried on with his speech, waiting for a sign that he could stop and welcome the bride.

Tanjiro fiddled with his fingers, growing more anxious by the second. He was wearing a white tuxedo together with pants of the same color, and his hair was a bit done but still looked as usual. The burgundy-haired male was framed by an arch of flowers, varying from the dandelions to the roses, whose bright colors stood out next to the mostly white decoration.

Then, it happened. The guests turned their gaze around, fixing with great interest what was behind them. Zenitsu had arrived, soon trodding graciously along the rows, escorted by his Gramps. He delivered his brightest smile, thanking the guests' applause with a slight bow of the head.

Arriving at the front, his Gramps took his leave and let Zenitsu position himself in front of the prince. The blond took his gaze up to find a flabbergasted expression on Tanjiro's face. The latter was out of breath, seemingly not coping well at all with Zenitsu's beauty. He was... dazzling.

"Something's wrong, Tanji? asked the blond, tilting his head to the side very cutely.

- N-no, it's just that... started Tanjiro, scratching the back of his head. You look absolutely amazing, Zen."

The dandelion boy felt his face heat up, to the point where his cheeks were now rivaling in color with the bruise he had gotten from the pan Kanao had smashed on his forehead.

"What happened to your forehead? wondered Tanjiro, caressing slightly the bruise.

- It's nothing, don't worry!" beamed Zenitsu, wincing a bit due to the touch.

He wasn't going to talk about the event. That was just going to make him feel even more bashful.

The mayor cleared his throat, considering all the important people were now finally here, and started:

"Dear family and friends, we have gathered together here, at this time, to share in the joy and love of Prince Tanjiro Kamado and Zenitsu Agatsuma."

He carried on with the formalities, which the two future husbands seemed to ignore, visibly lost in each other's gaze. Crimson amber, golden amber. That's all they could perceive, up until they were taken out of their daze by the pronunciation of the blond's name by the mayor.

"Zenitsu Agatsuma, will you have this man be your husband; to live together with him in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?

- I will." stated the latter, a bit of emotion perceivable through his voice crack.

The mayor smiled, turning his gaze to Tanjiro:

"And you, Prince Tanjiro Kamado, will you have this man to be your husband; to live together with him in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?

- I will." declared Tanjiro, smiling lovingly in the blond's direction.

Tanjiro took hold of his boyfriend's hand, exchanging his vows. Zenitsu did the same, putting all the effort he could muster into the difficult task of not crying in front of everyone.

When they were finished, the mayor introduced the Giving and Receiving of Rings, before asking Zenitsu to begin. Murata stood up, stiffened by the sudden attention, robotically moving in his best friend's direction. He handed to the blond Tanjiro's ring. It was made out of silver, a shining golden amber topping it all.

Zenitsu thanked Murata, who hurried back to his seat, before taking Tanjiro's hand once again.

"Prince Tanjiro Kamado, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you."

The blond placed the ring on the burgundy-haired male's soft hand. A tear made its way out of the latter's eye, falling on the top of the amber as if to seal their engagement.

Nezuko then stood up and brought the ring to Tanjiro, which was the same as Zenitsu, except for one detail: the amber was crimson.

Tanjiro took hold of Zenitsu's hand, placing a soft kiss on his knuckle, which earned him a blush from the blond and a laugh from the whole attendance, punctuated by whistles here and there.

"Zenitsu Agatsuma, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you."

The whole room applauded, cheering for the newly married couple. The mayor joined in, before stating:

"Now that Prince Tanjiro Kamado and Zenitsu Agatsuma have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, and with you as witnesses, I pronounce that they are united by the bonds of marriage. The couple may embrace."

The couple obliged, kissing each other in a sweet but full of meaning embrace, accompanied by a round of applause. Zenitsu broke the kiss, still firmly holding his husband's hands.

"I like the color of the rings, grinned Zenitsu.

- You do? asked Tanjiro, extremely happy to hear that.

- Yes... it's beautiful. But why do we have different colors?

- Oh that, muttered Tanjiro. It's because mine looks like you and yours looks like me. They are the representation of each of us on the other: the shades of our eyes."

Zenitsu smiled, tears welling up in his eyes, before taking Tanjiro in another tight embrace. He was so happy. They both were. There were no opponents anymore. No participants to a tournament, no angry villagers, no demons, no suitors. Just them, unified forever.

The wedding went on, everyone enjoying itself very much. After having thanked everyone, the newly-married couple reunited with their group of friends. They were all laughing together, discussing the past, while Inosuke stuffed his mouth with all the pastries present.

"You're gonna die at this rate... commented Zenitsu to his boar-masked friend.

- The Great Inosuke is having a competition with his digestive system. He will prove to him that he's more powerful!

- You're aware that you're both the same entity, right? inquired Zenitsu, dumbfounded.

- Let him be, smiled Tanjiro. It's a special event, everyone copes with it differently.

- I won't cope too well with a diabetic and obese version of this boar." huffed the blond, earning him a laugh from the others.

Tanjiro raised an eyebrow at his sister, remarking that she was holding hands with Murata.

"You two seem... extremely close, he observed while smirking. Is there something you two want to share with us?

- N-no! they both exclaimed.

- Yes they do, interrupted Inosuke. I saw them kissing the other day. Murata was even talking about how much he wanted to f-

- NO! shouted the latter, not wanting Inosuke to fully reveal what he had said. Hum, please Inosuke, don't say that.

- H-hold on a second! exclaimed Zenitsu, pointing an accusing finger at his friend. H-how did you even start to date???"

Murata looked in Nezuko's direction, waiting for her approbation. She obliged, sighing. It was time to reveal their secrets.

"Well, began Murata, Gramps and I had been to the castle before the tournament. He took me with him in case he needed someone to testify that you were actually a good person, as I'm your closest friend.

- W-what for? stuttered Zenitsu, not understanding anything.

- Well, carried on Nezuko, my mum had convened your master to come, as she was scared for the upcoming tournament. Because my father and your Gramps knew each other, they had exchanged a few words on you. Even if you were described as a crybaby (which is totally true after verification), your caring and loving side made you earn my dad's respect. You've always been fighting for a better life, putting aside your past and focusing on a future which you didn't even believe in. That made you look a lot like my brother.

- But you're not as selfless, continued Murata, which was a good thing. So when the Queen heard that her son, Tanjiro, was about to follow the tradition and marry someone he probably didn't know, she panicked. Most of the participants to the tournament gradually turned out to be girls, and the Queen knew for sure that Tanjiro... wasn't leaning that way.

- As much as she'd argue with Tanjiro, carried on Nezuko, it was pointless."

She turned her face to fix her brother, before adding:

"You wanted to follow the tradition, too selfless to think about yourself. You didn't want to inflame the villagers' wrath. Following the tradition was the best choice in your mind. After having heard about Zenitsu, and the fact that he was in the house of Thunder, she convened his Gramps to our castle. Never in my life have I seen my mother beg like this, but Zenitsu's master accepted her demand, much to our surprise.

- You, Zenitsu, were to participate in the tournament, concluded Murata. However, Gramps never mentioned the prize because he knew too well you would refuse.

- B-but then, uttered Tanjiro, how did he know Zenitsu liked boys as well? And why did my parents seem actually surprised when Zenitsu declared not to know the prize of the tournament?

- Oh, it's simple! exclaimed Murata. Gramps had only told your family that Zenitsu had accepted to participate. He never specified that he wasn't aware of the conditions. When I asked him why he did that, he answered:"

"Because this Royal family is made of kind people, they would never accept to force someone to marry their son, as much as they wouldn't want to do it the other way around. I had to be sure to keep some secrets away from both of them."

"And that was it, awkwardly laughed Murata. As for Zenitsu's sexuality, he didn't know.

- What do you mean he didn't know????? inquired Tanjiro, stunned.

- Well, he really played it like in a poker game. He bluffed, went all in, and won. Though it wasn't that hard to figure it out...

- And when Murata came, Nezuko chimed in, we've talked a lot, and kind of started to like each other.

- S-so, summed up Tanjiro, the boy from the village: it's Murata?

- Bingo!" smiled Nezuko, grabbing her boyfriend's hand.

Tanjiro couldn't believe it. This whole time around, his encounter with Zenitsu was planned? But the rest took place out of luck? He couldn't believe it. He took his gaze to his boyfriend, expecting to find displease or surprise on his face, but instead, he was holding his head low.

"Murata... Zenitsu announced in a terrifying voice.

- Zen, worriedly announced Tanjiro, it's alr-

- Do you mean that..." interrupted Zenitsu, not letting it slip. "When I was doing twice the number of chores back at home...


Everyone stared at Zenitsu, dumbfounded. They had thought he would get angry because of the secrets, or the expectations on his sexuality. But they hadn't expected him to be annoyed by that, to be honest.

"Y-you're angry... because of THAT? asked Murata, utterly shocked.


And this went on and on for several minutes. Zenitsu soon started to run after his friend throughout the garden, while the three others just stared in bewilderment.

"Penitsu's weird, deadpanned Inosuke.

- You're one to say that! You wear a boar mask all day long! How do you even see with those two holes?" observed Nezuko.

They soon started to argue as well. Tanjiro chuckled a little.

He remembered how he thought that the blond would never like him back, two years and a half back. He guessed that he had been wrong. Even him, as selfless as he is, could be happy, after all...


The day went by, most of the guests going away. The close relatives stayed, wanting to witness the traditional dance of the fire of the Kamado family.

Tanjiru and Tanjiro were elegantly carrying out the ritual, under the fascinated gaze of Zenitsu. It was... so beautiful. They were rhythmically dancing with the sound of nature, jumping and executing various poses around the campfire. Everything was red. Red, red, red, and red. Boy, did Zenitsu love that color...

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Zenitsu turned his gaze momentarily, taking in the presence of his Gramps, before refocusing on the ritual.

"Yes, he answered, it really is."

They both stared at the dance for a moment, completely silent. Zenitsu decided to break it.

"So I look bisexual, Gramps?

- It looks so, observed the latter.

- Well you have taken quite a risk, chuckled Zenitsu. At least, one might say that.

- And that person would be totally wrong. Faith does things well. I didn't need to do much; I simply had to unite a selfless prince and a kind crybaby. I'm somewhat of a matchmaker.

- You could say so, laughed Zenitsu. But don't get big-headed, you ain't no Tinder.

- I don't know who that Tinder guy is, huffed Gramps, but I've made two matches and they've both worked. Plus, they are both with the Royal family. Tinder might as well retire, he's got nothing on me!

- Yeah sure." laughed Zenitsu.

The blond focused his gaze back on his husband. He was so gracious. He couldn't express how thankful he was to have met him. He was elegant, had a beautiful face, with those eyes... that were now staring right back at him.

Zenitsu blushed, and he swore that he heard Tanjiro chuckle a bit. The burgundy-haired male carried on with his ritual, but never left the blond's gaze. Everything around them seemed to disappear. It was just a world, surrounded by emptiness, where a blond guy stood a few meters apart from a burgundy-haired one, only linked by their undying love for each other.

They lost themselves in each other's eyes, whose iris was the key to their own world, held in a single color:

their Shades of Amber.


*Author's note: Dear readers, this is the end of our story.

It has been amazing. The support this story has gotten is way above anything I could have imagined. This is my first book ever in English, and I thought only a dozen of people would read it, not around sixty on each chapter. Thank you so, so much.

I will be dedicating another "chapter" to talk about the book, clarify some points and talk about the future. If you have any questions, put them here pleaaase. Give your opinions too, and be sincere. I really am looking forward to reading what you all thought about this story :))

Nevertheless, this is the end of this story, but the beginning of many more. The details of the next story will be expressed in the Q&A. It feels weird to have finished this, after a whole month. But I guess that it had to happen someday😂.

Until the Q&A, I wish you all a beautiful day/ night. Stay safe, and I love you all so mf much for the support!

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