Living with my autistic husba...

By Princess_Paris826

5.7K 227 243

(Sequel to living with my autistic boyfriend) Louis never thought he would fall for a guy like Harry, but now... More

New beginnings

Flower baby

2.5K 106 101
By Princess_Paris826

What is up everyone? Sorry this took so long but this is a very long chapter!

This was actually a requested idea. I don't know if they want me to share the name so I'll let them comment if they want.

I want to explain that there is multiple point of views during this chapter where it switches between Louis and Harry's point of view. I made sure to indicate when.

I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Comment and vote for more chapters!

Happy reading😊❣️

Louis's POV:

I didn't expect for Harry to be so happy and excited over the ring. He shows it to me every few seconds as if I didn't pick the damn thing out.

I was worried that he didn't quite know what the ring meant, but as always he proves me wrong.

He has named the ring "Lou".

He has associated me with the ring and what it stood for and I couldn't be happier with my boy.

He kept me up all night. He wouldn't sit still and kept flapping his hands every time he looked at the ring.

He kept reminding me that he was gonna be my belle all night.

I couldn't help but smile and hold him closer to me.

It was now morning and I was extremely tired. I'm planning on meeting with a wedding coordinator this morning since I have no idea what I am doing.

The wedding probably won't be for several months but I need to know what to start working on and what to save up for.

" Harry!! ". I called out, slipping on a random sweater I found on the floor.

It was Harry's.

It was a lavender color and smelled like him. It was a bit bigger since he is taller and broader so it kinda covered my hands.

Suddenly Harry came around the corner with his hair brush stuck to the side of his head.

I swear no one can tame his unruly curls.

I sighed and shook my head with a chuckle, I walked up to him and gentle untangled his brush from his hair.

" do you remember what you need to do while I'm gone? ". I asked, brushing his hair softly to get the knots out.

He hummed and pushed my hand away.

I put the brush down taking the hint.

" do you mind repeating them with me? ". I liked to make sure Harry understood and had a routine to follow to make sure he will be ok while I'm gone.

" umm...u-use p-...umm ". He stuttered out, trying to find the exact words I told him.

" use the potty, right? ". I asked.

" uh huh and p-pick up ". He mumbled, his attention turning to the ceiling.

" yep, pick up your clothes off the floor ". I clarified, nodding my head as he continued.

" gonna go out ".

I paused and shook my head.

" no sir, you do not set foot out that back door ". I frowned, smoothing my hair back.

" but Lou, the babies ". Harry pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes and pecked him on the cheek as I walked past him.

" the flowers can wait till I get back ".

Harry has been obsessed with the small patch of dandelions growing in the back yard. He likes to go outside and water them...ALOT.

He probably drowns the little suckers but whatever he is doing is making them grow bigger and more and more patches keep popping up.

I'd say mow over the damn things, I don't like them.

But Harry does and I wouldn't do that to something he adores.

" I'll be back in an hour so be good and do not set foot out that door! ". I said, grabbing my keys off the table.

Harry plugged his ears and started humming to drown out my "whining" as he puts it.

I'm not whining I just want him to be safe is all.

" I mean it! ". I called over my shoulder.

I blew him a kiss even though he didn't see it. I wouldn't be very far away, I was meeting the person at the cafe Harry and I always walk to.

The stuff I do for this boy.

——————————switching POV————————

Harry's POV:

Louis shut the door and I giggled to myself.

I'm gonna go outside.

I wanna see my babies. They are pretty like Louis and I really love Louis.

I have to make sure they are okay, I don't want them to be sad. They get sad when there is no water and I don't want my baby Louis flowers sad.

I looked at the ring Lou gave me.

I can't wait to be his belle.

But...beast got mad when belle didn't listen.

Lou doesn't get mad, he gets this look that's between sad and mad.

I don't like that look.

I like when Louis smiles.

He's been smiling a lot lately!

When I'm outside with my babies he smiles a lot when I take care of them.

He must like them a lot.

So I make sure my babies are okay so my Louis smiles.

What other reason would he be smiling?.

I'll just check on them.

I opened the back door quietly and went outside.

It was so loud. So many noises.

Something was really loud and it sounded like Louis when he was sad.

I walked over to my baby flowers and I seen a basket.

It makes me upset. It was crushing my babies.

I groaned and pulled at my hair.

No! No! No!

Louis won't smile no more if they aren't okay.

I grabbed the basket but it was heavy and something screamed.

I let go seeing a tiny person in there. Louis told me that the tiny people were babies that came from mommies.

I asked him if he could give me one but he told me no.

I titled my head to the side and it followed me.

I smiled and shook my head around.

I jumped when it giggled.

I liked that sound.

" tiny baby ". I mumbled, looking around.

" no mommy? ". I asked, frowning when those wet drops came from its eyes.

I got scared and tried to poke them away like I do with Louis but it got louder.

I did something bad.

I have to do something good.

Flowers make me happy.

I picked one up and put it on it's face.

Maybe that will make it better.

It stopped screaming and smiled.

" baby flowers are good ". I explained, giving it more.

I didn't want to give it all my flowers and I wanted it away from the rest of them.

I picked the tiny person up, it's head kept falling back.

" stop it ". I demanded.

I looked at it.

It was so pretty and so small like Louis.

It was a girl I think.

It had long hair but I have long hair but I'm not a girl.

Her hair was kinda like the sun. It was bright with lots of curls.

Her eyes, I've never looked at a persons eyes except for Louis's.


They were green like the grass.

She grabbed my shirt.

I put her on my hip like Louis use to do to me.

But she wasn't holding up like she was suppose to very well.

I took her inside and put her on the couch.

I still have stuff to do but I don't want her to get sad if I'm gone.

" umm I gotta potty, that way ". I explained, pointing down the hall.

I nodded when she mumbled something.

I hurried and kinda got some wee wee on my pants but I had to get back to her.

She was okay.

I picked her up and put her on my lap facing me, she leaned forward and laid against me.

I squirmed, she was warm and it felt weird.

No touches.

I growled and pouted.

I tried to push her off but she screamed.

I stopped and kept my hands away from her.

" please, no touch ".

Louis always told me to use my words so people will understand me better.

She didn't move and grabbed on tighter to my shirt.

I slowly out my hands down.

She slipped and I caught her and held her.

This wasn't so bad.

She was warm.

I like warm.

Warm makes me happy and it's a good thing.

I know it's a good thing because Louis likes to be warm and he's never sad when he's warm.

He uses me to get warm when we're sleeping and he seems happy.

I tapped her on her shoulder.

I needed to tell her something.

" I'm lou's belle ". I announced, showing her my ring.

She touched it and kept poking at it.

She kept mumbling but never said anything. I wonder if she has a name. I have to be able to introduce her to Lou when he gets back and I can't do that without a name.

" do you like Darcy? ". I asked, it was a pretty name I heard along time ago on tv.

I've named all my stuff animals Darcy.

She smiled.

She started bouncing and giggling.

She looked like she was dancing.

I love dancing! Especially with louis!

We need some music.

I put her in my seat and turned the tv on the music channel.

I started bouncing like her as I stood in front of her.

I made silly faces and made her laugh. My silly faces always made louis laugh.

And laughing was a good thing because Louis does it and Louis is full of good.

I picked her up and danced to the music with her.

I liked her.

She was soft, she was warm, she was happy and I loved it.

I loved it all.

———————switching POV————————————

Louis's POV:

That went horrible. That lady shot down all of my ideas like they were trash.

I'm gonna do it on my own.

I know Harry better than anyone else and I know he wouldn't want a mariachi band playing in the back.

I rolled my eyes and continued my walk home.

I was in front of the door when I heard music.

Loud music.

I swung the door open and see Harry dancing with a one year old.

As cute as it was...who's freaking baby did he kidnap?!

Harry smiled and giggled.

" baby Darcy! ". He shouted over the music.

I walked into the house and shut the door. I turned the music off and Harry groaned.

" Harry hun, where did you get that? ". I asked, pointing to the small child in his hands.

" my baby flowers gave her to me ". He assured, holding her close.

I was confused until something hit me.

" you went outside didn't you!!! ". I yelled, pointing a finger at him.

The baby started crying and it startled Harry. I've never seen so much panic in his eyes.

" Lou no ". He cried, grabbing some flowers off the floor and putting them on the baby.

" no tears, flowers are good ". He whined, pulling at his curls.

I sighed and reached out for the little girl but Harry turned away. He has become possessive over her pretty quickly which is unusual.

" Harry hun, she is okay. She is just upset like you get sometimes ". I explained, placing a hand on his shoulder.

" don't want her upset ". He mumbled, sniffling as he turned around.

" I know, it's all gonna be okay. I promise ". I assured, pulling out my phone and calling the police.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out someone left a kid in our yard and Harry found her.

She has to belong to someone.

I spoke to the police as I tried to calm both babies down from the upset I caused.

I told them she was safe and would be okay until they arrived which would be a half an hour.

I hung up and ran my hands threw Harry's hair as he leaned against me on the couch, still holding the baby he has named Darcy.

" I be mommy, Lou ". He sniffled, wiping his eyes.

I sighed and knew this was gonna be so hard for him to understand and it was gonna break his heart.

" I know you would be a lovely mommy, haz. But she has a mommy out there somewhere who just misplaced her. She can't stay her ". I didn't have the heart to tell him the baby was actually abandoned.

" she's mine ". Harry sobbed, holding her tighter to his side.

" I know, hun ". I tried to keep my own tears at bay.

Seeing a baby abandoned and now the love of my life crying his eyes out over her. It filled my heart to see him so happy and dancing with her. He cares for her so much and that brings so much hope to our future but sadly this particular baby isn't apart of it.

The police arrived and it was one hell of a fight for Harry to hand over the baby. He cried and tried to explain that she was " a gift from his baby flowers" and she " was his ".

She cried when she was taken from him to. The police said they would keep us updated on her and see if they can find the mother.

I closed the door and watched as Harry crumbled to the floor full on sobbing.

He was screaming and pulling at his hair.

I knelt down beside him and hugged him so tight.

" why ". He cried.

I kissed his head and sighed.

" because she has a mommy out there who is looking for her. She needs to be with her, hun. Just like you needed your mommy, yeah? ". I explained, it killed me to lie to him but he was already distraught and wouldn't understand.

" my Darcy ". He whined, shoving his head into my chest.

" I know, princess. She was truly a gift but she wasn't meant to be our gift. You loved her, hun? ".

He nodded.

" w-warm and happy...means good ". He mumbled.

Harry had found something to make him feel good on the inside. The touches didn't burn like they use to, they felt warm and it made him happy. He was so focused on her smile he didn't hear how loud the music was. It hurt to have that comfort ripped away.

" she was something good ". I agreed, kissing his head again.

" Lou, give me my good back? Another one? ". He asked, his eyes full of hope.

I couldn't physically have a child. That's something I can't give to him and he doesn't understand but I nodded anyways.

" yeah, Lou will give you another good ". I assured, kissing him on the lips.

He snuggled into my touch willingly for the first time. I hugged him closer and thought of an idea.

" let's go water your babies ".

I watched as Harry dumped mounds full of water onto the flowers. He told them thank you and I didn't really know why.

I smiled as he picked a few and put them in his hair.

God, I could just see him making flower crowns for our little girl one day in the future.

Maybe that is something to add to the list of things to do in the future.

I never thought I wanted a kid until I seen one in his arms.

His smile.

The silly dancing.

I didn't realize I was staring at him until he waved at me and blew me a kiss.

I caught it and put it on my cheek.

He giggled and pulled me over to the flowers. He pushed me down next to them and straddled my waist.

" I love, Lou ". He smiled, leaning down and pecking me on the lips.

" I love you to ". I responded.

He traced patterns on my shirt until he looked directly into my eyes.

" new flower? ". He asked.

I took in a deep breath as I placed my hands on his hips gently as to not upset him.

" yeah, Lou will give you a new flower ". I promised, pulling him down until he was laying on top of me.

I listened to him hum and tell me small details about "Darcy".

A baby flower, huh?

I don't think beast and belle had a baby but I was gonna give my belle one.

It made him happy and it would make us a family.

I never knew I wanted a family with this man until now.

What could be better than that?

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