A New Promise Blooms | Selobe...

By SillyPetals

8K 126 323

Introducing a sequel to OP, yes it is like a au and it is definitely inspired by many things but especially b... More

Notice and Q&A
1. The Bloom Of A New Story
2. The Plan For A Special Night
3. The Memories Remain
4. There's Always Room For Another Memory
5. A Slice Of Apple Cake
6. Free To Be You And Me
7. Friends. Friends!
8. Unknown Future
9. Love And Trust
10. Together Forever
11. I Really Am Sorry
12. Devil May Care
13. The Message From The Devil
14. Smile Till You're Dead
15. Angel Heart
16. Point Of No Return
17. Another Hotel Night
18. The Heart To Believe
19. Imagine My Thoughts
20. My Precious Caretaker
21. There's Something About Jake
22. Promise
23. The Devil You Loved And Trusted
24. The Plan To Bring Our Peace
25. The Nightmares That Never Disappeared
26. Trapped In The Abandoned Memories
27. Take My Hand
28. Out From The Dark
29. Carry On With One Secret For Me
30. Remember To Smile
31. The Suprise You've Awaited For
32. The Days You'll Appreciate
33. A World Full Of Despair
34. Talk To Me
35. His Sacrifice Won't Go Into Vain
36. Beginning Of Another Day
38. Reticent Despairing Heart
39. A Slice Of Life
40. The Agony Never Stopped
41. Our Collapsed Friendship
The end?
Storyline Plot

37. Interrogation From The Treacherous Distance

82 3 0
By SillyPetals

[3rd Pov]
The Days Union City

It is the same day, a few minutes passed after talking with Morgenne, Sorrow and Uleanra. Adam's search was going slow today, of course the male checked in his residence but no soul spotted in sight. He could be in a blind area inside or walking somewhere in the city further. He backed away from the building, his blue eyes taking a moment to stare at it. "Does he even go in for anything?" He thought in his mind, seemingly a little dusty as if nobody even walked here for many ages. His eyes wandered off to another spot, nothing left like a clue to where he headed or if he was taken to be intrigued.

Adam lets out a heavy sigh, knowing it'll be another day of looking at the faces of many to find Jake. It's not like he didn't want to, he just wanted his friend back. At least knowing if there still are fragments of their friendship left, he needed to fix it. Otherwise if he didn't, then his friend will end up at a worse place than he already is. He didn't want that.

Right before Adam took another step away, he heard his name being called out. He brought his head up, a couple of looks taken around until he spotted one of his friends approaching closer. "Uleanra?" The male spotted, tilting his head in confusion on why he was suddenly looking for him after leaving. "What's the matter." He walk closer too, seeing that he has been running here in a rush. The response wasn't quick, all he released was heavy pants and taking in deep breaths making the other male worried about the rush.

"Hey... Be careful! Those past days really exhausted you." Adam said concern, trying all his best to help out Uleanra. Even though he felt completely useless to do anything. "I'm fine.. I-I just.. needed to tell you something." Eventually he regained his normal breathing pattern, and was able to have a straight posture. His eyes behind the shades stare up at him, a moment taken to hesitate to speak. "...I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell you this, b-but I don't wanna hide anything from you that's valuable." He started off, a little shameful to not tell him before he went away. "Oh.. I-I'm listening." In the quickest flash, this even more nervous look appeared in his eyes. He felt suddenly his neck tighten, lungs clogged up and shallow breaths taken.

For a moment Uleanra took a short moment looking all around the area, having no sight of an operative in their surroundings. His vision turning over to Adam, his eyes focused onto the male. "Earlier when I was walking around with the other two, I heard a bit of conversation between these civilians. They mention us coming here, apparently many more hear about us that aren't myths but that isn't the case." He says, "I heard from them they saw operatives go to one of our residences, obviously him, saying they're gonna interrogate him or something like that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you minutes before, I didn't wanna worry you more than you already are."

Uleanra gave a sad expression looking down on the ground. "I didn't want to keep anything from you... I know we shouldn't any more..." Despite his shades on his face, he seemed to feel sorry for Adam being lied to and not being told a word about the enemies from Jake. Strangely empathy wasn't the only emotion he brought off his aura, a thin layer of fear is applied to it. The male wasn't sure why he felt fear, or perhaps it was very deep penitent. Whatever it was, it made him feel weak and vulnerable.

"...It's okay, I'm glad you were at least able to tell me." Adam said full of exculpation, his expression hadn't changed into a frown like Uleanra expected it to. The stare he gave, it wasn't hostile. A patience has shown greatly, his mild blue eyes ease the shaky male down to peace. "Do you know anything else? It'd be useful for me to know." He adds in, his soothing voice tone hadn't changed. "No.. I'm sorry." The second male's hands turn into tight fists, most likely to hold in all his nervous feelings. There had been silence between the two for some seconds, civilians walked past minding their business even though they knew who the two were. Words aren't said in the air, only within their minds.

The male nodded his head understanding. "It's okay, thank you for letting me know about it." He spoke in with no disturbance given, out of nowhere having a smile on his face. "It'll be alright, you don't need to worry. I'm not mad." Adam reassured honestly, some steps taken closer to Uleanra. He still avoided eye contact, feeling a little peril, telling by his slight trembling in his hands. "You should recover now. I'm sure the two of them, Morgenne and Sorrow, are waiting for you to come back." He added in, finally the second male turned his face to look at him. "Okay.. I'll see you later then.." When he began to walk off on his own, Adam waved him goodbye and told him to take care of himself and the others.

Once Uleanra left away back to the two, Adam for a minute stood in front of Jakes residence thinking in his mind. "Is he okay? Are they hurting him to get a answer out..." In that moment he said his prayers to his dissociate friend to be safe out there, even if it is highly possible he'll be hurt to get any more answers out. He still prayed, that's all he could do now. Since he can't just run in there to stop it, especially in this place Alone so calls protection. All he could do is at least pray for safety and wait for him to come back in one piece. He wasn't sure to whom exactly he prayed, but strangely he thought about him.

Adam checked what time it was in his phone, seeing it was still barely morning. Hours before lunch time, he let out a heavy sigh. He wasn't sure the time he'd be released, so he decided to wait for him until he returned to his residence. The blonde man walked closer to the building, turning around and leaning his back onto the front. He began to wait for a few minutes, a couple of civilians walking by and even spotted some of the operatives patrolling. Luckily for him, nobody dropped dead in front of him. It was quite the surprise and a huge relief. He didn't want his friend to come back and see a blood bath.

Soon Adams relief changed into a more intense face, he felt his heart beat faster and his life at risk. One of the most heartless, cruel operatives is coming to his way. Quickly he hid his terrified emotions, acting as if he didn't see him. The operative wore a golden helmet, his uniform covered in blood, a hostile aura plastered around him. He didn't remember him like this, he seemed to look way more hostile with darker clothes. "Calm down.. calm down..." He told himself repeatedly over, feeling rusty dealing with the myths again. He knew the operative might scold him for leaving myth hunting or attempt to scare him for his amusement. Eventually he had to calm down before the operative step in close, acting as if he never saw him coming.

Adam put up a tiny plastered smile, his arms on each side of his, and having a straight posture. "It's nice to see you once again, operative Scary_day..." He stood still, having the best voice tone to sound jovial. Until he noticed he screwed up already by acting happy, of course nobody would be smiling at these moments in this place. He mentally slapped himself, bringing his attention back to reality. "It's been quite a very long while..." He adds in his sentence, daring to make full eye contact. "Indeed it has been. But you know, you shouldn't be alone. [IDENTITY] Adam." Scary_Day says, "What if you were being killed? None of your friends will witness you die, nobody will know what happened to you..."

Adam stare a moment briefly, clearing his throat to reply back. "I'll be alright. All I'm doing is waiting for someone." He felt his temple sweating, somehow his shirt collar was tightened up. His blue eyes taking a peek behind the man standing before him. He didn't spot Jake anywhere, only civilians eyeing the two full of sympathy. "I didn't ask." Scary_Day said, and had caught his prey staring away behind him. In a flash he looked back to his blood cold eyes, saying profanities in his mind about screwing up again. "My apologies... I shouldn't had said that." At this point, he wasn't sure if he felt threatened but rather embarrassed for the mistakes.

Adam had at some point felt intimidated after a long stare or glare, at least soon the operative spoke some words, going on about the amount of corpses he left behind and wanting to add another one to his little or rather a huge collection. All the replies the male gave were mostly nods, his eyes sometimes looking away to see if Jake had returned back to his residence but nobody appeared. Only as usual, the civilians are surprised that he hasn't been killed. After some minutes, he left to do his job in the city, leaving him by himself with mixed emotions.

Adam releases another sigh, being able to breathe in those moments finally given after being suffocated in a claustrophobic cave. He didn't exactly feel awful for it to happen, at least he knew he was kept busy as he waited. Although it wasn't too long. He got left by himself with his own thoughts about everything that happened. He stared into the ground, and slowly his deceased friend appeared in his thoughts. Thinking about Rust, seeing him standing there one last time in the old house made him feel sad. The type he hasn't felt in the longest. At shock too, he wishes Jake could've told them earlier. They would've planned a new idea. "I need to focus on the time now.. not the other possibilities that could've happened... It's over now, I can't go back." He told himself, still feeling sad.

After a few more minutes, over half an hour or more. Adam decided to keep himself busy with his cellphone. He saw the news for now to see what was happening back home, not much is said or important to them. He was surprised, he thought the police would investigate what went off in the old house. It more likely wasn't heard or any witnesses near. Anywho, it wasn't any good news. Video game news appears too, which he didn't find appealing to him.

When he clicked back to his home screen, he saw the message application. A temptation was given to look at some old messages but contained himself to do it before he made himself feel depressed. He looked down to the ground, not even getting interested in his phone which he put away leaning back. Time had kept on going as usual, only worrying Adam for Jake to return. By doing so, about over an hour went by. He was surprised to see another operative communicate with him. The one who kept him busy for a while wasn't threatening, to the male at least.

The operative who stood close in front of Adam is no other than Unpredictable_Day. His face had no glee expression or a plastered smile, currently it had been stern but of course the male knew that would change soon, making him a bit tense. "It's been a long while you have shown yourself, [IDENTITY] Adam. Some of us wondered if you'll ever come back for another hunt here." He says, his tone low. "Why not visit us? If I may ask." In response Adam stammered first, a little pink tint face appearing. "I just.. didn't want to do it anymore for a while. It's not because I was busy with a personal emergency or something like that... I was by the side of my friends, some time after Albert saved Selozar." In his mind, he knew he was especially by the side of one of his friends.

Unpredictable_Day stared at Adam, his orange orbs starting to slowly turn into a glare. "I've heard about [IDENTITY] Albert helping [IDENTITY] Selozar run away from [ALLY] Alone Traveler. Most stories pass around [CIVILIANS] to [OPERATIVES] or hunters." He says, "Your names began to have more fame now. Some myths even wish you'd come to them for a visit to hunt [IDENTITY] Adam." He felt surprised by his shared words, they really have stories spread around all over. "That's surprising to hear, I only wish that I pay visits more often. Although I don't know if I'll be able to anymore..." His voice tone full of sadness and grief made the operative understand his choice, but still didn't understand one thing after a sympathetic look. "By the way, why do you wait for this friend of yours?.. I know who's in each residence." It got silent.

The operative's voice tone for a sudden moment turned so ominous. "Does he think I am working with Jake in private or something..." Adam thought, focusing a lot more in his mind than he needed to. Once he had gone back into reality again, he apologized for a slow answer. "I only wanna talk to him, I've been trying to for a while. Though I don't think he's home right now, I'm only waiting for him." At the last part he obviously lied to Unpredictable_Day, he knows where Jake is located at. "...Since chasing him around got me tired..." He added in, the threatening expression not going away after his reply. "And I think this is a better way to try to talk to him and recover from my injuries..."

The orange operative didn't ease his intimidation, he only continued to speak. "Why talk to the traitor? I've heard what he did and caused another myth to become [DEAD], why chase after someone like him to talk. He should just be [TERMINATED] from his actions. Didn't he cause trouble in the past as well?" Adam turned his head away for that moment, his sullen eyes avoiding eyes from meeting. He knew he can't object to the blame put on Jake for Rust's death or even tell the male he's wrong in his face or something could happen to him at that moment. "I want to know why he did it, since most people don't care anymore and just turn their faces away..." He explains carefully for his sake, "I know the consequences of finding out a secret, the truth could hurt, a lot, but it's what I want to know no matter how it'll hurt."

Adam slowly gained the encouragement to make eye contact. "This traitor has been by my side long since all those days I stopped myth hunting. I know there is a reason what he did, I know Jake. I don't expect you to understand what I'm saying or anybody else including my friends." He continued, leaning away from the wall of the building. His persuasive heart grew by the passing seconds. "I'm gonna find the real answers on my own without having a gun pointed at his face or the threat of his life in my hands." He looked up at the male to show fear had disappeared. Even if it seemed like he grew taller of anger, he didn't care about it. He stayed true to his words, his mind and heart all together. "I am not like any of you. I will save my friend, nobody else is willing to do it, that's why I need to do it. I won't leave anybody behind to die. We aren't the same people."

Civilians near saw Adam raise his voice, even if it wasn't too loud, they still stood in silence to watch a fate about to be at its end. That's what they think at least. Another more friendly operative joined in their little conversation. His charming voice spoke up, the two turning their heads around. "Hey [OPERATIVE] Unpredictable_Day, you weren't thinking of hurting a [GUEST] right?" Radiant_Day questioned, having his brown eyes directly look at him, seemingly telling him to lower down from firing his gun. Adam in a shock didn't realize the man's finger was on the trigger, his eyes focused deeply to a stare down to dominate his bravery. "You know the [SUPREME LEADER] has [AUTHORIZED] us to keep our [GUESTS] [SAFE], and alive. We wouldn't want [PUNISHMENT] now, would we?"

Adam turns over to the operative in front of him, his eyes slightly shot wide open at a gun pointed an inch or two away from him. The male nearly died, a failure to his mission if he didn't get upset about Jake taking the blame for Rust dying and needing to die for everything he did.

Unpredictable_Day glared long at Radiant_Day, his hand putting away the gun where it belongs. Into the background Adam slightly had a heart attack, he has forgotten about the death threats said or done from myths. He realizes problems he never should've gone through going myth hunting by his own. Sometimes he did have friends brought along but not every single time to help him. "But [OPERATIVE] Radiant_Day, some of the [OPERATIVES] are not keeping a [GUEST] [SAFE], aren't they going against a [COMMAND] for hurting a [POOR] man? Won't they decide to [TERMINATE] him?" Adam quietly snarled, full on knowing he only said it to scare him. He knew it because of the dirty smirk given right under the steampunk hat he wore. Though, he remained controlled of himself, not wanting to cause any trouble to affect their future planned for peace.

Radiant_Day kept up his warming smile. "You heard what I said [OPERATIVE] Unpredictable_Day, you are not [AUTHORIZED] to lay a finger on one of our lovely [GUESTS]!~ Also, have you forgotten it's one of our dearest [FRIEND] [IDENTITY] Adam in here once again." He didn't move a single inch from his place where he stood his ground and words, finally making Unpredictable_Day step away from Adam, who slightly sweated on his temple relief to continue his wait for Jake. "Whatever. I'll go check if the other [OPERATIVES] need my help [TERMINATING] the [GUEST] or not." He walked away from the two, but right before he did, he gave him a sinister smile only making Adam more upset.

Once Unpredictable_Day left away, Adam thought in his mind for a brief moment. "I'm not threatened by him usually, he was more.. hostile." His attention is brought back again to reality, immediately speaking after his silence. "Thank you a lot, Radiant_Day. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused." He says in a lower voice, having a huge relief to know he's alive and his heart continuing to beat but quick. "No [WORRIES], I ask you to please do [NOT] listen to [OPERATIVE] Unpredictable_Day of anything said." Radiant_Day says, "The last thing we want is for [EVERYONE] of your friends to feel [THREATENED] by us. We are [AUTHORIZED] to keep you all [SAFE]! Even by [ALLY] Alone Traveler."

"I understand. I appreciate what you do to help us all out." Adam once again thanked, a plastered smile on his face. Then he proceeds to lean back against the wall to wait for Jake's return. "You really are waiting for [IDENTITY] Jake to go back to his [RESIDENCE], don't you prefer to [WAIT] somewhere else than in this spot? I am sure there's plenty of [PLACES] you can go see or eat. I recommend you and the rest of your friends here, [OPERATIVE] Benevolent_Day's bakery." Radiant_Day said peacefully and this calm smile Adam felt reassured from. "I could show you where it is." He added in, his luxurious looks had been admired by civilians passing walking near the two. "No thank you, I'd rather wait here for him to return back." He says, a smile on his face then makes a quick scan around for any sight of his friend.

Adam turns his vision back to Radiant_Day, his blue orbs shining at the sun. Then suddenly startling the male on why he's approaching closer all of a sudden, "I-Is something wrong? Y-You know I really do want to wait here for Jake." Adam once again felt threatened, but that wasn't the intention. "Your eyes, they're so cute!" He happily compliments, his hands touching Adam's face for a closer look. "Don't threaten to pull my eyes out, don't threaten to pull them out please, don't." He yelled in his head, knowing compliments are too good to be true from myths. "Thank you.. I get that a lot, hehe..." He responded, holding up his smile and a little embarrassed for the little distance given between the two.

Radiant_Day went a little longer with it, both of his hands being gentle. "You know, [IDENTITY] Jake is quite lucky to have someone pretty like you." He says and in an instant Adam backs away shaking his head to deny it. "N-No he isn't.. to be honest with you I don't even think he wants me around here. So yeah... I am not pretty or him wanting me..." He spoke up straight forward, not seeming to look happy nor upset. "Not that if I was he would want me around, just.. doesn't want me around for anything right now." He added in, feeling awkward afterwards of talking, he rather shut his mouth. "..I'm sure your friend wants you around! I'm not sure what's between the two of you, but don't give up trying to help him out. I have seen you trying to talk to him for the past few days of your stay." He says, "You'll still have plenty of time to sort it out during your recovery. We'll all [PROTECT] you."

Adam nodded his head, saying a thank you first then spoke his words, "I know.. but it's very difficult. Jake is lost here and in the mess with our enemies. I want to help, nobody else will, not even my friends. Which I understand why." He says, "But he will never want to talk back or even look at me." His vision drifts up to the building, knowing it is full of silence for night and day. "I want to wait for him, even if I wait here for hours till night it'd be okay for me. I just wanna know if he's okay. I want him back home where he really truly belongs. I don't mean to call this place awful or bad but he doesn't know anything about myths. He was just.. involved and hurt by them because he was friends with Albert."

"[IDENTITY] Adam, if you keep on trying all of your best and much harder enough. I'm [POSITIVE] your [FRIEND] Jake will come around." Radiant_Day has a smile on his face, still standing near Adam but with a much brighter presence like the sunlight in a windy day of no worries, "I'm sure someone brave as you can do it. You've come far from all those stories we've heard about you." His hand ruffled the males hair with a lot of care. "I-I know.. I will try my best, I don't wanna give up right here or soon." Adam lifted his frown, taken over by his radiance. Enough to feel back his determination flowing in his veins. "I best go do my work in the city, good luck getting your [FRIEND] back." He waved happily, after a goodbye in reply he began to leave away knowing he's made Adams spirit feel lifted.

Adam leaned back down onto Jake's residence front wall, his hands fidgeting with his little tie as the sun quickly but of course slowly passed by in the sky with a bright shine. He looked at some civilians passing by the spot he stood, many were there in small groups or alone. He even saw some rather a bit strange, one of them didn't have the necessary clothes but a green suit calling himself green screen man. Adam in the name of hope, wished for him to not be foolish and run to one of the operatives to get killed.

Hours Later Until Night. . .

During hours that went by, Adam didn't continue to stay at the same spot. He wasn't that stupid, he took breaks to get a snack or lunch for himself. He didn't see Jake anywhere for the day or when the sun was setting. He wanted to wait for a few minutes to see if he's coming back. He knew he needed to go to his residence but decided to wait until he could at least see his friend alive. Civilians headed back into their residence, most in a hurry and a few full of despair of it happening all the time. They walk without a care of a creature appearing to their faces.

Adam turned his face to the side, spotting his friend Jake. Immediately he felt his hope rise and a lot of happiness levels rise from the ground. "Jake, you're finally back!" He approached closer with a huge smile, his eyes glimmering with moonlight. "I-It's really good to see you now.. you had me very worried." He stood in front of him, nearly saying another word until he stopped. "I have no interest in talking to you, get out of my way now." He spoke and went aside the male with a slight push on his shoulder, avoiding eye contact but mostly his friend paid attention to his face. "But you are hurt. Please let me help you out Jake!"

Jake ignored Adam, unlocking his residence and the next thing he did was walk in without a word. Shutting the door in his face during mid sentence.

Adam stood there for a brief moment, thinking in his mind he at least saw his friend return alive. Eventually the lights were turned off telling from the windows. It was silent for these last moments in the dark he stood in staring down at the ground. His blue eyes turn away after exhaling a long weary sigh, beginning to walk to his residence by looking at the time. He has gone with a rush, nothing to stop him or seeing anything in his way but other civilians doing the same as him. Staying safe to see tomorrow.

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